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foreigner's god / returning - Printable Version

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foreigner's god / returning - BUBONICPLAGUE - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]it had been quite some time since he'd heard anything of the rosebloods. for a brief while he had resided there, among the many rooms of the old mansion. he had left before the fire, moved around some, then settled in the ascendants. news of moon's death was spread quickly. bubonicplague had been rather absent of late, and while he always put up the front of not liking the kid, a certain fondness had grown within the demon's rotten heart. he wasn't a bad kid and he wasn't a bad leader. sure, he could be stupid, but what had once been annoyance and aggression turned to half-hearted playful rudeness. he would miss moon.

with no attachments to the ascendants now, no real reason to remain there, the dire wolf left. he'd heard the rosebloods had moved away, found a new, lush home within a jungle surrounded by desert. rumor had it beasts roamed the sands. sounded interesting enough, at least to bub; of course, he hated rainforests with a passion. humid and wet all the time, with monkeys and other stupid beasts that didn't know how to shut up, residing company included. still, it was a new place. a new start. he really didn't need one, didn't particularly want one, but whatever. he was only alive out of spite at this point.

heavy paws brought him to a slow stop before enormous doors. old, rotten. he could easily break them down and waltz in, but... didn't want bad blood so soon, did he? sightless eyes stared into the cracks for a long time before a paw lifted and slammed once against the door. he took a step back and twitched an ear. "bubonicplague." the beast rumbled out. whether or not someone heard him, he didn't exactly care. he was only keen on getting the process over with. "returning. i guess."

Re: foreigner's god / returning - sephiroth - 11-02-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]"Welcome back."  The deep baritone of the leader came form behind Bubonic; Sephiroth had been patrolling about the lush territory of the Rosebloods when he caught sight and scent of the returning member. that he himself wasn't familiar with.  The Lord in all of his silver glory would eye up the wolf, studious and quiet.  It was a bit unnerving to most, his silence and strange mannerisms.  Was it intentional?  Depended on the situation really.  Right now, he was making an attempt to be welcoming.

The pale beast lumbered foreword a few paces.  "I am Sephiroth, the Lord here.  Leader."  Sephiroth would introduce himself simply, his eyes lidded and holding a sleepy look about them but still shiny.  Bright and sharp, with hellish slit pupils that marked him as strange and otherworldly.  It was a mystery about him, one even he didn't fully understand yet.  The male would flick an ear slightly before he spoke once more, his inflection velvet.  "Is there any other information you require?"

Re: foreigner's god / returning - BUBONICPLAGUE - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]he was hoping someone would have opened the door before whoever was behind him caught up, but he had the devil's own luck, didn't he? the beast groaned inwardly at the prim and proper sophisticated shtick of the lion before him. blind eyes dropped down to meet the other's gaze, and with a slightly curled lip, bubonicplague gave a loud snort. "i know what fucking 'lord' means." he growled out.

some moments passed, silence filled with the faint, low breaths of the hound. a mutter escaped him before he spoke up again. information, huh? "actually, yeah. i was wondering if my kid was here. can't tell you what he looks like, but his name's sorbet." bub rolled his shoulders and stood from where he had seated himself before the ruins, shaking out sand from his coat. he thought about saying more but immediately decided against it. he didn't want to stick around out here longer than he needed to; the demon was much keener to get inside, claim a room, and go back to what he did best. being a cryptid.

Re: foreigner's god / returning - Fright - 11-02-2018

The ghostly serval was hanging on the outskirts of a small gathering of trainees within the main base. He was trying to blend in, to look like he was doing something normal and as he should. In reality, he was really bored. None of these other teens were interested in him. At all. Perhaps it was the ugly bandaged wound in his chest or that fact he seemed to know too much about everything for his mere physical age.

When his somewhat paranoid enhanced senses caught the sound of knocking far off, he straightened and stepped away, now heading toward the noise. It must be the front door, he thought mildly, maybe…a visitor? Whatever, he was going to check it out.

Once at the front interior of the base, the tiny servaline swung the door open with his heavy metal paws (with a little headbutt from his hardhead). He’d caught the voice of Serphiroth so he noted the pale lion was here as well. The words ‘welcome back’ had been said so this was a returner after all. With the door open, Frightfur Seraphim stared upward at the dire wolf with a few blinks of his doe-eyed green eyes which usually held a sense of ferocity but not now.

