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underneath the hot sun / return - Printable Version

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underneath the hot sun / return - Grey - 11-03-2018

It wasn't an impulse decision to leave for training. He knew The Typhoon was weakening him. He was letting himself become soft, vulnerable to the emotions of others. His independence had always hardened him. He just wanted to feel like himself again: calculating, rude, ambitious. It was strange to think that he enjoyed being the bully but it made him feel unstoppable and powerful, it made him feel as if nothing could get to him. When Bakugou had left, the first thing he did was find a volcano. It was a weird decision, as if he were planning on throwing himself into it, but he was determined to master his abilities. Using both earth and fire tired him out but he came to a realisation that lava required the total control of both. He wasn't too stressed about training his body. He was well toned and defined from his usual activities around The Typhoon. The Reaver was confident in his raw strength, the speed that fluttered through his pelt the moment he launched from the toes of his paws. It was his powers he was concerned about. He was always going beyond his limit, always finding himself sickened by the nauseous pain that circled his body. Hurling the contents of his stomach was something he knew too well.

The molten rock proved difficult for him to control at first. He found that he was able to only barely manipulate earth and fire separately but when it came to the two elements merged together, it was a completely different mindset that he required. He was used to fire being an intangible body, earth as grainy particles that formed something hard, but to work with something near liquid proved to be challenging. It made him wonder if that was what it felt like to manipulate water, wonder if mastering air would be easy if the earth ever gave him the chance, wonder how it felt to wield lightning. It was easy to push such thoughts away, focusing on his strength, allowing the sensations to spread through his muscles as his eyes focused on the lava. Words didn't have to exist, only instinct. Simply moving the molten rock was a challenge for his own endurance. Often he found himself already at his limit for merely raising a collected bowl but over the days he worked on his stamina, eventually able to master some degree of it. As attractive as it sounded, he knows he wouldn't be able to control the flow of a volcano no matter how hard he tried. It would be impossible.

The ragdoll, despite his tendency to prefer going solo, didn't plan on being gone for too long. He doesn't want to let another tragedy settle in The Typhoon, another issue arise when he could have been there to stop it. Once again, he found himself walking. He felt satisfied with his days of training, the full concentration and time he had to focus only on himself. It felt refreshing when he arrived to The Typhoon, not bothering to wait at the border because he hadn't been gone for long. He was about to walk into the Bay, raise his head and tell everyone that he was back but found himself immediately withdrawing himself, instead deciding to sit down and watch pirates walk past. So far it seems like no one had even noticed he was gone so why should he bother announcing his return?

Re: underneath the hot sun / return - ARGUS - 11-04-2018


Argus was not new to the clan, she knew it's customs and how it feared with other clans- knew this place inside and out and even still, she had a trouble with the people there. There was a seemingly tragic air that was not there when she left, as if the sea had come calling for it's prisoner once again and they were left leaderless. It was not the elder roux that argus had worried about, even if she hadn't seen much of him- it was rather the younger ones. It was the fact that people were missing and she had little clue which one's left of their own violations or died or- captured.

Argus was accustomed to war, enough to feel that one was brewing on the horizon. But unlike bakugo- she did not worry about the time- this clan softening her. She knew it did, and she was perfectly fine with it. She did not have power very fire, or electricity or some other flashy thing- she had the ability to walk into the mind and break it with a twist. Her ability to do so weaned with how good of a mood she was in, and the cravings to do so where constant- but easier to ignore when busy- when happy. Her powers came in tandem with her mood, and how closely in tadem she was with herself- wither her own mind was raging a battle of wills over what to do, to steps shy of killing the next person in her sight, when all ten of her eyes were narrowed and her body shook with a rage- that was when her powers were at their peek. And in comparison, she preferred the kindness, the soft smiles and the warmth the son brought beside the chill that was settling into the air.

Argus knew her own departure had little to do with her wavering mood and a lot more to do with a bundle of things. Sometimes you just need to let the anger out- give yourself time to let the impulses control you- let your instincts control you, and let the overpowered surge of breaking someone else. During the months- because it had been months she was away- that she was gone, she let her instincts run, let her power run free- and now it was less of thunder racing in her veins and more a small pull on the back of her mind. She left not because she had to-, but because it would be easier to manage when she came back. She did not expect these new faces, did not expect to see these kinds of chages and she did not like them.

But that was beside the point, under the guise of a mellow day argus let her emotions bottle as she served the group. The white dragon's face unrecognizable to their once smaller form, but their mannerisms were all the same. Pick apart the one that seemed interesting outside of the crowd, and that was the explosive little rag doll that she had yet to meet- new despite the careful way he held himself- a position of power- one of Pincher's trustees.

