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MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - Printable Version

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MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - rhosmari - 11-03-2018

Ah, it was that time again or perhaps she was just rushing it. Either way she figured and thought that it would be nice to go and visit the Typhoon today. The weather in Sunhaven was slowly turning rather harshly cold and she had to wonder and worry about what that could mean for future storms. But for now she had to only worry about getting this nonsensical and rather giant basket over to their front gate without getting it wet. She knew that she should have settled on something smaller but she had so much she could give that she couldn’t choose between any of the stuff so she just packed all of it into a large basket. The hellbeast moved with a huff leaning partly open jaws that clutched the handle of the basket between large sharp teeth. Her ears were pulled forward as she sloshed though the high tide waters head lifted up a hit too high and frankly she could barely see where she was going. Her left paw clanked again a railing that caused to stumble and her basket scrapped the ground, dropping a few packets of hot chocolate and and some bags of marshmallows onto the ground. ”Ah hell....” She huffed before she dropped the basket near the gate and moved to gather up the sodden packets of hot chocolate. Well those were ruined but at least the marshmallows were okay.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - Grey - 11-03-2018

How unfortunate it was that Bakugou, once again, was first to notice the arriving form of an ally. The experience of seeing them all so often was exhausting him. The pirates that inhabited their island was enough but, alas, their world was not as small as he wished it was. A hellbeast was not difficult to miss, sanguine eyes immediately locking onto the moving form as her figure began to clear, blurry lines sharpening as she got closer. He noticed the large basket before realising that this fem was the Sunhavener who had attended their feast, charismatic in nature with the way she so calmly interacted with their Captain. He hoped she wasn't trying to seduce him, he didn't want any distractions plaguing The Typhoon, but he supposes that the island didn't need to be so dependable on the sea god. He himself was in a position of power to make some level of decisions, ears flicking when his walking begins to animate and Bakugou lifts his pace to arrive. To be honest, he still felt like a child. He still looked at alcohol and told himself he wasn't at an age to drink, but maybe it was also because he was afraid he would get addicted. It would be like the time his teleportation was first manifesting, the pain his cells and fibres felt, the overdosing of painkillers.

The Reaver hisses slightly when he remembers the feeling, reminding himself to pay attention to what was ahead of him. It was hard not to think about the past. Memories had a way of creeping up to him, clouding his vision because they were so obtrusive, interrupting his day to day business. They plagued him and he felt unprotected, unsure how to stop himself from being so vulnerable. There was, in fact, no armour that could withhold the disturbances that lingered. A smoky breath escapes him, paws halting and looking at the woman. His sanguine eyes immediately drift towards the sweets she carried, the massive basket that had such a collection of gifts. He wonders if this was what their own envoys did, arriving with all the trash they wouldn't miss, passing them onto others. "M...Mar-Merr-Ma...arge.." he stumbles over sounds, clearly growing agitated because he had already forgotten the fem's name. It should have been an honour for The Typhoon to be visited by Sunhaven's leader, the time she had given to them, but he saw it as an opportunity to make a further fool of himself. "I'm not good with names." He was never against being honest. In fact, he liked being genuine. Lying wasn't something he was fond of witnessing, let alone doing.

Sunhaven was making a good impression of themselves, though he admits that he's rather hesitant of interacting with them. The only reason he had started to warm up to the merchants was because of the one who shared in his distaste of the raptors that populated The Typhoon. F-Fuckingham, was it? He couldn't remember, memory hazy because he didn't pay much attention to his allies when in reality, politics should have been important to him. "I'm, uh, Bakugou," the male then says, not particularly caring if the woman remembered it or not. After all, Bakugou couldn't even remember hers, why should he expect her to do the same? He finally notices the spoiled packets of hot chocolate, not quite feeling the grief because he didn't like sweets. He didn't pity her hard work being wasted but was more or less confused with why she was putting so much effort. Then again, it was Sunhaven. They had been trying to ally with them for three leaderships straight, of course they would take the opportunity to ensure it were a permanent change. "You didn't have to bring so much for us." Ah well, he's sure someone would be overjoyed. He's anticipating a pirate to come up to him and thank Marina for him, thank her because Bakugou was too awkward to have manners. It simply wasn't natural for him to be polite. He didn't even think of asking her how her journey was, or even asking if Sunhaven was fine.

