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I thought I saw the devil | open, joiner - Printable Version

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I thought I saw the devil | open, joiner - Dragon- - 11-02-2018

[glow=#912618,1,400]I THOUGHT I SAW THE DEVIL, THIS MORNING — 。+゚.[/glow]
march. train. march. salute. march. order. march. forget. march. eat. march. trouble. march. execution. march. alive. march. run.
she had been running for three weeks.

The snow leopard knew that she was being hunted. She could not afford to stop, she could not afford to relax. The only breaks she took were to catch food and eat, usually only being about ten minutes. she couldn't stop or they would get her. she would be dead if they caught her. they would kill her and she would not be able to protect her sister. she would be useless, just like three weeks ago.
she hadn't been able to remember a simple task, despite knowing how angry the matron would be. she knew and she still didn't do it.

Meredith had been haunted by thoughts of what would happen if the army caught up with her whenever she thought about stopping and, as a result, had not exactly gotten much sleep. The snake that was curled around her body and her earrings were the only things that remained of the life she had been living three weeks ago. The weight of Nocturna was not something that many would be able to easily carry and if was only due to the training she had undergone that she was. Nocturna had been gifted to the female upon her joining of the military and had only been about a foot long at the time. 6 feet and 20 pounds later, Nocturna finished growing.

He was a very precious thing to Meredith and she didn't know what she would do if something were to happen to him. It was pretty understandable as to why she freaked out when a hawk swooped down at them. The scarred snow leopard had dodged into the undergrowth, muscles tensed and heart pounding. It was only after a few tense moments that Meredith would emerge, gaze locked upon the hawk sitting in front of her.
This was Agathe's hawk.

Three days had passed since then, hawk perched on head and snake coiled around torso. Whitethorn would occasionally let out an indignant cry when Meredith made a wrong turn and it was not long until a strong scent of urine made itself known to her.
Meredith didn't quite realize that it was the barrier and continued on. She had not slept in three days and each step made her legs feel heavier, each blink made her eyelids droop further.
She did not notice as water splashed around her paws, as moisture seeped into her pelt and Nocturna twisted to coil on her stomach because she was somehow floating on her back now? eh.

Meredith would be asleep in the middle of the starpool, large snake coiled up on her stomach and hawk perching on top of the snake.
It was certainly something.

Re: I thought I saw the devil | open, joiner - agathe. - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Agathe, for what it was worth, missed Whitethorn everyday. Her companion was nothing more than a pacifistic brat most times, but her heart had absolutely shattered in her chest when she arrived in her grandmother's quarters one day to discover that he had been supposedly found dead. She hadn't been surprised, not after how vocal her matron was in hating the bird, but that knowledge didn't ease the pain of losing him. Not one bit, actually. But perhaps his death had been the catalyst- perhaps he was the reason she was in the Ascendants now, acting as their leader with Titan. He had set everything in motion, had been the universe's personal martyr of sorts to get her moving and to finally make her understand who she was. What she was.

She still missed him though. Terribly.

But maybe it was by sheer chance or luck that he had found Meredith and, by extension, Agathe. Maybe, the multi faced goddess was finally taking pity on her. Whatever the reason, there was no denying the flare of emotion that sparked in Agathe's chest as she saw Meredith, Nocturna, and Whitethorn floating lackadaisically in Starpool. Three tongue clicks and the bird was on her shoulder once again, finding its place under the folds of her cloak to gently nuzzle her neck. She ignored the surge of glee, of delight, that rose to meet her as she stalked closer to the Starpool, nothing but cold detachment dancing upon her features. "If she sent you looking for a fight, I hope you're prepared to lose." It was far from her warmest greeting but Agathe didn't care. The only thing that was stopping her from striking Meredith done as she had been instructed to three weeks ago was the fact that she had her beloved bird in her company.

"You're trespassing on the Ascendants territory, Meredith. But I'm more curious to know how you found my 'dead' bird. Explain," The snow leopard instructed, not even caring that she hadn't given her sister a chance to get out of the water. She was practically bristling at this point, unsure of what to make of this situation. What was going on?

What was going on?

Re: I thought I saw the devil | open, joiner - Dragon- - 11-02-2018

[glow=#912618,1,400]I THOUGHT I SAW THE DEVIL, THIS MORNING — 。+゚.[/glow]
It had been a few minutes since Meredith gained some semblance of awareness, squinting slightly as she opened her eyes to see someone standing at,, the edge of the water?
oh, she was floating.

Meredith knew that most would be freaking out but she was actually pretty comfortable and honestly, she didn't have the energy to move. she'd lift her head slightly to clear the water out of her ears and blink blearily at the fuzzy shape on the shoreline, watching as it slowly became more defined.. it was Agathe.
A burst of emotion filled Meredith as she looked at the other snow leopard, a lazy and tired but happy smile growing upon her maw.
"[glow=#912618,1,400]Ssshister![/glow]" She'd slur, nearly knocking Nocturna into the water as she rolled over to her stomach. It wasn't obvious if she was just very sleep deprived or high. "[glow=#912618,1,400]ffite?? wha..birby ffound meeee iin the foresst![/glow]"

Meredith wasn't really aware of what was happening as she continued to float in the water but her sister was there! [glow=#912618,1,400]yyou sshtopped me froom execute aan theeey wanna kill mee tooooo noooowww.[/glow]" She was.. definitely on something. "[glow=#912618,1,400]iiis..t-treeespass thhe ppiss lllline??[/glow]"

Re: I thought I saw the devil | open, joiner - agathe. - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Agathe was not amused nor relieved nor even happy to see her sister. A part of her knew that she should be, but try as she might, the Seraph could not muster any emotion save skepticism. Obviously, this was some sort of divine joke that she was at the receiving end of. Why else would Meredith, of all people, be floating in the Starpool spouting nonsense that she couldn't quite understand? Goddess above, she really was damned then. "At least I know for certain that you deflected from our Matron," She finally offered, "This sort of behavior would have resulted in an execution that I couldn't save your ass from." As if to prove her point, Agathe would pull back her cloak to reveal the freshly-formed scar that marred her side as a result of her defiance. "You owe me."

The snow leopard found herself sighing. While she lacked the ability to comprehend what her sister was trying to convey, she figured that she should at least try to provide her refuge. Even if that thought caused a knot to form in her stomach. "Now get out of the water and come back to the Observatory. You're now a member here, Meredith... Whether you like it or not." She knew that she certainly didn't, but it was the least she could do for indirectly reuniting her with Whitethorn.

Re: I thought I saw the devil | open, joiner - BABY — - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Track + welcome to the Ascendants!!