Beasts of Beyond
boundless ;; private - Printable Version

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boundless ;; private - purgatory - 04-17-2018

[div style=""width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:12.5px;text-align:justify;line-height:115%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black;""]Daelan had been unclear on how long he had been walking about all by his lonesome. Maybe a couple weeks? Months? Time seemed to blur together and began to grow more distorted with every sunrise. He knew for a fact that he hasn't aged drastically so using this knowledge, he surmised it has been a couple months, max. Knowing this made him feel a bit more at ease. However, the lack of communication with another creature - prey doesn't count considering they don't respond - was slowly making him more rigid. He's heard of the term "lone wolf" and being of the same species as the creatures the term was based off of, he felt he should be alright going long periods of time without socialization. Sadly, this isn't the case. He relished in being alone with his thoughts, but there's a fine line between being lonely and solitude; he may have crossed over the line without realizing it. The ruddy Rottweiler yearned for companionship, but he was unaware of how to voice this. As a result, it remained in his conscious and festered in silence. To accompany his uncertainty regarding time, he had no idea where he was going. The area around him resembled a jungle and if he were being honest with himself, he didn't know how he wound up here. There was an ominous air that made him weary, though slightly curious. Not curious enough to investigate - he knew better than that. But curious enough to keep it in mind and ponder over. Though, he suppose he shouldn't question the "how's" or the "why's." He's a "lone wolf" after all.

[align=center]TAGS . UPDATED 04/15

Re: boundless ;; private - Luciferr - 04-20-2018

Hymn of Ruin
EDIT: /I imagine this is on Typhoon territory even though its in uncharted for private threads? Aka I didn't realise till I posted lmao

"You don't carry the scent of Typhoon stranger and the jungle is no safe place for trespassers" a dark voice intoned mildly before the creature that spoke stepped from the shadowed inbetween - for once not as a dragon but no less daunting in this form, all 9 foot of the hellion eyeing the rottweiler with a neutral expression - though those red and silver eyes held a glint of suspicion as to what the other was doing here in their territory without a patrol having caught them so far.

ebony claws clicked over stone as the black and magma striped beast walked forwards and jumped down from the rocky outcrop he'd initially appeared on - inclining his head, the red scarring across half his face shining dimly in the dark canopy, lucifer spoke again "what brought you into Typhoon territory?" the question was mild - the canine might've simply gotten lost after all.


Re: boundless ;; private - purgatory - 04-20-2018

[div style=""width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:12.5px;text-align:justify;line-height:115%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black;""][ lel that's fine! that's kind of what i was going for anyways~ ]

Daelan knew he wished for company, but to have his wish be granted so soon was alarming. Though, not as alarming as the creature who emerged from seemingly no where. The waves that lapped at the shores of the island carried the heavy scent of salt, masking the large creature's smell. If he hadn't spoke up, Daelan wasn't sure if he would have noticed him on time. A pair of orange luminaries remained on he frightening-looking animal with mild concern. Never in his life did he think he would encounter such a creature; his nightmares couldn't have possibly conjured a beastly appearance such as this. The other is terrifying, yes. But once the canine was able to look past it, he found his fear slowly ebbing away as curiosity devoured it whole. Unbeknownst to him, Daelan had backed away a couple steps to put some distance between them. Stopping, he ran over a couple thoughts in his mind, almost not hearing what Lucifer had said. What is this animal? He's never seen anything like him before. A cat, maybe? His body does share some similarities with the feline species. He is definitely cool looking; a genetic masterpiece if he may add. He didn't need his glasses to make these observations. He also didn't need help deciphering what he felt in his core. Every fiber of the Rottweiler's being was telling him whoever this individual is, he's dangerous. He should tread lightly. And he suppose that would mean complying.

Forcing his muscles to relax, his gaze trailed up to look at Lucifer. As he thought about his question, a shocked expression surfaced. "Someone owns this land?!" As soon as the exclamation left his maw, a scowl replaced his shock expression as he reacted to his own, now deemed 'stupid' question. Of course someone owns this. Was he not paying attention? They have a cool name and everything! Clearing his throat, he shook his head to gesture to the other to pay no attention to his sudden burst. He wasn't knew to territories being own by others and some have been kind enough to allow him to pass through without any trouble. However, an entire island? This was news to him. "W-what brought me here?" Daelan echoed, unsure of the answer himself. "To be honest, I've just been wandering around. Talking to strangers and learning and understanding." A pause. Speaking of learning and understanding, "What is the 'Typhoon'? I know of a couple animals claiming a territory, but you make it sound as though you have a lot more numbers calling this island theirs." He had to know. Rather, he wanted to know. For science, obviously. If they were friendly, he may be able to gather more information.

[align=center]TAGS . UPDATED 04/15