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ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - Printable Version

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ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - rhosmari - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Today there seemed to be a lack of spark, a lack of energy that always seemed to be running around and though usually there was a commotion going on there was nothing but silence. Today seemed rather somber and the child at first had remained in her small shack, a place she had built for herself with a lot of effort but she had been informed that she had to move soon because of her new job. It didn’t upset her or anything but today just seemed different as if there was a change that she had not yet understood. Even as small as she was and as hyperactive she was extremely sensitive to emotions and right now she was staring at her own reflection in a small bowl of water she had been taking to Junji for some reason. There had been one until she had seen her face.

One paw lifted up to light trace around her muzzle, the scar tissue ragged against her gums. The attack was foggy in her mind but she remembered the pain and the fear. The thought that she was dying and at one point she actually had died for a little over two minutes. Her gaze traced over gum and teeth that were more exposed than they should have been. Drool slipping between tooth and down her jaw before she wiped it away. She was ugly. She knew that and it bothered her to a degree but she never allowed for that to show on the outside. She wanted to look normal but with much of her muzzle torn away and a scar that ran down her face, those on her body how could she look normal to anyone. Her tongue flicked out and she licked across the old wound before just sighing and sudden with a shar movement she sent the water flying away from her.

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-07-2018

Caesar was no stranger when it came to scars. The demon was quite reckless, always jumping into fights and battles when he didn't need to. Hell, the reason his body was so scarred currently was from where he had foolishly threw himself at a pack of feral raptors - the very ones Owen controlled, ironically enough - and they ended up killing his former body and when he possessed a new one, they bore the scars that the dinosaurs had given him when they killed that body.

"Watch where you're fuckin' send shit!" Caesar snapped towards Techonpaw, having jumped out of the way of bowel that she flung away. Although he wasn't drenched, the fact that he had gotten just a tad wet pissed him off. The demon's tail lashed about as he glared at Technopaw, his black ears pinned to the back of his skull.

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - Grey - 11-08-2018

Bakugou had housed a number of injuries across his body but none particularly notable enough. They were mainly scratches and deep wounds resulting from clumsiness in blacksmithing or his training, but the ragdoll almost always had some kind of bandage covering him for a recent cut. His long fur, however, often covered the scarred appearance, the spoilt skin beneath him. He also never had to worry about infections, his body being rather efficient at healing due to his hot blood. At the same time, when it came to the worse of his wounds, his body had been thrown into a coma to regenerate. He never experienced anything worse than just a cut so he never had moments where he felt unhappy with his appearance. To be honest, he also thought it to be a waste of time to want to do something about things that couldn't be helped. No matter how many bandages one could put to cover the scars, the fact remained that there were scars beneath the cover, even scars beneath the skin. It was a matter of how one chose to move on, the mindset that they chose to adopt. Therefore the male had never been too fussed about shaking away the remnant of ashes that coated his pelt, not too worried about how he appeared. He would just become a mess again. It was inconvenient.

He heard Caesar's yell, lowering his ears and grimacing because he was wondering what exactly the cranky officer was thinking of this time. He wasn't ready to hear him out, sanguine eyes shifting towards the look of water streaming through the ground, entering the soils to be absorbed. Bakugou would have also been rather peeved to have water spilled on him, annoyed that the girl wasn't looking where she was going, but he couldn't help but be extra petty towards the savannah because of how dramatic he had been acting. While he agreed with Caesar's shock and disgust at his promotion, he wasn't going to bend over and lick his paws. He was still going to treat the male the same way he always had. "Yeah, Technopaw, you missed his fucked up excuse for a face," the ragdoll says, gaze glistening towards the angry demon. This was why either Bakugou or Caesar would have been a horrible choice to hold as any high position. They were both awful. "Put more effort into it next time. You almost convinced me it was an accident." He knew it wasn't intentional but he still thought he'd say it for the fun of it.

