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keep your eyes on me [ joining ] - Printable Version

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keep your eyes on me [ joining ] - adomania - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]If they cared enough, perhaps South would have been angry with the way things had gone the last few weeks. Ro' had disappeared to god knows where, although he had still claimed the necklace they had oh so graciously left, leaving them behind to fulfill the entirety of Lirim's expectations by themselves. They didn't mind, though, and that made it far easier than if they had. Ronan had always been difficult, even before his self proclaimed name change and 'turn around,' far less invested in the power that Lirim had bestowed upon their first two children. The power was never something he cared much for, though... it left South with a lot more of it to hoard for themselves. They didn't mind that either; they lived on the attention, and the strength it filled them to watch others bow.

Ro' never called them out on it, either, and as far as South saw it, he allowed this behavior. Their brother, bless his confused soul, still loved them despite everything... and South? South loved him beyond everything, beyond even the void who had created them. There were just some things they didn't see eye to eye on, and the lion believed in the saying that if you loved something, it was best to let it go. He'd turn around eventually... and when that happened, they would take him in with open arms, sharing whatever power it was they had managed to acquire in that time, although given how hesitant he'd been thus far... they expected that they'd have the entire world to share by that time.

But the conquest started with one small, humble step. South hadn't bothered with clans until just recently, when they felt prepared enough to do so. You couldn't command respect if you didn't earn it first... and there were a few necessary steps the feline had to do before stepping into any group in order to curb a lot of the traits that most people frowned at. For now they were the image of polite, an easy grin spread across their features, body laid back as they waited on the border of the Rosebloods, peering through the foliage in an attempt to find... something. Someone, rather.

Re: keep your eyes on me [ joining ] - JAILBIRD - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Jailbird didn't do well letting things go, loved or otherwise- though he would say certain people hadn't hesitated to pull that shit on him. But he didn't like to touch on those issues, the same way he loathed releasing what he cared about. Unless it was a matter of his anger -which he would happily unleash any time- he held on with the white-knuckled, desperate grip of somebody about to fall sixty feet to their death in a pit of flames. In other words, he was very unlikely to let anything go, ever. Not that life often gave him the luxury of choice. If he could have chosen his lot, he would've gone with parents who wouldn't have ditched him to the grossly opportunistic paws of Cicero to spend the next two years of his life fighting in a hole in the ground for entertainment. Though he had, very recently, taken care of that grudge. Cicero had a bit of a fall. An entirely accidental slip off the edge, into this humid hellhole. 

So to revise that, Jailbird could let go fairly well, depending on the context.

He wasn't much of a guy for power, either. No more beyond what he could beat assholes to death with, and said assholes were usually the ones who coveted control. No, Jailbird was more than dandy working as the garbage man, and the more time he spent here, the more he was convinced he'd need to pick up the job again. At the moment, however, he was definitely not walking in circles through the jungle, and was not tempted to burn everything down to finally get some relief from the fucking touchy leaves. If he were, he wouldn't be in a very pleasant mood at all.

But he was.

It didn't help that he found someone just- grinning like some kind of weirdo. The feline squinted, wondering if the heat had fucked with their head, or what. The lion was paler than Jailbird, so maybe the sun wasn't as shitty, but it was still hot out here.

"You're definitely not my sugar daddy. How many paws am I holding up?" He didn't lift any, still peering at the lion, looking for some kind of delirium. "Do you know who you are?"

Re: keep your eyes on me [ joining ] - adomania - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]With a life that South led, it was far easier to let things to rather than let feelings fester. You didn't grow up in a gang without learning the hard way that some things simply had to be released, if only to soothe your own thoughts. What was meant to be yours would eventually find it's way back... and then you'd know that it was something real, and you could start building your self-made family. For now they had no one but Ronan, Des... whatever the hell he wanted to call himself these days. They had stuck together for years now, and they knew it would take more than a little distance to separate a bond as strong as theirs.

It didn't take long for their gaze to scour over Jail's body appreciatively when he approached, taking everything (and they meant everything) in for consideration. Their grin turned decisively more flirtatious, but the feline didn't make any ulterior moves beyond that. There were limits, ones that Ro' had told them of in... excruciating detail, actually. There was being attracted to everything with a pulse, and then there was sexual assault... and South liked to think they were decent enough to leave those who didn't consent and children alone.

But that didn't mean they weren't above making their intentions and willingness known.

"Nah, not the sugar daddy type, I'm afraid," they fell silent for a moment, before a deep purr-like rumble resonated out from their chest and they continued. "But it takes nothin' but a word and you can be mine."

What could they say? Monogamy was for losers, and they didn't get a bunch of the jewels adorning their body by just existing. Sometimes you had to work for what you got... and shit, they were more than ready. It was easier to sell your body than your non-existent soul. Plus it came with a nice bonus - accessories, food, protection... at this point they had an entire posse at their side. Shame that most of them were just as dispensable as the trash beneath South's paws. Some of them were actually too naive for their own good, and far too eager to please. They didn't have the heart to cut any of them off. For now it was just them and Ro'... beyond that, everyone else had to keep working.

