Beasts of Beyond

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haha wish me luck muse

day 1 - happiness - sleep question
day 2 - Love + what does y/c's home look like? are they tidy or  messy? what kind of residence is it, and why did they choose to make or use it?
Day 3: Fire + what does y/c think about the stars? do they have a special connection to them or do they find them boring and uninteresting?
Day 4: Belief + what motivates y/c? is it internal or external? how different would they be if that motivation changed?
Day 5: Forgiveness + what does y/c think about promises? do they make promises often and try to uphold them, or do they break them?
Day 6: Regret +  where does y/c go in their dreams? is it somewhere familiar or alien? who do they see? what do they see?
Day 7: Discovery + does y/c have powers? if so, do they use them often? how do they feel about them? if not, how do they feel about powers and the way this world seems to treat them as if they're normal?
Day 8: Leadership + how does y/c's original home compare to their current one? if they were born/raised in their current group, have they every thought about moving out or taking a vacation?
Day 9: Fame + what would happen after y/c achieved their goals or fulfilled their motivations? what is their endgame? do they ever think of what life would be like in that situation?
Day 10: Honesty + what would y/c's ideal mate or companion be like, if they have one? why would they be that way - where do those traits come from?
Day 11: Stress +  is there anyone y/c looks up to in life? if so, how did they meet them, and what kind of influence have they had on y/c? if not, do they wish they had a role model? what would that role model be like?
Day 12: Family + what sort of otherwise unmentioned quirks does y/c have? where did they come from? do they consider those quirks to be a burden, or do they enjoy them at face value? do they try to hide those quirks from others, or do they not mind being seen?
Day 13: Loneliness + does y/c linger on the good, or do they linger on the bad in a given situation? how do they view those who would choose the opposite answer?
Day 14: Comfort + is y/c's species and/or breed of any importance to them? do they think others judge them for who and what they are?
Day 15: Protect + how does y/c think they will die, and why? do they ever think about it? would they rather pass away before or after their loved ones, and why? if they are immortal, do they ever wish they could die, or envy those who can?
Day 16: Grief + what does y/c think of lying? how often do they do it? do they go easier on themselves when they lie compared to when others do?
Day 17: Solitude + can y/c play any instruments or sing? if so, what styles of music do they play? why do they play them? if not, do they wish they could? what styles of music or instruments would they play, and how skilled would they be?
Day 18: Ideal + how well does y/c handle near-death experiences and situations, whether they're real or not? are they calm? tense? would they readily sacrifice others to get themselves out of said situations?
Day 19: Pride + is there anything y/c would protect with their life? is it something physical or an abstract concept? what would it take to make them give it up? is it actually important to them, or do they just not want to lose it somehow?
Day 20: Art + does y/c have a family? if so, what do they think of them, and what kinds of relationships do they have with them? if not, do they wish they had one? what do they think of others who do have them?
Day 21: Friendship + does y/c belong to any kind of faith, and if so, is it completely personal or is it within a group? what kind of faith is it, and why do they believe in it? if they do not have any kind of faith, what do they think of those who do? do they ever wish they had something to believe in, or do they put those feelings into something else?
Day 22: Nature + what happens when y/c experiences the end of something, good or bad? are they easily able to accept that everything will end eventually? does it affect their outlook on life as a whole?
Day 23: Serenity + how does y/c compare themselves to others, and what aspects of others do they focus on? why? do they acknowledge those aspects within themselves, or is it uncomfortable for them to do so?
Day 24: Rule + how important is the concept of uniqueness to y/c? do they want to be unique, or would they rather be completely unremarkable? do they realize the drawbacks to their answer, and if so, how do they rationalize choosing that answer anyway? what do they think of those who would choose the other answer?
Day 25: Price + what would reality be like if y/c considered it to be 'perfect'? how would society be different? how would their life be different? how would the world itself be different?
Day 26: Schema + how competent would y/c be in a solitary survival situation? ignoring any battle abilities, would they be able to survive on their own? how long would they be able to last? how would their psychological state be affected?
Day 27: Antagonist + what does y/c do for fun in life? do they live in the moment, or focus on the bigger picture? do they have fun at the expense of others? does their definition of 'fun' differ from the norm? if so, how do they react to this personality difference?
Day 28: Comfort + is there a single event or string of events during y/c's life that changed them forever? what would they be like if that event never happened? how different would their life be? would it be better or worse than how it is already, or would it be a mixture?
Day 29: Type + what would y/c's ideal career/position be, and why? would it be similar or dissimilar to the roles taken by members of their group?
Day 30: End + how does y/c think others perceive them? what does y/c believe others value or dislike them for? does the way they believe they are perceived affect how they act in general? if y/c does not care about what others think of them, what consequences would arise from such apathy?


