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GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - Printable Version

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GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - CROSSFADE - 11-05-2018

Ugh, he hated this weather. Cold, damp, miserable, Sushi had been lucky to avoid such rains on his way to a new civilisation until now - why did he ever leave home? There had been more woes there than what mother nature could offer him, the way his poofy fur stuck to his skin and left him looking more and more like a drowned rat made him question whether or not it was worth going away for a while. I'm making a good first impression already, he chuckled to himself at the thought, brown eyes glossing over the upcoming beach and town. The tide seemed temperamental, an indication that they were perhaps gonna be suffering more than him soon enough, Sushi's change of heart almost seemed imminent now. 

The shiba inu looked back to where he came from, dropping his pained expression for a more subtle frown. There's a reason why your brothers and sisters have already found homes. No one wants a defect. His single droopy ear seemed to twitch at the thought, replaying memories of his cousin's vicious comments towards him. That hardly seemed to be the reason, he'd just made himself scarce when others had entered his 'territory', too shy to deal with strangers looming and swooning over him. His nose wrinkled as he defended himself internally, soft eyes narrowing briefly as he turned his head back around to continue where he planned to go. Sunhaven, was it? Times like this, he could really do with seeing that big glowing ball in the sky.

Opening his mouth to call out, Sushi had to think for a few seconds, warning himself not to let out any complaints for his head had already been filled with them. He stopped on a little hill to talk, paws shuffling about in the mud as he began to talk. "Hey guys! Sushi here, wondering I can get some shelter from all this crappy weath— oh SHIT!". A particularly slimy part of the muddy area caught him off guard, the shiba inu losing his footing atop the mound of earth and slipping down the side. His forepaws went first, crisscrossing in his panic and resulting in the male finishing his descent on his side in a squelch. Gosh that sounded disgusting. Groaning, in his embarrassment Sushi just sat there on his side, only lifting his head to look as chilled as possible. No one sees, no one sues.

Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - mot - 11-05-2018

It hadn't been tricky to learn that a lot of people in this town joined just the way he had. Mot might have thought at first that you'd need to pass a test of loyalty, worth, average intelligence... something. But, he need only promise that he wouldn't slack and mooch off of their resources.

Anyways, this meant that much of the action happened outside the barricades. And despite the terrible weather, the feline found himself exploring this very area.

He noticed the shiba inu from a distance before the dog's voice had even reached his ears. Sushi? Now, Mot's sister had teasingly made fun of his name at every opportunity available. But he was happy to be able to say his namesake wasn't a food.

Perhaps Mot would have made some comment about this but the dog made a show of embarassing himself before he got the chance. The skinny feline watched him slide through the mud with an amused smile. "Save some for me, won't you?" Mot's own fur was already caked with mud up to his chest, so it didn't make much of a difference when he dove for the patch of mud. The squelch that had sounded unpleasant to Sushi didn't phase Mot as he landed hard on his paws and caused flecks of mud to fly through the air. Once he was satisfied he was as if not more filthy than the other male, he addressed him once more. "Think you're done showin' off, eh?" he asked teasingly. Mot said nothing about Sushi's request for shelter. Instead, he'd let whoever knew more about these things than he did take the reigns on that one.

SO DARK, SO DEEP —-- male / cornish rex cat / ten months / sunhaven member

Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - CROSSFADE - 11-05-2018

Unfortunately for the medium sized canine, it seemed that someone very much did see his little tumble. The realisation caused the heat in his body to rise to his face and ears, the two appendages flicking back to a more cowardly position. At first the male said nothing even as the Rex spoke to him, avoiding Mot's teasing gaze and taking a look at his own once pale flank. Such pretty colours were replaced with an evil brown, a whiny sigh escaping him. Sushi would just have to hope that the rain'd wash it off before he got to aforementioned shelter, else he'd look like one mucky pup in front of the ladies of Sunhaven. That'd suck.

