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chaotically proportional / MEETING 11/4 - Printable Version

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chaotically proportional / MEETING 11/4 - sephiroth - 11-04-2018

[Image: tumblr_op0tpjgfs81vf7lvpo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth had been pondering again, a dangerous pastime.  He had laid awake in his quarters for most of the night, listening as Mother whispered words of promise and greatness to him.  He found it soothing to some degree, the voice making something swell up in his chest, a feeling of longing and grandiose greater than any emotion.  He felt superior, and he liked it.

Go, my son.  Lead.  Bring your clan to greatness.

Mother hummed her pleasure as the pale lion slipped from his quarters and roared out his call to the meeting room, picking up his pace as clambered up to the platform where he spoke.  He stood powerfully against the backdrop of old images from the days gone by in the ruins, of a religion long gone and replaced by the impact of the Aspects that had dominion over the group.  That being said it wasn’t too far of a stretch to take some ideas from days long past and apply them to the current beliefs of the Rosebloods…

Sephiroth would watch with eyes like a hawk as his group entered the room.  There were more members than usual, as the week had been a busy one indeed.  He was pleased to see his influence growing, a self satisfied smile breaking out on his face.  It was a rare sight to see any sort of strong emotion on his face, so this was a bit of a sight to behold indeed.  This time around he did bring out the traditional red liquid in a large clay bowl to accommodate the numerous newcomers to the group.

”Rosebloods.”  The leader’s voice was a satisfied purr that echoed around the chamber.  Seeing him this pleased, like a cat caught in the cream, was unusual but deserved.  ”I am pleased to welcome several new and returning members to the Rosebloods.  Welcome to Eddie, Perry, Sorbet, Frightfur, Akuma, Riku, and Envy, I also wish to welcome to Kunta, Bubonicplague, and Peytriviing back to the group.  We are very pleased to have all of you with us. If you all wish to participate in the traditional orientation, you all are free to drink.”  There was a gleam in his eye that swam with some sort of emotion one couldn’t name as he gestured with a large paw towards the full bowl of liquid, some sort of satisfaction with a hint of darkness to it.  He was succeeding.  He was bringing his group to greatness, and he was seeing results.  Mother purred approvingly to him.

”Now, onto more serious news and changes.”  Sephiroth would murmur, his voice deepening.  ”We need an identity.  Currently we are too all over the place when it comes to how we present ourselves, we need stability above all.”  The male would lift his head up, looking down his alabaster muzzle.  ”We are above.”  His voice dropped into a mild growl at that.  ”We stand above others as superior beings and we must let the world know that.  And we cannont when we don’t even know what we identify as.”  He paused for a moment to let his speech sink in for a heartbeat.  ”I am dropping the mercenary system.  It has very little interest in any regard and is clashing with the…feeling we wish to give to other groups.  The feeling of us being mysterious and high and above doesn’t exactly mesh with us making it public that we are willing to do jobs for shady characters.”

”On top of that, we are going back to the rank names implemented in Prestige’s time.  We are no longer worshipping the Egyptian gods that rule this place, but the naming does fit with our viewpoints, so it will simply be for aesthetic purposes.  Lord is Pharaoh again, Advisor is Vizier, Sorcerer’s are Physicians, and Entertainers are Overseers.  The tasks these ranks are assigned to do stays the same.  Once again, the naming is here to give us a clear identity.  The Aspects still watch over us and give us their favor.”

”We have been without a healer for quite some time.”  Sephiroth would change the subject to one that had been on his mind quite a lot recently.  ”As well as many ranks in general.  I will be looking at all of you for promotions in the future, but for right now, I want Frightfur to step up as a Physician.”  The Pharaoh would look among the crowd for the newcomer with history, willing to give them a nod of approval if his eyes cast upon them.  ”Shout-outs to everybody else.  I want activity to kept up and consistent.  There will be great things in all of your futures very soon.”  He was pleased, he would admit.  Everything seemed to be looking up.

”I do have something to ask of all of you at the current time.”  His aquamarine eyes would lid halfway as he looked at his group.  ”Our territory.  We know the ruins well of course, anything beyond that has not been explored to its fullest potential.  I encourage everybody here to scout it out.  Find something new that can be used to our advantage.  You are to come to me with any findings.”

