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as tave myliu [ storage ] - Printable Version

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as tave myliu [ storage ] - adomania - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]character study, table of contents
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Re: as tave myliu [ storage ] - adomania - 11-03-2018


FULL NAME: as tave myliu
AGE: 17 months [GEN 1]
BIRTHDAY: third of november
ZODIAC SIGN: scorpio
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him or they/them
SEXUALITY: bisexual

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]ALLIANCE & LOYALTY DETAILS:
— "leo" of the ascendants

main reference / voice reference
faceclaims toni mahfud.

ENTJ / true neutral / wood element / the rebel / the explorer / the athlete

purchased : water elementals
planned : n/a

[div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]AESTHETICS:
— listening with your eyes closed. the smell of damp earth. the smell of a storm, re-ran childhood cartoons. being the only one to laugh at a joke. quiet mumbling. forest green. hoarding. contentment after finishing a project. secret stares at someone you admire. cold hands. the unpredictable weather of spring. long wavy hair. playfully savage. always searching for something. rainstorms. nail-biting. staying in uncrowded cafés. falling asleep in working clothes. bare feet. quiet defiance. freshly fallen snow. tranquil solitude. burning incense. combat boots. ripped jeans. brown eyes. smell of pine trees. secrets whispered in the dark. freckled cheeks. exploring the backyard woods. collecting small useless things. forgetfulness. optimistic nihilism. faded photography. humming someone else’s favourite song. mysterious bruises. soft kisses interrupted by mumbles. muddy boots. camp fires. hiking in the forest. stargazing. plaid blankets. loose leaf tea. gardens and house plants. linen shirts and dirty overalls. an endless grey sky above. the wind pulling your scarf as you hurry to the warmth of home. crows watching from the trees. silvery clouds of your own breath as you speak. unfamiliar figures outside familiar places. silver moon on the ivory black sky. freckles. suntans in weird places. paint and dirt stains on everything. talking to animals. mood swings. tangible tension. the feeling you get when you know somethings going to happen. restlessness. long runs. messy paintings to clear the mind. dark satisfaction. creaky floorboards and the feeling of something haunted. a clock ticking too fast. running your hand along walls as you walk. burning showers. hand calluses you didn’t realize deepened. denying your reliance on someone. guitar picks. leather bracelets. messy hair. dimples. lazy days doing nothing. always forgetting what day it is. uncharacteristically good at reading people. overcoming surges of panic. uncomfortable unknowns. raised hairs. everything happening too quickly. thinking you’re safe and being wrong. haunting images. seeing shapes in the dark. being too overwhelmed to breath. eerie laughter. closing your eyes and hoping everything will go away. building panic in your chest. grabbing anything for support. apathetic decision making.

— tag [member=2765]MYLIU[/member] or use black when attempting to injure or attack.
— will not actively participate in threads that have already amassed a crowd.
— can't speak well, prefers to remain selectively mute.
— suffers from schizophrenia and schizophrenic episodes.

Re: as tave myliu [ storage ] - adomania - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]
Myliu is a strange case, a rather intellectual boy stuck in a position that had made it hard for him to learn anything other than how to survive. He is intelligent beyond belief, able to come up with quick time strategies and decide almost instantaneously what the best course of action is even if it is a hard decision to make. He learns quickly, and can understand others emotionally fairly well. The only problem is that often times, others look down at him as someone dumb or feral as a result of his limited vocabulary and his tendency to communicate in nothing other than sounds and body movements, as well as his habit to chew on things when stressed out.

Despite this, he is a rather tenacious spirit, and doesn't let these thoughts or statements deter him from what he does. Myliu has no plans of changing, finding words often unnecessary when it comes to conversation. It takes him a while to understand social cues as a result of his upbringing and the fact that often times he is too far in his own head to pay attention to how to act around others, but he is extremely intellectually adept in understanding everything else that is spoken to him.

Which brings up the point that Myliu is rather... inept at anything that has to do with socialization. He has no concept of being polite, and is extremely hostile to most interactions and small actions. He is apathetic to a fault to those he does not particularly care for, and can get easily irritated when someone does not understand what he is trying convey and forces him to use more words than he deems necessary. He hates having his own personal space invaded (although he is a hypocrite, often unable to determine other people's personal space and limits in turn) and will get physically aggressive at the smallest of provocations. He is loyal to a fault to those he trusts as well, often blindly following them to the ends of the earth simply because he doesn't have anyone else to follow. He is not submissive, although he is far from a leader by nature, but goes his own way and simply tolerates it if anyone decides to follow.

His beliefs are firmly invested in the theory of survival. Despite being able to grow up with a group that cared for him unlike others that didn't have the luck, the idea is still engraved into his mind due to the fact that it influenced him when he was at a very young, malleable age. He is often on edge, and never gives his trust out freely, even though as a young child he seemed to trust anyone who was kind to him. The older he grew the more his psychosis started to affect him, resulting in this behavior and issues with trust and aggression. Now, it is hard for him to form new relationships beyond those he has already established, and losing any relations he already has would be a devastating blow.

