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SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - Printable Version

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SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - miss ririchiyo - 11-05-2018

The last thing they remembered was swimming- she was swimming, wasn't she? She had been in a liquid of some sort, her mechanical parts had been crushed to bits and her caretaker had taken her swimming.  She loved swimming, she loved to watch as the children watched her swim. They watched, didn't they?

She remembered red, so much red. Was it a bath of red? She couldn't remember anything more than that, but the girl had soon woken up to sand underneath her, fleshy paws stretched out in front of her as mismatched eyes tiredly stared off to the sides. Where was she?

Her breaths came out as loud coughs as she tried to gasp for air, sputtering up sea water from her lips as the small kitsune lifted her head. She remained on the ground though, her tail tucked under her as she silently screamed for help. Who was she? Her name- what was her name again? Oh- Mangle, right.. Her name was Mangle. Where did she come from?

Stand up, stand up!
Don't you want to play?
Aww, she doesn't move anymore, did something happen to her?
Let's take her apart and put her back together again!

What were those voices again? They sounded so familiar- she didn't like the sound of it. Something was making her distressed, once again. Tears dribbled out of her eyes as she wailed loudly, unable to move from her spot, her body covered in sand.

tags ♥ feminine ♥ 10 m/o ♥ kitsune ♥ sunhaven ♥ "robotic, child-like voice"

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - BLU - 11-05-2018

Ah jeez. Blu wasn't really good with kids, not like he had the patience for them, but he was awkward of how to handle them that's all.

The canine was not expecting that, a teary eyes fox on the border. Oh jeezus Christ. Why him? "Hey... Are you okay?" he asked carefully.

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - mot - 11-05-2018

The first word that entered Mot's brain the moment he saw the abandoned child was pathetic. And, Mot had quite an unpleasant history with that  word. He could almost hear his father now. 'Too pathetic and fragile to survive long after being weaned,' he'd said. Mot wondered what his dear old dad would say if he could see him now.

But, the truth was evident. The only reason Mot had joined this community was because he wasn't fit for life on his own. Well, he was proud to say he never cried - at least in front of others - like this kitsune. "What are you planning on doing with it?" he asked as he stopped beside Blu. His tone had the tiniest hint of curiosity but was void of concern.

SO DARK, SO DEEP —-- male / cornish rex cat / ten months / sunhaven member

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - BLU - 11-05-2018

" I dunno. I've never came across a kid left a upon the border."  Blu spoke glance up from mangle to look at mot.  He did feel bad for the kid, now he wouldn't exactly deem the kid a week, but there was something creepy about this child, er could he even consider calling them a child? 

" I know one thing to do is put the kid in a bath. Jeezus that sand must be a bother."  he added with a delicate shrug of his shoulders, as of right now he just hoped someone who had a motherly point of view could help here for right now, he had no bloody clue.

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - miss ririchiyo - 11-05-2018

Movement, the fox could sense movement in the sand from the way it shifted around her, making her tense in cautiousness. Multi-colored eyes opened, peering out as the girl sniffed her tears away, still buried under the sand, still distressed. Two males, it seemed, and the fox child had watched them, fear in her eyes.

"Dooooonn't.." Came the broken, screechy robotic voice of a child, her voice glitching as her jaw didn't move along with her voice in time. She didn't speak in time with her voice, it was like it was recorded and played through an old recorder. "Doooon't.. Hur-T mE!" Cried the broken voice, her ears swiveling back to push against her cranium in fear.

Who were these people? Why were they calling her these things? Why weren't they helping her? "Staaaaaa-y awAAY!"

tags ♥ feminine ♥ 10 m/o ♥ kitsune ♥ sunhaven ♥ "robotic, child-like voice"

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - BLU - 11-05-2018

That was not normal, nope and yep why was it always the creepy shit always found him. Why? Blu winced the second the child spoke, that was not a normal voice.  There was something robotic, he somewhat bristled in response to that, but swallowing his fear.  " Hey... Hey we aren't gonna hurt you.  We just wanna know who left you here and are you alright?" he asked carefully

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - REBECCA MACK - 11-06-2018

[align=center][Image: wmP6z7B.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]Bex was naturally drawn to the voice of a child, though she didn't really know why. Perhaps it was some sort of weird motherly-instinct type of thing. This child's voice in particular was interesting and different though, as it had a sort of robotic ring to it. Still, the collie couldn't help but make her way over to see what was going on. And well, she was concerned by the situation once she realized what was going on. Another lost child? That was no good. Even though this kid didn't seem like such a normal kid, she was still a kid nevertheless. She couldn't be off on her own like this.

"It's alright darlin', you're safe here. I promise," Bex spoke softly, extending a paw to try to gently nudge the young fox up. For some reason, the canine felt not even the littlest bit of fear, even though most typically would be cautious around this sort of creature. But Bex just didn't care, and the kid seemed to be the most terrified here, anyways. All she wanted to do was to help her. "Are you hungry? I got some snacks if you want them." She never really went anywhere without dragging food along in her satchel, since that was typically Bex's source of comfort whenever she ended up dealing with something stressful.

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - miss ririchiyo - 11-06-2018

Blu tried, he really did. She wasn't angry at him, she was just.. She was scared, and she couldn't really control her emotions when she was distressed like this. "Myyyy.. Na-ME is.. ManGLE!" She tried to introduce herself, her voicebox screeching from the pure amount of nervousness she felt at these new surroundings.

