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YOU'D PROFIT TOO [joining] - Printable Version

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YOU'D PROFIT TOO [joining] - Bell - 11-07-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]It had been raining recently. The mountainsides were slick with cold water, and any earth in between was soft and damp. His cervidae back legs had no trouble finding purchase in the nooks and crannies of the rock, but the soft paws attached to his front legs didn't have as much luck. Beads of blood bloomed from tiny cuts in his flesh, shimmering with the soothing hues of a sunset. It was times like this when he wished that all four of his legs ended in hooves, instead of just the back ones. No matter, he'd suffered much worse than a couple tiny cuts before. He reached the peak with no more than a few scrapes, and made the much easier descent with a couple well timed leaps. If the wooden barricade was anything to go by, he had finally reached Sunhaven's border. Sundae finally took the time to lap the blood from his paws, taking a moment to survey the barricade and weigh up his options. Surely there was some way to sneak though, especially with those wings of his, but there was a reason he had come this way instead of flying right into their humble town. He had finished the purification process in the last town he had been staying in, and it was about time for him to find a new one. This 'Sunhaven' was not only the closest shelter, but also the one that sounded the most appealing. He didn't want to get on the wrong side of this group just yet, so he would traverse the mountains like any other joiner, no matter how much he disliked the thought of putting himself on display by walking through some grand entrance.

Sun rolled his shoulders, his wings stretching to half of their full length and rattling the quiver that hung by his side. He hoped that the golden arrows within wouldn't be necessary, but one could never be too sure when it came to groups of strangers. The last thing he wanted was being caught off-guard and slaughtered. Without a contractor to leech off, the resurrection process was more painful than the death itself. From what he had heard though, Sunhaven wasn't one of those warbound groups. Rather, one that preferred peace, something that the pacifistic angel could always appreciate. He had always been more of a lover than a fighter, despite all his teachings. Finally he stopped his calculations, shaking the thoughts from his head and pacing the length of the barricade until the gates came into view. He straightened his posture and pressed his wings tightly to his sides, finally proceeding to the front of the open gate. "Good afternoon," he found himself saying, his silky voice soft and measured. Caution surrounded him like a shield, his regal posture tense with preparedness for an attack.

Re: YOU'D PROFIT TOO [joining] - Grimm - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – Butterfly suspended, held upon the clean expanse of board by the sharp touch of pins, slight the tear of it as they worked fine points through the delicate structure of wing. Oh if only the divine creature was upon such display, wings spread with the points of needles pressing where quills had sprouted from the flesh, held in place as further found touch of belly and chest, split the skin until – but such is no thing for another, process of thought breaking away in a slow cascade of noise.

Difficult was it to gauge the exact time the rains had begun though they had continued for sometime, encasing the town within a halo its own, the bright gleam of silver light caught upon the falling droplets pretty in its own way. Yet there was little which drew the dark eyes of earthen tones, found within the glimmer of interest for time had seen them grow callous, the beat of heart contained in the hollow of chest that of a stone beating against the ragged cage of ribs. If only it may be so easily to reach through skin and muscle, find the lump which had come to replace the complex structure of muscle and blood, tear it free from that which surrounded it. Greatly simplified were other methods of such an end, yet such was no what he sought – no, the structure of thought proved an elusive, strange thing as it touched upon ragged edges, worked until it lodged in the centre of a mind grown weary with dull an ache.

Unlike the other there was nothing about the duel-toned canidae which permitted easier travel about these lands though gentle was the slope they were to climb, given a covering of grass damp as the downpour slowed some though near an impossibility was it to find an end to it all. Rather it seemed nothing more then light a drizzle, sparkling drops gathering in heavy fur left sodden, displeased the twist of dark lips. All too easily it faded, found the soft curl of surprise toned with something more, possibly something akin to joy. Though he bore fur and feathers left heavy with the moisture it had gathered the unearthly look he held was one unmistakable, beauty amongst gentle tones no matter the tense set of muscle.

