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SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - Printable Version

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SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - FELIKS - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Going against a group that so openly spited the freedoms of others was vexing. Feliks had always spouted that if you were apart of a clan where there was a hierarchy, you were never truly liberated - he still believed it, but the Pitt had taken it to an extreme that directly threatened him and his ideals. The captures and murders of clanmates around him by the paws of them assholes were barely factors for his desire to cause chaos, but if it fueled the need of revenge in his acquaintances then he supposed he would include them in his quest. You've done this before. Look what happened to you, you hurt an innocent and maimed yourself out of guilt. The self-given warning wasn't enough to drive him to be reasonable, the Savannah cat dangling from his jaws as the Striker trotted back into camp following a torturous flight evidence enough of that.

Various scratches across his body indicating a scuffle (or he'd just fallen through the Pitt's damn trees again), the gryphon unceremoniously hoped to drop his captive onto the sandy floor below. He presumed he'd managed to knock the other out at some point, not that it'd matter for long - though Feliks was perfectly willing to inflict harm onto a conscious animal, he didn't fancy beating someone up who was asleep - it seemed a little too low for his liking. Aiming to give Leopard a smack around the back of his head, Feliks would proceed in trying to rest a forefoot on the other's back. His talons would most likely be digging into the other if successful. "For anyone who isn't interested in watching a Pittian get what they deserve, go back to your cabins now," he warned the faint of heart, ears kept open for words of resistance from the bastard under him.


Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - Grey - 11-03-2018

Pirates. They are pirates. No mercy, no rules. Morals always sat within the sea of grey, swimming and blending - nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They are pirates. Stealing was part of their culture, pillaging and setting fire to homes was in their nature. Sometimes deaths just had to happen. Pirates, his mind repeats again and again: they are pirates. Bakugou had always had a violent nature. He was aggressive with his words, threatening because he couldn't control his impulses, the anger which fueled his fire. He said things that shouldn't be said. He told others to die, the vanish or save themselves. All he wanted to do was fight, let the adrenaline take over, the excitement run wild. And yet, strangely enough, he still didn't know how to feel about captures. His emotions told him that they were acceptable, he was bitter and angry, he wanted revenge against the dull Pittians for having messed with them in the first place. Even if they hadn't done anything, he wanted them all to perish for having an association with the group in the first place, turning a blind eye to what was happening. But at the same time, his conscience, the part of him who wanted to be a force of good, knew that it only made them as bad as The Pitt. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. It made so much and so little sense at the same time that his brain simply felt detached by the situation when he saw Feliks dragging a poor captive into The Typhoon.

Go back to your cabins. His heart skipped a beat. He felt his own body was splitting into three, all confused about how to feel, conflicting and contrasting with one another. His heart was antithetical to his conscience, his brain didn't want one bit of the drama going on inside. Somehow, Bakugou forced himself to stay. The Reaver took a seat, ashes rising into the air as his fur rustled against the wind. He puts a paw over his nose, making a fanning motion as his lips curled into a nasty smile. "How do you stand the smell?" he snarks, tail curling behind him. His sanguine eyes scan the creature with a burning gaze, hot enough that it was chilling when a wave of nonchalance spread across his features. He felt indifferent, both his emotions and feelings subsiding because they had exhausted themselves, leaving his mind to let himself calm down and assess the feline's form. "Well, Feliks, entertain me." He was waiting for the captured male to yelp something weak, perhaps cry that they were innocent, or try to convince them that they weren't bothered with pain at all. If it was the second, Bakugou wondered who would be the first to lose their patience and beat the other without any restraints.

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - ARGUS - 11-04-2018


Argus was used to hurt, daresay she made a home out of it- a place where pain made her alive and brought her whole. She was raised in a clan that killed and murdered and tortured as if it were a common event, and it made this clan of pirates seem tame in comparison. But the demand for blood would always remain, and even know argus could not complain as she saw feliks drag along a body ripe for the punishment that awaited them. As much as the typhoon was not the sanguine ruins, there were flashes of it's kind. Torture, hurt- killing to kill for the thrill of it, without any of the control that their once rigid control on monster's in the clan that the ruins held. As much as she had left her birth clan in ruins- with hate and anger and bitter hurt she could not help but miss it at times, it made the public torture her home away from home, and the sands along the beach where not as heated coals along her paws but she could bury herself in the grains all the same here. Because the typhoon was her home, and she would not leave it- but sometimes it helped to be reminded, of what she used to have.

