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i have confidence ;; o, joining - Printable Version

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i have confidence ;; o, joining - charrie graveyard - 04-18-2018

Before a few days ago, Maria had never even fathomed the idea of leaving the abbey. This was no surprise to her sisters, as every time she had received permission to go outside, she would wander off somewhere outside for hours and not return until dinner or mass. Then, after a discussion with the Reverend Mother, Maria had decided to travel in search of a new place to live. With nothing but a small satchel (containing her journal and sewing kit) and a bright yellow scarf wrapped around her neck, the femme had set off, no set destination in mind. From word of mouth alone, she knew there were groups of animals who had recently settled into the areas nearby, but she had no clue what their names were or what the members were like. That was fine, though. The maned wolf was certain that she would learn these things eventually.

However, the further Maria got from the abbey, the more uncertain she became- especially when she crossed the threshold between the greens of the forest and the white snow and cold air of the tundra. Was she even heading in the right direction? Did anyone live out here, or was she lost? Thoughts of turning back soon filled her mind and her pace began to slow, causing her to shake her head indefiance. No- she wouldn’t give up! She refused. There had to be someone out here somewhere, she just needed a little bit of confidence. That was when she began to hum a song to herself, willing herself to keep moving forward. Eventually, her determination was rewarded, and it wasn’t long until she came across a scent marker- some kind of border that she was not familiar with. Shivering, Maria resisted the urge to sit down, knowing the cold snow would only make things worse. Instead, she remained standing, eyes flickering to and fro as she examined hee surroundings. When she could stand the silence no more, she called out gently to anyone nearby. "Hello? My name Fräulein Maria- but you may call me Maria. I’m looking for a place to stay, if you would have me?"

Re: i have confidence ;; o, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-18-2018

Leaving home was something Jacob was too familiar with these days. The first part of his life had been relatively peaceful, all things considered, but then he'd been kidnapped. He was just a kid and he hadn't been paying any attention to what was around him. Before he'd really known what was happening, he woke up in a strange room with strange people that were asking questions about his Babbo. Jacob had known better to tell them the truth and he'd lied about most of what he told them. While the first few months of his life were peaceful, Vito had always made sure he'd be prepared for whatever came his way. Jacob was usually a terrible liar but they'd practiced most of the answers he had to use. In the end, Vito had come to get him in time and nothing bad had happened to Jacob (though he couldn't say the same for his kidnappers). After that, Jacob was sent off to New Jersey so Vito could still keep an eye on him but put a little distance between them. That was when he moved in with his Pa, a massive stallion with a deep southern accent. Jacob had adopted his way of speech, though before he'd sounded quite a bit like his Babbo. It was safer to distance himself from him as much as possible. Then the fire had happened and he'd moved in with Jerseyboy. They only stayed in the city for a few months before leaving to come here.

After all of that, the term 'home' was a loose one for the boy but he was settling down in Snowbound nicely. He was a doctor here, something he never would've been able to do when he still lived in the city. If he was going to pick up any job there, his Babbo would've wanted it to be with him but Jacob wasn't called to that sort of life. He much preferred the tundra of Snowbound and waking up to the gentle smell of herbs in his den. Even if he was without all the luxuries that'd come with his old home, Jacob was at peace. Of course, that peace had been shattered not too long ago when he'd been taken to the Typhoon but that'd all worked itself out. Now things were truly looking up and Jacob was excited for all the friends he'd make, both here and now in the Typhoon. He knew some would see it as strange that he'd been so willing to forgive their actions but Jacob only held one person responsible for what'd happened to him and that person had been punished. Pincher had saved him and all was well. In fact, he intended to visit in just a few day's time.

Jacob was pulled from his thoughts about home and friends when he heard an unfamiliar voice near the border. The husky changed his direction and went towards the sound as quickly as he could, though his prominent limp seemed to slow him down significantly. When he arrived, he offered a kind smile to the woman who announced her name was Maria and gave a quick nod. "Of course, you're welcome ta' stay in Snowbound, Miss Maria. I can show ya' back ta' camp. Do ya' need anythin' ta' eat or drink or want a tour ah' camp once we get there or somethin'?" the boy offered.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: i have confidence ;; o, joining - london r. - 04-18-2018

London had never wandered far from her home either, when she was still surrounded by her family there. She would wander off and occasionally get lost, but she never wanted to leave, she always came back. It was a lovely place in her mind that she often wandered back to through her thoughts, but it was a place she could never allow her eyes to see again. That place was haunted with the ghosts of memories, they had destroyed the reverie that that quaint place once held. It was no longer a home to the clouded leopard, but rather a nightmare. For even if she ever did desire to return, the fear of what remained would still find a way to keep her at a distance.

Hopefully the Snowbound would never pull that sort of negative force towards it. This place was also quite lovely, and London couldn't bear to let this snowy wonderland become a demon in her mind. It was for mental health reasons that she had left the gas station her family had taken residence in, hopefully no such torment would find her here. Not her, nor anyone else. It was selfish just to wish for her own peace of mind. It was selfish just to wish anything for only herself, or even a select few, which was why most off the girl's covets seemed to be focused on the general populace. For everyone deserved a little more luck and a little more fortune in her mind, the possible crimes that they may have committed did not matter.

The only thing London ever cared for was to do her best to be the best she could be, and she hoped that others would do the same, however she was a firm believer that anyone could be who they wanted to be. She just wished to exist peacefully in this place, and perhaps make a few friends. Meet interesting people, who always seemed to find their way to the Snowbound's borders. In fact, there was another alluring creature there right now, and it seemed London would have the pleasure to be one of those who would be there to welcome this creature into these humble lands. A woman who went by the same name as her late mother had. The clouded leopard seemed to be caught in a daze for just a moment at this information, but soon a smile would return to those monochrome features.