The same creature bounding towards him caused exasperated eyes to dart around once more, recoiling a rounded cranium as he anticipated more droplets of mud to mar his pelt. It was hard to tell if it was rain drops or the soggy dirt in the end that splattered across the side of his maw, Sushi tried not to think about it as he allowed the other to get himself messy next to the shiba. The end result of Mot playing was rather surprising, obviously not expecting someone to enjoy the ground, but come on, why did it have to be next to him?! Further vexing words caused flattened ears to perk once more, barking in retaliation. "Hey I'm not the one jumping in it like a frog!" he shouted, and though his tone was boisterous, he didn't seem too offended.

Frog. Oh right, Toadie was gonna love this weather! Having left his pet near the edges of the lands in case things got too hairy on the dim day, he'd have to pick up the amphibian when he'd cleared his intentions on the borders. In protest of Mot's humour, the canine dragged his already filthy forepaw through the mud, aiming to throw up the contents in the other's face, smirking slightly. A lesson obviously wouldn't be taught to the other about bullying him since the cat seemed to care very little about being dirty, but still, the act felt like it was good revenge. "So how much longer am I gonna have to look like you eh?" he asked, head tilting.


Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - JERSEYBOY - 11-05-2018

Ah, rain. The pitter-patter of beady droplets against the rooftops was not something unfamiliar to Jerseyboy -- his homemtown got good spells of rain every few months or so, when there was a tropical storm brewing down south. It had been quite a while since the New Jerseyan had experienced rain, and he couldn't say that he missed it very much. Great, the November c h i l l was already setting in and now there was a storm to accompany it?

Luckily, as the tuxedo had stepped outside that day, he had been spared the downpour. He trudged around on the muddy grounds, making a face of sheer disgust as it squished in between his paws. However, he wouldn't let bad weather keep him cooped up inside.

He found himself near the outskirts of town, where a pair of vaguely familiar and not-so-familiar faces were splashing around in the mud. Christ, Jerseyboy would absolutely murder the son of a bitch who got that goop onto his pelt. Not that he was a snob about hygiene or anything ( not even close ), but he didn't like being filthy either. "Ey, are you two just gonna frolick around like lil' girls or what?" Snorted the east-coaster with a flick of his ear. His gaze locked onto that of the dog, "Mind tellin' us who you are, pal?" It was great that they were having so much fun and all, but just who the hell was this guy?

Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - miss ririchiyo - 11-05-2018

"Is there a joiner, Mr. Jersey?" Came the robotic, childlike voice of Mangle as she walked up behind the male, her voice glitching like usual, now that she had gained a bit more control of it. It seemed her voice was more 'normal' when she was calm instead of distressed, where her voice screeches and breaks. She scared a few people at her joining, after all.

Jumping up and down, the girl gave the muddy joiner a cheeky smile before she introduced herself just as happily. "Hiya there! My name's Mangle, you're in Sunhaven territory!" She spoke, her lips not matching the pace of the voice coming from her. It was from her voice box, for sure, but her lips just didn't catch up with her voice itself.

tags ♥ feminine ♥ 10 m/o ♥ kitsune ♥ sunhaven ♥ "robotic, child-like voice"

Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - CROSSFADE - 11-06-2018

Drawn away from his artificial playtime by an accented voice, the shiba inu smiled sheepishly as the realisation kicked in that Mot truly was the only one who saw him fall. Else, the stranger's questions would've been redundant for Sushi had already clearly stated his intentions to the Cornish Rex. "You're gonna take the secret of that little stumble to the grave with ya kitty cat," he mumbled to Mot, 'inconspicuously' lifting his head again to give an awkward grin at Jerseyboy. "I'm Sushi. I was hoping to get some shelter from the weather but the mud is so fun. Haha... haha...". What a convincing actor, if the way he avoided eye contact didn't give it away then his forced laughter towards the end certainly would.

