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EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - Printable Version

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EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - bubblegum - 11-06-2018

Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - Keona. - 11-06-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The little fae ought to be lying down, perhaps in her uncle Raziel's treehouse again, surrounded by books she could not see, but she'd swear she her ribs felt good enough for her to be up more if someone asked and up and about she was nonetheless.  With slow steps, granted, but with growing confidence and less pain in her pale sea-green hues.  Since her return, Keona could hardly stay away from the shore, eager to taste the salt in the air, finding the bay more soothing than any amount of warm blankets and pillows and soft voice telling her the stories locked in the tombs she couldn't read.  She could read, though, she knew; as soon as she learned braille.

Sitting on the shore she heard a familiar voice's call, blinking once, her ears perking.  Yes, that was Goldie.  A lesson? The tiny fae grit her teeth quietly and returned to her paws, following the sound.  Teaching honestly scared her.  The idea of so many eyes and ears on her.  Not that there was much Keona had to teach anyone.  One day, she supposes, she might have something she's invested in enough to want to share it like that.  Once, she'd been told to conduct a lesson on moving blindly -- an odd situation for her, who didn't know how to put herself in the shoes of someone who could see, then couldn't when she'd never been able to see ever -- but that, she felt, did not count as a passion.  Only something she'd done for duty's sake.  Only something she'd been looked to teach because of her blindness.

So, she certainly respected Goldie for finding something to love and love enough to teach.  Keona knew a bit about living above the ocean, on a boat, but not much about what went on beneath the waves.  She could name every part of a ship, and explain the jobs conducted on board, but not such specifics of the creatures beneath aside from the basics; fish, dolphins, some birds could stay under for a while... Well, there was an entire world down there out of her reach, making it an adventurer's dream.  "I'll listen," the little feline murmured, slowly easing into a lying position, wincing as she adjusted.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-07-2018

Ironically enough, Caesar did not like the ocean. At least, he didn't like the idea of swimming around in the ocean.  He enjoyed the crashing of the waves and how chaotic the ocean could be. "You sure you should be teaching us things, Golden?" The Officer mocked as he made his way over, an invisible eyebrow raised. "You almost drowned at least twice, haven't you?"

Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - Grey - 11-07-2018

"Then it means she's an experienced veteran," Bakugou replies to Caesar in an almost joking manner, ears pointed towards the savannah cat. In all seriousness, he would happy with hearing the girl talk about the dangers of the ocean because at least it would mean that he would know that she understood how to be safe. If she was harmed by the sea, then he would have an excuse to yell at her for knowing the dangers. Even then, he wonders if he would even have the heart to yell at her, finding that he had a bit of a soft-spot for the young Dealer. He wouldn't want to pile upon her stress and, knowing how much grief her amnesia had caused him, Bakugou wasn't ready to let his emotions run ahead of him when it came to dealing with Goldenluxury. The Reaver simply sits down, tail twitching in impatience for the lesson to begin. He had attended a number of lessons during his time in The Typhoon but they had all been short-lived. Hopefully, in this one, he would at least get something out of it. He wanted to eat least learn something this time.

Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-07-2018

Caesar let out an unamused snort at Bakugou's response to his question. "More like experienced in how to get yourself dragged under water." He retorted back. "I wouldn't trust her with this task more than I'd trust a murderer to save somebody's life." Why would he? If Goldenluxury had drowned, then sure, maybe she would know how to fight against the currents, but the mere fact that she lost that fight had Caesar wary and unsure of whether or not this was a good idea.

Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - rhosmari - 11-07-2018

Lesson about the ocean and it's dangers? The ocean was dangerous? Well, she had never really ventured out into the ocean at least not on her own and so she didn't understand what Goldie actually meant by it. Still that didn't stop her from going over there and seeing what the whole lesson was going to be about. The small child shifted across the area and she allowed herself to settle rather near Goldie to the point of where the other could most likely feel the heat that radiated off of her form. In all honestly she was at a good enough temperature that her close proximity might be a bit uncomfortable but she was here all the same and looking rather pleased about getting to attend a lesson at all. The child didn't know how to swim so perhaps that was why she didn't particularly know anything about the ocean and what was in it. Though she had vague memories of when she used to go to a black sand beach and watch as waves washed against the shoreline. There was pain in this memories and she didn't dig any further than that. "I'll listen Goldie, don't listen to Stinkie over there!"

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - Grey - 11-07-2018

Bakugou sits down, once again hearing the Officer speak up and rolls his eyes. Caesar might not be amused but the Reaver surely was, lips curling into a smirk when he hears him talk. He understood the yellow male's reasoning but, the thing was, he didn't feel stressed about the lesson at all. It was just a lesson and he doubts the female would throw them all into the water and expect them all to save themselves. Before he can say anything, his attention shifts to Technopaw, the young sage calling the male 'stinky'. "The coward of an Officer is just scared for his life," he sneers to the catsune, "He's afraid his dumb-ass brain will absorb stupid advice and end up drowning himself." He doubts that the words that will be leaving the Dealer's maw would be stupid. There was a possibility it could be completely basic, a possibility that it would be horrendous, but Bakugou's focus was on the fact that Caesar had talked about trust. It was hard not to let those words slide.

Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - OWEN. - 11-07-2018

"Careful there, sir blasty. Wouldn't want the water to put out the fire in your pelt." Owen snickered as he walked over, dipping his head slightly to Caesar before settling down. The german shepherd would listen, despite the fact that he could slightly agree with Caesar. It seemed he was one of the few who actually liked the hot-tempered Officer, instead of only tolerating him. Owen could really appreciate the attitude Caesar had because it was usually for a good reason.

With mild interest in amber eyes, the black and brown german shepherd merely listened without saying much more, his usual grin still on his face. What? He could pick on Bakugou, even if he was a higher rank. If the explosive idiot couldn't take a joke, he shouldn't be dishing them out.


Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-07-2018

Caesar's lips curled in a snarl as Bakugou spoke, his tail tip flicking in irritation. "I'm not scared. Quite the opposite, in fact." He growled. "I'd enjoy drowning. One of the very few things I have yet to experience." The demon started walking off until Owen approached and Caesar forced himself not to lash out at the canine. "Does it look like I'm on fire, asswipe?" He shot back with a snort before finally walking off, likely not participating or dealing with this situation anymore.


Re: EVER WISH YOU GO IN / ocean lesson - OWEN. - 11-07-2018

Owen seemed taken back by the attitude directed towards him, his eyes widening slightly in surprise as Caesar snapped at him and left. His teasing wasn't directed at him- should he have been more specific? "I was talking about Bakugou- dude, ugh." Owen growled under his breath, rubbing his face in frustration. Is this how you made friends, Owen, by pissing people off even when you don't mean to?

The shepherd soon fell back into silence once more as he waited for the lesson to begin, eyes distant and cold.