”Howdy there, sir. Welcome back to the Rosebloods,” the child-like beastie said as he conjured a piece of candy to pop into his mouth contentedly,”People call me Frightfur. And…I have yet to meet a Sorbet, sorry.” He’d almost forgotten that Bub had even asked about his kid so his lame answer came later than expected.
[Image: pFBoVvL.png%5D]
WORDS: 262
TAGS: (link)

Re: foreigner's god / returning - Matias - 11-04-2018

Bubonicplague wasn't one that Sorbet had interacted with much during his childhood. At least, not as much as one would expect a child to interact with their parent. Sorbet's father had been absent, borderline neglectful. As hurtful as that was for a child as sickly and isolated as Sorbet already was, he couldn't help but look up to his parent. After being left to his own devices, he hadn't expected to see Bub again for some time, so it came as a great shock to spot the looming figure of the hound as he emerged from the surrounding area to approach the rotting doors. He paused and found himself blinking for a second or two, lost for words for the first time since his joining. Finally, he managed to spit out a word. "Baba?" He asked disbelievingly, his heart thumping in his chest at the thought that his father had returned for him. Surely that meant that he wasn't as much of a shame on Bubonicplague's name as he thought he was. Sorbet swallowed before swiftly closing the gap between them, bounding up to the larger canine. "I'm here," he said, excited puffs of frost lifting from his tongue as he stated the obvious. "You came back!" Ice crystals hung in the air after he spoke, glittering faintly in the low light before finally melting away. Sorbet had trouble expressing happiness, unused to the feeling of a genuine smile, so all he could manage was staring wide-eyed at Bub, the fur along his spine spiked and frosted over.

Re: foreigner's god / returning - BUBONICPLAGUE - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The demon had lived his life in that of solitude. Children had always been something of a weak spot for him, their views of the world protected by a blanket of innocence. They looked at everything through rose colored glasses. In some aspects, he envied children. To live with such naivety, to have a childhood. To have the things he never did. Bubonicplague wanted to protect them.

Even if that meant leaving them.

He loved his children dearly, he always had. He wanted the best for them; a majority of the time, the best for them was to not be apart of their lives. Bub didn't want them to grow up to be like him. A wretched beast with blood on his paws, cursed to lead a life without happiness or love or anything good. As much as he hated it, he always left. That needed to change. The beast hated himself with a passion, but no longer would he allow that to bleed into his children.

Bubonicplague didn't acknowledge Frightfur. His ears only twitched back and forth as pawsteps echoed closer, and while the voice that mumbled out in disbelief was not one he recognized, he knew it was Sorbet. The demon's paws itched to move closer, pull him into a hug, utter how much he had missed him, but he held it down. The little hound drew closer despite it, spoke to him again; he felt frost on his leg and could hear the twinkling noise it made, and in return, a puff of smoke billowed out of the massive creature's jaws.

"Fuck it," Bub mumbled. A paw stretched out, awkward and hesitant at first, before he curled it around Sorbet and tugged his child into his mass of ebony fur. "Missed you." He had never been one to show affection in the presence of others; a point of pride for him, to keep up this facade of an emotionless, cold, heartless demon. While such was true in most aspects, he couldn't keep such things restrained when he was with those he loved. He loved his children dearly, and though he had not been there for Sorbet, he loved the little one and hoped their relationship was not too damaged from his absence. The only thing he could do now was to make amends, and with the both of them here, he had hope it would flow quickly. "Show me around the place, yeah? A lot's changed since I've been here."

Re: foreigner's god / returning - Fright - 11-05-2018

Frightfur’s oversized ears perked at Sorbet’s appearance and…reaction to the demonic dire wolf as he watched them as if he was in the background and not front and center. So they were related, huh? He may not have guessed in a million years but family was always weird in the way that nobody chose who their family was.

However, the brute flatly ignored him and the interaction and words were wasted. He may as well have been still in the base among the self-absorbed trainees. So the sugary scented felid turned on his heel like a toy soldier back the way he came. He had to find something else to do and leave the father and son alone, he supposed.

He glanced over his shoulder once to smirk at the adorable hug between Bubonicplague and Sorbet before he idly muttered,”Hope to spot you around later, then." And then Frightfur was gone, disappearing back into the Roseblood main base through the door of which he’d came.
[Image: mh978bD.png]
WORDS: 164
TAGS: (link)