”I suppose there are also other smaller things.  Weekly tasks are open for the week and I encourage everybody to consider signing up to hand them out in future weeks.  The ambassador program is also always looking for new member.  Generally it’s been a very busy week, and I hope to see the rest of our newcomers around.”

Sephiroth would exhale, muscular flank rippling as he rolled the powerful muscles in his shoulders.  ”That is all for now.  Meeting dismissed.”  He was satisfied, Mother rumbled her approval in his ear silently, generally it was a successful meeting.


-welcome to [member=2728]eddie,[/member]  [member=2757]perry[/member]  [member=2026]Frightfur Seraphim ![/member]  [member=568]e. hyde[/member] [member=2495]AKUMA HIMURA B.[/member]  [member=2499]riku himura.[/member]  [member=1381]BUBONICPLAGUE[/member]  [member=1814]PEYTRIVIING P.[/member]  [member=2033]K. GHANA[/member] and [member=2587]Sorbet[/member]  !!!
-Mercenary system is being destroyed
-Rank names have changed!  Lord to Pharaoh, Advisor to Vizier, Sorcerers to Physicians, and Entertainers to Overseers.  This does not change the clans religion.
-Shout out to everybody, and [member=2026]Frightfur Seraphim ![/member] is now a Physician!
-Please explore the territory!  There is plenty to discover in the jungle, and surely many expansions to the land.
-Weekly tasks are being hosted by Sephiroth this week, and an encouragement to sign up to host weekly tasks in the ooc board!
-Ambassador sign ups!

More development will happen throughout the week, and the guide and other ooc threads will be updated shortly!

Re: chaotically proportional / MEETING 11/4 - Grey - 11-04-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]He was happy with where his life was at. He thought himself to be rather healthy with his realist point of views and his stable mental condition. Although he wasn’t exactly close to his parents, never mentioning them unless the time called for it, but it also wasn’t a sign that he had a bad relationship with them. He simply outgrew his parents, leaving their care and choosing to live a life of solitude. Well, that was how things had been for most of his life. It always consisted of walking, wandering to foreign lands and letting his paws take him wherever. He never had a problem with the traveling, the excess sound that sometimes gave him headaches, the new weather he had to get used to. It was the fatigue that slowly crept up to him, his boredom that enveloped his body. Somehow, the more he walked, the more alone he felt. He had no one to share his world with. He might be able to hear the stories of other passing merchants on the road to nowhere, the road to elsewhere, but even then, he still felt contained within his own bubble. He felt unentertained by the unpredictable but instead found that inevitable struck him with a sense of awe, a sense of wonder.

It would only take so long before he knew that he would be itching for something refreshing soon. Not even the universe knew when exactly he would become sick of this social life, pack up his belongings and leave for the road again. Perhaps this process would continue like routine, a farce day after day. He simply wanted to live and be entertained. He didn’t need words of appraisal. They were warm, but they weren’t needed. But he also didn’t need bundles of negativity. Perry was fine with what he had. In fact, he was quite content in having joined the Rosebloods. Although he thought their customs and practices to be very different, the rainforest to be dangerous and intimidating, it was worthwhile exploring about and understanding. It gave him, something to do and he didn’t have to worry about food. There was plenty here, conveniently not bombarded by rows of meat because it supported his vegetarian preferences.

The ground was rumbling with movement, tremoring by the number of feet hammering against it, soldier-like as faces intertwined and blurred. The crowd was filing into the area like the flow of water, gently but confidently streaming, trickling. Perry was amongst the crowd, unaccustomed to walking within large groups as his eyes darted quickly about the room, ping-ponging off the walls. He bites his bottom lip, nibbling almost nervously if it weren’t for the fact that he found a place to sit so quickly, positioned right in middle. It would be easy not to recognise him within the sea of creatures, especially considering the Rosebloods was so full of the mass of colours that decorated each and every one of their members. He shudders a little at the resonate purr of Sephiroth, the rolling tone of the Lord’s voice. The lion was surely a confident one, radiating with a pride that felt condescending to the coyote who never really felt any concern for his reputation. Although he didn’t care how others viewed him, he didn’t like to be belittled. It rubbed him the wrong way, but he had a feeling the charismatic voice of Sephiroth didn’t hold any ill intent. He was merely being judgemental.

