Beasts of Beyond
DOESN'T IT HURT - open; visitor - Printable Version

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DOESN'T IT HURT - open; visitor - MATUAH - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:lightgrey;"]Leisurely walks always helped to clear his head of the noise. The white static that forever invaded his head, soft voices murmuring gently through the fog though he had no real way of understanding what they were saying. If anything they had driven him to a strange point, a crack in his sanity that wasn't often seen but perhaps in the dark recesses when he was alone. His thick paws moved, the scales upon them glittered darkly against the backdrop of the moonlight that reflected off of them and he allowed his head to lift up and just take in the sweet night air. It was normal, natural really and he enjoyed the way it felt against his body. The night was always like a sweet caress to him and when most other's slept he roamed the halls of his beloved university as if a haunting himself. Ah, but that was enough about what he did and rather he was of sound mind or not. No, the strange creature had come forth to take not of the well off groups around him. Information was like a lure and one he did not expect to ignore, not so long as he breathed and walked this grand earth that had been designed in such a way to invite upon it such interesting tales. A slow grin spread over his muzzle thin, scars shifting underneath ashen white fur as he paused at the jungle and allowed his violet hues to focus upon the dense trees.

A feeling, like tickling upon his back cause a barely noticeable twitch to jerk his cheek. For a moment his ear shifted back slowly as if listening to something although there was hardly an audible sound that would matter. "Yes, I don't particularly care if you come up to look. But please be courteous. After all I'm hoping for a cordial meeting." After all, after all, indeed. Though if a problem did arise he was sure that he could be more then persuasive in the matter and if not then he would allow bygones to be bygones. Not much else he could do unless they attempted to threaten him with meager torture. His body was nothing more than a hollow shell in which he continued to live and thrive in. The pain from it would not hinder his purpose and so slowly the beast would sit down as long white legs began to appear over his shoulder. The large spider intended to be around for this meeting and the Reaper had no issues so long as he remained pleasant. It's pale pink eyes shifted and roamed over the enviornment and he allowed for himself to perch there, not humble to listen for too long but enough to just be for a little while. The mutated beast however was calm and quiet as he lifted his head as wind shifted the leaves of the jungle before him. "Oh great Pitt, you have a guest that has arrived on your doorstep. Do be so kind as to make a punctual gathering."

Re: DOESN'T IT HURT - open; visitor - Stryker - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] From the shadows, he watched and observed as he usually did when someone trespassed. Within the jungle's underbrush, Stryker found himself hidden well until he got up to shift positions, only to ruffle the plants around him. Unsuccessfully remaining invisible, the lion emerged. The hyena had already addressed his position, cockily commenting upon his failure to remain undercover. A snort left the ardent. This guy was so full of himself... Then again, so was Stryker. Not like he necessarily was consciously aware of that though. Wandering over in defeat, he gave one last up and down look of the alligator-mutated Hyena before attempting to meet their violet hues with his own neon gaze. "We don't do cordial necessarily," he rumbled, "But seeing that you know of us already, I bet you predicted that." The ardent wasn't going to let his obvious sly attitude slide just yet.

Raising his head high, the lion looked up at the hyena curiously. "I'm sure you're here for a reason though, laughing-stock," continued Stryker with a smirk. Hyena jokes... Hah.

Re: DOESN'T IT HURT - open; visitor - MATUAH - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:lightgrey;"]"Oh, my, my, my...." What a spectacle, what a show it was to watch the lion descend from nothing and come forth on light feet to approach him and cater to his needs. He could say without a doubt that he was quite the fetching male though the gleam in his eye surely didn't give that way. Or maybe it did. But the mutated canine would never allow for it to pass from his lips. Instead he watched with a look that seemed so involved that it could only translate as being wholey frightening to most. Perhaps intriguing to others. Yet he was still ever so polite as he had manners despite the savagery he could get into. The world couldn't contain him and he was not one to allow for himself to be tucked into any niche that came along from one generation to another. "I do tend to do my research, oh, princely cub of the jungle" A hint of a smile upon faltering lips was regarded for a moment although it didn't linger for long before he allowed himself a scaled paw to rise up and press against his own chest. "My name is Matuah, the Reaper of the Conclave. Friend or foe? What say you, Stryker, Ardent of the Pitt?"

Re: DOESN'T IT HURT - open; visitor - B. WAYNE - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]Ever since Bruce crossed someone on the border claiming to be a servant of the fairy queen, he'd started to take these one-off encounters in stride. That wasn't to say he didn't care for those who sought refuge in the jungle, but - there were some flavors of bias that he was making a conscious effort to cast aside. Strangers speaking in tongues, mutants of varying species, it took some strength not to pull a face when he was utterly lost in their ramblings.

Take Matuah, for example. Bruce identifies a scent on his pelt as foreign, but strong enough to lead him to believe that he is a member of a fringe group not yet well-known. He also identifies that Matuah is a cunning type - not one to brag about his skills, but not at all one to hide them. He supposes the stranger and himself have something in common, then, but Bruce had yet to decide whether the ambassador or the group he represented were of ally material to him. (He still tucks away what information he's gathered for later. Matuah, though a strange fellow, was worth keeping close at hand.)

"So you already know that the Pitt doesn't tend to take up alliances." Bruce offers, falling a little ways behind Stryker. He regards the Ardent with a slight frown, adding, "...Unless there's something else you're working your way up to."

Re: DOESN'T IT HURT - open; visitor - Stryker - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Interesting. Stryker was not fond of the idea that the Pitt had no allies, but he had not been actively seeking such a relationship with any other clan. For someone to arrive on the border with such a brave and outgoing attitude was unexpected, but surely welcomed by their newest ardent. With a curious gleam in his eye, he listened. The ardent was encapsulated by their words, interested deeply in the way they spoke and how they moved ever-so elegantly. "Glad, you've done your research," the ardent commented back bravely. "Otherwise we would be having a problem." And luckily, to Stryker, there was no sign of any conflict here. He was involved and was willing to hear what the Conclave's Reaper had to say for himself.

Bruce was quick to hop on the train about alliances. He nodded in agreement as he listened, acknowledging that their member was learning so quickly. Nevertheless, he attention shifted back. Unwilling to trust so quickly, the male had decided on his answer. "Acquaintance," he repeated back with a smirk. It was not friend nor foe, but instead the middle option for now until the Conclave proved their worth. "Though, I am sure Bruce is right. You may be aiming for something else here." They shall see.