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i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
He was tired and exhausted. Ichigo knew far too well that there was no time for rest. The oversized cougar needed to get stronger and hone his abilities. There were plenty of things for the older male that he needed to learn, and if there were other Shinigami in the area, it would make his job a whole lot easier to have someone to teach him the correct way to do this. His powers had shifted and changed, and whether that was because his powers were different than they were before, the wildcat wasn't quite sure and didn't really have anyone to communicate with his concerns. The older male was used to having plenty of power to protect himself, and he still did. He had every elemental power at his disposal, but he could only use certain ones for specific tasks depending on what form he was in. He couldn't just use all of his powers at once, and besides, he only had a necessary amount of energy he could use in order to keep those powers up. His powers always seemed to malfunction or hurt him in some manner. There was no point in him trying to exhaust himself or use too much energy in one attack to leave himself vulnerable. Although, when it came to fighting there were instances where he would just jump in without much of a plan thanks to his hot-headedness when it came to fighting. But he was a fighter. He always had been and would probably die fighting at the end of his years. There was no peaceful death for him at the end of everything. There was one form that he was still working on, he could easily achieve it now if he wanted to, but it took time to actually release the power to it. Ichigo didn't believe he would have to use the form anytime soon, but it wouldn't hurt if he got himself into a terrible situation.

It wasn't hard for him to see that the ghosts seemed to have lowered in numbers, and that made it worse for the fact he didn't know why they suddenly disappeared. He hadn't sensed other Shinigami like himself in the area so they couldn't have taken care of the ghosts either. His fear was that it would be an outbreak of Hollows in the next couple of days. He hoped it wouldn't come to that. The oversized cougar, as usual, was staying away from the ocean as much as possible. The only time he was even on the boardwalk itself was when he needed food or if there was a meeting nearby. No other reason. His memories depicted his actions every single day, and despite how he was trying to abandon his past he only got so far before it came creeping back up his throat. The wildcat was huffing with the large blade that was in his mouth standing in front of a sturdy tree. He knew that there had been a point where he could cut a tree in half, but here it seemed like it was just a little bit different. His bi-colored eyes narrowed at the tree that had several marks across the front of it, showing where he had cut the tree with his blade. He could use his blade almost like an ax to cut down the tree with the help of his powers as well, but again that would take time. It was obvious that the Shinigami had been training, his muscles straining with the extra work. He hadn't been taking care of himself the past week, but it was a normal business for Ichigo not to really care in the end. Ichigo reared up slightly on his back paws as he brought the blade down with his momentum against the trunk of the tree. The sound of splintering wood echoed around the area. He removed the sword from the wound he had created on the tree and took a step back. His left leg seemed to shudder slightly, and one might notice that over the past week, Ichigo had been injured slightly. Bandages wrapped around his left leg and gauze was placed onto his left shoulder.

Re: TIMES YOUR WORST ENEMY | OPEN - venus - 11-04-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

albeit venus was a quote on quote "fairly normal" person - one with no extraordinary powers capable of wielding elements or bending the laws of nature to their own whims - something about the inability to never stop honing your skills was something of a familiar feeling. like an addiction, venus would never get old of that grandiose feeling of accomplishment whenever they discovered something new, or finished a long and arduous book. always it was on to the next hypothesis, the next questions to answer, the next book to conquer with little to no time for breaks in between because they were futile. they were only wasting the time that could be better spent doing something worth value. something for a self-professed intelligent being, seemed rather basically dumb and led to a lot of micro sleeps and fainting spells on to their desk's hard surface. the numerous sores hidden underneath thick locks of silver hair covered proved this idiocy.

taking not a break, but the time to let paper chromatography work, the silvery-toned vulpine let their mind and gaze wander. idle thoughts of various and mildly interesting things that other haveners could be doing play on venus' mind, wondering if the teen could meddle with some of the group-members. science was fun, but incredibly boring sometimes too.

watching on as the sight of a fairly large cougar and his ever larger sword came into view, the solbinder recognised the man as ichigo. an odd joiner, with a blade so much larger than venus themselves. "seems like an interesting way to chop a tree, but i don't doubt your skills for a single moment lumberjack ichi." musing on the humour in watching such an awkwardly un-axe-like sword mercilessly chop through trees painfully slowly, venus chuckled under their breath. as they watched on, venus knew there was some sort of law to the act that could determine the strength of which ichigo should be exerting, but physics never excited venus too much. the teen would simple watch on in awe of the display of strength. "are you collecting wood for the group?  i despise the cold. how sweet!" chuckling louder, venus let a bemused smile come to their face and their optics disappear into the eye smiles along their expression.