She was all grace in her new form, despite the young age of it. Large talons slicing through the sand with each step as the dragon stepped closer, ten eyes focused on his form as a low rumbling hum broke out from the ex-quartermaster's throat. A small announcement to her presence, and a chance to run if they didn't want this conversation. Wan't she considerate? "Hmm, your new, as new as me but still new to the clan. At least- i don't remember you..." Cryptic to a fault, she smiled knowingly, the barest fraction of it seen under the plate armor along her face, only small pricks of teeth growing- canines too large to fit cleanly into her maw. "Name's argus, who are you?"
[glow=#212121,2,300]She's unstable![/glow]

Re: underneath the hot sun / return - Luciferr - 11-04-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Bakugou" the black dragon answers for her, tilting his crown to his pale daughter.

he's fond of the often outspoken ragdoll - and can at least say that the spitfire has more valid opinions in his brashness than Cesar does in his callous demeanour, for all the dream demon likes to be, lucifer finds it tiresome to deal with.

much like Argus, he's well aware how this clan softens his edges - how mortals and kindred often have - they soften, but they never dull, for all that he holds himself to a tamer degree, he holds no such leash against those he deems unworthy of the privileged of being - the pit of worthless dregs that like to think themselves masters are one such stain he'd like to burn out of existence.

so he is relieved to see the ragdoll and that his training must have proved fruitfall - and that nothing befell him, though he thinks that anyone who tried might get surprised, still, he worries for his mortal kin and friends, he always does.

"Welcome back - how did your training go?"

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: underneath the hot sun / return - OWEN. - 11-05-2018

"'I hope it went well. He looks like hell." Owen's voice rang out as he walked over to stand beside Lucifer, nudging the dragon with his side. He was happy to be back in his shepherd body, but the sheer size of Luciferus was still odd to see, even if he did know him beforehand.

Turning his head to greet Bakugou, Owen dipped his head to the male, a shit-eating grin taking up his face. "Welcome back, Blasty."



Re: underneath the hot sun / return - Grey - 11-10-2018

He had never met Argus, never known of her presence in The Typhoon, but she had been around when Bakugou first joined. A Quartermaster he never knew about, vanishing with the tides of the sea. Unlike the dragon, he was unaccustomed to war but, at the same time, he knew battle as if it were his very being. He knew the sensation of combat, the feeling of flying when he launches himself with his flames, the thrill of free-falling and picking himself back up. The wind that would rush through his fur, the adrenaline that screamed along his bloodstream, the velocity he would bring himself to. Training brought back those memories of his human life, how his own hands were like grenades, exploding at ground zero. The exhilaration, the knowledge that he was powerful. Back then, it didn't matter if no one liked him. He could save himself from just about any situation, he could fight just about any battle. He was ready to go up against the whole world if he needed to. He was fighting the whole world. The universe was against him but he knew that fighting was all he had and all he was willing to do. There was an excitement in being alive but in this world, that very excitement, his old ambitions, they had all died out.

In this world, fire was his very being. It was part of his spirit, rolling and consuming everything in his path, feeding on his emotions. His own body temperature depended on the rage he felt. Without anger, his fire was nothing, cold and almost non-existent that he felt as if he could freeze to death. But then came another element, his earth elementals that came with the calculating cold, the desire to protect and have foundations. It was strange how his own abilities linked in with his emotions but, without him knowing, it was a case of Bakugou not truly understanding the nature of his abilities. His fire didn't come from anger, it came from passion and will-power, but for now he was too stubborn to understand. He only knew the familiar feeling of fury, the anger that could engulf the world around him. The good thing was that anger was so familiar to him that he was often still able to cope well beneath all the fiery rage, still capable of calculating his odds unless it reached a point that he saw only red.

He didn't expect to see the alabaster form of a dragon, opposite to that of Luciferus but still large and monstrous in comparison. He winces at the sound of sinking talons, hearing her voice. New, she called him. The fact that she said she didn't remember him sounded either as if she had joined the day he left (which was a week ago) or she was a returner, about to mention to Argus that he had only been gone for a week in an undignified manner until another dragon appeared. This place was filled with raptors and dragons. How was Bakugou supposed to feel safe with the potential of being mauled or squashed? The male huffs to Luciferus. "So you read the note I left," the male comments, slightly surprised before raising a figurative brow towards Owen. Like hell? Hmph. While he saw that the male was now a german shepherd, he still thought the other to be obnoxious. Luckily, he wasn't frustrating him this time, simply rolling his eyes and scoffing when the raptor trainer called him 'Blasty'.

He returns his attention to Argus: "You a returnin' member or somethin'?"