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YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - Printable Version

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YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - tristitia - 11-02-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]SEKAI SKYWALKER[/shadow]
There was something... off, about the lioness. But it wasn’t like that it mattered. These were people she never knew, that she did not care to know. It was simple. Being in a group made her chance of survival greater. Shared knowledge, shared resources, more.

Sekai moves quickly, the hood of her dark maroon cloak up. She skied to a stop upon the border. She might as well act like she respected the things. Golden eyes scanned her surroundings. Didn’t look like anyone was here. Fine. Placing a paw to her chest, the lioness calls, "I am Sekai Skywalker. I wish to join."

// [member=719]valemon[/member]
You can reply before his rper does !

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - agathe. - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Another cloaked big cat? Interesting.

Agathe would raise an invisible brow at Sekai as she halted before her, golden gaze fixated upon the maroon fabric that wreathed around her. It was as strange as it was nice to see somebody else with a similar fashion sense to her own, but the Astral Seraph did not find herself commenting. Not on the cloak, at least. No, she was far too busy prioritizing her actual responsibilities to try to make idle chitchat about a piece of cloth. Besides, the snow leopard was far from one who gushed over accessories with strangers (or even friends). It'd be a miracle to get her to say more than she needed even now.

"Where did you come from Sekai?" Agathe finally inquired, a paw absently toying with the corner of her own, red cloak. She doubted that this creature possessed ill intent but it was better safe than sorry, especially with the population of children the Ascendants had within its walls. "I'm Agathe," She introduced after a moment, feeling as if a name for a name was only a fare trade off. She was still adjusting to this joiner thing- hopefully she'd get it down to a science soon. It'd be a shame if one of the leaders couldn't handle a newcomer without being ridiculously vague or awkward.

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - FUBUKI - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]"You have competition," he mused quietly to Agathe, smirking slightly as he approached. An ear flicked nonchalantly, gaze drifting over the newcomer and their features. Another lion eh? It seemed that the plain hills and observatories only attracted the finest of big cats, whilst the male may have been stuck as a domestic feline, his panther body still tended to be prevalent in battle situations. Ren wouldn't wear a cloak though, he'd done so for Halloween and trying to prevent himself from tripping over the winding cloths had been more vexing than he'd like to admit. As time went on, his self-serving smile dissipated, falling into something a little more neutral whilst he dipped his head to Sekai.

Skywalker? That meant she had family if she was intent on using a last name. Ren's own brethren may've not bothered with it, but falling out with them had completely he didn't think he'd keep one if they had a family title. "Ren," he introduced himself quickly, weak smile replacing that deadpan expression. "I can offer a tour, if you'd like,". There  truly wasn't much to see outside of the Observatory apart from a few landmarks, but he imagined the camp would be quite perilous for those unfamiliar with its layout.

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - Owlie - 11-03-2018

// track

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - tristitia - 11-03-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]SEKAI SKYWALKER[/shadow]
Sekai stares at the snow leopard. Huh. She also donned a red cloak. The lioness forced herself to stifle what would have been a hollow laugh. She studies this leader, noting the bit of awkwardness and the odd question. "I don’t... come from anywhere. I just believe my brother, Valemon, is here. And I wish to stick with him." The dark lioness meows, her tone cold.

Then she watches the much smaller cat walk over. She could squish such a tiny thing with her paws! Well, it’s not like she wanted to as of current, anyway. And it’s not like she wanted to be around others but she may as well look the part. "Sure. A tour sounds good."

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - Owlie - 11-03-2018

Anakin's presence was not bright and sunny this time- it was cold and oppressing. It was angered. A cold chill of air hit all of them, whizzing by and ruffling the trees above. No lion shape came to fruition, he chose to hide for now. If the lion had formed, Anakin would have given his daughter a glaring stare, his eyes locked on her own.
The thunder clouds were forming above, rumbling in a reflection of Anakin's anger.

This is why Jedi don't have kids. Can't be peaceful with em.

What am I suppose to do? Can I do anything?
you must know you're doing the right thing

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - valemon - 11-03-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
It was one of those feelings again. Val couldn’t explain it, but it had been the thing to convince him to stay... just as it had led his paws to the border at this moment in time.

Something was most definitely wrong.

When the lion laid eyes on his sister, he didn’t recognize her at first. Sekai had always been less optimistic than Val. She seemed to prefer the company of books over others. But, she had never been this cold.

“Sekai?” His voice was almost a whisper, tone full of disbelief. Not because he didn’t believe he’d ever see her again - no, he’d always had hope. He just couldn’t be sure this was Sekai. It just didn’t feel right.

Brown eyes wide, the lion slowly padded up to his sister. Now there was no mistaking her. She was who she’d said... and she’d come here for him. At least that sounded like the Sekai he knew. Valemon lowered his head and aimed to gently nuzzle his sibling’s neck. “Missed you. Always miss Sekai.”

//sorta rushed, sorry
© madi

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - tristitia - 11-03-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]SEKAI SKYWALKER[/shadow]
The air around her felt freezing, and as such, she wrapped her cloak around her, tighter.  Hearing the trees rustle, her head snapped upward, golden eyes narrowing. That seemed too odd to just be a November chill.

That was, of course, until a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Oh. Valemon, of course. So he really was here. She watched the lion look at her, with curious, disbelieving chocolate eyes. Despite what she said, the lioness did not look happy to see her brother, instead pulling away from his attempt to nuzzle. "So, you are here," she says bluntly, paying no heed to his emotions. Her voice was frozen over.

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - valemon - 11-04-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
She had pulled away. She had rejected his attempt at affection and it broke his heart.

Valemon swallowed, pushing down the sob that wanted to escape him. It wasn't a very noticable difference, but Val had changed a bit over the last few moons. The lion had improved his control over his emotions, so it was much easier to reign in outbursts.

That didn't make him feel any better inside, though. This wasn't the same Sekai who'd been happy to greet him only a short time ago. Something had happened to her. Maybe she had just grown up, accepted that this world wasn't a place for foolish cubs. Maybe she was better off without him.

He had managed to resist the the urge to cry, but he couldn't bar these doubting thoughts from planting themselves in his mind. Val smiled through it - very different from the wide, dumb grin usually spread across his face. "'s cold. I'm'a go inside for 'while." His tone had lost its warmth.

Valemon hadn't noticed before, but it looked like it was about to storm, anyways. He wasn't about to get wet talking to a sister that didn't seem to care anymore. As he turned and walked away, a hopeful thought managed to filter in with the dark...

Perhaps Sekai just needed a nap. He had heard that people got grumpy without sleep. That was it. Surely that was it.
© madi

Re: YOU ARE THE LIGHT // joiner - BABY — - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Track + welcome to the Ascendants!