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
There had been a point sometime in Ichigo's life where he had wanted to be normal. Forget all the things that he had once known. Forget about the dangers that he would have to end up facing every single day. One time in his life he had managed to become normal for around a year. It was during that time, he nearly went completely insane. He still had all the memories of the creatures and spirits that lurked in the shadows and that he wouldn't be able to see unless he didn't have his powers. He knew that without his powers, the enemies that he had made over the years would completely destroy him in a moments notice. Because of not having his powers for such a long time and being a regular mortal, he became increasingly paranoid about every noise that he heard. Ichigo had a feeling that there was something constantly watching him, and the images that constantly reflected itself in his mind also didn't help. Seeing those that he believed to be dead suddenly come back to life again. He tried to convince himself that those that were killed stayed dead and that there was no way of bringing them back again. It made sense after all. It had happened when he became a clan leader again and he dealt with a friend that he had seen die a long time ago. Of course, he didn't know exactly what his best friend had been at the time, but he had been awoken from his den when he heard a noise from the place where they stashed their food.

Despite having been recovering from injuries at that time, the Shinigami confronted who was stealing food, only to see a familiar face. His face had turned into a mixture of a hybrid between a leopard and a seal, and it certainly was a shock. Ichigo didn't have rational thinking anymore, as he fell to the ground clutching his head, saying that it wasn't real and that his friend was dead. It was common for Ichigo to have such episodes, but since he arrived here, the wildcat had yet to have one, and he planned on keeping it that way if he could help it. The powerful Shinigami was a lot easier to break than what other people thought. Just because he looked strong didn't mean he didn't have any weaknesses, he just pretended that they weren't there if he could help it. The Japanese swordsman heard paws that were making their way toward him, causing him to turn his head to see a slightly familiar figure. They had been there when he had joined, but other than that Ichigo had no idea who they were. He could probably figure it out later as he was around doing mostly his own stuff than interacting with those that were in the clan anyway. Ichigo tilted his head to the side so that he could stab the blade into the ground instead of sheathing it back onto his back. He wanted a little bit more practice, but he also doubted that there would be anyone around to spar with him with his sword anyway. Ichigo couldn't help but roll his eyes at the other's comment as he sat himself down, ignoring the stretching of the wounds that were slowly healing.

"I'm not chopping down a tree. I'm practicing my swings and building up more muscle in my neck, its common to do. Although..... it probably isn't common here." Ichigo's realization of his words seem to let his words drag on almost in embarrassment. He was so used to living in a clan that he had led for years that others were known to have blades like him. He had to continue to remind himself that every place was different. The Shinigami didn't seem to mind the nickname that was being used, as he was used to younger and close friends using the nickname toward him. It was better than being called Mr. Kurosaki as he hated being addressed formally. Ichigo would look back at the blade that was in the ground and use his paws to brush away some wood fragments that were here. While he did so, he took the time to ask a question himself. "Also, what in the world is a lumberjack anyway?" The Shinigami said with a huff, never hearing the term before used since he had been around the clans. Once the wood fragments were gone, Ichigo would sit up again, and listen to the other say cutting wood could be useful, causing him to shake his head. "Do you guys use wood to make fires or something? If its really that necessary I can collect some wood." Ichigo said with a shrug of his shoulders. His species was perfect for the cold and he barely ever felt it. He hated the heat more than the cold. Which was ironic as the elemental that he was the most skilled with was his own fire elementals. "Oh yeah, what is your name by the way? I never caught it." The armored male questioned as he raised one of his black and tawny paws to adjust the black and leather armor that covered the majority of his back.