Beasts of Beyond
Cold like winds on the sea // open+joining // will you ever return to me - Printable Version

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Cold like winds on the sea // open+joining // will you ever return to me - vellichor - 04-17-2018

Night had come upon the island. Tonight was like any other for the woman. She was drifting, not in control of where she went or wherever she would land. What did it matter anymore? She could still remember that night and the many terrible, lonely nights that followed it. After months and months came, she had succumbed to grief. She tried so hard to hide it for so long but after that it was only a matter of time before the doctor recommended she be put away in the country, with the rest of the people like her.

"Mary! Mary, wait!"
"Maisie! You shouldn't be here, they could-" Before the other woman could finish, Maisie wrapped her in a tight hug. How she wished she'd held on longer. Then she took the small knife she held in her bag and, as she pulled away, pressed it into the pirate's hand.
"If anyone tries to take you-"
"Maisie, you don-"
"Please take it, Mary. Promise me you'll come back. Please promise me." She could still remember the way that tears had stung her eyes.
"It's only a few months, I promise. I'll see you soon." The pair shared one more hug before she watched Mary board that wretched ship. Why hadn't she stayed? She'd begged her to stay.

Then worse memories came. Ones of Bedlam. She could remember the chains that bound her arms, the way they dragged behind her, when she'd be stuck in that horrible cradle, how they would tell her she'd be better in a few weeks even though she didn't feel sick. She just felt sad. No, more than that. She felt alone. She still felt that way. Did that mean she was still sick? By the end, she'd screamed for Mary. At first, she'd been afraid to share her affections, afraid they'd punish her even worse for such thoughts. By the time she was broken enough to dare to even whisper Mary's name, they were convinced the pirate was a figment of her imagination, made as a way to cope with the horrors of Bedlam. There were some days she believed them.

She was pulled from these terrible thoughts when she felt a pull on her spirit. She would be landing soon. She wasn't sure where she was or how she appeared (she'd held many different forms though the years) but mist swirled around her, as it always did. She could smell the slat in the air and the lapping of waves against the dark shore. There was even a ship in the distance. She moved through the mist, taking deep breaths of the air until her paws arrived on the water. As she moved, the mist moved with her, seeming to spread upon the water beneath her paws. "Mary..."

and cruel was the ship that bore my love from me━

Re: Cold like winds on the sea // open+joining // will you ever return to me - lilyspoise - 04-17-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lilyspoise had seen... a lot of supernatural things within her life. She herself was formerly tri-souled, and when she was joining she had seen a dragon. One of her faux-mothers had vampiristic qualities, and the other had reincarnated as both a bear, and a completely different person. She and an old friend -- Midori was her name -- had brawled in the name of spirits puppeteer-ing them, and she herself had memories from past lives she had been reincarnated from. So she'd seen enough that when she saw a small sand cat walking among water -- followed by mist nonetheless -- she was confused, yes, but not intimidated. In fact, she found the other kinda ethereal, and honestly, kinda cute.

Approaching the sand cat, Lil tried to make noise in her motions as to not startle the other, and once she was close enough, she heard the single word the other said.
"Is that your name? Mary?" The creme tabby inquired, trying to get this stranger's attention. "If not, may I have your name and business?" Perhaps the other was a lost soul, or simply a weary traveler looking for a place to stay for a while. Either way, Lilyspoise considered herself a healer, and the other seemed distressed, so it was in her natural instincts to want to help this lost soul. Yes, admittedly, it could be a trap of some sort, but Lil wasn't letting her guard down completely. She wasn't stupid, but she wasn't going to back down at the slightest idea of danger, either. She could hold her own if she needed to, but hopefully she wouldn't have to.

Re: Cold like winds on the sea // open+joining // will you ever return to me - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

Hymn of Ruin
go go Bermuda parent trifecta

A dark shadow morphed into being following Lilypoise as the other greeted the misty stranger upon their borders - for lucifer did take to shadowing anyone and everyone in these times, playing the part of silent and intimidating watcher when approaching strangers upon the border - the threat apparent in his form to make those of ill intent second guess themselves.

But this was no enemy clan and so far had not shown any sign of aggression, if anything she seemed to either be confused or looking for someone - given how the name was spoken he didn't believe it to be her own.

Lucifer remained silent however as he approached and stood silent behind the small white feline newest among them - lily had asked the relevant questions, he need not open his mouth yet - though he was interested, a spirit this one seemed to be, idly it brought reminders of the spirits in their enemy clan - tanglewood.


Re: Cold like winds on the sea // open+joining // will you ever return to me - vellichor - 04-17-2018

The woman heard the strangers long before she would turn to gaze at them. Her piercing blue gaze drifted between the two being in interest. She didn't seem to be frightened by either of them and certainly didn't seem to understand she was on someone's land. Her eyes first landed on the girl who greeted her and she shook her head softly. "No, my name's not Mary." The answer was simple and quiet. When asked for her true name and the reason of her appearing here, she hesitated. "I'm looking for her. Mary. Her name was- is Mary Read. I don't know what she'd look or sound like here. I know I've changed so many times I don't know that I'd even recognize myself anymore." That answered the business question. "My name is Maisie Perdita." And there was her name. The woman fell silent, looking back over the ocean, her gaze softening as she looked over it. It was infuriating, the grief and comfort the sound of those waves brought her. The salt in air reminded her of that horrible night when she'd been left alone. That'd been just months before she was dragged to Bedlam. Would Mary had left if she knew what would happen? Maisie knew the answer to that question, even if she didn't want to. People like Mary weren't meant to be tied down. She knew that from the moment they started their... friendship. "Where am I? What ocean or sea is this?" She looked back towards the two strangers as she asked those questions.
and cruel was the ship that bore my love from me━

Re: Cold like winds on the sea // open+joining // will you ever return to me - lilyspoise - 04-18-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Mary, hmm? Well, the name was unfamiliar to Lil, but to be fair, Lil was also fairly new to the group. She didn't know many people in this group, or really anyone at all in this world. The people she'd considered close were either dead or gone, having abandoned her or simply being separated by fate. Lil herself had been searching for people close to her, but had recently given up that search. She hadn't found her mothers, and the likelihood that her mothers had either settled down somewhere or given up their own search was too high for her to continue on. She'd lost mothers in the past, she'd lost people close to her, and she'd been consumed by loneliness, but she'd conquered it then and she would conquer it again. She had no other choice.

"This group is called The Typhoon. I'm unsure if there is a Mary Read in our residence, but I'm fairly new here, so it's best to ask a more experienced member." Lil explained, glancing behind her at Lucifer in a silent inquiry to whether or not he recognized the name. "Will you be seeking shelter here?"