DAY ONE - Happiness + is y/c a night owl or an early bird? do they get enough sleep or do they want to sleep more?

Delilah was never one to stay up too late or get up too early as a child. She was always the first to wake up in the morning alongside her fellow faeries, preferring the sleep and grateful for the rising sun. She was a princess, after all. She had to set an example for those around her, no matter how painful it was to see the faces of her siblings as they rose from their nests of cotton and soft leaves. Despite the judgemental looks, she was pleased with her situation, happy with what she had right now. She was grateful, and that was all that mattered. She was thankful, but still mourned the ideals of freedom that she knew she would never have while she was trapped here. She was impure, and the rising of the sun and setting of the moon only made that realization so much harder for her to stand.

Despite being satisfied with rising in the morning with the others, Delilah loved the night. She loved stay up late, to sneak out when she could, however rare that was in reality. Now that she was in Tanglewood, she had found herself sleeping in late and staying up until she could no longer see the forest around her thanks to the darkened night. When the moon lit up the spaces she laid in, moonlight calmed her massive dwelling of nerves that she couldn’t get rid of. Staying up late at night allowed her to think, to process just what she’s been through in her lifetime.

It gave her time to grieve, to love, to cry.

She loved staying up during sleep overs, to see the smiles on her friends faces as they fell asleep. It was inevitable for her, really. To not love the sleeping faces on her friends would be sweet torture.

But still, she stayed up late. She couldn’t help but enjoy the way the moon would flicker in her rooms often. The way she knew Renegadeanthem’s breath could be heard from his room in their shared household. The night time gave so much more to Delilah than the day time could, and she couldn’t be persuaded to think any other way.

Once, she would have told her friends- or strangers, that daytime was her favorite. It wasn’t untrue during the beginnings of her lifetime, really. She had gotten a fresh taste of freedom now, and the day just seemed so bland compared to the soft blanket of night.

She knew, deep down, that the night was the mother of her emotions. The night fostered feelings of love, feelings of sadness, welcomed Delilah in open arms when nobody else seemed to.

It was home.

Word count: 450


day 2 - Love + what does y/c's home look like? are they tidy or  messy? what kind of residence is it, and why did they choose to make or use it?
Day 3: Fire + what does y/c think about the stars? do they have a special connection to them or do they find them boring and uninteresting?


Destructive, powerful, dangerous. As a child, Delilah had always been warned to stay away such evil things as fire. Fire was the archenemy of Earth, the element her family had wielded for so many generations.

She loved fire. She loved what it stood for, she loved how phoenixes were basically birds of fire, destined to crash and burn but be reborn into something new- something more powerful and beautiful, full of fire once more. It was a process that Delilah came to love the idea of. She knew fire was dangerous, but everytime she looked into the eyes of that one male, everytime she had seen those smoldering red irises that belonged to her friend, she couldn’t help but come to love him more. He was fire, large, wrecking havoc on her heart and burning all insecurities to dust under his simple glance. He never seemed to show ice, always fire. Burning, passionate fire.

