Beasts of Beyond
I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - Printable Version

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I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - ONISION. - 11-03-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

Onision was stubborn. He always knew that he was stubborn in ways that couldn't exactly be justified because he didn't know any better than to not be. Arrogance was something he was familiar with, comforted by. Maybe it was his stubborn personality that led to him letting his body die off. Maybe it was because the sight of Alexander's ghost made him want to see his lover again- to see his boyfriend in a form that he could touch him in.

Onision could never truly die, and it hurt him. He wished he could pass on, he wished he could just move on like everyone else had, but he couldn't.

He was stuck here.

Along the way as he journeyed with a group of stranded ghosts, his soul a mere black cloud compared to the lightly colored souls around him. They were all going to the 'light'. Maybe their time had come, but Onision watched as they left, unable to cross over himself.

And now here he was again, having possessed a body of an akita, the canine taking on characteristics closer to his and Aloysius' own. He wasn't pleased with being a dog, but who cared. He was sure now that he had shit straight in his head somewhat, he could get back on track.

The sight of the Observatory in the distance made the canine let out a huff of amusement, rolling his neck idly. Multi-colored eyes focused on the faraway building, as he shuffled around at the border.

He didn't know of Moonmade's death, he had been away for so long, he wasn't going to be prepared for the news. He didn't want to lose Moonmade. And Har? He didn't know anything about his family still being here or not- He just hoped he wouldn't be alone again.

//peaceful powerplay permitted, as well as clairvoyance powerplay permitted! his aura is reddish brown (nearly black) and has splotches of pitch black surrounding it.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - agathe. - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Cloak billowing in the evening breeze, Agathe was nothing more than a splash of red against the greens and golds of the Ascendants' field. She moved silently and with purpose, honeyed gaze fixated upon something that she was not entirely sure she could make out. A joiner perhaps? Or was the figure in the distance a trick of the imagination? She supposed that it was her responsibility to investigate, even if her stomach rumbled in protest. It had been a little while since she tended to her own needs, too engulfed by her responsibilities to consider the wants of her body. Oh well, she'd bring down a lone doe or something a little later. For now, her attention was preoccupied by what she had finally figured out to be a canine on their border.

Halting before the creature, she'd arch a skeptical brow at him before flashing her teeth. "Name and business? This is the Ascendants' territory and my name is Agathe, one of the two leaders here," She introduced quickly, easily. She was getting better at this whole joiner thing, her script coming together more and more with each one who found themselves upon the border. She was also significantly less hostile, a feat in the eyes of the Seraph if she did say so herself. She wouldn't say that she was truly assimilating, not yet anyways, but at least this was a good start.

Re: I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - ONISION. - 11-05-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

Cold multi-blue eyes seemed to shift downward when Oni heard a voice speak, achingly familiar to him. He wanted to shut her mouth right now. "How rude. I would have thought you'd know who I am from miles away." Snickered Oni, leaning his head down to greet the girl with his own toothy grin. "Your most favorite Lieutenant is back, Agathe. Aren't you so happy?" He sniggered, lifting his head back up to rub at his face with a paw.

He wasn't happy with the way things turned out, but hey, at least Alex was still around. Just.. As a ghost, which he wasn't too happy about, but whatever. If Alex would just agree with him about becoming a vampire, his life would be like, what, ten times easier to handle? Alex wouldn't die, and he could live with Oni forever.

"My damn body died of that stupid flower disease. Found a new one though, you'll have to continue dealing with m-" He cut himself off when she stated her rank, and his neck bristled a bit. "You're Seraph now? What the fuck- Did Moon strip himself of his own title like Bast did? Did he step down?" Oni asked with annoyance lacing his tone, obviously naive of the news that the lion had passed away.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - tori - 11-06-2018

[i]"You got fluffy" Speaking of the ghost boy, Alex had yet to find a form for himself, and he'd been dead longer. He wasn't a fan of not being to touch or grasp anything, the initial shock had since faded and now all he had left was the bitter annoyance of being, well, dead.

The dark apparition materialized some distance from Agathe, glowing eyes scanning the new body Onision had decided, or maybe had not decided, to live in. The fox like face made him happy, translucent wisps trailing off and vanishing when he gently swung his ghostly tail to the side. He would find a body soon, he wanted to feel that fluff, that fuzzy punk.

And then there was....Moon. [i]"About that, Oni..." Alexander did not want to have to explain it, it felt strange to say, to think. Moon had died, it just didn't ever seem like something that would have crossed his mind. Everyone died eventually, obviously, but something about Moon distracted that thought and it almost ceased to exist. The canine shook his head. [i]"Moon...died."


Re: I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - no more - 11-06-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – Once more their paths found a point in which they were drawn together, though within this there was no temporary structure meant to be broken within a short frame of time.

