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YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - Printable Version

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YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - valemon - 11-02-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
What luck! Val was just beginning to feel thirsty when he stumbled upon this beautiful body of water. Also good because it was nearing dusk. The wind had picked up greatly since he had left the shelter of the trees. The lion would need to be on the lookout for a sheltered place to rest here soon.

But for now, Valemon’s attention was completely absorbed in the lake. The way the darkening sky was reflected in the clear water... it was breathtaking. Hesitantly, the large feline dipped a paw into the cool water. It was almost like stepping into the sky!

The absent-minded cub had not even the smallest idea where he was. He had disregarded the flood of scents all around him, instead focused on continuing his journey. To where... well, he wasn’t sure of that either. Like usual, Valemon just let his paws take him wherever they might wander. And he was glad he’d stumbled upon this magnificent pool.

Continuing to allow his brown eyes to sweep his surroundings, Val dipped his head and took a drink. Thankfully, the lion’s thickening fur and the cape draped over his shoulders offered substantial warmth. If not for caution, he might’ve considered resting right here, next to the water. But, he had to keep moving. It had been a hard lesson to learn, but he knew that not everyone out there was kind.
© madi

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - FUBUKI - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]With short fur and a form too sleek to be carrying much insulating fat, the domestic cat wasn't so appreciative of the brief days and chilly nights that the approaching winter had to offer. Without the blanket that hay had offered him and without his mother by his side, his first winter alone would certainly be a cruel one if he chose to spend his time outside, Ren wanted to tough it out though. The time would come when the snow settled when he'd have to hunt and fight in less than stellar conditions both for himself and the young, if he complained about this then goodness, he'd be embarrassed with himself. As the male trotted along, head lower than normal as he contemplated the weather, he'd squeeze down a little harder on the fresh mouse he was carrying in his mouth. Musky fur and blood pressed against a pink nose was a surefire way to dull his sense of smell, but grey eyes could still wander.

He looked to where grass seemed to be rustled, and with curiosity he followed along the path. It didn't take him long to arrive at the Starpool, nor did it take him long to realise he was staring at the behind of a young lion. Figuring that it wasn't Titan just shaving his mane or Moon playing one last jest on the group before his spirit departed, Ren would slowly approach the other as he drank, hoping to sit down quietly next (and facing) to the other. Even as a young adult himself, he was already dwarfed by the self proclaimed 'king of the jungle', and though everyone could react differently to a stranger settling close to them, the male tried not to show his caution. He'd rather not die for his teasing, after all. "Does the water taste like stars? I haven't tried it myself," he murmured through his catch. Someone else would most likely take the reigns in asking this fellow for his name and intentions whilst trespassing.

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - agathe. - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]"The water will taste like blood if you don't explain why you're trespassing."

Cold and quiet words dripped from the snow leopard's black lips as she strode towards Ren and the stranger, a far-from-welcoming gleam dancing within those otherworldly eyes of hers. She had awoken to a splitting headache that morning, her vision dotted with stars and spots as she abandoned her quarters in favor of finding food and water. While the world around her no longer pulsed with every step, the pain had yet to subside. Agathe knew that she was far from fit to be handling these affairs and yet, here she was, a chilled breeze ruffling her rosetted fur. She had suspicions as to what had prompted the headache and knew that she, if correct, would not be granted solace for days - maybe even weeks. It was best to get used to working with the pain sooner rather than later.

Rolling her shoulders, the Seraph did her best to adopt an expression that didn't scream 'murder'. The longer she surveyed this feline, the more that she realized that he was young. While it certainly was no excuse, perhaps he just hadn't known he was trespassing. "This is the Ascendants territory. Unless you possess intentions to stay, you have to go." She spoke evenly, the bite to her words dwindling as she heaved a faint sigh. One day into this leadership thing and she was acting like she was running her old group, not this one. She needed to calm down. Lay off. "What's your name?"

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - Owlie - 11-03-2018

// track

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - valemon - 11-03-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val had been so focused on the environment in front of him, he didn’t sense the stranger until they were right beside him. The lion didn’t take time to look at them - instead instinct kicked in, telling his paws to move away as quickly as possible. And, because he was at the edge of the clear pool, the water is where he ended up. With a large splash, Valemon half jumped, half stumbled into the lake.

Once he managed to find his footing in the shallows, the lion turned to face the other feline. Ren was much smaller than him but Val’s eyes were wide with fear. He’d been foolish to allow someone to sneak up on him. He found himself distracted much too easily.

