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BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - Printable Version

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BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - pallid-i - 11-03-2018


The green maine coon had noticed canyons, and with intrigue, made a small journey to them. He was disappointed there was a clan here, but the disappointment was gone as soon as it came. While he was here, why not join? It's not like he had anything better to do anyways. So he sat at the border, tail curled neatly around his paws and the bows wrapped around his neck and front legs flowing with the wind. The one-eyed tom wasn't a patient guy, but for once, he decided he wasn't going to stir up trouble whilst joining.

Re: BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - Fright - 11-03-2018


It was with a flash of white light that Frightfur Seraphim appeared at the borders of Rosebloods. He was getting tired from running all the way out here with his chest wound weighing him down so he decided to teleport in as soon as he could see where the stranger was instead of walking all the way up in person.

The green maine coon was magnificent sporting those bows and he felt a little pang of jealousy to see the pretty bows around the other’s neck. They were so much less abrasive than his ‘bite me’ rhinestone color, even if it suited him. Other than that, he wasn’t certain what to make of the one-eyed guy at their border. He hadn’t spoken first so Frightfur took the opportunity to now.

”Howdy..? Uh, what’s up? Do ya need somethin’?” the child-like serval said a bit awkwardly as he tried to keep the maine coon’s attention, ”I’m Frightfur of the Rosebloods by the way.”
[Image: pFBoVvL.png%5D]
WORDS: idk mobile
TAGS: (link)
NOTES: <3 <3

Re: BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - Matias - 11-04-2018

Since Sorbet didn't possess the same teleportation ability that Frightfur seemed to have, perhaps he would be forgiven for the slowness with which he approached. Rainforests made for quite the trek. Even after memorising the best routes (which had taken him less time than expected), it was hard to dodge the overgrown vines, snakes, and nests of vicious ants. Not to mention the shitty poisonous plants. Sorbet finally made it about a minute after Frightfur had arrived, scratching at some sort of bite on his neck and squinting at the feline on the border. "You're green," he said finally, his thick tail coiling behind him like a defensive snake. Perhaps to an outsider the observation would be pointless, maybe even stupid, but to Sorbet it was something to mull over. He'd never seen anyone quite like envy before, and studied the feline with curious eyes as he waited for him to answer his companion, for surely the serval must have asked the standard 'what do you want' question. If not, Sorbet guessed he'd just wait to see what happened. He stopped working at the bite when it began to sting more than itch, and huffed an impatient cloud of frost.

Re: BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - pallid-i - 11-04-2018


The feline twitched an ear and stared at Frightfur before rolling his shoulders and neck. "I'm Volatiletimes Hyde. Feel free to call me Envy, however. Here to join, if you'll have me." The male rumbled as his eye moved past the serval to look at Sorbet. "It's nice to meet you Frightfur."
The comment of being green made him smile, and his eye light up. "Aren't you an observant one, captain obvious." Envy said with a low chuckle. The tom stood up and flicked some dirt off that had been clinging to his tail. "I'd like a tour, if one of you don't mind showing me around. Oh, and some food. I need to know where you keep the food."

Re: BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - Grey - 11-04-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]What exactly sat within the realms of normal? He thought himself to be as natural and ordinary as anyone else, boring to the eyes because his coat was so mediocre. He had no mutations, no powers. The only thing that made him different from most was that he refused to eat meat, omitting it from his diet because of his upbringing. He was simply used to the taste of plants no matter how tangy, bitter or unpleasant. He also found himself to be a guilty eater, preferring to hold back on his appetite. Otherwise, when it came to being normal, he thought himself to fit right in the box - a perfect example of an unmodified creature. But, as of late, he began to realise that he was the odd one out. Everyone was so exotic and, upon seeing the stranger at the border, he thought the green maine coon to flaunt a strange appearance until his eyes landed on both Frightfur and Sorbet. They both had their quirks, the special features that proved they were outside this box he called 'normal'. Maybe the real outsider, the real strange one, was himself.

He gives a small chuckle, an awkward ice-breaking laugh, at Sorbet's statement. He wasn't sure if it was rude when it was a clear and obvious fact, appreciating the other's bravery before tilting his head at the feline, ears twitching. Volatiletimes Hyde. He didn't know how he got 'Envy' from his mashed name but he would likely opt to call the other by his nickname anyway. There was less to tumble over when he spoke. "...w-welcome then," he replies, slightly distracted by the other's Captain Obvious statement. He always thought those words, cliche as they were, to be quite ironic. For someone to point out something so blatant and true, only for the other to reply that they were obvious was obvious in itself. If he were the talkative type, cheeky perhaps, he would call Volatiletimes 'Captain Obvious' in return in a playful manner. As Perry spoke to the maine coon, he began to notice other features he was too distracted to notice. The bows that decorated his green body, the single eye the other possessed. He must have had a difficult time with depth perception unless he possessed enhanced senses but maybe he was just overanalysing the other, still unfamiliar with being the greeter than a joiner.

