Beasts of Beyond
LITTLE BIRD, LITTLE BIRD // OPEN - Printable Version

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One of the most important aspects of medicine -from what Pip could discern- was preparedness. Lacking sufficient supplies could be more detrimental than the wounds themselves were originally, and with his thoughts so heavy lately, he needed to be productive. He couldn't allow his progress in the field to be hindered by his own personal issues, and so he considered broader, more general problems. After a short while, he decided it could be beneficial to address that the three of them could not always arrive immediately to the wounded, and that it was just prudent for everyone to have their own small set of supplies for emergencies. Peppino didn't know how many of them had first aid kits of their own, which had the young canine preparing a multitude of portable kits for everyone to use. He couldn't force anyone to carry them, of course, but he hoped they would understand how essential it could be for their health- seconds could affect quite a bit when someone's life was at stake, and if Junji or his two apprentices didn't arrive soon enough, it could end horribly. There was enough senseless death already.

The items were simple enough he believed the public could use them, and versatile. It wouldn't do if they could only be used on very minor scrapes. He included several rolled cloth bandages of varying thickness, a small tin of witch hazel poultice -labelled as such, with a small note of "for burns and cuts"- another tin of comfrey poultice -labelled with "cuts"- barberry ointment -"skin infections"- and a poultice of moullein leaves, with a note attached that read "antimicrobial." All of it was tucked neatly into easily wearable pouches.

It was all done by Pip himself, though, so he'd only managed to put together ten thus far. It was monotonous, tiresome work, but he wouldn't quit when it was important. It didn't matter that the process was arduous, or that the skin of his healing burns didn't appreciate the hunched over position he adopted to piece everything together.

The canine nudged aside another pouch, exhaling, eyes drooping slightly.


Re: LITTLE BIRD, LITTLE BIRD // OPEN - Grey - 11-07-2018

While Peppino thought it to be one of the most aspects of medicine, Bakugou thought preparedness to be the most important aspect of everything. To be able to adapt was developed by one's readiness for change to begin with, expecting things to shift and rattle. Nothing stayed still, nothing kept static. It was the same as an insect. Even when it seemed to stop, every part of it was still moving, twitching and agitated. He knew it was important to be able to analyse and adapt, work quickly under stressful circumstances. The only problem was that it was difficult to put pressure on himself, difficult for him to make deadlines because he knew the reality behind it. It was one of the positives he could draw during his week of training, the fact that he was vulnerable to the elements around him, dealing with his fire while in the rain. It let him focus even harder, wary that the earth was prone to opening up, changing her mind on certain days. So far, he hadn't regretted temporarily leaving The Typhoon. The only inconvenience was that, in his absence, many older members had returned.

His eyes were immediately drawn to the child, the way the kid worked and seemed to be sorting out herbs, remedies and other medicine-treatment-stuff. He didn't quite understand what they were all for, whiskers twitching when his nose takes a whiff of the smell. Bakugou didn't like it. It reminded him a little of hospitals, the buildings always leaving him a feeling of embitterment. "You're a robot, pipsqueak," the quartermaster comments, the ragdoll walking towards the boy and squinting at the view of one of the labels. The number of jars and ailments made his head hurt because it didn't make sense how healers could just memorise all of it. Then again, maybe it was like studying for an exam at school. He had always done fine with them. Even with combat he found it easy to memorise combat and remember the strengths and weaknesses of his opponents. Healing was just a different branch of thinking that he couldn't understand. It was hard to remind himself that the world didn't revolve around himself.


Pip supposed it could encompass most fields, but he did not dabble in combat, or art, or- anything, really, beyond medicine. He wasn't much use for more than bandaging scrapes and getting in the way of fireballs, apparently, which...he knew to be, perhaps, an excessively self-deprecating consideration, but he didn't think anyone would disagree with him. Not when he was certain many of them thought he was a soft-hearted, naive fool. Maybe he was. Did it matter? Pip had already learned nothing he could say would change anything, and the most he could do was his job. He wouldn't lie to himself about his own usefulness, and if his life was to be cleaning up preventable messes, then so be it- he'd wanted to heal people, and so he would, even if it wouldn't be to the extent he wanted. Peace was possibly too much to hope for, wasn't it?

So he kept about his business, even though he felt ashamed for skirting around captures, but he still very keenly felt the effects of the last time he attempted to intervene. Making pouches for people to take care of themselves was safer- if they chose to carry them. Again, he had no kind of authority to tell people -or even convince them- to do anything. He just hoped they could see how beneficial it could prove to be further on in the future.

He startled a bit when he heard a voice, though a moment later, recognized it as Bakugou's. Pip moved a bit stiffly as he straightened from his bent position, glancing over at him with lined, mismatched eyes. "If only," he answered with a wan smile, rubbing at his face with a paw. "You should take one. Just in case. It's not heavy- you'll barely notice wearing it." Pip was maybe a bit too earnest, but this was important. "They have instructions, too."

Re: LITTLE BIRD, LITTLE BIRD // OPEN - Grey - 11-10-2018

The idea of jumping into a fireball to save a stranger was a stupid decision to him. While it would have been his job to fight villains in his old world, he didn't once think of it for the sake of protecting the people. No, he saw it as a battle for dominance, to assert his strength among those who tried to break the hierarchy and rebel against society. It was a place for reckoning, to prove his worthiness for being alive. To risk so much for a stranger wasn't worth it, especially when in the end Peppino had gotten injured and the stranger had to leave. While it was part of Bakugou's fault for shooing the other away, he knew there was no way in hell the wanderer would be given an easy welcome. He would have been chased out even if they had initially allowed him in. The tensions between The Pitt and The Typhoon had been too high that it was near impossible for the male to even be able to take another foot into the territory. Besides, as far as the Quartermaster was concerned, Caesar probably didn't care if he had to burn Peppino in the process. He was sure that if it came to it, the male would let them both cremate together in a fit of anger that the stranger even had the audacity to plead his case.

The child's response almost caught him off-guard, the male visibly flinching but only mildly. His smile reminded him a little of Junji, bothered that healers were usually so kind and selfless. He didn't like it because it meant they had no drive to protect themselves. That in itself, Bakugou thinks, was rather robotic, mechanical in their conscious nature. He wouldn't have minded the idea of taking a First Aid kit if not for the fact that the child wanted him to wear it. While he appreciated the amount of effort the kid put into it, he wasn't going to walk around with a kit hanging off his body. He wasn't concerned about weight - more or less the awful appearance of it. The very thought reminded him of the time he had to gel his hair down. It was so awful that his nose was scrunching up at the thought. "I ain't wearing that," he states bluntly, ears hot in embarrassment. Although it was an innocent offer with no ill intent, he hated the fact that Peppino had suggested it to him to begin with. His eyes look away to the direction of the tavern: "You should scatter them about public places in the Tavern and The Tempest."