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - FELIKS - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]In many instances, Feliks was grateful that his old wounds tended not to carry between bodies unless they were severe enough. There'd be no room left for feathers or fur otherwise, for whilst the male had never received a scar from battle, outside of it plenty had found ways to harm him. Capturing him, branding him, breaking his legs... most of the population seemed to be bastards, didn't they? Had he stayed with Snowbound or the Ascendants, there was no doubt in his mind that his 'friends' and 'acquaintances' would've done the same, thus repeating a cycle of violence until they were dead. The Privateer was too long lived to worry about dying at another's paws again anytime soon. Some scars were insecurities of his, others were just problems.

Caesar's outcry was what brought the gryphon to look up from what he was doing, talons flexing as the hostility grated him. Not again... this time it didn't seem right to be outraged. Stray droplets appeared to have gotten on the Head Officer from someone who looked a tad bit under the weather, if that bowel on the ground had hit Feliks he would've reacted similarly, yet with how 'under the weather' he'd been himself Feliks couldn't be bothered to deal with the discord. Standing up from his prey, kicking the half-eaten rabbit to the side whilst approaching, a quick and sharp screech emerged from his black beak. "You got anymore of that water?" he asked Technopaw after a moment of silence. "I'm gonna drown these two if I can't eat my meal in peace,". Fuck, maybe then he'd be Quartermaster and secret tensions wouldn't have to boil up like that.

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - Masie - 11-08-2018

The day was incredibly dull, when things got boring and she wasn't busy stuffing her ever-growing face the young raptor always sought out her friends. Tencho was fairly easy to find, so she had chosen to track down the tiny multi tailed creature. After about a half hour of tracking and running, the brown blur known as Masie darted into the clearing to see her friend. Instantly, a delighted chittered filled the air as she scurried over on quick feet, stopping next to techno just before she had sent the cup flying. Was Techno upset over something or playing some game with her? The raptor was not quiet sure at the moment.

What Masie did understand was the tone of Ceaser's voice, deducing he was acting meanly towards TechnoPaw which was completely unacceptable. In a split second the young raptor had scooped up the small healer using her nearly useless front limbs to do so, holding the sage much the same way she would hold a ball or such, both body and limb in use. "BACK!" Once she had her friend the raptor lowered her head and let out a sharp hiss towards Ceaser, teeth exposed, taking a few side steps away from him. The day he did something to Techno would be over her dead body.

Baku came over and for once she didn't avoid his presence in anyway, more worried about protecting Techno from someone she had deemed did not know their proper place within the crew. Plus? From the way Baku sounded he was on 'her' side with this, he was not too fond of the jerk who challenged Pincher at the meeting, which worked for her. Even if she didn't like him because his voice was so annoying almost all the time, she could get along long enough since he was beneficial right now. Once Baku had spoken, she let out another small hiss for good measure, taking a side step towards Baku so she could eventually try to get Techno behind the two of them to keep her small friend safe.

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-08-2018

Caesar narrowed his eyes as he heard Bakugou's voice, choosing to ignore the Quartermaster and instead just letting out a snort in response. If Technopaw had purposely threw the bowl at him, then there would be a lot more issues. The demon, of course, heard Feliks's remark but choose again to ignore the gryphon and instead focusing on Masie, whom had rushed over and tried to grab and protect Technopaw.

Although he couldn't understand Masie's words, it was clear by her body movements and actions that she was being protective of Technopaw and the fact that the female seemingly had a raptor bodyguard made Caesar more irritated. The Head Officer growled, taking a step forwards towards the feral raptor, head held high as he snarled towards her, "Try me, lizard." He had been killed by raptors once, he didn't give a damn if it happened again. The demon unsheathed his claws, tail lashing, waiting for Masie to make a move. Assuming she did, of course.

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - rhosmari - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]She hadn't expected to be suddenly snapped at and truly she hadn't tried to throw a bowel of water at anyone. It had just sort of happened but despite this she jolted when the heated words reached her ears. Her muzzle clenched and her eyes looked down to the ground though she doubted that he could even tell where she was looking at currently. Instead she was scrapping her claws against the ground before she made an impulsive decision. "W-well, you should watch where you are going!" Her voice was a heated hiss, embers flicking out of her muzzle as her body started to smoke up a bit. She wasn't happy and hearing his words didn't make it any better. Though she was surprised at Baku's words when it came to Caesar. It was easy to deduce that it maybe Baku didn't like the yellow feline and maybe no one did. But she wasn't happy about what he said either. She hadn't been trying to hit the other and she didn't really want Caesar to think that she had been trying to. Her tails curled against her body and she backed up a bit just staring up at Baku before her head turned and she looked to Feliks as he came up.

