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THE SAINTS CAN'T HELP ME NOW | OPEN - agathe. - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]It had been his first outing since their reunion, Agathe having ordered the hawk to stay put in her quarters until she was one hundred percent certain that any wounds he might have sustained had healed. She was still in a mild state of disbelief, finding it hard to wrap her head around the fact that her grandmother had lied to her about her companion's death. Her former matron had known the power such a betrayal would have on her, what sort of monster it might release. She hadn't informed her of his "death" to console her in a dark time, she had done it to unleash her. But now, Agathe was here and by some strange miracle, Whitethorn was too.

Relieved didn't even begin to describe her feelings, even if the underlying edge of hurt - of shock - still wounded her every day. They'd be able to heal though, toget- "I forgot how much of an insufferable brat you are!" Agathe would suddenly hiss, head shaking as her hawk left its perch on her shoulder after spying some disheveled garden the pair had happened upon. The ferocious bird of prey had a soft spot for flowers and the astral seraph could only watch as he hoped along the little stone path that wove in between rose bushes. "We went outside to make sure you could fly alright! Not so you could appreciate some flowers!" She continued, not even attempting to hide her exasperation as she reared upon her haunches. As annoyed as she was, Agathe knew that there was no use in pursuing him- once Whitethorn stumbled upon flowers, it could be hours before he decided to cooperate again. She did gasp a little bit as he reemerged with a single, red rose in tow, flapping large wings to land upon her head where he delicately placed the flower behind her ear. She pushed him off, but made no move to remove the flower.

"You little worm..."

Re: THE SAINTS CAN'T HELP ME NOW | OPEN - guts - 11-06-2018

She liked flowers, too, though it was just as much as many others. She liked to admire them, but that was about it. Sometimes she found some flowers that were found pretty enough to pluck and keep in her room, but she didn't exactly know enough to keep them alive long. She was no florist by any definition of the word. Still, they were nice to look at and smell, which was why she found herself there in the first place, gazing in awe at the bushels of roses.

Isabelle hadn't expected to see a hawk, though, romping around along the stone path. She couldn't help but laugh at the sight, finding it amusing to see such a bird admiring the flowers like she was. Then she heard the annoyed cries of Agathe, her head turning to face the female, the smile widening on her face. She knew the other female probably didn't like her much, but she didn't mind. A part of her wanted to see if she could even make her like her at some point.

"Wow, is that your bird?" she asks as she bounds over, not sure what to think of a hawk as a pet. She had never seen a domesticated predatory bird before, and she couldn't help but stare up at said animal, watching him place the flower behind her ear. "That looks pretty on you, miss! What's his name?" most people gave names to their pets, so she could only assume Agathe had done the same.



[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

"I agree, you look a lot more.. Uh.. Less intolerable, with that rose on you." Onision barked as he walked over to the scene which his sister had also came to. With a huff of amusement, the akita walked over to the rose bush, his paw sliding over the petals idly. Margaery loved roses. Maybe he should take some roses to the Starpool- would that be nice enough for his mother? Her spirit was no longer here, but the sound of her gentle scolding still hung around in his head everytime he knew he was doing something wrong, something bad.

"..Host, They died together, leave it alone."
I know.

Onision mentally scolded himself as Aloysius' voice rang out in his head, snapping him out of his daze before he turned his multicolored gaze back towards the Seraph. "How's the hawk healing?" Onision asked idly, trying not to come off as worried or interested, but it was too late. He had been roped into these brilliant things called emotions. Wow, big deal, Oni.
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: THE SAINTS CAN'T HELP ME NOW | OPEN - agathe. - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]It was the compliment that caused Agathe to abruptly look away, embarrassment warming her cheeks. She had been so deprived of gentle courtesies such as that one that she didn't know how to handle them, mentally unable to fathom the concept of someone complimenting her. Back at home, her grandmother had only ever praised her in roundabout fashions, raving about her skill in battle but reprimanding her for being so careless. Even Sofiya had not complimented her outright during their brief affair. But here, in the Ascendants, a child  (who she wasn't exactly fond of following her little stunt with the mask) found it in herself to extend to her a casual compliment. She didn't like this... No, not at all. So she did what she thought was right and removed it, allowing the flower to crush under the force of her paw.

"I.." Agathe trailed off, immediately regretting such a rash decision. Whitethorn screeched at her in dismay, the faux look of betrayal that gleamed within his black eyes enough to make her want to crush him under her paw next. "His name is Whitethorn," She finally clarified, behaving as if she hadn't just experienced a strange lapse in her own self control, "And he's healing just fine." Those words were directed at Oni, the cloaked leopard ignoring his initial statement all together. She didn't want to talk about the rose or the oddly tender moment she shared with her once-lost companion, not in front of these two, not in front of anyone. Would they say something? Ridicule her? Isabelle probably wouldn't but she hardly put such behavior past Oni.Goddess above, what have I got myself into by coming here?


As he happened upon the unkept gardening area, the lion's amber visionaries observed the scene presented in front of him: an amusing "exchange" between Agathe and her companion. A ghost of a smirk quivered at the corner of his lips, though you could hardly notice it unless you looked very closely. The amusement was gleaming in his eyes, however; they were windows to the soul, were they not? One could probably agree that Titan expressed most of his emotions through his luminaries rather than words or actions, anyhow.

Padding forward softly, as if not to startle the avian, he murmured a comment, "A humorous one, isn't he?" He had never considered having a pet of his own. Titan had been looking after himself, and had not thought about looking after another creature. "Have you had him for long?" Asked he, genuinely curious about the hawk in the fellow Astral Seraph's possession. She seemed to harbor an undeniable fondness for the hawk, that was for certain.