Renegadeanthem was like fire, and she was the rocky, cool earth. They were polar opposites, but Delilah loved that man all the same. He was cold to those around him, the walls he put up not easily broken, but he seemed to fall prisoner to her very touch, all those walls broken down and his skin bared for her very affections to dawn on him.

She loved him. She knew she did, but she couldn’t stop the sense of self-hatred rising up in her throat every time she tried to speak those words. She couldn’t. Maybe it was her own lack of self-love, self confidence seemed almost nonexistent to her. Despite this, his fire never seemed to dim in the presence of her, as if her very presence gave him the scraps of wood he needed to rekindle his very flame. Despite the past they had together, Delilah loved him to Hell and back. It was the way he looked at her, as if his world closed off around her and only she existed. Just for that one moment, she would look in his eyes and forget everything in the world around her too. It was rare, beautiful moments when he would make her feel something.

His existence was like heaven on earth to her, and she adored every breath, every step, every move he took. Maybe it was the way his fur seemed to reflect the stars, or the way his eyes were pits of hot, scalding coal. She took moments to think of just flexibility, the love she had for him, the trust she had in him. It was dangerous to love someone this much, but she did. It was punishment, she knew it was. Maybe it was the way he looked at her- yeah, probably that. She knew, every single time he gave her the time of day, she wanted to turn away just as fast and run as far as possible. She didn’t deserve this attention, but he gave it to her nonetheless. She was a sinner, impure, disgusting. But he didn’t think so.

Everytime he looked at her, it was like she was being eaten alive by the very fire that was his life and existence. She was enraptured, she couldn’t move away from his gaze, and the moment she touched him, it was like she was safe again. Home. He was her home. This pit of burning, emotional fire was her home now. It always was, the moment she had laid her eyes on his black and silver form, his spotted pelt catching her attention despite the unfortunate circumstances they had been in at the time.

He was like fire, and Delilah loved fire.

[word count 605]


Day 4: Belief + what motivates y/c? is it internal or external? how different would they be if that motivation changed?

At one point in her life, Delilah had believed that all she had to do was follow whatever her mother Titania had told her, to go wherever her mother went- all of this just to find purpose in her life. This ideal was stomped on, walked over, and spat on, all in a few months of her life. She was nothing compared to her siblings, they had been so much more capable than her- how did she expect to even amount to something like that?

Then, she had came to Tanglewood, and it was like everything she ever thought she knew was completely wrong. She had met her friends, had formed unbreakable bonds with them that she couldn’t seem to move on from no matter how much the voice in the back of her head told her to go, to run as fast she could to get away from the idea of having friends in the first place. Why? She had no idea. Maybe it was because she was afraid of them eventually leaving her- or just the idea of being betrayed?

When she had first arrived, it was hard for her to find motivation for anything. She always had this deep connection with nature, but she couldn’t just move the earth constantly. She had met Malphas after an unfortunate event, and he had given her purpose. She had always admired doctors; the way they saved lives, thinking up medicines and the smiles they got when they saved people- it was a feeling that Delilah could get drunk on, but she forced herself to never get close.

Or so she thought, really. Her motivation laid in the fact that she wanted to improve herself. She wanted to improve the way she thought, she wanted prove to her clanmates that she wasn’t useless, that she could do something. She knew she couldn’t fight, but she was smart. Incredibly smart, with a spectacular memory. Which is why she studied under Malphas and became a doctor. Maybe it was just that, maybe that was all she needed?

Nope, she wanted more. Of course she did. This wasn’t nearly enough for her- she wanted more, and she was motivated to do more to get it. Her motivation soon became her clan, the urge and want to protect them from harm constantly. She couldn’t fight, so she knew she had to be a better person for all of them.

Then she met Renegadeanthems, and everything changed. She became softer than she was before, taking on a motherly persona for her clanmates, giving them support when they needed it. She was a good friend.

Maybe it was love that motivated her, but she knew she wouldn’t be who she was without it. Without her clan, without Ren, she would be dead, still in the hands of the slavemasters whom she had escaped from.

She had something to motivate her here, and that was her clanmates.