He has a very bleak outlook on life and death, and accepts both as reality equally. His emotions are rather shallow when it comes to either, and he does not mourn deeply for those who had passed, instead offers them respect and then goes on his way, expecting life to continue it's course. Being emotionally attached, as far as he sees it, is a weakness that can be easily exploited in the world, and as a result he keeps most of his emotions under lock and key.

Myliu is generally a very calm individual, at least on the surface, and it takes a lot for him to show any sort of emotion. His face is a mask even without the skull to hide his features, as it is hard for him to both feel and replicate emotions that are both positive and negative. That isn't to say he doesn't ever feel anything else, as it is also common for him to become anxious in certain situations (ex. with large crowds) and he is more than capable of feeling things such as happiness and sadness, just in small doses.

Despite that, the child carries with him a very strong sense of rage. His anger is a deeply rooted one, as his spirit is still livid over the past he had endured despite the fact that Myliu cannot remember it himself. He is extremely temperamental, and cannot be reasoned with easily given his inability to understand emotions and when someone is trying to help him or calm him down. It is not uncommon for Myliu to kill during these bouts of frustration and anger, as he is emotionally detached from the situation to the point of complete and utter, ruthless apathy.

It is often safer to have him chew his frustrations out before his anger amasses to points that can be dangerous. As a young child he can do little to kill someone, but as he grows older the more anger he possesses, the more of a threat he poses not only to others, but to himself.

personality traits, in depth ( wip )
— ( adaptable ) If there is one thing that Myliu is most known for, it is his ability to adapt to any given situation that he comes across. It is in his nature to be able to do anything he can to survive, and as a result he is malleable when it comes to situations. He is not one to complain about any given change in scenario, simply accepts it as his new reality and embraces it as so. He is cunning when it comes to this, as well, able to use whatever is at his disposal seemingly minutes after being introduced to him. To put it short, if someone kidnaps him, they better hope the room is completely empty... and even then they should pray he doesn't get out.
— ( alert ) Nothing can get by Myliu if he has anything to say about it. This is a result of a mix of things, one being the ever-present survival instinct that doesn't let him miss any detail, the other his mental disorder that also makes it quite difficult. Every detail about a scene is meticulously observed and noted for later, something that attributes to his high intelligence. He can spot something fishy going on from miles away without even trying, and always has ears and eyes open and on the lookout for anything that might endanger him or something he finds worthy of protection.
— ( clear-headed ) There is a clear difference between being clear-headed and calm, the latter of which Myliu is not. No, despite his almost constant state of paranoia, Myliu is highly capable of taking things as they are and remaining stable enough to think them through without a problem. No matter the situation, he can still find it in himself to think logically and coherently about problems and find solutions for them with almost no hitch.
— ( confident ) They say that being overconfident is the first step to being a fool, in which case Myliu is on a clear path heading towards that. Myliu never rethinks his decisions, going with his gut instinct with a confidence that is immeasurable and hard to replicate. Out in the wild, it was a sign of strength. There was never a time to second guess yourself, something that Myliu carried over with him and something that continues to stick with him throughout his life. He is tenacious in his decisions, executing them with a determined focus no matter what others tell him to do.
— ( independent )
— ( insouciant )
— ( intelligent )
— ( loyal )
— ( observant )
— ( practical )
— ( realistic )
— ( scrupulous )
— ( shrewd )

— ( aggressive )
— ( impassive )
— ( irreverent )
— ( noncommittal )
— ( reserved )
— ( skeptical )
— ( stolid )
— ( stubborn )

— ( abrasive )
— ( aloof )
— ( anxious )
— ( apathetic )
— ( blunt )
— ( cantankerous )
— ( demanding )
— ( distractible )
— ( hostile )
— ( impatient )
— ( impulsive )
— ( intolerant )
— ( irritable )
— ( neurotic )

Re: as tave myliu [ storage ] - adomania - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]
Myliu's schizophrenia

Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
— Delusions:
— Hallucinations: Most of the time, Myliu's hallucinations have to do with the dead and with fire. He claims that on occasion he can see spirits, who talk to him and talk him into doing things. Sometimes he doesn't listen to the spirits, although sometimes he chooses too, and once he gains the ability to actually see spirits, he will take the "safe" route and believe that all of the dead he sees are real, even if that isn't true. Likewise, he has hallucinations of things catching fire, although these seem to impact him far less than others seem to. He is oddly relaxed during the hallucinations of fire, and will simply remove himself from the location he thinks the fire is in.
— Catatonia: usually occurs at random, has no trigger, although it is often tied to certain hallucinations.

Disorganized Symptoms of Schizophrenia
— Talking in sentences that do not make sense or using nonsense words, making it difficult for the person to communicate or engage in conversation
— Shifting quickly from one thought to the next without obvious or logical connections between them
— Forgetting or losing things
— Repeating movements or gestures, such as pacing or walking in circles
— Having problems making sense of everyday sights, sounds, and feelings

Cognitive symptoms of Schizophrenia
— Poor executive functioning (the ability to understand information and to use it to make decisions)
— Trouble focusing or paying attention
— Lack of awareness of the cognitive symptoms

Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
— Lack of emotion or a very limited range of emotions
— Withdrawal from family, friends, and social activities
— Reduced speech
— Poor hygiene and grooming habits