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destruction is his game - joining - Printable Version

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destruction is his game - joining - darci - 11-02-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Being in a place where it was still sweltering hot in November had been a first for him. Having grown up in a rather seasonal climate, Finch had experienced all four seasons, but he doubted he would find that here. While he lacked fur, his feathers helped to keep him cool. With his wings held out a few inches from his body, the air flow felt rather refreshing. Thankfully, no one had tried to harass or chase him during the whole voyage here. He sure hoped it was worth it. A large sigh of relief came from him as the green jungle came into sight. Finally. Giving a flap of his wings, the turkey glided over the sand, closing the distance within a matter of moments. While he could not fly as well as a hawk or a crow, Finch could fly pretty fast, but his distance and height were rather limited.

Landing on a flat rock, the turkey tucked his wings back against his body, smoothing all of his feathers so they laid flat. There was no need to fan his feathers here. Looking around him to make sure no hungry coyote was lurking nearby, he drew in a breath before letting out a rather loud gobble. Hopefully they would come running, but the trick was convincing them he was not food, but a friend.

Re: destruction is his game - joining - Stryker - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] With an autumn festival coming up, Stryker had his mind set out on turkey for their feast. Arguably, it was rather dry compared to other meats, but it was tradition. Finding one this early on was not exactly his goal, but stumbling across the territory and hearing a gobble this early within into autumn was rather surprising. It seemed as if they all came out for their death BEFORE winter left. Nevertheless, the ardent was pleased. It gave him more prep time. Perhaps he could plump this one up over time while keeping them within the prisons. After all, a non-sentient (or so he thought) creature wouldn't know the difference. Still, as the lion watched from afar, he found it odd. They were strangely calm.

The ardent pursued out from the jungle's underbrush, stalking low to the ground. Neon eyes locked on. He was still reluctant to jump until he was closer. "For fucks sake," he spat under his breath. The turkey would most likely hear him and (hopefully) respond.

Re: destruction is his game - joining - darci - 11-04-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Finch could hear the lion before they even had a chance to speak. Having grown up in a wild flock, he had honed his skills of detection and caution. He was rather high-strung out of pure instinct, but being away from his home flock would dull those instincts, or so he hoped. Stretching out a leg, he proceeded to stare in the direction of the sound he heard. Then, a voice. A lion, how wonderful. Finch knew he was screwed if this stranger took him as food, but he would not go out without a fight. "Watch it kitty, I'll take ya eye out," clucked the turkey, flexing a clawed-foot. His beak was much sharper than his claws, but he was sure no one else knew that.

There was a bit of a southern accent in his voice, but it was not heavy. It had been awhile since he had been down south, and his accent had become quite diluted. "This th' Pitt?"

Re: destruction is his game - joining - guts - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It was hard not to see the bird as a meal. Even Cosette felt her stomach stir as she padded up, hunger raking it's claws along her sides, though she tries to keep her salivating at bay. She flashes him a welcoming smile, giving a nod of her head at his question. "It is." she replies curtly. "If you're looking to join, you might want to reconsider taking out the leader's eye." it was supposed to be a teasing statement, but it didn't come out quite that way with the dull look in her eyes, untouched by the smile on her face.

They were always open for more members, but she found herself uncertain with this one. He seemed willing enough, able to carry his own. But what would their enemies think of a turkey, of all things, being among their ranks? None of them would take them seriously, and that just wouldn't do. Still, she didn't allow her expression to falter.

Re: destruction is his game - joining - Stryker - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] The lion straightened out as the turkey spoke, a groan leaving him in disappointment as he did so. Today was really not his day. Stryker let out a sigh. Instead of continuing, despite the Pitt's violent nature (which he didn't necessarily enforce unless it was for revenge anyways), he sulked and walked on over to Cosette's side. Suddenly, his jaws snapped jokingly down at the turkey. "I'm not going to reconsider taking yours though," he lightly retorted. Stryker's tone was sarcastic. Deep down he did want a piece of turkey though... Hopefully the stranger got the message and would back off in the future.

Re: destruction is his game - joining - darci - 11-04-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Brown eyes drew to Cosette as the girl arrived. He held his breath for a moment, anticipating the other to attack. Much to his relief, the attack did not come. It appeared he had been acknowledged as not being feral. Even if he grew up with feral parents, Finch had taken the opportunity to educate himself. While he still had plenty of wilderness inside of him, he knew how to be... Sociable. He was a bit of a spitfire who did not take to authority well, but time would have its way with him. Being feisty and ill tempered was all he knew how to do to keep himself alive.

Leader? The turkey laughed. He really did not get the leader-vibe from the lion, but Finch did not put off much of a authoritative vibe himself. For the most part, Finch was just some backwoods hick who had trouble telling the difference between a rectangle from a square. "Try me big kitty, I'll make ya dance." He also failed at knowing when it was time to keep his break shut. "Name's Finch."

Re: destruction is his game - joining - TSUYU. - 11-05-2018

The sound of the word 'turkey' reached the ears of a rather.. unhappy feline, at the moment. She was hungry, her body hurt, but she continued to move forward, dead charcoal eyes focusing forward as she hopped over to greet whoever this 'turkey joiner' was.

Weren't turkey's food? Wasn't she supposed to eat them? The frog hybrid was more pleased with the idea of taking a leg instead of an eye, in reality. When she was a human, she would eat turkey a lot, actually. It was in the form of lunch meat made into sandwiches, it was sad that they didn't have those things here. They had sandwiches, but it was different than what she was used to.

Slowly, the green hybrid came to a stop behind Cosette and Stryker, keeping her distance from the two because Tsuyu knew- deep down, that Stryker was still angry with her. Her presence in itself seemed to piss him off, and she wasn't willing to piss her master off right now.

Black pits seemed to stare at the turkey, his size a lot bigger than her, but she wouldn't make too much of a deal over it. The only thing that seemed to make her anxious was that damn red thing dangling from his face. "Name's Tsuyu, ribbit." She croaked, soon tilting her head to the side and tapping her chin with her paw, as if in thought. "Is that a ballsac on your face, ribbit?" She asked bluntly, unable to be too indirect of her thoughts on that red thing hanging from his beak. It was weird.


Re: destruction is his game - joining - Stryker - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Stryker never wanted to be leader, hence why he never took it seriously, even if it gave him the power to do whatever he pleases. Instead his every little action was placed under a microscope. Unfortunately, he never got what he wanted and now led a clan of absolute hooligans, which he now had to be the face of. The ardent was reluctant, but went with it. Cocky and willing to shoot back, the lion held himself back and instead held a reluctant grin. He wasn’t adamant on fucking with the turkey. Seeing that he recently punished Tsuyu for killing one of their own, it would only be hypocritical of him to attack Finch and receive no warning.

Mockingly, Stryker flexed his claws back at the turkey just as they flexed their own talons at him. ”Try me, snoody,” he warned back.  Snoody... snooty... It sounded a lot better in his head. Nevertheless, he moved on. There were better things to do than worry about insults being thrown back and forth, whether they were sarcastic or not. He did enjoy it though. ”Finch,” came his surprised tone. ”Named after another bird, I see.” Ironic. ”Name’s Stryker.” Despite their idiotic prattle, the lion could already foresee them becoming great friends with their sparkling chemistry.
