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it is either them or me / healing lesson - Printable Version

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it is either them or me / healing lesson - no more - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – "If I'm to slip beneath a train meant to take me know that I believe that it was worth it..." soft the rasp of timbre, edges crackling and breaking, disuse apparent. Yet difficult was it to mistake the soft lull about the youth, the relax posture and the care placed within each word he permitted to pass barely moving lips, slight the shift of weight.

About the hollow of chest homesickness sat heavy. Brief had been the raise of ill-placed want, the mere desire to return to place once deemed home given a place within the slow swirl of uneasy thought, holding tight no matter his want to push it all aside. There was nothing upon shores touched with fine sand, given the gentle song of the ocean as it drew forth, no matter how he tried to twist it and put reason behind it, this childish sense of misplacement. Better was it this way with those he had come to care for, given a place in a heart that seemed nothing more than stone carved into complex a structure, far from him. There was no chance they would be harmed if he was not present, given the streak of back luck that seemed to touch every action and consequence tied to it.

So why was this ache present, the faint touch of anguish about heart and mind, souring what had become an already largely negative disposition. Almost he softened beneath it, felt the want to make a place for himself here, apart of something beyond himself. Again was the want for a purpose beyond skin touched with scar tissue lingering on the edge of thought, found root as it worked into its centre. Easy would it have been to allow himself the life of loneliness, a solitary being within the memory of only a few, but such was easier to speak of then it was to put into the course of action.

"Oh I hope to be holding you soon, who knows what happens if I leave my room," clink of glass, vials and bottles stopped with corks, almost swallowing the soft words. Familiar is such a habit, constructed within the gentle teaching of the one he had deemed mentor for a time, a man of quiet, gentle disposition - a father if he dared to think such of the healer. Might there have been a time the word would have found perch upon his lips, given brief flight as he looked upon the angel, the curve of a smile apparent for he had found a family. Audible was the click of teeth coming together, the twist of a frown scrunching up dark features.

About the items Silus had set up dark gaze moved, making sure all was present. Possibly this was a horrid idea, one concocted out of the same diseased ground it had risen from the first time, the fact he was the one conducting it made it only worse. It was the need for healers that drove him to this, his knowledge not complete but it spanned the basics and then some, first hand experience within the setting of bones, treatment of all levels of burns and stitching up flesh helping in this. "Ya wanna learn how ta detect an treat infection get ova 'ere." Shaky voice, though the volume of it rose so all about the observatory may here, the youth set up near to the door so everything was well lit.

He held no want to become a Cleric, once more thrust into such though he was better prepared to handle it this time, this was merely to help teach, offer something until such a time when others were prepared to take up the mantle.

Re: it is either them or me / healing lesson - valemon - 11-05-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Valemon had never been interested in any sort of medic position. Without practice, situations where someone was in life-threatening danger were stressful, even frightening. And although he’d made a habit of attending lessons like these, his knowledge was average at best. That didn’t make it any less exciting.

The lion watched Silus gather the needed materials, his brown eyes wide with interest. He’d always been intrigued by what those like his old friend Lessa could do with simple ingredients. Where he might look at a flower and think it would serve as good decoration, someone else could look at the same plant and see how exactly to use it to help another. This is what Val was here to try and learn.

Infection was a familiar concept, thankfully. And, the word brought a few faded memories to mind. Even if he couldn’t recall exactly, he was under no pressure to perform well. This was of course a test looking for potential healers but Val never treated them that way. It was a surefire way to take all the fun out of it.
© madi

Re: it is either them or me / healing lesson - ATTICUS - 11-05-2018

track for later

Re: it is either them or me / healing lesson - radeken - 11-05-2018

[color=#cd7f32]What’s an infection?

Former halo, cleric, habitual scholar and dealer Radeken had no real interest in taking this lesson seriously. So, common sense would dictate that she leave it be and go find a better use of her time, but she was incorrigible and a Bitch so here she was, playing dumb instead. Herbalism and medical study were both long-time passions of hers, but given her transient nature, it was probably for the best that she didn’t repeat what she had done before (acquired a healing position, left nigh immediately). She’d let these schmucks figure out on their own the true extent of her knowledge and in the meantime, she’d have all the fun she wanted.

