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OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - Printable Version

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OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - JUNIOR - 11-04-2018

[Image: b34024b8a55b96fab6f5c47652ef1d38.jpg]
//in case the description wasn't clear he found a radio but bc hes fuckin Dumb he doesnt know what it is

Junior really had been in the Ascendants for a while now, hadn’t he? Things had been a bit odd for him lately, and for no real reason; he guessed it might have something to do with him still recovering from the whole thing in the Typhoon, but that had been a pretty long time ago now. Anyway, he was finally starting to feel normal again, and he figured now was as good a time as any to finally get to know the people here. He’d joined under Bastilleprisoner’s reign, and he knew a lot had changed since then. What in particular, however, he had no idea.

On a trip around the territory, both to explore and to possibly run into some of his new clanmates, Junior had stumbled upon an odd little thing; it was a box, but it had buttons and dials all over it and what looked to be a little screen. It was some sort of electronic, for sure, but he wasn’t quite sure as to what kind. The young tabby blinked baby blues, head cocked slightly to the side as he nudged the box slightly, to see if he could make it do something. Nothing. “Huh,” he mumbled, taking the handle of the little device up in his teeth as he turned to carry it back to the observatory. Maybe someone there would know, or something.

“Hey, uh- hey, guys?” the boy called, dropping the unfamiliar object at his paws. “Does anyone know what this is?” He didn’t really consider that no one here knew him, but perhaps this would prove to be a bonding opportunity as well.

Re: OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - FUBUKI - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Being raised on a human establish (albeit an abandoned one), the male liked to think that he knew a thing or two about strange trinkets and devices just from exploring the local area. A strange box attracted his gaze in camp like a magnet, barely even acknowledging Junior until he was close enough. Now, this seemed familiar to an item he'd seen before, but Ren was sure that such a thing had been broken by the time he was old enough to try and fiddle with it. Lest the cuboid was intended to make horrible screeching noises... who would ever make something that sounded like a dying member of his species? A pointed ear flicked, wanting to desperately come up with an answer to prove his intelligence and show off, unfortunately he was left pouting as his memory eluded him. It'd been months, and he'd been but a kitten the last time he'd seen a radio.

Eventually he was able to rip his eyes away from the product, offering a semi-sure look to the stranger who seemed a bit more confused than the tom cat. "A noise maker," Ren answered statically. Parts of him were satisfied with that answer, figuring that it was technically true, after all. "The dial makes the noises different—" or at least changed the groaning. Getting a paw's length away from the radio, the Guardian began looking over the buttons more closely, squinting in thought as he sat himself down. "A button should turn it on... which one though... hmm...". Realising after some time he hadn't properly greeted himself to the stranger, Ren whipped his head around and offered his signature nod of greetings.

Re: OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - Vincent C. - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Vin had been dozing off by himself when one rather loud voice followed by a more quiet one broke the relative silence in the air. Unfortunately, the young cheetah had been too busy exploring the territory and the observatory to find himself a decent place to sleep. In fact, this was the first time he's actually gotten in anything that could possibly equate to sleep.

Though upon seeing the radio, his short rounded ears perked up in interest and any thoughts of sleep shooed away as he stood up and approached without much more thought. Like Ren, Vin was somewhat familiar with the black box in front of Junior. Though unlike him, being the tinkerer he was, he'd been able to play around with one before. While the one he had messed with didn't really look anything at all like this one, he supposed he had a bit of an advantage over Ren.

The cheetah gave both of them a curt nod in greeting before immediately turning his gaze down to the object in question. "Yeah, I think it's..." He said, trailing off as he remembers back to the time he'd tinkered with his radio. He remembered that had been a rather strange symbol imprinted on the button that turned the thing on. And coincidentally he managed to spot this very same symbol faintly painted in red next one of the buttons on top of the radio. "... Here." He said with a smile as he laid his paw onto the button and gently pressed it down until he heard a faint "click". Then in a few moments the box came to life, blaring out a loud series of sounds that sounded faintly like music. Though with the loud sound of static, it was hard to make out the melody of the song. This sound assaulted Vin's ears, making them fall flat against his head both to show his discomfort and in an attempt to block out the sound. "Quick um.. Turn it down!" He said, to the two cats in desperation. He would have tried himself, but at his angle, he couldn't really interact with the front of the radio.

Re: OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - agathe. - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Agathe should have known that she would not be granted any solace within the Observatory, not when her clanmates seemed to be the noisiest creatures on earth. And yet, somehow, the snow leopardess had drifted off into a dreamless sleep, the pounding in her head finally successful in overcoming her just long enough for her to doze. She had just rolled onto her side, prepared to release a little snore, when the god awful sound of static filled the air and caused her to jolt up, eyes bright with anger.

