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ENDLESSLY ⬤ making weapons - Printable Version

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ENDLESSLY ⬤ making weapons - arcy - 11-06-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
It was worth noting that Eddie had not made a weapon in his life. He was a writer. So Eddie was at a bit of a loss of what he was supposed to do in this situation, eyeing the chunk of metal in his paws. There were books on this stuff, right? Eddie would sure hope so, or else he was practically doomed to failure.
WHY CAN THEY NOT JUST USE THEIR OWN CLAWS AND TEETH? Venom is understandably confused. Eddie was, too. He never got the point, at least not with stuff like ... knives. Eddie himself had paw-hands, but he hasn't figured out a way for other people to hold them besides between his teeth, and doing that .. was imprecise and painful. Sharp metal over claws and teeth were a little better, but come to think of it, Sephiroth hadn't been specific on what to make. But then he'd have to measure out claws and teeth and Eddie didn't know how to make weapons. They didn't even think to ask him, huh? So Eddie shrugs somewhat helplessly, even though his bodymate probably already knows he's confused as all hell.
".. I think that they can be better under certain circumstances," Eddie offers, unsure. Knives could drive deeper, or something along those lines. He hadn't done research on swords or anything, he hadn't had any reason to. For a long moment, there's silence on his bodymate's end. .. THERE'S PROBABLY BOOKS ON IT. They says at last. Eddie just nods. He's not sure the Rosebloods have a library, but Eddie does know he has an obscene amount of books in his collection about god knows what. He'd gotten in the habit of buying and taking in books people didn't want, and god knows how Eddie transported them here. So, Eddie drops the metal to make his way back to his room.
As it happens, he does have a book containing the necessary information, though it took hours to find it with Venom's help. Which was a lot more effort than Eddie had put into anything besides writing in ages and he's kind of pissed about it. But it's fine. He just .. has another thing to work on. A knife. Eddie can't believe he's making a fucking knife with the help of his fucking parasite.
This incredulous thought leads to Venom screeching at him, and Eddie having to apologize. It's a wonder the raccoon hasn't realized he doesn't have to talk out loud. However, after the minute or two it takes to calm down the upset .. crocodile? Venom is a crocodile when physically formed, at least. This is largely besides the point, though.
.. YOU DESIGN IT. AND THEN CUT THE SHAPE OUT OF THE METAL. Venom, still a little upset at him, sounds unsure. They're reading the book for Eddie while the raccoon drags the materials needed into the room. And there's a lot that he needs. "How the fuck do you design a knife?" He says, disgruntled. Learning new skills is very stressful, and especially because weekly tasks probably weren't mandatory but he was too deep in to back out. There's a flash of curious delight from Venom's end, and perhaps if Eddie had been a cat, his fur would have stood up. "You are not designing a knife." He pushes. It'd probably be a very big, dramatic knife. BUT EDDIEEE -- The raccoon shakes his head violently. "No." He repeats. His bodymate lets out the equivalent to a put-off huff.
In the end, they go with a fairly simple dagger design. It's something already in the book that doesn't lead Eddie to getting too frustrated and consequentially ruining his workspace via Venom.
The whole process is .. kind of interesting, kind of miserable. Eddie likes learning new skills, but this just wasn't one that intrigued him a whole ton. They get the knife cut, they treat it, they put the wood on the handle, all of the inbetween steps. It's more of a bonding experience than Eddie would like, but Venom's curious insistence is keeping him too balanced to shake him off. It's just a little infuriating, but only because Eddie is so insistent on staying pissed at his other for their extremely rocky start. In all fairness, it was less than a month ago.
.. The dagger, once it's finished, isn't terrible. Venom ends up insisting they keep this one in their room for some reason, and Eddie is too mentally worn to argue, so he just places it in his bag. They aren't going to use it. Chances are it'll just be some kind of trophy. For what, Eddie is too afraid to ask.
It becomes a little more comfortable to do again once Eddie is more comfortable with the motions. Venom has gone mostly quiet once they were less needed, probably because they were in a public place. By this point, he's near finishing his second knife. His paws are a little burned but otherwise, he seems content to keep on with his task. It's a taxing, time-consuming thing, but, well, he'll at least be doing something for his groupmates, even if it was small. ... Not that they'd given him a lot of reason to care about giving them stuff besides home him here, but this is besides the point.

[[got bored of writing this by the end + this is very long for no reason im so sorry]]

Re: ENDLESSLY ⬤ making weapons - sephiroth - 11-06-2018

[Image: tumblr_op0tpjgfs81vf7lvpo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]He would admit, the idea for the task came off the top of his head.  Sephiroth hadn't really wielded a weapon; Mother told him that he should feel comfortable with steel and metal in his grasp but the lion didn't really get how he was supposed to in this body.  Did he have a body that was able to wield weapons before?  He asked Mother, but she didn't respond.  Patience, she told him.  Good things come to those who wait.