Ash and coal drawn across covering of fur, thick though where once his home had been made there had been no such necessity for the humid heat lingered as the year had progressed, given a fluffed up state now as the chill wind sought entrance. About the strands it pulled, wanted to part it and draw clawed hands along delicate skin, slow to loss the comfort of heat that had held within a steady high range. Twist of features, grown gaunt as he found himself falling into bad habit once more, displeased the frown drawn across dark lips. Better might it have been to keep to the structure of the observatory, allow himself to feel the slight warmth contained within the concrete walls, but such afforded only little.

Brush of grass along sides, gold and brown amongst waning green, breath stirring what was present before him. Slow was the pace he had set, leisurely almost for he cared not to become entangled within the affairs of others – and yet he was doing such, thoughts running through those few who had presented themselves in hopes of becoming a healer – wanting only to become better acquainted with the land. It seemed so trivial a matter, the simple want of a stroll on his own, broken by another making themself known.

No words passed lips that took the gentle curl of a small smile, there was no real need as dark eye found itself touched with mirth, the dark bengal merely looking upon the other, almost beyond it seemed. Amongst them, these few who bare each connections, twin wrapped about them to mark them as something more then mere passing acquaintances, he is merely an intruder. Part of lips, want to speak apparent though fictional brow finds furrow within it, before again teeth come together with a soft snap. It might have been better to turn and leave, let them have this moment, this trio he had no right to be counted amongst, but rooted was he and so lingered on the edges.

Re: I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - guts - 11-06-2018

To say her brother's absence scared her would be an understatement. After the disappearance and deaths of their other relatives, she was terrified that the same had happened to him, that he had left her behind--or worse. She couldn't bear the thought. She had depended on him for so long, and now he had left without a word. Or maybe he was taken? She hated to think about that.

Now that he was back, she couldn't help herself from dashing over and throwing herself at her brother, only recognizing him by the way the others were addressing him. She didn't even bother questioning how he had changed bodies, only concerned with the fact that he had come back.

"Oni, you're back! You're back!" Isabelle cries into his leg, tears brimming her eyes and threatening to spill over. "Where did you go? Why did you leave?!" she demands, voice cracking as she speaks, torn between being relieved and angry.


Re: I'M YOUR NIGHTMARE & return + new body. - ONISION. - 11-07-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

Onision watched on silently, waiting for an answer for his question as he silently stewed in the pissed off air he was giving off. He was annoyed, angry. He was supposed to- He needed to. He told Thea he'd bring her back, she deserved to be here, to be home, but this slowed his plans down significantly.

He seemed to stare for a few moments before a familiar, lovely voice caught his ears, and the canine whipped his head around to see the ghostly form of his boyfriend. "And you're just as beautiful as before, Alex, if not more beautiful." He gasped out, his heart thrumming in his chest as if it was the first day all over again. He was looking at Alex- they were having a picnic, and he had confessed in a clumsy, poetic stupid way but Alex still accepted him. Sometimes, Onision wondered why Alex chose to stay with him- why he loved him, but he could never truly know. His inner self loathing came out in moments like these, when he simmered in the self-hate and doubt, but Alex's voice always managed to calm him down.

He didn't expect to hear what he did, though. "Excuse me?- Can, can you repeat that? You're joking with me,  Alexander." Oni barked in surprise, cocking his head to the side. Joking to cover up the fact that he was mentally freaking out right now. Moon was gone? Hell no, that couldn't be right. That idiot wouldn't just- he wouldn't just ditch everyone.

Correction, he would if given the chance, but this didn't feel right. He didn't just get into a fight and die, Onision knew that. He wouldn't go down that easily. "I'm sorry, fuck- How did he die?" Oni asked, his paws shaking, begging him to reach out to Alexander and touch him, because Alex was the anchor to his ship, keeping him steady and adrift and stable, preventing him from letting his mind eat away at his conscious.

Silus was a semi-unwelcome sight, the way that his teeth snapped closed made the akita's fur stick up slightly in annoyance. Who was this dude again? "Name's Onision, a Lieutenant here before my old body kicked the bucket-" He was interrupted by a smaller weight against his body, momentarily shocking him to silence before he glanced down, his sister clinging to his leg. Isa. Isa.

This was Isa. She was alive. She was here.

"It's okay, Isa. Shit- I'm so sorry, I got really sick.. I'm back, I promise I won't leave again, never again, Isabelle." He soothed, his own voice cracking from emotion. He loved his sister, he truly did, and the sight of her sobbing at his feet had him nearly coming undone as well from all of these emotions coming together all at once. His fluffy tail came around, and the male's fluffy body wrapped around his sister protectively, trying to bask in the warmth that was his younger sibling. His blood, his family.

Immortality was cruel, but to see his siblings alive, able to live long years like he could, it was comforting if only for a moment. He couldn't truly die, he repeated this to himself constantly, torturing himself with the thought of it. He could always die in the physical body he had, but his soul would always find a new body to anchor him to the Earth. A punishment. Eternal punishment.

"I'm here, little sister. I'm here now." His voice was soft, a rare thing to hear and see, as his tough exterior broke down completely to comfort his sibling. He had softened up too much while he had died, it seemed. He didn't mind it, though, the feeling was welcome now.
all you give me is a heartbeat —
