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Rosebloods IC This or That? - Printable Version

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Rosebloods IC This or That? - TheGroom - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="background-color=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; border-radius: 2%; width: 350px; background: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent); borderwidth=0px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:15px"][align=left][font=arial][size=10pt]Hey! This is a simple forum game to waste your time.

HOWEVER, this question game will be from your rb characters' perspectives so you answer the questions according to what they think. The answer can simple or you can elaborate why if wanted~

I'll kick it off.

Which is more important: good looks or physical strength?

Re: Rosebloods IC This or That? - adomania - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]oh hell yeah. I'm going to make it elaborate because I like character development, so I'm going to just claim this and post my thing ;D
good looks - Although it's important to be able to beat people up if they need it, there are far more insidious ways to get under someone's skin, either figuratively or literally. Good looks make it easier to manipulate others and to bend them to your will, to the point that sometimes you don't need to fight them. You can get men to bend to your will just by one flirtatious glance, and even if it costs you a lot of your innocence, it's the first stepping stone towards power. Brute strength can only get you so far, and some people aren't intimidated by physical prowess. Besides; if you look good, you feel good.

what's more important? loyalty to a cause or loyalty to a group?

Re: Rosebloods IC This or That? - sephiroth - 11-14-2018

this is suuuuuch a cool idea!

In the long run I would appreciate loyalty to my group above else.  I suppose that sort of mentality comes with being leader, the desire to have your orders followed, acknowledged, respected and so forth.  If one has no loyalty they are of little use to me, and are a danger to the general function of the group.  One bad seed can infect the whole field through time.  Group loyalty is simply the way things must be, you can claim to be loyal to a cause but a cause needs a place to grow in and a assortment of other followers to carry it out.  There can be no cause without a group to give it.  I do suppose that makes the two more symbiotic then I originally thought.

Revenge, good or bad?

Re: Rosebloods IC This or That? - ROSEMARY - 11-15-2018

Rosemary on revenge -

The best form of revenge is prospering while your enemy suffers. Sometimes, this means that you simply ignore their pathetic nature and continue to work on your goals; if a lowlife thug beats you up, the universe hardly requires you to hunt them down to even the score. If, however, your enemy is prospering too much... then you need to take them down another level, but only if you can avoid getting dragged down with them.

Revenge is best done when you can gain something of it. Otherwise, it's pointless to harm yourself just to get even. So, in a way.... I believe revenge is good, so long as you're cunning enough to execute it properly.

What's the most attractive quality in a friend?