But he had seen the occasional knife or blade in the possession of creatures he met, so he supposed it was a useful skill to have.  Sephiroth only had a ceremonial dagger from ages past in his collection, and he hadn't exactly put ti too use for anything really.  He would have to console with somebody to figure out what to do with it.  He wondered to the Aspects for a heartbeat, how they demanded to be pleased.  Hm.  That brought his mind to many places, dark places that he felt comfortable with oddly enough.  Perhaps weapon use was something he could work on the future.

He had wanted to check out on Eddie a while after the job had been given, so Sephiroth had gone looking for the raccoon by himself.  It was an easy enough job, his enhanced senses made catching scent of a particular clanmate a simple task.  The lion stalked about until he caught sight of Eddie, his eyes coming to life as he made a low sound of approval at the raccoon's craftsmanship.  "Good work."  His velvety voice showed plainly his satisfaction, as did the pleased way the look on his face relaxed from his usual stony expression.

Re: ENDLESSLY ⬤ making weapons - MIRIO! - 11-07-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Weapons. Mirio had never been one to fight with weapons, as he never really needed them. He was strong with his birth given weapons; fists. He had the speed to match up with a pretty powerful opponent, and the skills with his claws and muscles and whatever. He could fight, okay? So when he heard Seph's voice, of course the constantly cheerful male had to make his way over to see what this actually was about that got Seph's praise.

Mirio cocked an eyebrow at what he saw.

"You can make knives?" Mirio questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side. What even was this thing- it looked weird, but it was better than what he could make, that's for sure. Mirio outwardly snickered at himself, why was he thinking to himself like this?

"It looks pretty good."

Re: ENDLESSLY ⬤ making weapons - Grey - 11-07-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]He thought Sephiroths weekly tasks to be rather mean. While his had been rather condescending, the lion clearly suggesting that Perry was incapable of hunting down larger prey, he thought Eddie’s to be simply unfair. The coyote himself didn’t see any need for weapons, viewing them as devoid of use because they had their own ‘weapons’ that came natural to their bodies. At the same time, the Pharoah had asked of this to a raccoon. The forging of weapons required strength, a good grip, it was one hell of an expectation to put such a weekly task onto the small male. If he wanted to take it even further, the male could even assume that Eddie had no idea how to make weapons in the first place. Blacksmithing was a tradesman skill, something that had to be learnt. It wasn’t something that occurred naturally within them either. They weren’t born understanding how to create knives and swords. Hunting, at least, was something natural to their very genetic make-up. If Sephiroth had asked him to host a sparring match, maybe Perry would have understood. But this…this he did not.

Maybe he was being bitter and biased. He never liked the idea of using human-invented items because the humans had done nothing for them. It was all specialized for their grip. He was a coyote not a human. His nose scrunches when he sees Eddie talking to himself during Perry’s spare time, still pondering about how he wanted to go about the task that he didn’t particularly like. Before thinking the other as crazy, he decided to give the raccoon the benefit of the doubt and check back later. He didn’t want to be put into a position where he may have to help the other forge a weapon, deciding that he wanted to do a more peaceful pastime such as see if the place had a library for him to browse or any delicacies he could try. And, upon seeing no harm in acting on his thoughts, Perry had gone off to do just that whilst the raccoon squabbled with the voice that he was talking to, the voice that Perry could not hear or understand.

When the coyote returned, he tilts his head at the completed dagger, admittedly surprised that the creature had actually gone and done it. He must have been absolutely exhausted. He can only imagine the build-up of lactic acid molecules in his muscles, ready to strike and give the other awful aches the next morning. It was like forgetting to stretch before a big chase, pulling a muscle because your legs were stiff. The sandy-furred canine flicks an ear at the lion’s voice, seeing the way the male complimented the other for their work before tossing his eyes to Mirio, the golden retriever who he had begun seeing around quite a bit. Energetic, always too energetic and happy. It was the happy ones he tended to feel suspicious of, giving an awkward chuckle at the domestic dog. Perry simply looks at Eddie again, deciding to speak up so to limit the pains that the raccoon might feel the next day: “S-Since weapon mam-making i-is a lot o-of hard-hard work, mam-make sure you d-do some light st-static st-stretches be-before y-you sleep. O-Otherwise y-your mu-muscles are gonna fe-feel like sh-shit tommo-morrow.” It was the best advice he could give, deciding not to also congratulate the other for his work considering everyone had done it already. He did, however, offer a smile to show that he was happy for the raccoon.