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AND THE WATER CREEPS TO MY CHEST // CAPSIZING BOATHOUSE - buckingham barnes - 11-06-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
[ tw for nausea & vomiting ]

Has Buckingham ever seen this much amount of rain in his life? No, no he hasn't- the former assassin spent a huge portion of his life living in a hot desert. It was rare to see even the smallest cloud in that humid sky, actual rain was even more rare. When Buckingham first picked his home, he thought he'd only deal with the boathouse rocking back and forth gently. He didn't dare to think of how a flood or a bad storm would effect his home. Or how much the drastic sways back and forth make his stomach twist into knots.

At first, the swaying was merely like how his boathouse rocks back and forth every night. It didn't feel bad at all, if anything, it gave him some reassurance that his home won't be devastated during this flood. But, he shouldn't have set his hopes so high- as the calming, relaxing rocking slowly turned into a nightmare. It's no longer gentle or slow. Each time his boathouse rocks to one side, it's steeper and faster than before. His furniture is even beginning to move with each rock, which is adding onto Bucky's feeling of nausea. He has no where to focus on, his home is no longer calm and horizontal, rather rocky and all over the place. Bucky has never felt so much nausea in his life, his face would certainly be green if it wasn't for his fur in the way. At this point, his home was tossing back and forth- his knife collection was coming off of the wall, and his furniture(Bucky on his bed) were slamming into each side, no longer taking it slow.

Bucky thought that he'd manage to keep his meal down, that'd he'd somehow walk out of this with a full stomach. But as his boat made the most intense and quick toss, everything for Buckingham turned south. Not only did he vomit all over his mattress and teddy bear, the boat overturned in the water. Or for better words, capsized. Instantly, the maine coon was falling onto the side that was filling with water, nearly getting hit by furniture that would have instantly killed him. His home was quickly filling with water, water spewed into the boathouse from now broken structure and glass. The maine coon grabbed onto his wooden dresser, which floats in the cold water. He clanged on for dear life, his fur soaked in water and puke. "S-someone help!" He gagged as he forced himself to swallow another wave of puke, "I can't get out!" Oh god, he's going to die here isn't he? He wasn't expecting after everything he's went through, that he'd die covered in vomit.

[ his boathouse is very much like this now and filling up with water, feel free to have your character powerplay to drag him out of there before it's too late ]


[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Steve wasn't a huge fan of large bodies of water. Most people lived on the boardwalk, but he'd made himself a...home, of some sort, farther inland, away from the water. When the heavy rains came, the most he had to deal with was the mud, and the chill, though he knew the same wouldn't be for everyone living on the boardwalk. He wasn't any formidable swimmer, but he couldn't just avoid the whole area when there could be someone needing help, so in spite of the odds of the rain knocking him off the boardwalk, the small feline made certain to check by the area when he could, all the while hoping that the rains wouldn't last much longer.

But when was the weather ever affected by a thing like hope?

Regardless, he figured he could be of some use eventually, though he doubted he made much of an impressive figure, thin fur soaked through to expose even more of his skeleton. At least people were unlikely to mind him when they had the rains to worry about, so he continued about his business, painstakingly making his way over the boardwalk, claws a desperate grip on the wood. It was while he slowly crossed that there was, over the sound of the rain, a heavier sound, like something large tipping. He increased his pace, spotting an overturned boat rapidly filling with water, and from inside, he could hear Bucky's voice calling for help.

Steve didn't hesitate, fumbling with a length of rope on the boardwalk, tying it to one of the posts with adrenaline fueled hastiness, and then he leaped into the water with the rest of it in his mouth. He hoped it was long enough, because if he wasted any time, that could be Bucky's life. Spitting out water, attempting to keep his head above the surface, Steve swam forward, through one of the windows, but it was a slow process. He wasn't much of a swimmer, and he was hardly strong, but he was stubborn, and whenever the panic started to sink in, he fought it back.

He found Bucky clinging to a wardrobe, and the smell of vomit was noticeable, but Steve had smelled worse things, and no scent could deter him anyway. The small feline was swept over by the influx of water, hitting the wardrobe, which would probably bruise, though that didn't matter either. Steve tossed the rope over the dresser to Bucky's side, working his sore jaw. "Hold onto that! We can both swim back with it."


CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status as their once ex-general. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
"Get him out quickly, I will bend and freeze as much water away from the two of you as I can while you get out" another voice called out - a figure of silver-white in black with seemingly now visible wings of pure black-purple in a strange abstract display folding in and over spread wide to keep himself aloft as he worked.

he wouldn't get all of the water given the power behind the flooding - but he could greatly lessen the flow of the rapidly filling house while they got out - so he froze areas and bent the water back for as long as he was able to give the two the time they needed, the angeli a dark almost foreboding silhouette in the rain despite being part of the rescue party.

"yell when you're both free - I can ferry you to high ground if you need it!" whether fro his back or simply dragging the driftwood they might use to float away back, he was confident in that he could do so, he'd dragged heavier things through much worse circumstances than terrible storms.

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh


The sound of voices shouting and screaming was what brought the canine forward. All this rain, everything that had been happening was coming to a head wasn't it. The boiling dark grey of the clouds that continued to drop downpours of rain upon them and the wind that whipped and tossed things that were nailed down away from them and all over the place. She had a bad feeling and they were right. They needed to be prepared for the worse and right now in front of her this looked like the worse to her. Her eyes widened at the scene as she stared at the capsized boathouse that Buckingham lived in. His screaming cries of the fact that he couldn't get out, that he was trapped ripped at her mind but she hadn't moved fast enough, someone was already going for him. It was going to be fine. It was going to be fine. But why was her heart racing so much in her chest right now. She started to pace and as Cryptic spoke about freezing and bending the water away from them to help the woman realized she could help them. Their combined powers could help to make it even less of a problem.

"I can help ya Cryptic. I can bend the water away from 'em tae give 'em more time." She believed that she could and she leaned forward, concentrating in the water. As she did so the water began to move back, pulling from the capsized boathouse but it was a lot of water and her hold was already shuddering with the amount she was trying to hold back. Her jaw clenched as her brow furrowed and she narrowed her eyes as she tried to keep a hold of the water, attempting to work with Cryptic to keep it held at bay but for how long she didn't know. Steve and Bucky had to work fast on this one and she pulled her tail against her body, claws digging into the wood.
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven as a hearthkeeper. Is considered 'fallen' by his brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
his head doesn't turn in to acknowledge her but his ears flicker back briefly indicating he has heard her and he affirms that seconds later as he replies "Much appreciated ma'am" their combined efforts would greatly quicken this rescue operation for sure - though he spares a brief moment to wonder about his greatly lessened abilities, perhaps this plane or the exhaustion after so long running has negatively impacted him more than he thought - recuperating had been a wise choice, even if now he had a group of mortal and otherwise beings to look out for

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh