Beasts of Beyond
linger longer / dual joining - Printable Version

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linger longer / dual joining - emil - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]He really wasn't sure why they had chosen this place. Sure, it was a forest, but the territory around it was desert, and fuck did he hate heat. He hoped at least he wouldn't be forced to go out there often. Forest was cozy enough for him, and he was content with staying within it and not leaving.

His paws ached from walking, and he swore he could feel a charley horse coming on in one of his legs. The hellhound paused at what he assumed was a border and seated himself promptly. With a stretching leg, he sighed out and turned dull eyes to his traveling companion. "Think they're friendly?" He murmured out, turning his gaze back to the forest before them. Sam wrinkled his nose slightly. "I feel like we shoulda kept to ourselves. 'm not good with people." Not that he particularly cared if they were friendly or not, or what they might think of him. If they were assholes then hey, he could be his true self. A small grunt escaped him.

A hind paw lifted to scratch at a spot behind one of his horns, then dropped limply back to the ground. He couldn't say he was eager to be around a lot of others, considering the solitude he had lived in these past months, but it was something he would have to accept and get used to. They would die of starvation on their own. Samael was accustomed to the feeling of hunger, to the point he barely felt it anymore, but when it got bad he couldn't stand it. This was a small sacrifice. A small hurdle on the course. He wasn't good with people, but he would get better. He'd managed to befriend Calypso when they were both equivalent to brick walls. Sam could make friends. And from friends, he could leech from affection. Hugs, cuddling, little touches. Easy enough, right?


Re: linger longer / dual joining - Soleil - 11-02-2018

Calypso, too, was less than pleased with the weather. There was a reason that she'd left her old home, aside from the yelling and barrenness and awful crime rate, and that reason was the heat. The sun on her ass made the fur there feel like it was burning, and there was an uncomfortable humidity beneath her backpack. Her cap shielded her eyes from a lot of the brightness, but the scolding sand beneath her paws reflected a bunch of it right back up at her. By the time Samel stopped at the border, she was tired and panting, falling defeatedly into the sand beside him. Every breath felt as if it only filled a third of her lungs, and she brought up a scarred paw to rub at the tense muscles between her ribs. She knew she was getting more oxygen than her body told her she was getting, but that didn't stop her from being thankful that the trek was over. She took a while to relax her breathing before glancing back at Samael, metaphorical brown wrinkling with worry. "Me neither," she responded, voice still breathy despite the time she'd taken to recover. "I guess we could always just leave though. If they're not friendly." She grimaced a bit at the thought of travelling back through all that sand, but her brain told her that it was better than suffering ridicule or exclusion.

The feline shrugged her backpack from her shoulders, lying it on its side so her beloved pet could crawl out from within. Cinnamon's movements were slow, sluggish, only half emerging from the bag to bask his front half in the sand. Calypso smiled and cooed gently, bringing a paw down to pat the red tegu affectionately. Unlike her companion, she was getting herself pretty worked up about this whole 'joining' thing. Meeting other animals, especially big groups of them, was definitely no strong point of hers. She very much wanted to be liked, to make friends, and every bad scenario she could think of was barraging her brain at once. Being someone that people wanted to befriend was just so hard, she didn't understand at all how some people had it come to them naturally, how they found the right words or expressions to fit the situation. It was a concept that was completely alien to the malnourished succubus.

Re: linger longer / dual joining - Stryker - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Stryker was the first to see the two within the distant. Noting that they were together, he figured they were either merchants or from another clan with a message, but he smelled no particular scent on either figure. Strange, but not truly abnormal. After all, there were new groups popping up all over the place. Perhaps this was the fabled Recondite Realm? Nevertheless, he doubted that. There was one with a backpack with a smaller animal within it (a slave per say?). Both were skinny, obviously thirsty and hungry. The desert must of obviously not benefited them, but Stryker still wasn't sure on their motive. Curious, the ardent approached.

Emerging into view, the lion let out a short snort. "We're friendly until we're bothered," he commented slyly. Whatever bothered meant in particular to him was up to how he felt. Some days the littlest things could piss him off, while others he could barely give a shit. Perks of being a leader is that either way, he didn't have to deal with his minor problems directly and place them onto others. Besides that, everything personal to him could be handled by himself. This, to him, was something that could of been handled by someone else. Seeing that he was out and about though, the unwilling lion took it upon himself to do the task. "I'm sure you're here for a reason though," Stryker continued. His eyes glazed over Cinnamon shortly. Odd. Neon eyes quickly returned to the other two before him, exchanging glances between each. "Care to explain, sweethearts?"