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i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - Printable Version

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i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - lup - 04-17-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
Seriously, where the fuck was Taako? She told him not to wonder off -- not that he couldn't handle his own, but because she didn't want to lose him and now that was exactly what had happened! She swore when she found him, she'd kill him on the spot. It'd been a while since she'd seen him-- since she'd seen anyone from the IPRE Crew and she didn't like being alone. Even when she was jumping from caravan to caravan alongside Taako she was exactly that-- alongside Taako. Outcasts, but never alone. But now she was alone. Again.
It fucking sucked.

Lup found herself at an observatory, something that reminded her of her time on the Starblaster. Something that reminded her of when she had an elven form (speaking of that, what kind of polymorph bullshit was this? And why had it happened all of a sudden? What-the-fuck-ever, she could deal with that for now. It wasn't like she hadn't been in a feline form before, but at least then she had some control over it). She figured that if she was going to find her crew, it would be around here, but it seemed like there were other inhabitants. Could it be that everyone from universes destroyed? Could that mean...?
"Greg Grimaldis, if you're out there and can hear me, you owe me fifteen dollars and I aim to collect! You better believe, Greg Grimaldis!" She yelled, genuinely angry. Greg Grimaldis owed her her fifteen fucking dollars and she was intending to get it, destruction of the universe or not!

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - Suiteheart - 04-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]A lot of people owed her money. Had they paid up? No. Dammit, maybe she should be yelling too. But she didn't want to draw unwanted attention to herself. So instead, she found herself inching nearer and nearer to this strange creature.

"I think everyone in a five mile radius heard you," the feline replied, voice decorated with slight amusement. "Don't think Greg's coming. I'm sorry." Maybe Greg did belong to this Clan, but she wouldn't know. She'd only been here for a short amount of time. For his sake, she hoped he was gone. It looked as though Lup would rip him apart. [color=#73B1B7][b]"What's your name? I'm Hotelsuites."

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - lup - 04-18-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
“Ugh, bummer.” Lup huffed, annoyed at the situation, but not Hotelsuites. Hotelsuites, huh? So that meant she wasn’t... hm. Better luck next time, she supposed, although it wasn’t really her own issue. It wasn’t like this person even showed any resemblance to her IPRE crew, but the appearance was so similar to what that kid told her, and the name...
It was just a touch too off— even if it was her, she seemed to have settled down here. Changed her name and identity, so maybe she was running from something. Lup wasn’t going to risk endangering Lil like that; not after the other had gone out of her way to treat Lup’s wounds.

“I’m Lup. Lup Taaco. I run with a crew called the IPRE, I don’t suppose any of their faces have popped up here, have they?” It wouldn’t be out of character for all of them to be drawn to such an ethereal place, so it would be worth staying here for a while. Just because they weren’t here now didn’t mean they wouldn’t find the place at all. “Even if they’re not here, can I crash here? This place is our style, so if they’re gonna be drawn to any place in the future, it’s here.”

// mobile

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - BASTILLEPAW - 04-18-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille was restless again. The energy seemed to have faded a bit the last few days, allowing him to get a fucking break, but low and behold -- he was twitching again. Briefly, he'd thought that using his powers more frequently was helping keep the headaches and restlessness under control. But then Indi had emerged, and he'd had that odd moment of... well. He'd been Echo, in that moment. He'd felt his emotions and memories and thoughts come crashing down, even as Indi called him Bastille. He had never felt so much that he truly was his past lives until that moment. He'd never experienced such a slip in control, such a blur of reality.

It was... unsettling. He didn't like it. And the intensity of the headaches and excess energy had increased once more in the aftermath, leaving him... on edge. As always, it seemed.

He arrived beside Suite without much notice, simply there one moment when he hadn't been the one before. It could have been either teleportation or invisibility, but Bast didn't clarify and he didn't seem concerned if the sudden appearance spooked them. He was too busy studying this stranger, arching a brow at the odd acronym. "IPRE? What's it stand for?" he drawled questioningly, forcing himself to stand still. He hardly wanted to sit in one place long enough to make introductions, let along give a tour. "And you're free to stay here if you want. Open acceptance and shit."

