Beasts of Beyond
IM THE BAD GUY. || joining (?) - Printable Version

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IM THE BAD GUY. || joining (?) - Sympathy - 11-06-2018

[Image: Z4MZLOx.png]
this is gross hh//

It wasn't everyday you saw a puppy (or was he a kitten?) riding all around the swamp on a big wheel that was set on fire. But that was a thing that was indeed very much happening at this exact moment in time. Right now, This was happening. Was this legal? Probably not. But there Lancer was regardless, churning up the mud in his wake and laughing up a storm. By now it was possible that multiple someones were watching him. He wasn't the quietest kid around, Or the most aware. What had been a wild joyride turned sour all too quick when the fat child swerved around a tree. A wheel had caught on a large tree root, flipping the bike and launching Lancer face first into the mud with a gross plop. As quickly as he fell in, he emerged from the ground with a triumphant "HO HO HO!" He was muddy and happy. That was for sure.

Re: IM THE BAD GUY. || joining (?) - suvi. - 11-06-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]-- kiira | tanglewood | rookie --
Kiira very nearly did a double-take.  The child had to pause, blink, stare, then blink again to fully register what was happening in front of her rather large mitch-matched eyes.  Slowly, the petite arctic fox crept forward, trying to get a better look, before accidentally teleporting near on top of the boy.  She found herself well-covered in mud before she managed to scramble to her feet.  Her alabaster and snow white fur now smudged tri-colored with brown.

"W-who a-are you?" She had to ask after all.  "W-what's uh... Y-your b-business with T-Tanglewood?"  Seemed to her he probably didn't have any really; he'd just been... Riding... A flaming wheel.  "I-I'm Kiira, b-by the way," she offered a second later, supposing it was only polite, conscious of the fact both her ears had decided to lose their corporal nature in that moment.  "Y-You di-didn't get h-hurt c-crashing, d-did you?" He looked okay. Muddy -- and a bit goofy -- but okay.

Re: IM THE BAD GUY. || joining (?) - pallid-i - 11-06-2018

Royal cringed internally as he heard a loud "ho ho ho" and made his way over to the source of the sound. "Would thee worms keepeth t down? " The borzoi snapped before finding a clanmate he had yet to meet and... A muddy child. He scrunched his face up and stared at Lancer before looking at his bike, eyes narrowing. What an odd mode of transportation...
"NO." —-- royalriddler / tanglewood / misc. / eyelidd

Re: IM THE BAD GUY. || joining (?) - Sympathy - 11-09-2018

[Image: N3ABfnh.png]
He was certainly startled by Kiira's sudden appearance. It wasn't often someone nearly teleported right on top of you, but it was neat. Wiggling himself out of the mud, the once clean child beamed back at the girl. "Iiiiiiiii'm--" The fat boy struck a pose, making him look more goofy than cool, as he intended. "The raddest guy around! LANCER!!" His curled tail wagged wildly as he introduced himself. He didn't really have much "business" with Tanglewood, so he had opted to ignore the question in favor of turning his focus onto a rather upset male. Lancer cackled. "You talk funny."

Re: IM THE BAD GUY. || joining (?) - Morgan - 11-18-2018

"'The raddest guy around', hmm?"
Morgan smiled as he stood beside Kiira.
"Nice job getting here so quick,"
he whispered to the fox, nodding his head in approval. It seemed he was beaten to the punch with a joiner yet again.
"It seems like all the big questions were asked for the most part. But..."
He sized up the newcomer, curious.
"Are you looking to join us here in Tanglewood, then? You're welcome to if you want."
The General had nothing else to say, so he wagged his tail and kept up his samoyed smile.

Re: IM THE BAD GUY. || joining (?) - suvi. - 11-18-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | chaser
The raddest guy?  Something about the youth made her smile despite her wariness, and amusement begun to glint in her eyes.  "Y-ou k-kinda ta-talk funny," she pointed out as he regarded Royal.  Ho ho ho, did it for her.  Funny, but... A good funny.  She couldn't help but grin as she tried to clean herself up, conscious that her once snow white and alabaster fur was now stained a mucky brown.  At least she wasn't alone in having an impromptu mud bath today.

At Morgan's appearance, she flushed slightly, flicking her ears.  Well, she hadn't meant to be so quick, has evident but her now messy appearance.  As he offered a place in Tanglewood to the boy, she nodded in agreement, eyes gleaming.