There was no hesitation to join along the circle forming around feliks, people were eager for a show and so was argus. The dragon laying in along the side, curled up to watch from where she lay. A wicked grin settled along her maw, but there was no hesitation to enjoy the show. The hurt- the punishment that feliks thought the pitt deserved focused onto a soul person. "you want some help, i could give him something he'll remember" Callous words cut across the clearing, and although argus lifted a claw and tapped along their own head, giving a hint to what she could do to help him.... remember his lesson.
[glow=#212121,2,300]She's unstable![/glow]

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - Luciferr - 11-04-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"I didn't know we were scheduled for evening entertainment" a dark voice hums along after Argus as a pitch furred beast steps from behind the pale dragon.

Lucifer is in his smaller form - although still quite the tall one compared to most - and now he eyes the capture with interest, he situates himself beside Argus, vantablack to pale in contrast, and hums idly crossing claws over to glance at them with detached interest as he settles in.

likewise he inclines his head "If you need another helper..." he trails off with a shrug - but he's more than fine with watching Feliks tear this one down with or without help - and much Like argus he has a myraid of ways to make suffering an eternity.

he has experience on both sides after all - another thing to thank dear old dad for.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - bubblegum - 11-04-2018

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - rhosmari - 11-05-2018

The little creature was so very much confused. She had never met a Pittian before so she knew nothing of their cruelty or the fact that they kept slaves. Everything went right over her head as she watched Feliks bring in someone whom smelled awfully different than what she understood as the Typhoons unique scent. They smelled of heat, the roughness of sand and something else that she couldn't yet seem to identify. But the fact that Feliks said they were going to get their just deserts or rather what they deserved sent a chill up her spine. An ominous feeling started to make her uneasy, a heaviness in her stomach and she looked down at her paws, attempting to understand the situation that was at hand. The terminology easily meant that they were going to hurt the Pittian and so in doing so they were going to stoop to their level. Pain begot pain and only continued a ruthless cycle, one that scared her more than anything and she took a step back, rather unsure of if she should be here or not. Her eyes flicked toward Golden at her words and she felt a feeling of fear rise in her chest and cause a tiny bit of shaking in small paws. No, she should be here as seeing this might make things worse for her so she turned and left to go and do something else as fast as her little body could take her.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - Dragon- - 11-05-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate — 。+゚.[/glow]
It had been a rather good day until Leo had been captured. He had woken up, eaten some breakfast with his siblings and had the injuries from the fight a few days ago patched up again. He had been patrolling when he was grabbed and, after a scuffle, knocked out.

It was odd to wake up with more pain than normal, although not significantly, and it was obvious as soon as he opened his eyes. He was in the god damn Typhoon. There was no sand crunching underfoot, there was no ever persistent, cloying heat. It was..different. Leo didn't like it.

The Savannah cat would let a grin grace his maw, eyes half lidded as he looked out at those that stood around him.  "[glow=white,1,400]Why, hello.[/glow]" He'd purr. "[glow=white,1,400]I see that you've brought me to your..delightful shithole of a clan. I presume to torture me?[/glow]" This was going to be fun.
"[glow=white,1,400]It's been ever too long since I was last tortured, have at me.[/glow]" He was definitely the type to enjoy this.
/sorry for delay!

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - SÉAMUS - 11-05-2018

The stench of the Pitt brought a sneer to the endfield's face.  They'd taken Keona, and for that, they could not be forgiven.  He'd gotten her out, sure, but at the cost of great injury.  The whole lot of them should be made to suffer.  The faerie huffed as he joined the gathered group, narrowing his eyes darkly on the captive.  Pity it was not the one who'd taken his neice.  No, but at least someone would feel the wrath of the pirates.

"Sounds like a masochist, I have a few thoughts on that," the irishman drawled, flexing his talons.  Sensory deprivation for one.  Maybe they just ought to tie all of his limbs together and throw him in the ocean as sharkbait.  Or throw him in an antpile and leave him to suffer more slowly.  Poison maybe.
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - FELIKS - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]"You smell much worse," he jested to Bakugou, clacking his beak in unison to the tapping of his hind limb. Bad smells originating from other groups seemed almost artificial most of the time, normal stenches turned evil by wild opinions and all of a sudden they could be used as insults. Feliks had never really noticed if there was something inherently more pleasant about one group's aroma in comparison to another past his history with them, perhaps a distrust of every monarchy had distorted him too much. Nodding at the demand to be entertained, his emerald gaze would gloss over Argus and Lucifer, noting how they wanted to prey on this beast too. Two dragons left to toy with this fucker? It'd be a massacre, with obvious biases towards the latter lizard the Striker wasn't sure if it was worth irking the first one by ignoring her request.