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - Margaery - 04-18-2018

Margaery was the next to arrive, habitually falling into place besides Suiteheart and flashing her a little, almost sly smile. Life was pretty terrible and their children were still missing, but this game that they played... well, let's just say she was enjoying herself a bit too much. Had there not be a joiner, some gal looking for a Greg and her fifteen dollars, she would have made some flirty remark. Instead, she focused grayish blue eyes upon Lup and nodded, [color=black]"Margaret Forbes, I'm new here myself."

Forbes. That was a new addition to her name. If she recalled correctly, it had been her mother's maiden name and the closest thing she could get to spell out her initials. MF. [color=black]"And yes, do tell us what this... this... IRPE? RIPE? IPRE?" She paused, a charming albeit forced smile taking residency on her features, [color=black]"IPRE, yes that's it, I'm curious to know about it."

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - lup - 04-18-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
"The IPRE-- we were the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration." Lup said, wondering if planar research was common here. In many of the cycles she'd been through, most hadn't even dared to soar among the stars, but there had been the occasional few that were technologically advanced in ways she'd never seen. Plus there was that sweet-ass animal kingdom, which she supposed really wasn't too far off from where she was now. Although that civilization was much more advanced (likely due to the supernatural influences they encountered) and also had giant-ass animals, so there were definitely some differences. "And sweet, what is this place exactly? Seems rad as hell, I'm into space and stuff -- hence the IPRE. We studied the different planes of existence, and we saw quite a lot of shit. Do you guys study stars here? Planets? What's your deal?"

As she rambled on, it seemed that another approached. A chocolate point, huh. Named Margret. Who was standing next to Hotelsuites. A white feline. Both matching the appearance of the missing mothers of Lilyspoise. But it seemed they had settled down here nicely, together which quite frankly pissed Lup off exponentially. Having been tossed from family member to family member, she knew what it was like to have no permanent home. But Lil -- at least, back then -- had so much faith and hope in her mothers. Was this how they really felt about Lil? Fucking awful. Disgusting and disgraceful.

"It's the IPRE. Four letters, hon." Lup said, admittedly a little harsher than she should've, but she couldn't find a part of herself that cared. "We researched the planes of existence, exploring each and every one we could find before the cycle ended. We had about a year per universe before it all reset, but that also seemed to be exclusive to that specific plane." She said, leaving out a lot of details for the sake of simplicity. Plus, she knew that not everyone would believe her, but that was fine. She wasn't here for them. She was here for her crew, wherever they may be. "Believe what you will; it doesn't particularly concern me. I'm just looking for my crew. Specifically my twin brother. We've always been there for each other, finding each other no matter what separated us, but I suppose that's what a true family does."

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - Suiteheart - 04-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart listened as Lup explained herself and her name. It was interesting; she'd never heard anything quite like it. Once Lup had finished her explanations, she shook her head. "No, I'm afraid no one's been here like that. Just you. Maybe we can help you look or somethin'?" the white feline suggested as Bastillepaw arrived.

His sudden appearance did not leave her jolted, for she had once possessed invisibility. It had been a huge asset, especially when she wanted to get the hell away from everything for a few minutes. As she wished for her powers again, she watched Margaery arrive. Suite tried not to pay her too much attention, but that was difficult.

"This is the Ascendants. Our leader's super into stars and stuff," the girl explained, glancing to Bast as she said it. He'd said the same thing to her when she joined. She gave him a tiny smile. "As for actual studies, I'm not sure. Do you know a ton?" Suite's eye almost lit up. She loved the stars and the sky and knowing that there had to be something bigger than all of this out there. She'd always loved that kind of stuff, especially when she was growing up. The love stuck with her.