Perry was unsure how to respond to the welcome, not knowing if the leader expected him to stand up when his name was called or thank the other during the meeting. He had a feeling it was just for show, an acknowledgement to all the newcomers to prove that Sephiroth had been paying attention to the news around him. Well, he could commend the feline for having remembered so many names. Perry not only would have stumbled over them but probably missed a face or two. If he counted correctly there were about ten names that had been called out. Provided he wasn’t secretly atrocious at recognising tone, it sounded that the male was rather happy to have them all here. He would have thought the influx of joiners would be stressful but now he realises that perhaps the main reason the Rosebloods seemed so mysterious and quiet was because there were so little of them. He happened to arrive within a turning point, the peak of a mountain, ready to tip and fall.

The comment of a traditional orientation sparked interest within the coyote. Drink. His gaze glistens towards the chalices, unable to see what was inside. Still, with the brief pause the Lord offered them, he fumbles over to take it. He doesn’t look at the liquid, the crimson that was shaking at the walls of the cup until he sits down. It reminded him of wine, but it didn’t exactly smell like it. He wasn’t sure if it was because his nose was blocked. He would have imagined it to smell sweet or like blood, cautious when he takes a closer sniff. Perhaps to an onlooker he would look paranoid, not immediately drinking it as if he didn’t trust the Rosebloods. The truth was, he didn’t. He hadn’t built up enough of a connection to the group, only knowing a few names didn’t allow him to feel any detachments. The coyote felt like a casual observer, watching and waiting for things to occur. He was, after all, still in the process of settling in himself. Maybe once he was finished with finding a place to stay and restocking his book collection, he will start to be more active.

Sephiroth wasn’t waiting for anyone when he began to move on, Perry’s fur bristling when he realised he had yet to drink from the chalice. Quickly, and whilst the other was talking about identity, he downed the drink with squeezed shut eyes. The canine realised just how much of a mistake it was when he felt himself gagging, doing his best to keep quiet, paws over his mouth. He needed to cough after having attempted to swallow and breathe at the same time. Luckily, no sound could be heard but to anyone sitting nearby him, they would see the way the coyote’s body would shudder and shake from his attempts to clear his throat from the awful sensation. When the sensation finally subsided, he finally noticed the tangy but sweet taste of the drink, not particularly liking it considering he had almost choked right then and there. His ears perk immediately forward, the male doing his best to rewind on what he had heard. Identity, they needed a stable identity. Perry didn’t have anything for or against the lion’s statement, wincing at the remaining feeling that sat in his neck. He had only just joined so therefore didn’t get a feel of what exactly the Rosebloods stood for.

Mercenary system. He didn’t even know that there was one implemented. He certainly didn’t want to work for others considering his social skills needed heavy working on. In terms of the changes to the ranking names, he thought it to be nice to flow into Egyptian-themed rankings. He certainly felt an Egyptian vibe from the desert he had to walk through to get here and, considering Sephiroth’s talk on superiority, he was willing to accept such names. He did, however, think it was strange to be only for aesthetic purposes. Then again, Perry might have revolted against having to worship anyone. He didn’t like being told what to believe in. He was an existentialist, a philosopher at heart. Being forced to believe in some kind of god didn’t sit well with the stuttering coyote, hearing the way Sephiroth continued to emphasise certain words such as identity. He didn’t want to begin with the Rosebloods’ religion of The Aspects, holding his own thoughts at bay. He didn’t mind following traditions if it made them happy, he guessed.

At the subject change, he found his own attention beginning to pull away from him. It was a long meeting for sure. To hear that the group was without a healer for a long time made his own chest swell, curious if he could offer his own help here. He only knew the basics, enough to treat whatever came his way, but knew he probably couldn’t deal with the more dramatic side of healing for now. Regardless, he made a mental note to himself that it might be a position he would want in future if he wanted to be ambitious. Ambitions and goals wasn’t quite something he was used to. Hierarchy, as obvious as it sounded, was only something one had to care about when living in groups. He’d never stopped to think that he might wish to help as a Physician for the Rosebloods…but would anyone be tolerant of his stammer? Unless it was to calm someone down, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem, he thinks.