As much as it'd be easier to kill Leopard and avoid setting a determined creature out for revenge, the message sent wouldn't be as strong. For the gryphon, death seemed less permanent than scars, probably due to his ability to reincarnate indefinitely. "I'll think about it. I'm sure you guys could get your own Pittians to torment though if you tried hard enough,". He'd worked diligently to fly back home in one journey, to them it was probably a breeze. Glancing towards Goldenluxury, beaming with interest as he thought about how Pincher must be feeling about the whole thing. Seemed like he'd picked the right raffle ticket this time - should he get a gift for the Captain out of respect? A tooth? An eye? Nope. Actually, that'd be a terrible idea, it'd give off the wrong impression. He was no suck-up, this was an assault that was purely to help himself.

Barely offering Techno a look, the male's eyes would loom down as the Pittian started coming to, nostrils flaring. Someone else who enjoyed pain? Ugh, it made him sick. Most used it as a defense to either put bastards off of harming them, or as a challenge to get as much agony flowing through their veins as possible. Given the history of the Pitt, he highly doubted it was a bluff this time around. "We all have opinions on that," he retorted to Seamus, lowering his head to allow an eagle-like eye a better look at the Savannah's face. What could he do that gave proper consequence to a 'masochist?'. Vision trailing across the smaller body, Feliks figured he had an idea of his own after some suspense. "Dragons, play rock paper scissors between yourselves. The winner gets to help me out,".

Vicious, capable of great injury and having a history of harming others, it was surprising Feliks wasn't as experienced with those who enjoyed what was happening to them. At least Leopard's affliction would prevent guilt from hitting him midway through. Lifting the paw on the other's spine, the gryphon would quickly rear and aim to slam it down on Leopard's back leg, giving a little twist of the same talons. Deciding in the heat of the moment not to stop there, Feliks tried picking up that same limb with his sharp beak, hoping to lift the feline off the ground by it. From there his cranium would shake and shake like some sort of feral animal with intent of mangling the leg

/ it's cool c:

Re: SUCH A WRETCHED AFFAIR / capture - Grey - 11-07-2018

He'd always considered himself a force of good but in this world, the grey area consumed the earth like a cloak, an unbreakable veil. There were no heroes and no villains. Despite that, he couldn't imagine the day he would kill or torture someone for the sake of it. Maybe if it were for revenge or a good cause (because Bakugou often found himself doing difficult deeds) but never for the purpose of actual entertainment. And yet his words had left his maw, the male urging the griffon to entertain him, holding his opinions back because the one who had technically sided with the 'villains' was Bakugou. Right and wrong were lines that intertwined, blurring at the ends, unclear of what belonged to what. He found himself beginning to accept such circumstances, bitter gaze drawn towards the captive. For now, he didn't exactly have the 'heart' to participate himself. All he knows is that he could turn the Pittian into a punching bag if he was angry enough but his fire was out cold, only coal left behind, shrouded in black smoke. He knows that in time he will come to embrace this dilemma, finally own a resolve, and he knew that he was being thrown onto a path that no longer meant anything. It was a foolish decision to say that he was still a hero, but he also knew that he wasn't evil. The Typhoon wasn't a force of chaos. They were merely pirates being pirates.

He could have expected dragons to appear like vultures, one of them being the returning member Argus who he still didn't know how he felt about. He usually thought the mythical beasts to be untrustworthy because of their sheer strength. Why would they need to follow others when the world was open to their grasp? His sanguine gaze soon drifts towards that of Luciferus, also offering to assist in injuring the other. Bakugou doesn't say anything, instead finding that The Typhoon were all approaching the torture session like flies on dead meat, eyes hovering towards Goldenluxury - heart filled with revenge. He curses quietly. From the sounds of it, The Pitt were trying to snatch the bengal back into Stryker's claws. Those rotten bastards. He merely glares at Leopard. "Even if you said no we're still going to torture you, dumbass." The ragdoll huffs before clenching his teeth together, molars sitting in their grooves as he twitches an ear at Seamus. He wasn't too sure about the 'masochist' statement. Others made bullshit lies all the time when the time came it but he doesn't say anything about the comment, snorting at Feliks' comment about his smell. He was used to his stench so he didn't argue about it, merely observing the way the griffon then proceeded to give the Pittian the 'time of his life'.