“You may call it such but I do not think it good,” slight the chuckle caught behind words, twist to head one hinting at curiosity. Closer Esma drew though still some distance separated them, enough to permit some comfort and brush aside the fear of hostile intention, though how any may deem so small a creature a threat was beyond them. Blunted claws flexed and dug into soft soil, click of tongue against the roof of mouth before next they spoke. “I take it you have come to Sunhaven with a purpose, might I ask what it is and your name if you would be so kind.”

Re: YOU'D PROFIT TOO [joining] - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 11-08-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
template by #punki-chan
He was a fighter. He always had been for as long as he could remember back to the time where he was just a cub. The wildcat had no reason not to be a fighter when it came to the second job that he had. Although, he probably couldn't really consider it a job nowadays. It was more of a lifestyle. Ichigo knew what he would end up becoming if he didn't have his powers or wasn't a Shinigami. It would drive him mad if he was allowed to keep his memories and figure out that there were constant dangers around him that he wasn't ready to deal with just yet. There was no such thing as peace when the way to make something peaceful it to slice it in half. As contradictory as it may sound, that was mostly what his job consisted of as a Shinigami, a Death God that dealt with the aspect of death and leading souls to cross over to the afterlife as peacefully as possible. However, there were probably more corrupted spirits than there were regular souls, and the corrupted spirts weren't exactly the docile type either. They could only be seen with the use of Clairvoyance, and even then only specific weapons could be used to destroy them, although it wasn't really destroying them. The blade that the Shinigami had was extremely special, as there were souls that were sealed inside the blade itself. Such as any spirit decidnig to possess an object that they were close to. When he became a Shinigami, portions of his souls ended up splitting off and sealing themselves inside of the blade, and because of that connection, he was capable of communicating with the basically sentient blade. It was sentient enough to have its own thoughts, but not sentient enough to move on its own of course. When the blade came into contact with a corrupted spirit, it cleansed the spirit of any crimes or sins it had committed after becoming corrupted, and it is then after that cleansing that it is allowed to cross over into the afterlife where the soul can live in peace.

Ichigo didn't consider the aspect to be remotely killing a spirit, and instead, he was helping them pass over. He didn't use his sword to really kill anything that he considered a mortal in this world, as he wasn't a killer either. It would make his job a whole lot more complicated than it already was. There was already a presence in the group that made him nervous because the guy wasn't exactly mortal and looked at him as if he knew that he wasn't exactly mortal either. Despite what he was called, he wasn't a grim reaper that went out and looked to reap the souls of the innocent or those that were close to death. No, he rarely got involved that much, and instead came after someone had died whether it be a tragic death or natural causes, he would take care of the souls that were there. Ichigo himself was a couple thing that were tied into one. He was half mortal, he was half shinigami, and then the rest of him was a corrupted spirit. One that he had somewhat control of, but thanks to his fleeting sanity he only had a little bit control over the thing inside of his soul. If anything tried to remove the corrupted spirt, Ichigo would also die along with it so there was no point trying to actually struggle against it. The armored wildcat thought that he would eventually get used to the amount of rain that was coming down. He had been through blizzards and complete white-outs, but he was tired of being wet all of the time. He didn't exactly have a place to call his own, and he wasn't the kind that was setting up shop for someone to buy. He was exhausted and tired like he always was, but he needed to get some work done before he started his training session. The wildcat began to make his way toward the border of Sunhaven, not having an extreme connection to the place that he was in. He used his enhanced senses to hear anything that could be considered unusual or a voice that he didn't recognize. Which was a lot. He was new to this place and barely knew everyone's name while the majority of them knew his own.