Radeken sat down and gawped stupidly at Silus, stifling a smug, giddy snicker at her own antics. “[color=#cd7f32]Y’know, I never heard of a ‘fection before. Why, mister, I think you’re fulla shit.” She accused, taking on a dopey affectation to really sell the bit. She side-eyed Valemon conspiratorially. “[color=#cd7f32]You buyin’ this? S’pure hogwash to me.” She nodded sagely, biting her tongue to hold back another onslaught of cackling.

Re: it is either them or me / healing lesson - no more - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – “If ya 'ave nutin better ta do den bug da crap outta me then leave,” sharp the twist of dark lips, paws stilling where they had come to rest atop a few of the jars set about him. A great many were simple ingredients, not all meant for this lesson though he had thought to make a test of this, get better a grasp on the things those here knew of. Tap of claw along the cork stopper, no sound drawn from such action. Upon the tip of tongue words lingered, comeback that might once have risen easily, though clear was the lack of fire in the youth.

Funny was it, this son of Pincher Roux that had readily called Bastille bastard to his very face, enjoyed teasing and needling him when chance arose, found such the easiest fashion to pass time in confinement, stood against those deemed family with no care to consequence behind it. Short was the life he had lead and yet his actions spoke of something more, a child fuelled by the heavy heat of hatred, cooled now until it seemed nothing more then warm coals. Almost was such enough to make him laugh, the thought he was lesser then what he had once been, the forced process of growing up shifting the minimal view he was presented with. But within throat died such a sound, restricting as he found nothing but the taste of ash in the back of his throat.

“What's ya name,” lift of dark eye, focused upon the lion, brief this break of attention before it touched on the bottles once more. Recognition was there yet there was no name to place to the face, nothing upon which to tack the minimal information presented to him. Clear was Silus' want to ignore Radeken, her comments nothing more then a nuisance he wished to be rid of, the humour within it lost upon him. Better would her efforts have gone over if her target had been any other, given nothing more then a moment of his time, enough he made it clear he thought little of her rather pitiful attempts.

Re: it is either them or me / healing lesson - valemon - 11-07-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Forever lost on sarcasm, Valemon reacted to Radeken’s game with a puzzled and slightly shocked expression. She didn’t know? Well, that was excusable. They were here to learn, after all. But to say Silus was making such a thing up... it wasn’t okay in Val’s eyes.

The lion was struggling to form an appropriate response (did he disagree with her and try to explain what minimal knowledge he had on the subject?) but Silus beat him to it. A rude statement and one Val couldn’t say he agreed with. Perhaps she should stick around. “Stay an’ learn. Then you know,” he explained gently. Of course, Silus was the boss here, so what he said would ultimately go. Valemon shifted his attention to the other male now. “I’m Val,” was his simple but warm reply.
© madi

Re: it is either them or me / healing lesson - BABY — - 11-08-2018

Healing. The profession had never appealed much to Titan, simply because his talents dwelled in combat and physical strength. Besides, his patience would probably dwindle from dealing with fussy and tedious patients. It was harder to make the lion lose his temper nowadays, compared to when he was a young and foolhardy trainee, but an overly-annoying person to treat would probably unearth his hair-trigger temper.

On the other hand, it looked like there was a renewed interest in healing in the Ascendants. Titan's rounded ears had perked up at the announcement of medical training, and he lifted his head to see just who had called for the session. It was none other than Silus, one of the more recent newcomers to join the group. One of his figurative brows was slightly [sup]arched[/sup] as he observed a couple of others crowding around the young member.

Again, healing was not Titan's passion, so he would leave it up to Silus to teach a lesson for the day. He had definitely made note, and had continued onward.

Re: it is either them or me / healing lesson - radeken - 11-08-2018

Radeken struggled not to let her feigned shock turn into a smug grin. “[color=#cd7f32]Well, I never!” The little wolf gasped, looking between Silus and Valemon as if to say to the young lion, Can you believe this guy? She sniffed, adjusting herself and giving Silus another hard look before sneaking a ruddy paw forward to try and jostle his collected materials.

[color=#cd7f32]You haven’t even answered my question.” The bumpkin speak was forgotten. What if I was genuinely curious? Genuine so stupid? She eyed Titan throughout his silent passing, but couldn’t think of any cheap jabs to throw. He was gone too soon, besides. “[color=#cd7f32]Even that guy was speechless over your ineptitude. Bet he knows it’s all superstition and rank weeds.” She settled with that instead, and with a satisfied sort of flick of her paw, she ended, “[color=#cd7f32]But, go on. You think you have something to teach? Teach it.