It took the seraph a few moments to realize that the sound she heard was not an enemy attack but rather, a few of her clanmates toying with an absolutely ridiculous device. Figures, she thought to herself, standing up and wincing. Every part of her ached in a way that demanded sleep but she ignored it as she strode towards them, a frown twisting her lips."What is that absolutely horrendous sound?" She demanded lowly, blinking the last remnants of sleep from her eyes as she glared at the radio. Who would want this creation in their home? What was its purpose? She'd huff, shaking her head as if this was the most blasphemous thing to ever cross her path. To say a recently awoken Agathe was a little grumpy was, well, an understatement.

Re: OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - valemon - 11-05-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
The sudden blast of sound was a bit disconcerting. Was it someone yelling? It certainly didn’t sound... natural. But what else could it be? Despite the urge to go in the opposite direction, the lion approached the group. His head was low and he was crouched as if stalking prey. And as he got closer, his ears pressed themselves flat against his skull. It did little offer him solace from the static noise.

The box creature emitting the noise was reminiscent of things Anakin might’ve had in their family den. Perhaps it was of similar origin? Valamon’s brow furrowed in concentration and confusion. As gently as he could, the lion prodded the side of the radio with a paw, thinking this might have some affect. Unfortunately nothing happened. Next, Val looked to his new clanmates. Hopefully they were able to do something before all of them went deaf.
© madi

Re: OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - ;;bryn harbringer - 11-05-2018

bryn had yet to introduce herself to many of the ascendants. she only recognized agathe when emerging to investigate the sudden sound. the others were strangers, and the girl did not like strangers... still, she supposed it would be best if she at least attempted to come around to them. they couldn't all be so bad... she hoped.

bryn herself had never seen many manmade objects or structures outside of the pyramids and the bloodied arena she had fled from. the desert had no place for playthings like radio's or toys. she was lucky enough to keep her elephant blanket from being torn to shreds or lost within sand. though this place... wasn't the desert. she had to keep reminding herself of that. they weren't the pitt. they were allowed to be silly and play games that distracted them from their duties.

she wished they were allowed to never play with this contraption, though.

the screeching blasts of white noise brought her steps to a halt and her body tensed. bryn gritted her teeth together as she was pushed back into the memory of her last day in the pitt. her downfall.

with a bitter snarl bryn forcedfully uprooted a tree's roots and pulled them around the radio, squeezing it until it began to spark and smoke. she released the vines only when the sound completely stopped, and allowed the roots to return back underground.

"problem solved."


Re: OLD FASHIONED | open, intro? & radio - MIAMIHORROR - 11-06-2018

Just as those who had arrived before him, Miami is drawn forth by the shrill static screeching that rings through the halls of the Observatory.  The cream-furred wolf has risen to his paws and ambles onto the scene with an impaitent flick of one ear and a crookedly set jaw.  There's a sense that he's heard a sound such as this before, even though he can't quite place from where he recognizes it nor exactly what it comes from, but he's more concerned with the fact that what it is hurts his ears.  Whatever curiosity he may have is pushed down in favor of vague irritation, written across his usually-disinteresed countenance in faint annoyance as he comes to a halt.

Lips part to speak and just as suddenly the noise stops.  Miamihorror's copper gaze, half-hidden below a furrowed brow, drifts to the Bryn and then the roots that are now curled around the sputtering noise-box and back to the girl once more, only connecting the dots through her words.  Any sign of discontent seems to melt away as the male relaxes, his expression that of mild interest as he rolls his shoulders back slightly.  "Gee, kid, ya sure know how to kill a party," he deadpans.  Miami doesn't actually care that Bryn had completely destroyed the radio — it wasn't exactly playing anything worth hearing.  To have the ear-splitting blaring silenced was a relief, but he can't resist the joke, regardless of how drily the wolf delivers it.

The object catches his eye again — and, amid the newly-found silence, he remembers it now.  It's one of the many manmade objects he became familiar with during his time living on the outskirts of the city as a lonely cub, though not one he knew well enough to probably operate himself.  He was never into that kind of stuff, messing with human toys.  Miami couldn't claim to know much about music save for a vague acquaintance with it.  "'s a radio," he adds abruply, eyes lifting lazily once more to glance at the group, "was a radio, I guess.  Plays music, usually, but I don't think you'll be get gettin' any more out of this one."