When Bex arrived and nudged her up onto her paws, Mangle seemed to wiggle in her paws for a moment, shaking out all of the sand in her fur, fluffing her fur up to twice the size she was before. Her fluffy tail seemed to wag once or twice at the sound of her voice, and the child found herself creeping closer to the collie for comfort.

Safe? She hoped it was safe- She didn't want to hurt anymore. She couldn't remember much, only being taken apart and being put back together, scrapped for parts, put back together. It was a process, never ending and painful. When offered food, the kitsune tilted her head to the side a bit, as if pondering. What was food? She knew humans ate pizza- was this like pizza? Now that she thought about it, she was kinda hungry, wasn't she?

Looking up at the woman, Mangle slowly, stiffly, nodded her head towards her. "Huuun.. gry." Came the childish voice, glitching less now that she had calmed down a bit more from the food. "Mangl-e.. Doesn't remember..  Wheeeere- she came from.."

tags ♥ feminine ♥ 10 m/o ♥ kitsune ♥ sunhaven ♥ "robotic, child-like voice"

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - Luciferr - 11-06-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status as their once ex-general. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
he wasn't 100% good with children, but often something about them reminded him of his brother - grown now yes, but often he remembered how small he'd been when he had to look after the two of them, but seeing children in similar states often brought something out of the large angeline.

"You could stay here if you've nowhere to go?" he was technically doing the same himself - though the former general played local security enough to pay back what he could since he was hardly any trader, his pursuits and skill set long suited for warfare and tactics than the simpler life the trading town offered.

it also spoke to something that he was hardly perturbed by said child before him, but then he'd seen so much that hardly anything seemed to faze him save crimes of most heinous natures - his gaze flickers to Blu, Mot and Bex while they attend 'Mangle' gauging their opinions to that suggestion.

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: SADNESS RUNS THROUGH HIM && stranded child - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 11-06-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Considering how long that he had lived in groups similar to this one, it wasn't uncommon for children to randomly show up on the borders without having any sense of an idea of how they got there. He had heard many different cases of amnesia over the years, and he had been lucky enough to have not suffered it himself. It wasn't something that was easy to get by unless someone had the capability of sifting through their memories and forcing them to remember. Ichigo had a power that could do something similar to that, but he never used it in such of a way as that one. He could barely use that power to communicate with other figures, as there were only certain times that he could use certain powers. Either way, groups and others around never seemed to change all that much when it came to the aspect of children either. The Shinigami had hoped that maybe things would be better here, but he wasn't sure how much he could say that as of late. There seemed to be an influx of children almost out of nowhere, and he knew what it was like to just have a clan that was full of children and nothing else. It meant that when he was a leader of a clan like that, he had to be careful about his violent decisions to make sure that no child got injured or captured. He hoped that there wasn't a group that was around here that was willing to injure the likes of a child either. The Shinigami had been keeping an eye out on the border after the ghost seemed to have died down. It made his life a little bit easier, but he still had a lot to do when it came into regards to his training.

He had to be careful not to get too close to anyone that was in Sunhaven out of the fact he didn't want to accidentally hurt them either. So, he had taken upon himself to go hunting a little bit. Which wasn't easily said for the armored wildcat thanks to the way that his armor worked. He made a goal to himself to never use his powers when it came to hunting and relied on his own strength when it came down to it. Just because he had a slight disadvantage didn't mean that he couldn't catch someone. He had managed to catch a rabbit, with as something as big as him was really only a snack in most regards. Although, there were plenty of other larger creatures that lived in this place, and he could name off a few. He flicked one of his rounded ears as he carried the rabbit in his jaws and had his sword strapped to his back. He had put his sword in a secure place when he had gone hunting and had backtracked to pick the blade back up again. The Shinigami usually stayed well away from the water, for mostly personal reasons. He was terrified of the ocean. While he was walking back toward the boardwalk, he was forced to walk slightly closer to the beach, and it was there that he was able to see a group gathering around someone. There were a couple familiar aura's and souls that he could pick out from his Clairvoyance, but the rest he had no idea who they even were.

Carrying the rabbit in his mouth, Ichigo began to make his way over and noticed that they were surrounding an oddly colored kitsune. Not that he was judging, but he had never seen a pink kitsune before. It was just a child, and from the sound of it they spoke differently, and the way they spoke reminded him of how his voice changed when he put his mask on. They weren't a Hollow though, and so the voice change could stem from many things. His bi-colored eyes did flicker over in Cryptic's direction, as he still didn't trust the larger male based on his aura alone. Ichigo dropped the rabbit on his paws, and still kept a decent distance away from the kitsune, in case the other was intimidated by the giant weapon that was on his back. The kitsune's name was Mangle though, a strange name but so was his own. He offered the child a tired grin from his jaws as he pushed the rabbit in the other's direction. "Well, hi there Mangle. Its okay, we can try to help you remember where you're from. Its okay if you want to stay here to gain your bearings a little bit." Ichigo said in an attempted soothing manner. The kitsune just needed shelter, and Ichigo didn't see any reason to turn them away. He raised one of his black and tawny paws and placed it on his slightly armored chest. "I'm Ichigo by the way." The Shinigami introduced himself, and once he was done he put his paw back down on the ground.