Demanding. Those were the next thoughts that flew into his head. The male knew what he wanted and Perry would have liked to commend the other for it had it not meant that he would have to deliver and respond. He was determined not to appear rude by choosing not to answer the other, but he knew that no matter how he replied to the newcomer that he would still come off as useless. "I... I-I can't give you-you a t-tour be-...because i-i'm new myself," he says, sounding extra apologetic because of how softspoken he naturally was, "a-and my s-stut-t-ter." The canine could only imagine just how annoying it was for anyone to listen to him because he surely got sick to his own voice, hearing the way vowels shook even though he was trying his best to carefully form the way they sounded. He was sure he would be completely incomprehensible if he didn't put so much thought into his speech. "Food's a-at mem-main base..." he then adds, he was willing to show the other to the base if that was needed. That in itself wasn't too difficult for him. "I-I'm...Perry." He made sure to slow down on speaking to properly pronounce his own name than become known as 'Pe-Perry' by this stranger.

Re: BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - MIRIO! - 11-05-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
The loud crashing of metal sounded as the golden retriever crashed through a pile of rubble to get to the border to meet the newcomer, a dumb grin on his face that even Tamaki would want to punch off at this point. Some people could never really understand why Mirio always seemed so damn happy.

Maybe it was the fact that he could make a new friend? Mirio himself didn't know, to be completely honest. He was always chipper, he refused to let himself be down no matter what. He was a hero, and heroes always smiled in the face of sadness- but this wasn't a sad time! There was a joiner!

And that meant..?

"YO! MY NAME'S TOGATA MIRIO! CALL ME MIRIO, MY DUDE!" He nearly screamed as he dashed in behind the group of Roseblood members with his usual shit-eating grin on his face. He was happy with where he was- as long as Tamaki was near, he was okay with staying here in this world. Thankfully, they weren't alone here. Apparently a lot of other Class 1-A students were in this world as well, but in different clans. "I can give you a tour of the place! How does lunch sound first? I'm sure I can catch you something."

Re: BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - pallid-i - 11-05-2018


He turned to look at Perry and squinted, grey eye focusing on the other male's face. He would look him up and down, but Envy didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He seemed like the type to. "Aren't you the cutest thing?" The green feline rumbled as he attempted to put his paw under Perry's chin. He gave him a small, sweet smile before finally giving his attention to the new face that came over. He was annoying too. Great.
"Calm down there, kiddo." Envy rumbled, whiskers twitching. "I think I'm good on the tour thing.. I wanna hang out with Perry now. See what makes him squirm, mostly." He sent a small wink to the male who's name was mentioned. He should really calm down. Joiners weren't supposed to flirt at the border, huh? He didn't even know Perry. For all he knew, Perry could be a psychotic killer.

Re: BUT ITS ALRIGHT | joining - Grey - 11-07-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]He immediately flinches at the sudden noise coming from behind him, fur bristling as he jumped. It only added to the fact that he looked anxious to be around the group, but he truly wasn’t expecting such volume from anyone or anything. It was good to be enthusiastic, but this felt like overkill, ears immediately sore from the other’s shout. His heart was pounding already, too late for his brain to tell his nervous system not to go into overdrive because the adrenaline was already rushing through his blood stream. He felt his own organs thumping against his chest. He could have sworn that if he so much as dared to look down, he might be able to see his own chest rise and fall with his heart beats. It wasn’t what Perry needed. He didn’t need to look more meek than his voice already suggested him to be because he was definitely no coward. He was just unlucky.

Perry wasn’t sure how to react towards Volatiletimes’ comment on him being ‘the cutest thing’. He refused to feel unsettled by the green feline, biting his bottom lip when he locked eyes with the decorated male. He didn’t think of himself as cute, viewing the term better used on those who were young, or those others wanted to belittle. His ear twitches. He didn’t like to idea of being condescended so soon, belittled because he was so atrociously _normal_. Of course, while Perry was so absorbed in thoughts, he didn’t notice the extension of Envy’s paw towards his chin. He jumps again, paws digging into the soil beneath him. He was willing to mark Mirio a savior until Volatileties rejected the golden retriever’s offer, feeling his own heart sink further into his body, as if ready to be acidified then swallowed by his fluttering stomach that was now giving him the sensation of butterflies.

Squirm, his head repeats. ”If y-you’re th-thinking I-I’m sh-shy,” he begins, stammering even more now because he was trying to get his thoughts out quickly, clearly unsettled by the other’s words, ”Th-Then I-I pro-promise y-y-you I’m-I’m not. I-I-I just have a-a b-bad st-stut-t-ter.”