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left to be a rock n roll star / joiner - Printable Version

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left to be a rock n roll star / joiner - no more - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]          There was nothing good about his judgement. The character of others was elusive as smoke, seeping through grasping fingers as mind caught upon ragged threads and lines, wanting to understanding lacking something. Early was such noted, development within the mind of this youth different. Lacking was title for it, this aspect of himself that found root in untamed thought, swirled about a mind easy to overwhelm with the sudden touch of sound or sensation of another, no matter the gentle nature of it, touching him. Solitary creature had he become, enjoyed the peace of loneliness.

          So why was it he sought to heal, become something outside of himself when he found it difficult to reach for another, feel the warmth of their touch upon him for but seconds. Jagged had the shards of want been then, desire to become something beyond the skin he had been given, cast into the shadow of a man deemed both Captain and father. And then had come the man he viewed as teacher, family in ways no other was able to become, soft presence about him within the frame of enclosed wings. Left behind were they all within the wake of broken memory, fragments of the child he had been for only a short time. Better was it this was, left to happiness without his taint to ruin it further.

          A day had passed – or had it been more, the tug of sleep about a tired mind never strong enough to lull him into it, not quite, the raising and dip of the sun lost as he merely walked. Upon side he felt the press of satchel, worn leather encased in the fading scents of herbs once carried within. In his hut had all his supplies been left for the next, those who had better need for such beyond the mere basics he might need upon his travels, pouches of dried herbs jostling about. Amongst them were a few small books, a journal with notes and, of course, the switchblade. It had not seen use, and was unlikely to do so, the obsidian blade scarred from prior occupants handling it. Memory was all it was, traces of a life the man he knew as Pincher cared not to speak of, but slowly had acceptance on such a matter come about. Let him have his secrets as he would carry this one.

          Dappling of shadow and light, a play across the dead leaves left to skirt and dance in the gentle breeze, giving way to the sudden touch of golden. Unobscured now the light of the sun touched upon the expanse of grassland, almost flat if not for shallow dip before it lifted, raising towards structure that sat as though it were foreboding creature, guardian of stone and steal. Press of tongue against back of teeth, hum raising. Twice had he been here though neither had been for good reasons, or at least so far as he was concerned now. Different was his purpose, loose the stride which drew the ash toned bengal closer, larger now and beneath the darkness of fur baby fat was giving way to muscle.

        “Name's Silus and yes I am here to stay,” drawl across tongue, momentum drawing to a halt as single earth toned eye swept across the land. Familiar were the questions like to be asked and so he thought it best to nip it in the bud, get it out of the way. He had been present during enough, had even welcomed a great many, upon the shores of a place once deemed home. It was funny the first time he was seeking acceptance and it was within a place his father had deemed an enemy.

Re: left to be a rock n roll star / joiner - ALISAE - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"Oh, well, I think you can do that. Not sure though." There's surprisingly no trace of sarcasm from Alisaie, the shiba inu is only slightly certain that there's open policy on joiners. They let her join without much fanfare or difficulty, but maybe that's because she didn't seem like a threat or something.

Not that she thinks Silus is a threat. She just don't know whether it's allowed. Better to be safe than be sorry for pissing off someone else. Alisaie is used to the small insular community of her home, most of the time spending time with her mother and younger sister - content, without a worry or care. Sure, they had their issues with rogues and outcasts, but nothing close to the group politics that she would come to know.

"Where do you come from?" She asks, trying to prompt a conversation with the stranger to avoid an awkward silence whilst they wait for someone more aware of Ascendants policy than her.

Re: left to be a rock n roll star / joiner - no more - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]          Drawn of breath between parted teeth is sharp. It might have been amusing if only the lurch of heart, fingers curling about it and restricting the beat grown into the flurry of fearful wings, had not been there. With a soft click teeth slot together once more, the draw of the single dark eye left to him slow as he took in this other, in some ways familiar and yet, in a great many more, not. Never had their paths crossed, rather they ran in different directions before drawn together in this moment. All the same tug upon memory is clear, drawing forth disjointed fragments, moments his mind struggled to keep.

