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◜ . tokyo drift ┊ joining . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . tokyo drift ┊ joining . ◞ - BUGSY - 11-07-2018

◜♠◞ Food was essential to the survival of living beings. Some were acquired easily and naturally, and some you had to fight and scrap for. Now, while the Beauceron may have made a tasty meal for a hungry Ocelot any day, today was not the day to try and find out.

Snarls and yips erupted from the dense canopy, echoing all throughout the vicinity and bouncing off the walls and trees. By the time one could track down the source of these noises, the Beauceron could be seen slamming the wildcat against a tree. He [sup]raised[/sup] his hackles, muzzle gnarled, ready to strike again if this fucker came at him once more.

It seemed that the Ocelot had gotten the message, though, and it had stumbled to its paws. It was obviously injured from the brawl, and with one last look at the canine, it bolted through the undergrowth in the opposite direction.

Triumphant, Bugsy raised his head, still panting through parted jaws. "That's right, fucker! Keep runnin'! Try me again and I'll eat ya' whole!" He barked after it, giving a snort and swiping his pink tongue over his freshly-scratched muzzle. His wounds weren't bad at all; it certainly wasn't anything that he wasn't used to.

Now... just where the hell was he?

Re: ◜ . tokyo drift ┊ joining . ◞ - ICARUS - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Now normally when a child hears the sound of fighting, they're supposed to run away from it, right? Go hide or tell an adult, even just stay out of the way. That's right, isn't it? Well, not to Perseus. He can't say that it's his curiosity dragging him through the world by his ears this time, just sorta... he doesn't know the word for it, actually. It's kinda like fear, but instead of scaring him away, he finds that he has to know where it's coming from, what it means. The tiger cub's claws scritch and scratch down soft bark as he slips down from the tree he'd been in, this time with ease. No getting stuck now. He weaves through trees at a rushing sort of pace, too-big paws somehow not tripping him up. When he reaches the scene the noises radiated from, he's not really sure what to think. The boy freezes, brown eyes wide and head tipped back to stare at the larger canine. Not as big as Jailbird, but so far nobody's been as big as him.

"What'd you do?" he asks, voice moderately sharp and tinged mostly with apprehension. He's not afraid, even though there's blood on his face. Maybe that's another thing he's gotta learn: fear. "Who were you yelling at?"

Re: ◜ . tokyo drift ┊ joining . ◞ - MIRIO! - 11-07-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Another hothead, great. Just what they needed. That wasn't even sarcasm, man. They had so many way too serious people in this group that it actually exhausted Mirio, to the point that he actually wanted to scream for once. At least he wouldn't be alone in the act anymore.

A loud crash sounded, again, as Mirio ran into a pile of rubble, but ran through a wall, his quirk coming into play at the best, but also unusual times. A can hung from his tail as he shook it off, his hyper energy coming out in waves as the golden retriever went to greet the dude who had showed up after a fight- it was a fight, right?

Almost as if he was unfazed by what the fuck actually just happened, the canine smiled his biggest smile and went to introduce himself- as if this dude didn't just get into a fight. "Yo! My name's Mirio, can I ask what your business here is? Did the fight go well?"

Re: ◜ . tokyo drift ┊ joining . ◞ - arcy - 11-07-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Some days, Eddie has to wonder how the hell people come upon big groups like this by accident. How do you miss them? They're always in really obvious places, with obvious scent markings. That wasn't even mentioning all of the talks of them outside of the group itself. Eddie wasn't going to judge them, but he was awfully confused.
It's the sound of shouting that draws Eddie in with the others less than any other yips. Normally he would avoid such a loud spectacle, but Eddie is too emotionally exhausted to argue with his bodymate for such trivial things.
"Sounds like it was very dramatic. Where'd they go?" Eddie asks with a sweep of his tail and a tip of his head. Then he glances around for a hint. Were they a groupmate or a tresspasser? Or feral. Whatever the answer, it should probably be dealt with. Eddie would be fine doing that, if only to sate their own hunger. Assuming they weren't a groupmate, he means. .. Yikes.

Re: ◜ . tokyo drift ┊ joining . ◞ - BUGSY - 11-07-2018

◜♠◞ Bugsy, still grabbing hold of his breath, took a step backwards and turned to the side where a youthful voice caught his attention. That was the last thing he had been expecting to hear. Nonetheless, he was willing to detail his victorious brawl to the young tiger cub, "I beat the shit outta' that guy, didja' see that?" The canine obviously did not bear any mind that this was a child and that he was swearing in front of him. Then again, nobody had bothered to censor themselves in front of him as a pup, so why should he? It hadn't hurt him.

The Beauceron fixated his gaze onto a newcomer, a fellow dog. He was glad that this guy was unfazed; the last thing he needed right now was a total buzzkill. He gave a ruff in response, "Ah, don't know what I'm doin' here actually. I was just mindin' my own business when shtik drek[sup]1[/sup] thought it was a good idea to attack me." When you warranted a Yiddish insult from him, then you knew that you were on his shitlist. "I sent 'em running. That was a hell of a fight." Bugsy flashed a toothy grin that was very faintly stained scarlet.

Had the Beauceron come across this place accidentally? Well, yes and no. Bugsy had realized that there were scent markings here, though before he could decide on what to do next, he had been attacked by that hungry Ocelot. However, he hadn't known that there had been a large, established clan living here. He had only lived in one clan ever in his life, and that was the Ascendants or whatever they were called. Bugsy had ditched that joint a few weeks ago, and now he had yet again stumbled upon a commune of animals.

Bugsy looked down at the Raccoon who had made his presence known. He was tempted to make a witty comment about his appearance, but for now, he had decided against it. Perhaps in the future ( of course he would; teasing others was what he did best! ). Answering his question, he shrugged and gestured over his shoulder to beyond the borderlands. "I dunno. That way." As far as he could tell, that Ocelot had not been friendly, nor did it seem civilized or tame. It hadn't carried the scent that these guys had.

Now that that was all sorted and done with, Bugsy decided to ask, now that they were all here, "So, who the hell are all of you? And where is.. this?"

1. Shit head

Re: ◜ . tokyo drift ┊ joining . ◞ - arcy - 11-07-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
.. By the sounds of it, it was a feral one. Here was another opportunity to wonder about ferals and what decided it, and Eddie nearly falls into considering it like he does every time. He successfully wards it off by just chalking it up to genetics. He did question why such a large, obviously aggressive one was still here in the territory, though. Eddie might've been a little more concerned for his own safety as a smaller animal if it hadn't been for his bodymate.
The messy-furred raccoon spends a long moment pondering the merits of leaving or staying to talk to the stranger. If it'd been up to Venom, his bodymate, he would've been gone already. So, partly out of spite(he didn't enjoy giving up his scavenger ways for .. almost-cannibalism), Eddie settles to respond to the canine.
"Eddie Brock," He replies, catching a little on his own name. It feels like something else to say in that line, something different, but he doesn't acknowledge the feeling, for his own sake. His tail sweeps again. "This is the Rosebloods. The -- The group that lives here," He shrugs, feeling just a little uncertain. He doesn't know how to match up to the group's high and mighty image and how the hell is he supposed to answer questions? Eddie is trying, but it's still got him feeling kind of off kilter.