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[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]The tuxedo tom couldn't stand to stay cooped up in that cave for any longer. Darkness? His paws being numb twenty-four/seven? Yeah, no. Jerseyboy could stand a cold environment — he had grown up on the upper east coast, for Christ's sake — but he didn't want his paws to get frostbite. Sometimes he felt like just chopping them off since they were constantly frozen, anyways. Then, an idea dawned upon him: get out of there. Why stick around in a place where he felt miserable and cold? While he wanted to be there for Jacob, he was certain that the guy could manage to handle himself. He had a job now and everything, and Jerseyboy had no duties to tie him down to a certain clan. He had even rejected a promotion to a stepping-stone rank, simply because he didn't want the responsibilities that came with the package. The title and authority was cool and all, he supposed, but it really wasn't worth it to him. He wanted to be able to wander around and stay in other places at his own leisure. So, he had left Snowbound early that day. Where had he ended up? No goddamn clue.

He had no idea where he was. He had been to the Typhoon before, but other than that, he had no knowledge on where the other groups were located. Jerseyboy had just walked in a random direction, hoping that it would just take him somewhere. He was open to staying anywhere, as long as it gave him something to do. He wanted to explore and expand his horizons. He hadn't left home just to stay cooped up in a cave for the rest of his life, right? As his small form weaved through the trees of the canopy, he lifted his olivine gaze to the treetops and sang to his heart's content, "Yeah I'm the wanderer, yeah the wanderer," He felt as if there were no one else in the world. It felt great to sing again; it was hard to do it somewhere where you were always too fucking cold to do anything. "I roam around, around, around, around..."

Jerseyboy trailed off, coming to a stop when an unfamiliar scent filled his nostrils. Yeesh, someone lived here, alright. But who? He blinked and walked along the area where the scent was the strongest, knowing better not to cross it. He was thinking of following it until he came across another person, so that was exactly what he decided to do. One paw after the other, he hummed something lowly as he shouldered past the greenery.

Re: NEVER SETTLE DOWN — VISITOR - Roy Mustang - 04-19-2018

It's been a few long weeks since Mustang has joined the Ascendants. Most of it has been quite, confusing, and honestly a bit overwhelming. These people were certainly nice, without a doubt, but he still didn't know any of them. He couldn't get himself to trust them yet, and he can see some of them losing their trust in him. Roy could assume they were suspicious about him, considering he hasn't opened up about his past. He originally was only staying here because he needed shelter, but now Hughes is here with him. His best friend, who had died back when he was human, was alive and kicking again. Roy couldn't get himself to leave now, even if he didn't trust his clanmates fully yet. He honestly was never planning on leaving, but any kind of thought that might have crossed his mind is now out the window. If his friend is here, by his side, he'll be happy. And he'll certainly be more comfortable and maybe it will be easier to adjust. It's been a few long, rough weeks after all.

The sumatran tiger had been padding through the territory, by himself, thoughts running wild in his head. He was thinking of his old home, Riza, Hughes, and his old team. The male was beginning to feel conflicted, he wanted to find a way back to his human life when he first showed up here. But now with Hughes, he wasn't sure if he'd go back. This might be his only chance to see his closest friend again, who knows if Hughes could come back with him. Probably not, considering Hughes human body was a rotting corpse six feet under ground. As he was padding along, his ears suddenly pricked up at an unfamiliar, singing, voice. He came to a pause as he listened closely, and then the unfamiliar scent clouded his nostrils. The scent wasn't from within their territory, but it was leading him to the border. It must be a joiner, or a visitor, but Roy didn't plan on greeting them with a welcoming attitude. Ears pinning back, the tiger made his way to follow the scent, eventually being lead to the border.

And what he saw was a tuxedo tom cat, sitting on the ground as he hummed whatever tune he had stuck in his head. Roy rose an invisible eyebrow, his tail swishing behind him as his gaze locked on Jerseyboy. "Who are you, why are you waiting at our border for?" He questioned with that cocky, confident tone, green optics blinking. "And why were you singing?"

Re: NEVER SETTLE DOWN — VISITOR - Margaery - 04-19-2018

It was the sound of a song that stirred Margaery from her thoughts, forcing her to carefully navigate her way down the tree she resided within and towards the source. It had been such a long time since she had heard music in any capacity that she was halfway tempted to ask the stranger to serenade her but, then again, isn't that what she had Suite for? Her wife loved all things music and could sing better than anyone she knew. She didn't want to betray her by asking someone else- someone whom she just happened to discover on the border-  to sing to her instead.

And so, with that in mind, she settled somewhat near Roy, eyeing the both of them with an unreadable expression. He certainly smelt different, that was for sure, but she simply had not been here long enough to know which group bore which individual smell. Oh well, she'd get an answer soon enough.

[color=black]"Your voice sounds nice," She opted to point out, a tiny smile, though slightly forced, coming to life upon her features. [color=black]"What's that song called?"


[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]By now, Jerseyboy was quite used to the giant-ass animals that appeared on the regular out here. Horses, big cats, wolves? You name it. Pretty much every single damn animal was bigger than him, but as for his personality? It was hard to top.

He saw a giant tiger approach him and he looked on calmly, perking his triangular ears. It took him a moment to actually realize that it was a tiger, seeing as he didn't have the normal patterns that one possessed. In fact, it looked like someone painted a crazy design across his back. It almost looked like the flames he saw painted on the sides of hot rods. As awesome as he looked, he sounded like your average joe, someone who gave the whole "name-and-business" spiel. What a shame — he was expecting him to be chilled out. Instead, he had asked him not one, not two, but three questions. He pinned his ears back slightly, interjecting, "Whoa, whoa — sorry, didn't realize we were playin' twenty-questions." Jerseyboy's tone was purely sarcastic, his green gaze dull as he met the other's. "Name's Jerseyboy, don't wear it out. An' if I'm bein' honest, I got no idea where I am. Just stumbled across it, I guess." And for the last question, the tom snorted in response, "'Cause I felt like it, that's why." Sheesh, what else was he going to ask him? What his favorite color was? What he did last Monday?

At least the next person to arrive didn't bombard him with questions. In fact, she had even complimented his voice, which inflated his already giant ego. She was a pretty one, at that, and someone who wasn't ten times bigger than him. Stretching a charming smirk, Jerseyboy shrugged and said, "Huh. Well, maybe I'll tell ya' if I can getcha' name." He couldn't help himself, really. It was in his rather cocky nature to flirt with any good-looking molly that he came across.

Re: NEVER SETTLE DOWN — VISITOR - Starrynight ! - 04-21-2018


Although the faint scent of an ocean breeze and flowers carried across the plains constantly, the open air allowed for scents to carry far on the ever-present breeze. Maybe that was why it didn't take long for newcomers to be faced with a rapidly growing group? Starrynight was overjoyed whenever someone new came to their borders. Not that he was never not overjoyful, but still. The odd looking feline broke into a run as he quickly neared the three gathered together, a grin on his face, a sparkle in his eye, and a faint skip in his step. There were so many members in the Ascendants nowadays. More were always welcome, of course!

Stopping before Jerseyboy, he looked the tuxedo up and down as he bounced from paw to paw in a weird fashion. "Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you! My name's Starrynight- I'm the leader of this place! Would you like someone to show you around the observatory, or do you wanna explore it by yourself?"