Shout-outs to everybody else, the now-Pharaoh had said. He couldn’t help but feel that it was just a meaningless add-on, a way of saying ‘unlucky’. Then again, he had only just arrived. His opinions were all based on what he was hearing from Sephiroth and what the coyote had witnessed during his short time here. Great things. Apparently, there were great things coming his way, but he had a feeling it was directed to others. He was just a bystander, detached and hibernating within his own mind, witnessing events as the world turned. The gravitational pull of the planet drawing him closer to elsewhere, tempting him to the peaceful abode of his mind. If he wasn’t careful, he could forget the physical world around him altogether, spend his days just lying about, eyes blank and staring into nothingness. And yet, funnily enough, despite the void air that his eyes would be staring at, his mind would probably form something beautiful for him to gaze at. Perry smiles a little at Sephiroth’s urge for them to all scout the territory, look for landmarks. He wonders if he finds something amazing enough to be documented that it could be named after himself. It sounded vain, perhaps even cocky of him, but to do so was to immortalise himself in history. He wouldn’t be forgotten unless the Rosebloods left. It would be an honour, after all, to leave part of yourself behind to a place that you love or will grow to love. He can only begin to imagine the pain of being forgotten, discarded, despite the limitless love you held for someone or something. To discover a someplace new only hyped him, giving him more energy than he usually had. Maybe he will come to like this place, having stumbled across the breaking point of the Rosebloods’ bad luck. He was part of a revolution, the sparkle of hope.

Nearing the end of the meeting, he felt himself rolling his shoulders back, trying to stretch his spine from having sat for so long listening to the other. His muscles felt a little stiff, aching a little from his inelegant posture that he was beginning to adopt after having been there for so long. He doesn’t mind the idea of taking a weekly task. He will probably follow the rest of the members as they went to grab one because he wasn’t sure how exactly things operated in the Rosebloods. In terms of the ambassador program, he hesitates a little. He wasn’t bothered with the idea of traveling, keeping in touch with the news, but he was conscious of his inability to speak coherently. Maybe if he could be traveling with others to visit a group, then they could do the talking and he could do the heavy lifting. It would, however, also be good experience for him. He realises there were plenty of things to do around the Rosebloods, wondering if it was all going to overwhelm him or keep him occupied the moment he finished with sorting out his belongings.

At the end of the meeting, he gives a placid dip of his head in acknowledgement. No words escape him, not finding the confidence to congratulate Frightfur for his promotion. He didn’t know the other very well and he wanted to take a break from using his voice. His throat was a little dry from all the talking he had done recently and even though he still had the strange aftertaste of the mysterious drink he consumed rather recklessly, he still couldn’t muster the courage to hear his own voice. He was sure that he could make time to congratulate him another time, finally able to stand up and stretch his limbs, tail uncurling behind him. Jaws extend into a yawn, tears wetting the sides of his eyes from the fatigue he felt. He will probably go somewhere to take a nap before engaging in any of the thoughts and announcements addressed from the meeting, promptly leaving in a civil manner.

Re: chaotically proportional / MEETING 11/4 - MIRIO! - 11-05-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
With a hop in his step, the golden retriever had rushed over to the meeting as fast as he could, phasing through a wall that he had almost ran straight into. When he had rushed into the meeting area, the dog had slid to an immediate stop, a happy grin on his face.

Listening to the meeting, there seemed to be a few changes that Mirio was quite interested in. Bodyguarding, as he had thought of previously, was something he could still do. He was out of his slump now, too, so he'd be around a lot more.

After everything was announced, Mirio let out a hoot of excitement, lifting the drink up to his lips to take a sip. "Welcome to those who have just joined, and those who are returnees!" He cheered, his tail wagging behind him happily.

Re: chaotically proportional / MEETING 11/4 - arcy - 11-05-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Meetings weren't a thing that happened frequently at his old home. This was, of course, because the place was so damn small. So it made the announcement .. rather jarring. But, regardless of his own feelings, Eddie was there regardless, regarding Sephiroth and his clanmates rather warily. He wasn't sure how to feel about this place quite yet. And he wouldn't make an opinion untill he had more solid facts.
The individual welcoming of new members was a ... thing. It was almost a good thing, depending on who the person was. Eddie, for one, didn't particularly care, merely tilting his head. Venom, of course, did, and the raccoon hears a soft, excited rumble. He wonders what people hope to accomplish with announcing newcomers. Unless it just lead up to drinking ... whatever the hell that stuff was. Eddie wrinkles his nose as he makes his way up to the bowl, regarding it with wariness. Red, smells like blood. He has enough people tricking him into morally dubious(bad, really) things on a daily basis, he didn't need to add .. this .. into it.
PUSSY, Venom jeers in his head, not allowing him to step back. Jesus Christ, Eddie scowls. Okay, then. Drink the "mystery liquid" if he must. He's had worse. So, reluctantly, Eddie downs his own fill of the "drink", seizing up at the taste. God. He almost gags, but instead just roughly shakes his head while backing up. Once he's .. over it, he stumbles back to his original seat, clearly agitated as he listens to the rest of the announcements.
The mercenary thing was a minor shame. Not as much because Eddie would like to be a mercenary, but for Venom. They could probably find some .. easy way to feed him that way. Oh well. None of the announcements affect Eddie one way or the other, really. He'd be more concerned about how many changes there'd be if the lion hadn't already said they were looking for stability. He might go exploring, he's not sure. Otherwise, though .. Maybe he'll look into the activities Sephiroth mentioned. Anything to keep busy, and since he was going to be sticking around ...