Obviously he still did want shelter, but asking for it came at the expense of pretending he enjoyed rolling about like any other dog would've. Mess was gonna be necessary sometimes, when he was already cold it wasn't appreciated though. A grating voice snapped his attention away from the tuxedo directly to Mangle, brown eyes widening in surprise. Ok, forget being nervous and embarrassed, that robotic tone was more horrifying than any of that. A lump was swallowed in his throat, trying not to convey how spooked he was by the younger, but he could feel his heartbeat in his ears. So happy... so creepy... gosh this was freaking him out! Was this normal? Was she alive?

"R-Right... I would've uh, would've probably called it... R-Rainhaven at the moment or something. It's a joke... ha...". His stomach ached from apprehension. When he said he wanted to look good in front of the ladies, unfortunately this wasn't the type of female he meant. No one else seemed too startled at the moment, from that he could conclude that 'Mangle' had the same rights as all other Sunhaveners - hopefully that was a good thing. Calm down Hanamura, the creepy fox is happy, you have nothing to worry about when scary things are happy... Ugh, he wasn't feeling any better about this from his words of encouragement.

Standing himself up in case he had to make the escape of a lifetime, Sushi would mumble. "I do kinda wanna join,".


Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 11-06-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
The Shinigami had caught wind of everyone that was complaining about the weather. Ichigo usually kept his own complaining to himself considering that this place was bordering an ocean, and he was terrified of the place. He refused to step foot onto the boardwalk unless it was something that was needed or if he was hungry and needed food. There was no other reason for him to be there, and he sure as hell hoped that he would never get thrown into the ocean again. Ichigo had been through every season for five years since he had been alive. Being a cougar meant that he was almost fit perfectly in most environments. But, Ichigo himself preferred to be in colder and slightly wetter climates rather than that of a hot climate. This was because of the simple fact that the cougar wore black armor on his body and had a couple of black markings to go along with it as well. This meant that the black material and black metal were quick to absorb any of the heat that did transfer to his body, which in turn increased his own body temperature. He constantly had to make sure that his body wasn't going to overheat all of the time, and had to make sure to find a pool of water that he can use in order to cool off. It wasn't an easy task, and he couldn't wait till they got a little bit of snow and wouldn't have to worry about such small things. Ichigo didn't mind the rain all that much that was going along the territory, he also wasn't against getting dirty too. The Shinigami was only slightly worried about the fact that the ocean levels raised slightly because of the sudden downpour that they were getting. Ichigo didn't have to worry about any place that he had been flooded by the increased water as he didn't even have a place of his own yet.

All the belonging's he had were the ones that he was wearing and the memories that he carried with him all of the time. Anyway, the jaguar sized animal had seen plenty of different species across his travels here and there. He saw a huge diversity when it came to the clans, and when it came to being a loner he didn't see all that many different creatures. Unless evil spirits counted, which they didn't as he had seen those types, time and time again. The Shinigami had only ever seen one Shiba Inu his entire life, and it had been his one friend that had the body itself. Inu. The other had different bodies over the course of the years, but the male at least had a Shiba Inu body at some point. At least he was fairly certain that was a body that his friend had. Considering his memories, there was a fair chance that Ichigo had no idea what he was talking about thanks to his older age compared to those that lived around him. His friend had been attempting to steal food from the clan, and his clanmates had gotten violent. Being the leader of the clan, Ichigo had told the other that if he had wanted food he could have just asked and didn't punish him. The other didn't have a name, and so, Ichigo came up with the other's name and called him Inu. Ichigo also had no idea that this was someone that he had known in the past, but was just a different personality. The Shinigami still believed that Inu was alive, despite the other having been dead for a long time now. Ichigo had never been given the news of the other's death, and if there was a chance that his friend may be alive, there was just a small glimmer of hope that was there. Thanks to his large size, however, it was easier for Ichigo to end up sinking into the mud than he would like to admit. While there was no one around though, he could easily just use his teleportation to get him to the places that he needed to go to. Ichigo flicked one of his rounded ears as he heard voices off in the distance despite the rain that was happening.