          “It... Uh, thank you and I understand,” uneasy the curl upon dark lips, flick of ears, brief their press against skull. It would have been easier to turn from her and leave this place, allow his mind a chance to draw upon each fragment of memory and bring it together in time, allowed its own pace. The on-slaughter of it, moment when a small body softened with baby fat had been suspended in water, the sharp words of another snapping at them, caught in the forefront of his mind.

          Understandable is caution. Though he had not been apart of a group for some time news had been easy to catch, words whispered between those who found another, frantic in their want to share each tidbit and gather more. Almost a game was it to see who knew the most, holding this knowledge in high regard though it was useless to them all. “No where in particular,” clear was how the question caught him, words unexpected. Almost had the truth slipped through, familiar the weight of the name, barely withheld. “Been travelling for a while, I used to be a healer but wanted to be on my own.” It had taken only a short time to learn how lonely such a life was.

Re: left to be a rock n roll star / joiner - BABY — - 11-04-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
From an early age, Titan had always sought to be something outside of himself. He sought to be someone better, someone greater than he was. He had been told by many of the elders that he would do wonderful things one day, and so that was what he had believed.

And perhaps that had ultimately led to his [sub]downfall.[/sub]

Titan had not expected to come to a clan, only to become its leader a month later. Had he really been suited for the job, over everybody else? Apparently so. Apart of him was concerned about the future of the Ascendants, with the u n s t a b l e politics and all. Would this be the destiny that he was ultimately meant to fulfill?

Silus, from "nowhere in particular". Titan had taken note of the feline's given information upon silent paws, his amber visionaries gazing down at him, pitch-black irises tracking every movement and expression. A healer? There was no doubt that the Ascendants was in dire need of such. "You are welcome here, Silus from 'nowhere in particular.'" The rather [sub]deep-voiced[/sub] lion replied, perking his rounded ears. Although the statement was rather teasing in itself, no smile or amusement flitted onto masculine features.

It was unlike Titan to even remotely mock newcomers upon first meeting, although Silus' words had caught his attention. Saying that one was from "nowhere" was often a common answer to avoid the truth, and Titan knew from experience.

However, he wouldn't press the issue. Silus was young and didn't appear to hold any ill intentions. The lion added, "I'm Titan, one of the leaders." He took a brief glance over his shoulder. "If you'd follow me, I'll show you to the Observatory."

Re: left to be a rock n roll star / joiner - no more - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – A pair are they, these two meant for something more but given only the bitter drought of disappointment and downfall, found themselves forced to make something new of the fragments left to them.

Press of dark lips, where once the traces of smile had lingered washed away beneath the clench of jaw. Easy may the route of simply brushing such comment aside, the way it was structured clear within its want to hide the truth of where once his home had been, place held within the smoke and mirror of false memory constructed only for comfort. But such was no option in this, this youth with a tongue that more readily bore the weight of a curse presented through the twist of a frown then it did the meek little smile of someone meant only to follow.

"Why thank you Tit, it is a pleasure to be here," quiet exhale before words are passing lips, slow to once more take the curve of a grin. Almost too soft are the words, the faint trace of laughter within obscuring their structure and the pitch of it is lowered, rasp as he grew once more accustomed to speaking aloud. Time had seen little need for such things, the lack of company further leading to no need for words, those few gossips he sought to converse with doing much of the talking for their mouth worked at a quicker pace then their brain ever might.

"What happened to Bast?" Inquiry is offered easily, though almost may one detect the beat of unease within it. There had been nothing pleasant between them, the first encounter leading into the child being contained within the structure they had come to consider their own, the second touched with hostility. Clear was the gaps within his knowledge, the short reign of the lion he had watched be tormented lost upon him, one he thought as nothing more than a weak fool. But then what did that make him, the child who became a healer just as Moon once was.