Re: chaotically proportional / MEETING 11/4 - Fright - 11-06-2018

One moment he was sitting on his ass and the next he was following, chasing down others who were all going the same direction. Gathering for the meeting. Frightfur wasn’t certain what that entailed but he’d happily go along with it.

Of course, as soon as he entered the room it started. Embarrassed, he forced himself to sit, almost on top of someone as he tried to look natural. The flush to his cheeks made him grumble as if he were angry by it but he could see from his spot Sephiroth smiling at the front and center. He was starting to get a better idea about the lion and he watched the male closely now.

His name was called in welcome along with a few other names he recognized. Yet, then there was the mention of ‘tradition.’ The sugary servaline’s wild eyes followed to paw of the lion to a point as it gestured to a bowl of strange…red liquid. And he was expected to drink? That was all?

Huh, no problem. Fright bounded up, swiping a chalice filled to the brim and moved his head forward and nearly touched his lips to the rim before he pulled back. ”Ugh, it’s weird…but as long as it’s not somebody’s blood,” he muttered half to himself before he downed the contents of the orientation drink. He visibly winced as he he swallowed, and the feeling of regret played with his head. Yeah, hopefully it wasn’t blood or else he might throw up. He didn’t taste a lot of blood or meat in his day to day meals being a vegetarian and all.

Then the big stuff started happening. He quite liked the pep talk on how superior they were—or would be. Perfect. He’d didn’t want to hang out with a kind of people that blow away in the wind. As for the dropping of the mercenary system, he shrugged since he not been around long enough to hardly know of it. He nodded along to the changes in the rank names and the mention of the Aspects.

The spirit would grunt as Sephiroth’s eyes met his, finding himself unable to look away to see if everyone hadn’t just looked to him for some reason. But this wasn’t a bad thing as it turned out and the twisting in his stomach dwindled as he was named a new Physician of the group. He’d have to hold himself to that title and do his best to look out for his comrades. Luckily, he wasn’t the least unprepared but he still coughed a few words between his pride, slight pang of embarrassment, and surprise, ”Wha—okay. Alright, I get it. I accept. But none of y’all go get banged up real bad now, ya hear me? I don’t wanna wash the blood outta yer furs yet.” He didn’t know most of his comrades on a super personal level just yet but maybe a sudden trip to the physicians would count as the kind of too up close and personal bonding experience that he tended to avoid.

Shoutouts to everyone, which he noted was a good thing. Fright’s ears particularly perked in half-hidden excitement at the mentioned of exploration. He would certainly do that, especially since he’d yet to figure everything out that most Rosebloods already were aware of, let alone anything new. There was a notice about tasks and ambassadors and then it slowly came to an end.

For his first meeting in the Rosebloods, it hadn’t been so bad. With a hum to himself, the serval stood, waited for the room to clear out partially, and bounced out of the chamber to do whatever next popped into his mind whether it was productive or not.
[Image: mh978bD.png%5D]
WORDS: 623
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Re: chaotically proportional / MEETING 11/4 - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-11-2018

For once the older soul was happy that most of her powers no longer worked, remembering how often a healer stashed her hidden away in the past as those headaches from excessive use ripped through her head. Jiyu did her best to make sure that her children never saw how straining fighting hard as she did could be on her body, especially with her powers. Having to get help from her own son? Was something that the calico was none to eager to do. Sure, her fear of herbs would practically be nullified by it being her son handling them, but she didn't want him to have to treat her, she was his strong mother not some weak thing who couldn't even keep herself safe.