As Lup continued to speak, Suiteheart found herself unable to make eye contact with the newcomer. She spoke of searching for family, and while she and her wife were actively doing that, there were no leads. And the way Lup spoke... It was almost accusatory. She had to bite her tongue before she gave away too much information. When she did speak though, her tone was softer and more dreary than before. [color=#73B1B7][b]"Losing those you care about most is the most painful thing... I hope you find your brother, I really do."

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - Margaery - 04-18-2018

Suddenly, Margaery's blood was boiling. She couldn't tell if it was because of the harsh response she received for a simple question or the sly, almost too convenient comment about true family. Either way, the potential she saw in this newcomer had diminished instantly and she was angry. So. Very. Angry. Once upon a time, she could navigate this situation with the utmost of grace, most likely emerging as the polite, sophisticated lady that she was. Now? Not so much. A year of social isolation had stripped away her conversational skills, leaving her to glower at the female who stood her opposite with burning gray eyes. Oh how the politics of this moment evaded her.

You're a lady. Be a lady. Don't do something you'll regret, her mind practically ordered, forcing her to sheathe claws that had accidentally escaped without her knowing. She wanted to demand to know what Lup had meant. She wanted to know why she was so harsh, so accusatory. But she couldn't air any of those inquiries (at least not in the public eye) without being seen as rude or disrespectful. She had no other choice... And so, by willpower alone, she calmed herself. [color=black]"I haven't seen my true family in over a year. I miss them - my children, my little sister, my brother - more than words can describe.

[color=black]"I hope you get settled in well, I'll be off."

And like that, she was gone.

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - lup - 04-18-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
At the offer to help search for her crew, Lup shook her head. "My crew will either find their way here on their own due to the similarity in the observatory and our ship, or someone will send out a flare whenever possible. Staying put here is my best bet compared to wandering aimlessly, seeing as there's seven of us total. The others may have found each other already." There was no expansive communication system, no stones of far speech or bases to send birds to, so wandering around could only decrease the chances of the IPRE reuniting. Say Lup left and one of them did stumble upon this area, there would be no way to immediately inform her so that she would know to stay put or come back. "Are there other organized groups like this in the area? Those would be worth checking into, because the crew would likely do as I did and find a safe area to inhabit for a while, especially in a group where attention could be garnered. I swear, if Magnus joined some group of ruffians, he'll be the only one roughed up when I'm done with him." Despite the potential threat, a comedic smile was upon Lup's face, showing that she was only joking about genuinely beating the shit out of him. He would get a long lecture about joining gangs though, that was for sure.

However her attention was diverted from thoughts of her crew back to the two women in front of her. Suite's comment raised no red flags, and that would've made Lup confused had Margaery not retaliated in such a way. As she tried to politely snap, Lup narrowed her own fire-y eyes. Moments after Margaery mentioned missing her family, Lup cut in. "Are you trying to convince me of that, or yourself?" She said, restraining herself from elaborating. She didn't need to tell the other that they didn't know each other-- that much was fact. Although seeing as all her restraint went towards that, she didn't hold back on snide comments. "Yeah, walk away. With the way you're acting, I'm sure it's not the first time you've done it."

Re: i am the diamond glints on snow ✦ open, joiner - Suiteheart - 04-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart listened to Lup, curious. She did not mean running off in search of them, but scouting the area wouldn't be a bad idea at all. After all, that was how Margaery and Suite found one another. Surely it could work again. And surely the pair of them could find Lil that way.

She watched as Margaery grew upset. She wanted to reach out and console her, but how? How could she do that without blowing their cover? She made a mental note to apologize to Margy later. "Hey, maybe chill out," she replied, voice growing aggravated. "She lost her whole family. It's a tense subject for her, and outta not say shit like that."

Unlike Margaery, Suiteheart would stay. She had to. If she left, questions would be raises - ones she could not answer. So she stayed cemented. Against her better judgement, she remained rooted. She would just have to grit her teeth and deal with it as much as she hated it.

[this post is rushed & trash i am so sorry]