The Shinigami was easy to hear coming as he tracked the voices down. His black leather and metal armor rattled with almost every step that he took, but not to an obnoxious degree. He rolled his shoulders so the sword that was on his back shifted into a more comfortable position. As he approached, two souls came into view, and both of them he didn't seem all that happy to even see. The familiar fox wasn't someone that he felt comfortable around, after seeing the other's aura it was obvious that there was something going on with him. While the creature that was waiting at the border obviously wasn't mortal either. Ichigo didn't believe in the likes of Gods. He didn't think that there was someone that was immortal. Despite being a Death God, Ichigo and the rest of the Shinigami could just as easily be killed like anything else. The only thing they had going for them was the fact that they were a little bit more durable. The Shinigami stopped a little bit of a distance away from the over, his heavily scarred body towering over the group that was around. He wasn't the largest thing that was around though, as there were plenty of creatures that basically towered over him. One strange feature of the Shinigami was his bi-colored eyes. Which, if someone knew the origins of why his eyes changed color, they would know that it wasn't something that was good. His left eye taking on a yellow hue and a black sclera, while his right eye seemed to be fairly normal, having a brown iris and white sclera. The black tip of his tail twitched as he sat himself down, his tawny and black fur dripping slightly from the onslaught of rains. He hadn't arrived soon enough to hear what the other said, and he casually raised one of his paws and waved at him. "Yo." Was all the Shinigami said, obviously wary of the two creatures that he was around at the moment. Nothing good came from those that weren't completely mortal or were other spiritual beings. They always made his life difficult and got in the way. [color=crimson]"Don't be so glum. We could have some fun here if we can figure out what they are." The corrupted spirit's voice in his head rang out, causing Ichigo's brow to furrow slightly. That isn't what we're here to do idiot. We still have our own job to do. Ichigo snapped back in his mind, causing him to shuffle his paws slightly.

Re: YOU'D PROFIT TOO [joining] - Aelios S. - 11-08-2018

It was the scent of candied fruits, well at least that was what Sundae smelled like to Fin.  The vampire padded over hating the mud sticking everywhere and everything.  Yuck, seeing that Ichigo and Esma were already there, the vampire made a quick circle away from the other two.  One would probably kill them, the other just rubbed them wrong each time they looked at him.

It was the scent of citrus that somewhat made their mouth water, they wondered if Sundae's blood would be as tangy as a lemon or orange.  Now they didn't want to be kicked out of the clan for biting into another living person so some kind of verbal agreement had to go down before it backfire.  Not giving anyone any ideas of murdering them, of course the vampire wouldn't mind or would care since their death was coming one day.  Might as well accept it as it is.

" Hello," they spoke mouth mask removed, but eye patch still wearing.  Oh this was going to be torture for the poor vampire.

Re: YOU'D PROFIT TOO [joining] - Bell - 11-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The first one to approach him spoke with humorous words and watched him with curious eyes. He was used to this, familiar with the curiosity that his ethereal body aroused, but the chuckle in the smaller animal's voice was both uncommon and welcomed. Sundae watched Esma back with his own share of curiosity, although his gaze dug just a bit further than his physical body. Deep into his soul the angel peered, a flicker of understanding in his magenta eyes as he spotted the familiar sight of corruption within. Slight but noticeable, something he had grown incredibly used to over the years. Still, even the slightest hints of corruption could soon evolve into something much more dangerous. Sundae made a mental note to watch this one, the edges of his lips curling into a charming smile. Despite the darkness he could sense in the spirit before him, his trained eyes could spot no sign of aggression. The tension eased smoothly from his muscles, leaving his body in its natural elegant and almost fluid state.

"Every evening can be good if you spend it with the right people,"
he retorted smoothly, drops of water falling from his whiskers as he let the implications of his words hang in the air. He smoothed back some of his fur, somehow remaining in its gentle curls despite the water, before looking at Esma again. "My name's Sundae, with an 'a' and an 'e'. I'm under the impression that you're open for joiners." This time it was him that tilted his head, angling it gently to the right as he stared at the Sunhaven member with inquisitive eyes. Most groups were pretty easy to join these days, fortunately. His job would be a lot harder if everyone in the main realm was as xenophobic as those in heaven.

