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FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Printable Version

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FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - PINCHER - 11-02-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Despite the Typhoon living in the warmest areas of biomes, the humid tropics, Pincher felt the icy shattering cold in the early rise of morning. He stepped out, his sleek muscles tensing beneath his short ash gray pelt as he wondered when the fuck did it get cold. With the ocean spray wind, it didn't help and Pincher's vibrant electric blue eyes narrowed as he exhaled, watching his warm breath become a faint cloud of vapor before disappearing into the morning air. He rolled his broad shoulders and glanced around, realizing that most were still resting but the wildcat wanted to get everything settled in the morning for there was a lot to do. He felt eager to begin anew ever since he was done recovering from his injuries, the bandages no longer there and the pain had finally subsided. He knew he was lacking on his duties but with the time he had left, he wanted to focus on just improving and the towering figure of the male stalked through the brisk morning with his half-lidded cyan blue gaze locked onto the Tempest and he flicked his dark charcoal tail tip to signal to sound the alarm. It broke through the quiet morning air and Pincher hoped his crewmates would arrive as there was a lot he had to say with promotions, demotions, and changes he was settled for.

He grimaced as he stepped into the tunnel, his figure outlined by the glow of the clear ocean water with schools of fish dancing around as the Captain sucked in a shaky breath but gave his head a rough shake as he stepped into the Dome clearing, ignoring the pulsing of his glowing tattoos as the father went to sit onto his throne, clearing his throat as he watched figures begin to arrive. "Everyone get your asses over here. I'm actually spilling the shit that needs to be said this time. So don't slack around and listen up." Pincher stated with a demanding voice, clearly not in the mood to just settle this back as another simple meeting. There were plans that he was ready to put into action but he needed to inform the rest of the crew as he rolled his broad shoulders, coal black ears drawn back as he was prepared to give out what changes he was going to make within ranks and other Typhoon related situations. His lower jaw tightened at the idea of some of them but he desired to make sure that they were still considered a formidable foe even if they weren't pillaging since, in his eyes, there wasn't much to pillage in most clans.

( second part of the meeting will be up tomorrow morning !! )

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Grey - 11-03-2018

It seemed that Bakugou had returned to The Typhoon just in time, though it didn't take long for him to realise the inconsistencies which were plaguing his home. Some of his furniture and items had been re-arranged, he had forgotten to do a small 'garage sale' to rid of all his extra weapons he had crafted before he left. He would have been convinced there was an earthquake had he not noticed that his little notice had been picked up, crumbled slightly from the grasp of another. Someone had entered his home to see if he had gone. Well, maybe they went inside to steal from him, but it was nonetheless a reminder that The Typhoon did pay some notice to his comings and goings. He wasn't sure if he felt honoured, relieved or annoyed. Well, at least it meant that he was someone - not just another extra. Then again, there were always the darker emotions that crept into play, the paranoia that maybe they were celebrating his absence, hoping he would never return. No one was ever one hundred percent truthful. Although Bakugou hated to lie and make up false accounts, sometimes half-truths were just as misleading and damaging. Simply returning was able to send chills up his skin, the male immediately uncomfortable. Maybe, secretly, he wasn't welcomed here.

The ragdoll shudders a sigh, sanguine eyes sweeping towards Pincher's form - a sense of familiarity rising with the gathering, crowds of pirates flowing in. Another meeting. It felt like he hadn't been to once since forever and immediately he remembers the disgusting breath of Owen sitting right behind him, breathing down at his back. His fur bristles in annoyance, smoke puffing from his nostrils as he walks, sitting in the front. It would be more than rude for an indominous rex, as big as he is, to sit in the front of a crowd and block everyone's views. He isn't in the mood for dealing with the annoying shenanigans of other Typhooners. He likes the idea of having peace and quiet until his mood lightens. It felt like there was always some kind of heavy burden resting along the back of his neck, drawing his spine downwards and weighing on his shoulders. Sleep felt uncomfortable, he didn't like the sensation. Still, he knows he had to bear with the meeting for as long as it would take. His ears were ready to listen to whatever the Captain had to spill, whiskers twitching with the cold air around his nose and doing his best not to stare at the mysterious glow of Pincher's tattoos.

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - FELIKS - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The male appeared in a tracking post.

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - JUNJI - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]the angel was almost nervous upon hearing the call of the captain. he hadn't been to a meeting in some time; at this point he wasn't sure if he was just missing them, or perhaps pincher was just too busy to get to them. no matter what it was, what counted was that he was here now.

his activity as of late had not been the best. the pregnancy was becoming tasking, his belly rounded and preventing him from moving much. he hoped at the least he would be able to jump back after they were born and resume his duties, as well as get to training his new sages.

junji approached quietly, looking among those who had gathered before setting his eyes on bakugou. with wings dragging slowly on the ground he padded to join the reaver, seating himself quietly at the other ragdoll's side. he offered a soft smile to him before turning his gaze to pincher and quietly awaiting the announcements.


The slightly chilly wind didn't bother Caesar too much, though he knew that the air should eventually get warmer soon. The tropic biome of The Typhoon practically guaranteed that, did it not? Hearing
Pincher's call, the Officer groaned and started walking towards the meeting area, taking a seat next to Bakugou.

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Masie - 11-03-2018

Tracking, will post after vacation or when I get time during.

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - toboggan - 11-04-2018

The angel had not intended on staying for so long, but Beck, as it turned out, was a very difficult fellow to track, sometimes appearing and interacting with many, ere dematerializing and making himself a challenge to rediscover. Every now and then, the thought of his brother leaving entered his mind on a train of troubled thought, only for him to be proven wrong by a re-emergence of the ghost’s presence.

For now, it was but another period of the poltergeist’s inactivity.

The Typhoon was perhaps the best nesting place, what with its beautiful scenery and perfect temperature; though, on the other hand, the people calling the exotic isles their home were, to simply put it, a bit more hardcore. Had they been bad? No, not at all. But the actions of the Typhoon’s citizens fell under the category of chaotic, contrary to the judicial semblance Marco had gotten used to over the years. If push came to shove, then the angel would promptly leave, though that was surely not going to happen anytime soon.

He’d make himself present. It was not in his set of goals to make himself a prominent face in the clan, so the lynx understood that this meeting would not have a portion dedicated to him, and he was quite fine with that.

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - ARGUS - 11-04-2018


For once argus does not want to be seen. There is no flush of shame at seeing her leader, but there is guilt, for not warning him- because as much as argus had been here before she left so abruptly because she does that or- or something harmful to this clan. An she does not want to- did not want to hurt the typhoon, the place she calls home. She does not want to be seen- does not want to see the flickering of dissapointment- resentment- whatever judgement that the leader has for her leaving. She had her own reasons to leave but that does not make it better that she did i anyway.

She curls up near the entrance of the dome, and watches.
[glow=#212121,2,300]She's unstable![/glow]

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - bubblegum - 11-04-2018

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Luciferr - 11-04-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
Black brackets in most of the  others as he sits far behind the rest, quiet and waiting on Pincher's meeting to begin - quietly head counting all who were amid them, hopefully the recent ghost haunting may have quieted down somewhat perhaps.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme