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SAIL HOME - open; visitor - Printable Version

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SAIL HOME - open; visitor - MATUAH - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:lightgrey;"]He wondered if anyone else had ever heard the whispering of the trees. The haunting soft voices that lingered just after a breeze had passed through the boughs of a lively tree. He'd heard it before, the softness and the lingering sadness that came with hearing their gentle yet caring voices. It was painful. It was cruel. But then so was the world nearly all of the time and it was always necessary to some type of end. Some goal that needed to be met and some understanding that needed to be gained from what happened. There was always balance but there would always be something that was needed to tip the scale to force things out of wack solely for it to be put right back in it's place. He knew this but did anyone else know this. Paws that were firm with heavy steps moved toward what he had already understood was being a borderline. The scent of their piss lightly drowning out anything else and it was not hard to miss it. Yet he came here with the intention of no harm, simply divine curiosity had brought him upon the lands that after careful watching and meticulous jotting down gave him the conclusion of the Ascendants. They were star watchers, basing themselves within and observatory. Titles of horoscope lineage and much much more.

He knew them, more than they probably thought he knew and oh how he missed some of their flying by members. But the mutated thing did not allow a grin to stretch his maw wide, nor that reflex laugh to pull from deep in his throat. Something that had happened after he had gained his partner. No he kept himself poised despite the darkened aura or presence he may be giving off. No one wanted a bad guest and he wasn't about to give them one, at least not yet. If standards were not met then things could get dicey. But that was neither here nor there. The white hairy limbs of his familiar lingered on his shoulder, soft tabbing to communicate his own presence there and the hyena lifted a paw, scaled limb lightly moving to tap a claw against him. "Now, now, Deucalion. We mustn't be impatient. Besides we have come to them and wait we shall for them to....appease us." His head tilted to the side as if listening before a sharp snap of jaws lifted up into the air. Ah, his familiar could be so uncooperative sometimes.

Re: SAIL HOME - open; visitor - agathe. - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]"You arrive upon our border and wish for us to appease you? Interesting."

She'd step towards the stranger on quiet paws, a mixture of intrigue and curiosity dancing within those molten eyes of hers. Agathe could not help but arch a brow in mild skepticism, especially as her gaze passed over the familiar that seemed to accompany this hyena. She hadn't been wrong when she labelled this - all of it - as interesting and could not deny the growing interest she had in this canine and his purpose for being here. "My name is Agathe Ashyver and I'm one of the Seraphs here. How might I appease you today?" She inquired, an unmistakable edge to her words. While a part of her so desperately wished to know why he was here, she still could not look past the words she had caught. She did not appease others - not even her own clanmates. She would not start now.

Rolling rosetted shoulders, the witchling would sit down, a paw raising to absently trace the opposite's arm bracer. While she sensed no ill intentions from Matuah, she knew how deceptive a person could be. To say that she was on guard was an understatement. "And do tell me your name. I don't particularly like conversing with strangers." Teeth would flash in something that resembled a mirthless grin before she sat back, head tilting to the left. If he was looking for his standards of the Ascendants to be met, it was almost a shame that Agathe had been the first to greet him. 

Re: SAIL HOME - open; visitor - MATUAH - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:lightgrey;"]There was no wait that took time away from him. No, it seemed that they were as quick of feet as they were of wit and yet he found something lacking. What was it? What was it? Or was he merely imagining it and thinking something that did not truly exist at all. His rounded ears pulled back, rubbing against thick horns that burdened in cranium and yet there was no malicious intent upon his violet gaze filled to the brim with a fire of intrigue that perhaps made his gaze much too bright. "Yes yes! You are correct. Life is about appeasing others you see. Always moving, always thinking though never for oneself. Or maybe always for oneself, selfish that is. But appeasing others is a part of life. Lungs are appeased when they continue to breath air, thirst is appeased when drinking water. Appeasing is always appeasing. It brings a sort of peace to living." Such was the ramblings of a mad man truly but he held such a spark in him that he was almost giddy when the subject was brought up but he managed to reign himself in. He couldn't get to ahead of himself after all she had already spoken of a key amount of information. So he would always file that away. Agatha Ashyver did not like to converse with strangers and so a stranger he would not be. Just for her. Only for her.

"I will satisfy your inquiry because that is within your right. But this weather is also lovely..." He suddenly trailed off, a strange expression dancing across his facial features. Yet what was so lovely about it? It was too bright, too open. The trees though did remind him of his home but he forced himself back toward what he was doing. Her question demanded and answer and he must give it. Knowledge always sought more knowledge. "Pleasure to meet you on this most momentous of days. Yes. I am Matuah Anglos, Reaper of the Conclave. My only wish of appeasement is my own curiosity you see. I'm curious of the Ascendants and that is why I have come this day. To spread my w-," He was cut off, a jagged jerk of his head to the side as if a sudden pain had hit his head an he almost looked apologetic toward Agathe. It wasn't her fault his partner was so rude after all. "Ah, I'm sorry, dear lady. My familiar wishes to be introduced as well. Come, come now Deucalion come and say hello." The white large goliath spider wasted no time in slowly encroaching upon the space on the mutated creature's shoulder and watching with wavering pale pink eyes.