Asking if she had another thing of water. No, no, why would he want to drown them. What was wrong with him? She almost looked horrified but then she was picked up, the sound of hissing filling her ears and almost terrifying her. But soon she realized it was Masie and she was protecting her from Caesar. Her little paws pressed against her chest and slowly she was set down beside Baku and the youngest raptor, leaning a bit against the raptor's legs but then Caesar threatened her and she did not like that one bit. Her little body rose up and she bared her teeth, waves of heat starting to lift up from her body. "You better not touch her!"

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-08-2018

"You should watch where you're throwing shit." Caesar repeated his first statement in a growl, his gaze snapping to Technopaw as the catsune spoke. "Why should I have to watch where I'm putting my damn paws?" The waves of heat coming from the sage trainee didn't bother the demon, since he had fire elementals himself and was quite honestly fighting the urge to throw a fireball at the two of them. Hurting a feral was one thing in his mind, hurting a Crewmate - although it was something he was absolutely for - was another story. To Caesar, Masie wasn't a Crewmate. She was a pest living in their territory, just like Owen's pack.

"Don't tell me what to do, pipsqueak." Caesar went on, his voice in a snarl as he spoke. "In case you didn't know, I'm your superior. Mind you manners." Honestly, he should probably take his own advise. But then again, in his own mind, nobody was above him. Not even Pincher.

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - Luciferr - 11-09-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Superior or not ceasar, treating the others like such is a sure way to get you ousted from your position - or do you think Pincher will ignore enough complaints pipsqueak?" a mild voice cut in as a rather looming shadow dropped across the area.

"As it is nobody is drowning anyone and nobody is starting fights, so take a step back and save your ire for your enemies and not each other - as annoying as they may or may not be"

although given how the dragon eyed that missed bucket, it did seem he wanted very much for it t have hit the blustering officer in the face himself - easygoing he might be, but Ceasar tired even his considerable patience, the dream demon often liked to think himself bigger and above all else - Lucifer was this close to sorely putting that grievous miscalculation back to rights - after all, he didn't boast what he was, he just was - and gifted with a deadlier curse than he'd like to set loose.

truly in life there were just some people that got on every last nerve.

/tfw luci is 1 inch away from booting Ceasar into the stratosphere.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: ICE KEEP DROPPING - open; scars - Grey - 11-10-2018

His ears twitched at Feliks. Even if Bakugou had maintained his old rank of Reaver, he would have pretty much reacted the same to the dream demon. He didn't like Caesar, it was as simple as that. It was the same as how Bakugou would react if anyone was throwing a tantrum about getting a bit of water on their fur. If it had been Goldenluxury or Kirishima, he would have said the same thing. The ragdoll simply snarls at the griffon's comment before being immediately distracted by Masie, the male growing increasingly irritated. It was obvious that the aggression of this situation was being to elevate beyond control when Technopaw returned Caesar's snap and Caesar pulled his 'higher rank' card. He glares at Luciferus before he realised who he was looking at and what the dragon was saying, the male having absorbed all the hostility in the air that just about anyone looked like an enemy. He was stressed enough with dealing with Caesar's salt towards him, annoyed that it had to be him who had to get the short end of the stick.

You petty shit," the male finally says, referring to the Head Officer when his sanguine eyes landed directly onto him. "If you're gonna play the motherfuckin' rank game then as your superior I'm telling you to fuck off. And if you're going to ignore me, then obviously you can't say shit in the name of your superiority." Bakugou wasn't a pleasant character and, unless he wasn't aware of it himself, he wasn't fond of hypocrites. He didn't like saying one thing and not following his own words.