Re: MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - rhosmari - 11-04-2018

Her mind was worrying rather hard on how to save the packets of hot chocolate but she had a feeling it would be impossible. Once the powder got wet on the inside it was just a chocolate sludge mess and was rather unusuable. So much for that warm welcoming. She was about to drop the packets and be done when the sound of foot falls alerted her to someone approaching and the hellbeast turned her vivid green eyes in that direction to witness a domestic feline coming toward her. Her head titled to the side and she narrowed her gaze for a moment as she studied him because she knew she knew him from somewhere. But she didn't get to say anything as he began to stumble her remembering her name. Oddly enough she thought it was cute and she couldn't help the smile that fluttered across her muzzle as she waited to see if he would get it correct, a gentle laugh leaving her throat. Well, she couldn't say she was any better and didn't fault him for not being good with names even as he apologized for it. "Not a problem, lad. If ya need tae call me anything then just call me Mar. Short and tae the point ya?" Her voice sounded humored enough but not at his expense as she looked back down to the packets of sodden hot chocolate. Well, it wasn't like it was going to be miss and so she just dropped them there, going to take them home later to actually dispose of them later on.

"Ya, I know who ya are. Ya was the one that was there when the raptors attacked and ya kept them off of us tae an extent. I thank ya for it. Disgusting things." But the past was in the past and now she had no issues with murdering the feral beast should they make a move toward her again. But when he spoke of her not having to bring them so much she begged to differ considering the circumstances. "It's no problem. I spend a good time making ya these seaglass necklaces. Ah, I tired tae personalize 'em but I don't know a lot of ya. But ya guys can take any color ya want save for the blue and gold colored one. I also brought ya some fresh fruit since the cold season is coming in and killing most of the wild fruits we got."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - Luciferr - 11-04-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Mh, the cold snap's indeed starting to make itself known" it was a tad chiller than there tropical island usually was, though largely for them it wouldn't get so harsh until well into the months most likely - and just in time for another seasonal event.

ah, this reminded him, he'd have to go gift gathering hm.

the dragon inclines his head to Marina and Bakugou - he's still pleased that the ill tempered youth made it back okay from his training, he had worried he might have ran afoul of something, though largely whatever it was might want to fear the fire orientated typhooner more than he fear it, alas, he can't help how he worries.

"mhm, owen's got his gang more under control or so he has said" he doubts it if only because the feral beasts are unpredictable at best, Luci's own raptors often try it - though mostly stealing food and shiny things - but they have yet to mindlessly attack anyone,

or anyone that hasn't insulted them or attacked them first anyway, hm.

he eyes the seaglass necklaces with interest "These are quite beautiful" hes not sure if any would fit this form - unless he got into wrapping them around his horns like ornate jewellery, hm.

he tilts his head to Marina "I'm sure if food stocks of fruits and the like dwindle too quickly, we can make sure to help you out - given the cold doesn't hit us here as hard until well into the wintertime" he clicks his claws together idly "Everything well in your town? the ascendants aren't being troublesome are they?" last he heard they were proving quite the troublesome lot.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - FELIKS - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]He'd always been guarded when thinking about the other groups. Migrating frequently between borders had given him a solid opinion of the workings of a few groups, yet the only interaction he'd been able to have with Sunhaven was with a high and mighty ex-leader. They'd been desperate for the Typhoon's loving embrace, perhaps they still were judging by the amount of visitors they'd had from the clan recently, the group was lucky that those of a higher position than him caved in to their requests. Had him or Bakagou's opinions been worth more to the pirates, this conversation wouldn't be taking place. The gryphon approached, ear tufts flickering as the tail end of the talks hit him. Shit talking of the dinosaurs, some seaglass necklaces among the plethora of gifts, at least the Striker hadn't arrived to hear anything too out of the ordinary.

Feliks came to a standstill next to Lucifer, unable to help the way his talons dug into the ground at the talks of handing over fruits just like that. Caught socialising in a bad mood, the Striker did nothing more to greet the other than give a nod of his feathered head, gaze judgmental as he thought about various things on his mind unrelated to Sunhaven. "Who's the blue and gold one for then?" he asked absently, and though distracted by other matters the gryphon was slightly curious regardless.

Re: MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - bubblegum - 11-05-2018

Re: MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - OWEN. - 11-05-2018

"Most of my girls went off on a trip, so you won't be seeing them too often. Masie should be around here somewhere, though." Owen mumbled as he walked over, a lazy expression on his face as he approached. He didn't like Marina, he didn't like Bucky, and the girl he killed was proof of such. The girl was weak- a child, she had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. It haunted Owen in his dreams to this day, the girl had appeared in the form of a much larger serpentine creature, it sent shivers down his spine everytime he thought of his nightmares.

Sitting down beside Luciferus, Owen stared at the woman blankly for a few moments before relaxing his tense shoulders, rolling them to pop and crack the joints. The german shepherd seemed to never speak to the girl in particular, he didn't feel like starting shit right now. "I apologize for the mess myself and my raptors had created at the borders that day, and.. The mess on your territory. I was overcome with emotions, my head wasn't right. It shouldn't happen again." Owen spoke calmly, amber eyes sincere for once in his miserable life. For once, Owen wasn't planning on starting shit with Sunhaven. They had similar enemies, after all.