Family was different. For family, they'd take a bullet... for some one night stands who thought they owned the feline? They wouldn't even glance at their general direction if they were being dismembered.

But they were getting ahead of themselves with these thoughts. The possibility of finding anyone else to add to their list of 'family members' was highly improbable, and Jail hadn't even expressed an interest beyond his words. Too bad they weren't good at platonic relationships, maybe they could have struck up some sort of subtler relation with the man. But friends were hard to make and keep when you had more important things to deal with. There just wasn't enough time and energy for them to spend on things that were as fleeting as friendship. It was so much easier to indulge in things like one night stands, and let whatever it was either fizzle out into nothing, or become stronger than blood.

Not that they expected anyone to reach that level.

A soft, sultry chuckle escaped their throat soon after Jail's subsequent inquiry, knowing why he probably said it but unable to care enough to be more than subtly amused. Life was too short to spend it angry. Not when that anger could scare away potential partners. "You're not holding anything up, and yes, I am aware of who I am. South, pleasure to meet you. And before you start questioning whether I know the difference between my name and the direction - yes. Yes I am well aware, and it isn't my fault my parents decided to name me that," the words, although snarky without context, weren't sharp enough to be anything more than light teasing, and the still-amused gleam in the lion's pale eyes further proved that. "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting this fine evening?"

Re: keep your eyes on me [ joining ] - ICARUS - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]In truth, all Perseus knew was letting go. Life was slow and lazy, like floating on some sort of river. He hadn't grown up in a gang and he hadn't ever fought for his life, but that was because he hadn't grown up at all. In general, he has life experience that totals to less than a blink to these two. With that comes a rather carefree sort of nature and a limitless curiosity. The most he knows about his life is his family and their home, a small section of trees and two quiet parents that asked for nothing and everything. He wouldn't say that he could take a bullet for them, not with how little he cared for them now. Although faint pictures of them cross his mind every now and then, there's no kindness to leave an imprint. There's also nothing he strictly knows to be awful — in another moment of blunt honesty, Perseus would admit that he knows just about absolutely nothing. He barely knows the alphabet.

So in a sense, he'd gotten good at just moving on when he needed to. Whatever bothers him seems to run off his shoulders like rain water down a well-paved street, down a drain and out of sight. That may not be letting it go in the real sense of the phrase, but Perseus had never seen anything come up from that drain. Emotions and fears and memories all just somewhere in the back of his head. Everything else in there was space free to be filled up again by all sorts of new things. The kid would put his paw in a fire to figure out what it felt like; it wouldn't even bother him afterwards if he did. He couldn't hate the choices that he made, or the choices everyone else made to get him here. So far, Percy's life had felt out of his own control.

It makes sense that with no life experience to compare with these adults and only his curiosity to drag him around by his ears, the tiger cub wanders into a situation that he doesn't understand. They're both puzzles whose pieces don't seem to fit together as individuals. Jay is big and grumpy but still pulled him out of a tree, and South looks cold until he looked at their eyes. Then he gets confused, pausing in his approach before quickening his pace again, ending up leaning against one of the smilodon's paws (which could probably crush him on accident). "What's a sugar daddy?" The rest of the conversation flies over his head and the questions he briefly grasps at flood away quickly (what's a south? why did your parents name you that? do you really think meeting Jay is a pleasure?) and he makes no move to introduce himself or Jailbird. No, unfortunately the child's attention had been rather thoroughly snagged by something he should have no knowledge of. That was normal.

Re: keep your eyes on me [ joining ] - Fright - 11-06-2018

”Aww…what have I walked into?” a trashy, feminine drawl sounded as a perfectly pale serval stepped from the undergrowth, feigning a look of disappointment across his countenance as he revealed himself. For once, maybe sticking his nose where it didn’t belong was not going to pay off. Sugar daddy? Well, he loved sugar so…maybe he was still looking for one himself. Anyhow, with the faint flirtatious current in the air, Frightfur Seraphim tried to look serious but he was probably failing.

The smaller felid looked between the silver lion and the smilodon and the tiny Sumatran tiger cub. He’d not really properly met the latter two but they were Rosebloods, he was sure of it. So the lion named South was new.

”You’re called South? Okay, I guess. I’m Frightfur Seraphim,” the boy said as he conjured up a peppermint to pop in his mouth,”What’cha doing, like, here?” He was confused why the guy, South, was at the Roseblood border but not alarmed, not really. He could have showed up at the edges of the rainforest for many reasons, maybe visiting, maybe he had a message or was looking from someone, or he was lost. Who knew? 

Fright glanced to Perseus and suppressed a startled laugh. He was well aware ‘sugar daddy’ was likely not the best thing to go telling kids about so his shrugged and lied, words slightly slurred from the candy he sucked on, ”Nothing. Not important. Look, I don’t know what a sugar daddy is.”
[Image: mh978bD.png%5D]
WORDS: 238
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