The armored cougar was easy to hear and see common as he didn't blend in all that well. It was obvious that the male was avoiding getting too close to the water, and as he saw a familiar color and body structure in the distance, Ichigo's heart seemed to jump into his throat. It was also a relief to see those that he once knew still alive and kicking, and he believed Sushi to be one of his old friends. Until he got closer and heard the other's one voice, and realized it wasn't Inu. Ichigo tried his best to his hide his disappointment as he looked at the Shiba Inu. The other was looking for shelter and seem fairly nervous. The sword and the armor he wore probably wouldn't help the other's nerves, but Ichigo was used to that to some extent. The black tip of his tail flicked as his own paws were slightly covered in mud and his fur was drenched. At least any fur that wasn't covered with the armor that he had. The canine's name was certainly interesting to Ichigo. Sushi. Ichigo knew what that was thanks to his heritage and other people speaking about it. He wasn't the type to judge names as his own name could mean strawberry in some kind of context. The Shinigami didn't bother to sit himself down as he didn't want to get all that muddy. His bi-colored eyes would look at the canine for a couple of seconds before he began to speak, a tired grin spread across his facial features. "Yo. You're definitely welcome to stay as long as you want. I'm Kurosaki Ichigo." The swordsman introduced himself. In the back of his mind, the wildcat wondered if the other could speak Japanese, as there was another in Sunhaven that could and went by the name Toshinori. He hadn't seen the lion anywhere though, and couldn't say if he was still around either. "Where are you from?" Ichigo questioned calmly, not in an interrogation type of manner, but simply because he was curious. He was bad a holding small talk though.

Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - rhosmari - 11-06-2018

The woman could admit that they were experiencing some rather crappy weather and she couldn't even begin to understand how bad it was going to get. What she hoped was that it would blow over and everything would be back to normal in due time. A plastered coat rippled with lean muscle as the hellbeast moved forward slowly, nose twitching as water dripped from her nostrils as they flared out and attempted to pick up the scents of the area. But that was not the best of choices considering how wet it was outside. It dulled and washed out the scents and she gave a hefty sigh before she continued her trek forward. For a moment she paused and lifted her head up to the heavens, water dripping down her face and she shook out her body just as voices lifted up to greet her ears. Oh, there was something going on? Well, it was something for her to do and so she made her way over to the are with ease, taking note of what was going on around her. It seemed that there was a stranger upon their lands and he looked like he had gotten into a bit of a mud accident. Which caused a light grin to spread over her muzzle and a light laugh to bubble from her throat. "Ya, we have had some rather freak weather happenin' lately. Hope it passes over and we can get back tae baskin in the sunshine. Name's Marina by the way." She began with ease as she slowly sat down, feeling the squelch of mud underneath her and a shiver ran up her spine. Eww. "Ya are welcome tae join us and live with us. Ah, just be careful the river seems to be risin a bit on account of the rain we have been getting."
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: GIMME A GOOD SELF ESTEEM / joining - mot - 11-07-2018

Mot wasn’t expecting the dog to fling mud at him but quickly recovered after it hit his face. It was true he didn’t mind it. But, the mud was a lot less pleasant when some of it managed to get into your mouth...

“Look like me? You mean utterly ‘andsome? Sorry, mate - wasn't true t’ begin with,” the feline said, absentmindedly circling his paw through what mud remained on the ground. He was aware Sushi was likely talking about the filthy states of their pelts but Mot was having so much fun. Why stop now?

His amusement in his eyes didn’t fade when a few others joined the party. It took all of Mot’s self-control not to send a splash of mud their way. Instead, he flashed Sushi with a mischievous grin. “Don’t count on anything.” Obviously, he was still messing around, but also couldn’t help wondering how serious Sushi was. How far would the shiba inu actually go to protect this seemingly insignificant secret from getting out?

SO DARK, SO DEEP —-- male / cornish rex cat / ten months / sunhaven member