Re: SAIL HOME - open; visitor - agathe. - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]His odd behavior managed to grate against her nerves in ways that begged that she shift and react but somehow, Agathe remained still and uncaring, golden eyes merely blinking a few times as if that was the only repose she'd grant herself. The snow leopardess had been trained to remain stoic in the face of any extreme, and even if every red flag had been raised in silent alarm in response to him, those horns, everything, she'd remain as such. "So much chitchat," Agathe would respond lazily, taking to absently fiddling with the corner of her cloak. So often had she done it before that it was now a bad habit, one that had earned her several verbal punishments from her former matron for not paying attention. She dropped the fabric at that thought. She needed to be alert- she couldn't afford not to be.

So she entertained this Matuah and his familiar, Deucalion, for as long as she could, weighing his bizarre words as carefully as possible before emitting the faintest of sighs. She did not want to be dealing with this right now. "The Conclave..." Agathe echoed contemplatively, feeling the weight of the name upon her tongue. Like this hyena, she decided that she didn't like it. But Agathe was too quick a judge of anything and knew that she needed to hear more before officiating her stances on this individual and his group. "I suppose it's a pleasure to meet you both then," She said, though her voice lacked the emotion usually associated with such kind formalities. "But I do have to ask," Any semblance of friendliness disappeared from her face at that, nothing but cold and calculating hostility - thinly veiled at least - remaining, "What exactly are you looking for here? I can't neglect all of my duties to have a talk about the weather with a giant spider and a strange hyena. So please, for your sake and my own, get to the damn point."

There it was again, that buzz that demanded violence and death. It thrummed through her body, an incessant force that whispered for her to act as she might have back home. She countered by reminding herself that this was home and that things were different, that she was no longer death's plaything. But the buzzing did not subside and so she tried to ignore it, tracing absent shapes into the earth below her feet. Goddess above, she really hoped he got on with it.

Re: SAIL HOME - open; visitor - ONISION. - 11-07-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

"Holy fuckin'.. That's a big spider." Onision's voice rose when he arrived, the multi-colored akita jogging up to stand beside the Seraph with mild interest in his dual-toned eyes. The werevampire had never seen something so.. Exotic, it was pretty damn lit, if you asked him.

As the male began to speak, Oni began to tilt his head even further as the minutes went on by. He sounded so weird, jesus christ was this dude from ancient times? He spoke elegantly, what the fuck was this- he and Aloysius would get along too well, it made him actually cringe at how similar this dude and Aloy were.

"Heya there, man. The name's Onision, a Lieutenant here. Nice to meet you too, spider dude." Chimed the canine, a grin on his face. It wasn't exactly because he was picking on the dude, he really wasn't! He came off as extremely laid back now, if not overly sarcastic, actually. Maybe he had picked up a little bit of influence from Moon.
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: SAIL HOME - open; visitor - Grimm - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – Idle the chatter that found itself touched upon surface of lips, rising upon the gentle sweep of breath and toned within something others may deem the touch of something mad, quiet the murmur of it growing until it crackled and popped about the edges – but within her own mind it was sweet a song.

Encased in the years within which heart had found its place in the hollow of chest she had made a game of watching others, seeing the way the body moved in act of speech, small habits grown familiar to muscle to such a point thought was no longer necessary. Yet thoughtless had she been in the last, structure of mind broken apart within the faint want to protect, the love of one that bore a child and thus drew forth a bond time may never break. Savage had the touch of blade been, part of skin easily as the steel had found its place within the bone beneath skin and muscle, broken apart beneath on-slaughter. It had been with passion this attack upon her life, this action to force her to drawn within failing lungs the last breath she may find touching living tissue, and so had it been her rise once more touched in such throes.

Press of small rounded paws marked the surface of loose top soil and yet never were they visible, the extremities they were attached to fading until empty was the air which found the surface of earth. Increasingly rare was it to find full this creature, broken fragments all that was shared with the world about her. Now it was the sweep of tail and portion of back it connected to, back legs fading as it reached the first joint. Towards the middle the back was simply gone until the shoulders and front legs grew visible. Floating above it all, seemingly disconnected for no neck was made apparent, the head bobbed with each step. Enjoyable was it to choose which segments were visible to those who bore mortal eyes, though those with the sight found all of the genet, unblemished for she had no wish for others to view the mangled mess left after her death.

“Have you not seen a spider before?” Innocent such inquiry, the tilt to head speaking only of curiosity and yet the earthen tone of the dark eyes was touched with the light of something else, a depth of intrigue that sought to strip of the canine his skin and muscle, learn of what was beneath, the structure of what made him tick. The existence Aeryn had lead was one of great length, more then any here for her time had been within the rise of an empire though its downfall was after her own, tongue accustomed to the weight of latin and greek, slight the touch of it within her voice.

Re: SAIL HOME - open; visitor - BABY — - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Track for now