He was distracted from his musings by the arrival of another soul. At first Sundae thought the mind was playing tricks on him, or that perhaps his journey had been harder on him than expected, but he soon came to realize that he was seeing perfectly fine. The odd one in this picture was the new arrival, who boasted a soul that Sundae couldn't quite focus on. If someone looked closely, there's a chance they could spot the gentle furrowing of his brow before he caught himself and the look disappeared. Obviously there was some kind of trickery at work. This creature, whatever he was, was definitely hiding his soul. Animals didn't do that if they had nothing to hide. Sundae's teeth came down on the inner part of his cheek as he studied Ichigo, a hint of his earlier caution creeping into his eyes. But when the other made no hostile move towards him, Sundae seemed to let go of it just as quickly. "Greetings," he said slowly, blinking twice at the mysterious stranger. His gaze floated down for a breath or two, examining the feline from head to toe and to head again. Definitely another interesting one. If everyone in this group was as enticing as the first couple to greet him, he was sure that he would have a productive time here.

Much like Ichigo, Sundae had been trained to be a fighter since he could walk and talk. His earliest thoughs were occupied by the stern face of his mentor, although they weren't times he disliked at all. Some of his fondest memories took place in his classroom, memories of praise and the sweets he'd get for remembering how to most efficiently pull a soul from a body. He wished his purpose was as noble as helping spirits pass on to the afterlife, but unfortunately he was tasked with something a tad more reprehensible. It didn't matter what the other angels called him. 'Champion', 'purifier', or even the less subtle 'gladiator'. All of them were glorified terms for murderer. Thats what he was, a killer whose crimes were excused because they took place on the battlefield, against a species that his peers viewed as evil. Luckily, Sundae had come to find a more peaceful way to help restore balance. No longer did the stink of blood follow him wherever he went. Thanks to the mental manipulation he had mastered over the years, he had finally stopped hearing screams whenever he closed his eyes.

Thoughts on his methods were for another time and place, however. He quickly became aware of the presence of a third, observant gaze focusing on the vampire. The sight of an essence he could recognize was refreshing compared to the enigma of the big cat's soul, and Sundae couldn't help the subtle smirk on his lips as he fixed his attention on Infirmaryward. Vampires were always fun, especially with the exotically flavoured blood that pumped through Sundae's veins. Since he had already spoken both the versions of 'hello' that he'd been taught were polite, he merely resorted to dipping his head. By the time he righted himself he seemed to have gotten completely used to this new environment. He still held himself like one of high stature, although now there was a notable looseness to those toned muscles of his. "May I ask your names?" He asked finally, his gaze flickering between the three.

Re: YOU'D PROFIT TOO [joining] - rhosmari - 11-08-2018

Life had been partially miserable but she was an optimist at heart. She believed that things would get better before it grew worse and so she normally was up and about before dawn had cracked open the skies with bright light. Her eyes were watching the horizon as clouds slowly rolled along the sky some grey and some not. It was a strange mixture but the woman didn't try to think much of it. Instead she allowed her shoulders to tense up, a breath to inhale and stretch her diaphragm before she released that breath and felt herself shrink down. A manner of relaxing the tensions in her body, and preparing for another day. Turning from the sky the hellbeast would urge herself to get up and do something instead of worrying all the time. The woman didn't know that she was lovesick, she'd never been in love before. She just felt...restless and shaken up at the same time. No necessarily ill but all the same she was having a bit of a time actively doing much of anything for her brain running around in circles. That and she didn't even think that any of the members of Sunhaven knew about how she felt. Was she that much of a recluse to not talk to anyone? Buckingham perhaps? He'd talked to her about his secrets. Maybe Venus?

Frowning slowly the woman scrapped her claws against the boardwalk, thoughts drowned out by the sound of waves against wood before voices caught her attention. They'd been getting some interesting joiners as of late and though she was appreciative she was also hopeful they would stay. Sunhaven needed them and to an extent she needed them too. It was nice to have new faces to talk to. Her eyes closed for a moment before she forced herself to go in the area in which she had heard the voices lifting up into the air. It didn't take her long but it seemed discussions were being made here and there. Her vivid green eyes flicked, vertical pupils narrowing before she stepped forward and dipped her head in greeting. Just get through it and all would be well. "Ay, we do have some space for ya if ya wantin' tae join. Sunhaven's a right swell place if ya wanna live here. I'm Marina...ah..." Her words trailed off slowly for a moment before she sat down, lightly curling her tails against her body.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