Now to focus on this potential threat. Only, he didn’t seem too threatening - the only reason Valemon hadn’t continued his attempt at fleeing. And he’d asked a question, one that gave Val pause. Did the water taste like stars? Well, he’d never tasted stars before. Could one eat what was in the sky? Although Ren was a stranger, Valemon didn’t even consider the potential that he was being made fun of or lied to. So, he did his best to answer in a shaky voice. “I-I never ate stars. They good?”

Just as his heartbeat was beginning to slow back to normal, chilling words hit his ears. ‘The water will taste like blood if you don't explain why you're trespassing.’ Val’s attention snapped to the femme who had approached. Now if Ren seemed relaxed, this other individual was the opposite. “Please, no,” he pleaded, taking a few steps backwards. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to start crying, but he could feel the beginning of tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

After the threat of injury, her offer surprised him. She’d let him stay? If Val was being honest, the invitation seemed less tempting now. He decided to answer the simpler request - his name. “M’ name’s Valemon.” Then, he returned his gaze to Ren. He seemed to be a lot easier to talk to. “Can stay?” Despite the mean-looking leopard, there was something at the back of his mind telling him it might be a good idea to accept their offer. One of those feelings. It would always be confusing, but he had learned to trust his gut.
© madi

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - FUBUKI - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Like a confused puppy the male gave a head tilt as the stranger went bounding into the water, ashen eyes blinking slowly in surprise. Out of all possible reactions he could've predicted from the other, fleeing had not been one of them. Elephant may have been afraid of mice, but the Guardian considered himself a little less intimidating than his catch. His ears and tail weren't pink, he didn't have buck teeth, he wasn't squishy nor was his lifespan incredibly short. Smiling weakly at the genuine response, Ren gave a small shake of his head. "I couldn't say. I haven't eaten stars either, we should try to reach one some day so we can both take a bite," he offered in a musing tone. If they weren't just deadly balls of hydrogen, he imagined they'd taste like cheese puffs, such a thought wasn't one openly shared though.

His gaze flickered up towards Agathe as she first spoke, expression dimming as she treated the other with a guarded tone. He could sympathise, of course he could, the Guardian imagined that suddenly having to take care of dozens of creature was a great stress, but still... without that experience himself, he couldn't justify acting the same way. Ren's ears flattened momentarily as the other's pleas entered them, guilt seeping through his body. Valemon. The domestic cat turned his head back around to face the other when he was sure Agathe wasn't gonna distress the other further, dipping his head in greetings. "Ren. Of course you'll be able to stay, we have spare rooms in the Observatory and plenty of stuff for you to learn about. Just stay on my leader's good side," he gestured teasingly towards the leopard. "Do you know your Star Sign?".

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - valemon - 11-04-2018

male — 14 months — ascendants — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
The nicer male seemed amused by his actions, a reaction Val was used to at this point. He had done plenty of silly things as a cub, things that would elicit similar responses. At the moment, it helped take the lion's mind off of the panic he'd experienced.

He also appreciated Ren's offer. Valemon nodded eagerly, the softest of smiles appearing on his maw. Like the feline, he began to muse at what stars might taste like. Light and fluffy like marshmallows, probably.

Now that Ren had continued to converse in a friendly manner, Val assumed it safe to leave the water - but he kept a watchful eye on Agathe. She was the leader, apparently. This still didn't justify her actions in his eyes. All the leaders he had been loyal to in the past were warm and welcoming to others. Val would definitely heed Ren's advice to avoid anymore scares.

Other than that, there were a few other things the tom said that stuck out to him. The first was that new word. "Observ... tory?" he asked as he shook his paws dry. The water drenched into his pelt certainly didn't help with the chill in the air. And about a 'star sign', he didn't know what that was, either. So, he simply shook his head.
© madi

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - agathe. - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Agathe did not flinch even as he backed away from her. It hadn't really been her intent to frighten him but she supposed that her words had been a little... harsh. No matter, she possessed no desire to apologize for simply being herself and hoped that that much was made clear enough by her unwavering expression. "The Observatory is where we live," She said shortly, "Or we have a bunker if you prefer being above ground." She tried to keep her signature bite out of her words, not wanting to deal with the aftermath of him potentially disliking her. "Ren," She began, glancing at the other, "Is good at showing people around."

(super rushed, sorry!!)

Re: YOU HOLD THE LIGHT||joining - BABY — - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Track + welcome to the Ascendants!