Re: MOVES LIKE THAT - open; Sunhaven visit - Grey - 11-06-2018

Her smile didn't make his struggle any better. It was frustrating enough trying to be social. It was out of his comfort zone, difficult because he often caused more problems than he needed. In many cases, it was better to withdraw from these kinds of conversations, withdraw before he accidentally ignites a feud. His ears drop sheepishly at her laugh. Normally he would have snapped at her, growled at the hellhound for belittling him with the chuckle, but he had fucked up her name and he wasn't planning on starting an argument. He wouldn't want a second scolding from the Captain for his second time insulting a Sunhaven leader. "Right," he replies to her suggestion. Mar. To be honest, it sounded a little like he would be calling her his mother, 'ma' but with a slight emphasis on the sound of the letter 'a'. He didn't really like to think of his parents. Usually they weren't on his mind, they were merely his caregivers. And yet it was his mother who could really make him tremble, shudder because as much as he yelled at her back, she always seemed to be just as violent in return. If anyone knew how to truly put Bakugou back in his case, it had to be his mother.

When the leader mentioned she knew who he was, Bakugou grimaced a little. He wondered if the stories had been passed on, imagining that bone merchant returning to their borders bitching about a tabby ragdoll who, more or less, had called her pathetic. It would be petty to imagine the former leader Quantum doing things to such extremes but the Reaver didn't trust her after she threw all her alliances under the bus, spitting on their reputations and calling them weak for the sake of gaining The Typhoon's favour. He never liked the idea of licking another's paws so it definitely rubbed him the wrong way when the tigress had tried to do it to them. But, to his surprise, the merchant says something else. She mentions the raptors. Normally any talk of the raptors would cause Bakugou to go berserk, hating them to an extreme. But, once again, Sunhaven seemed to share the same views as him, disliking the feral beasts for their very nature. Bakugou grins: "You're welcome. Glad we have the same views." The conversation felt to be going smoothly.

Then the focus of the conversation shifted back to the gifts, the soggy packets and the glint of jewellery. Well, he would have only noticed the reflective glare of seaglass after Marina had mentioned them. The sweet smell of fruits was a refreshing touch until he realised there were actual fruits sitting in her basket. His sanguine eyes catch the refraction of an orange necklace, deciding to take it considering it would be a waste if the gifts were ignored. "Uh"— thank you, just say thank you. All he had to do was be polite, thank her for her time and care. She was doing so well with their alliance. "Nevermind." He had let his voice hang for so long that it didn't feel right to be able to finally muster the courage and express gratitude, the words themselves felt so foreign when leaving his sharp tongue. Normally, the only words that would slip, would be poisons accompanied by embers. His gaze wanders back to the ground, ears flicking in Luciferus' direction. From the smell of it, the more charismatic pirates of The Typhoon were appearing. They could take it all from here, let him slip out of the conversation and pretend he hadn't been there from the start. Sometimes it made him almost jealous because it felt as if, from the start of time, he had been placed into a mold to be this way. Never well liked by others.

Goldenluxury's deduction made sense to Bakugou. He noticed the way the Sunhaven leader spoke to their Captain, the mischief that danced upon her gaze, the possible sense of passion behind her. The Reaver had seen it during their feast but thought little about it. Again and again his mind brought him back to that image. He might not seem to make much comment on the world around him but he certainly took a lot of time to reflect. He still doesn't choose to say anything about the affair, cocking a figurative brow at Owen's sudden change of character. His whiskers twitch in agitation, listening to the way the male acted all soppy and regretful of his actions. "It won't happen again," he corrects the raptor trainer, lip peeled back in a snarl. "If you're trying to pretend to be all sincere and shit, at least think over your words." For some reason, even though Owen truly felt a deep resonating guilt for his past crimes, Bakugou refused to buy it. He didn't believe others could just change for the better. It wasn't possible. He didn't want to believe it was possible. If it was, why did he feel so stuck? Why was he still the same?

Bakugou sighs, smoke dissipating from his maw as if he were an old train releasing steam. The way the black fog curled in the air was almost reminiscent of the swarming, uncomfortable thoughts within his mind, pattered with blackened specks. "Are you looking to stay a while?" he asks Marina, looking at the fem again. He may as well ask considering everyone was so distracted by the glassware and the raptors. "We take in a shit-tonne of loner visitors so it'd be stupid if we didn't let allies stay." It was his own way of being able to thank the woman for her efforts in The Typhoon. He might not be able to say it but he was more of an 'actions speak louder than words' kind of guy anyway. "Oh, that being said, does Sunhaven do visitors?" He doesn't really know the politics of the merchant group very well but he was curious on the idea of staying around for a day or two, just to see what their lives were like.