She should have known that such a name would belong to more than just one person, after all, it was quite a common sobriquet. And yet just the sound of it passing through these unknowing tongues seemed to create a chill in the air that she breathed. There was no way this was her mother. Her mother had spoken Slovakian and English, not whatever this European sounding language was. They held no similarities, none at all besides what they referred to themselves as, and even then her mother had often shortened it down to Mar. The girl was being foolish and this she knew, however it was not unlikely for a child to wish for their deceased parent, especially at a time like this, where her whole world was changing. But alas, her mother had long ago decided to end her own life. There was no way even reincarnation would bring her back.

"We would love to have your stay here, Miss Maria." the albino feline would chirp, her voice laced in that lovely British accent she always carried as she gravitated toward this stranger. It was useless, this she knew, but if only there was something about this strange woman that would offer some closure, she wished to see it. Some solace in the undeniable truth, that was all she desired. "I'm London, it's a pleasure to meet you." the girl would finish, finding herself standing next to Mike, who's presence she found strangely comforting within this eminent moment of time. How odd considering she hardly knew the fellow. It was quite peculiar indeed.

Re: i have confidence ;; o, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-21-2018

Killua couldn't wait till he finally decided to leave the mansion that he had grown up with. He couldn't stand being around his family enough. Although if he told the clanners what his family had actually done to him they probably would say that they weren't his family. No matter what he thought though, they were still his family and he didn't want any of them to die just yet. He wasn't sure what he thought about his older brother anymore as the other just constantly pissed him off back and forth. The other was terrifying in all regard though, and such that there was nothing that Killua feared when it came to the clans. He had no reason to when most of them were weaker than he was. Was he the strongest in Snowbound right now? Killua wasn't sure and actually debated whether it was a tie between him, Silent, and Hisoka. Obviously, the kitsune was powerful because he could feel that he was a killer and not the regular type that just sat around and waited for something interesting to happen. The other was a threat that he was going to have to keep track of, and he was trying his best not to be afraid of the other as well. Which was hard to do when his body usually reacted on its own when it came to his fear. The wildcat wanted to badly not to be afraid of trivial things anymore, but the constant brainwashing that his family had done to him at such a young age basically made that impossible to happen. Unless he physically forced himself out of the trace that he always found himself in. Which he hadn't even tried to train himself to do just yet, and he wasn't going to bother to try and get other's to train with him either. Most of the creatures that lived in this place didn't exactly care about violence, while he was almost always was for it, as long as it wasn't for some stupid reason that was given anyway. Killua just had to get stronger so that he could face his brother, but over the past couple of days he had debated whether or not that was a good idea. It was almost a week ago now that he had committed murder on the border of the clan, and he wished that it had never happened. He didn't want to kill anymore and yet despite that his body had simply moved. Which put the rest of those that lived in Snowbound in obvious danger if he wasn't careful enough. He hadn't slept a couple days since that happened, and when he tried to sleep after what had happened, he woke up with another night terror. He didn't get those often, but when it did, it made him scared to sleep. Hence the reason why he lived away from camp instead of living in camp like the rest of them. He couldn't afford to have someone come and try and wake him up from a nightmare as he might accidentally kill them if he wasn't careful enough.

There were plenty of different species that lived in the clans such as this hell. One, there was even someone that looked like an amalgamation of so many different things, and he didn't even know how the other was existing honestly. Despite the lack of sleep that he had been getting, which was impossible for most creatures to do, but he was trained to work on little to no sleep for a certain amount of days. He was approaching his limit though and he didn't know how long he was going to last. Luckily, he was great when it came to putting a facade to make sure that everyone thought he was fine. Which he would always say if other's asked him if he wasn't okay. The albino serval usually stayed up in the trees when it came to dealing with the border. So that he could get the surprise on those that wouldn't expect it. While he was walking alone, a frown was spread across his facial features as he walked, his white paws sinking into the snow yet making no sound. His air elemental's made it so that it was impossible to catch his scent thanks to the small movements of airs that surrounded his body. He wasn't alone this time as he walked around. The wildcat had a certain companion around his neck, the albino black mamba fitting perfectly around his body. Koru being full grown though means that he also has to wrap his body around Killua's torso. Which is was fine as long as the other didn't move the bandages that were wrapped around his shoulder and torso, to cover his stitches. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he heard voices in the distance, he decided that he might as well check it out. Koru's head looked in the direction that Killua was heading, the venomous snake not making any movements as the other seeped his body heat. Killua made his way silently toward the group, and spotted a maned wolf. A maned wolf. Well that was certainly a surprise that came out of nowhere. He hadn't seen a maned wolf in a long time, and was immediately interested as he made his way over, keeping off to the side of the group. Maria was her name. He'll commit it to memory. Killua sat himself down as Koru flicked his tongue toward the canine, not making any aggressive moments. His eyes flicked over to look at London for a second before turning back toward Maria. "Yo, Snowbound basically accepts anyone as long as they aren't aggressive. Feel free to do what you want, and I can show you the camp if you want." The assassin stated calmly, and for once he had actually forgotten to say his name, instead of keeping his name a secret like he usually did. Maybe it was because he was so tired, he honestly didn't care at the moment. He just needed some sort of distraction. A neutral look was spread across his facial features when he spoke, and he spoke calmly too.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
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