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﹙ . . . H A N A H A K I ﹚ - Printable Version

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﹙ . . . H A N A H A K I ﹚ - ASYLI - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]Will edit this later.

Re: ﹙ . . . H A N A H A K I ﹚ - ASYLI - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 18px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]GENERAL ⸺⸺
Hanahaki ( 花吐き病 ) | Hana | [ Pronounced: HA-NA-HA-KEY ]
Gender Unknown, DMAB | Goes by they/them or he/him pronouns
Androromantic Asexual | Masculine preference | Single | Uninterested
25 Months Old | Around 1,500 mentally | Semi-immortal, invincible[sup][1][/sup]
[ Clan goes here ] | Class & Rank | They are loyal to people, not clans

Domestic Feline ( Mixed Breed ), Spirit
— Extremely thin and willowy, with their long legs Hana looks like it would take nothing more than a gust of wind to knock them over. They aren't very big nor very muscular and prove basically useless in any kind of physical fight.
— Their fur is short yet soft and a solid pitch black.
— Hana's eyes a dark chocolate brown that almost match the color of their pelt, they aren't very interesting and usually appear a little dull and lifeless.
— The only supernatural or interesting aspect to Hana is the fact that they have soft baby blue roses growing out of various parts of their body. The largest of the flowers tend to settle around their rib-cage and spread down over their abdomen in splotches; now, they aren't overly ridiculous and tend to be fairly tame in where they grow. It is very difficult to remove these flowers and extremely painful as they are literally growing out/from Hanahaki.

INFJ | True Neutral | Hufflepuff
— Cold and distant, they are unlikely to become close to others both out of fear of being hurt emotionally and simply because they've grown tired of trying to blend in. They can come across as a little bit of an asshole as they will either ignore someone trying to talk to them, interrupt them, or simply leave in the middle of a conversation if they no longer feel like they can keep up conversation. It's very difficult for them to form friendships or, honestly, relationships of any caliber with other people.
— Emotionally constipated and violently depressed. There is no one in this world that hates Hana more than they hate themselves, and no one who Hana believes deserves to die more than they do. They have been dealing with their depression for as long as they can remember and, well, they're honestly struggling; [tw] they have attempted suicide various times over their life and would have succeeded every time had it not been for the curse preventing them from dying.
— Hana is extremely lonely, although they would never ever admit that aloud. They constantly crave affection and attention but are both afraid and unsure of how to go about doing that; they have what can kind of be described as an inferiority complex. They sort of feel like they aren't allowed to be happy or to connect with others, almost as if they were punishing themselves.
— They are calm most of the time, that meaning: they're too exhausted to get upset or lash out at anyone anymore. Hana is still incredibly angry at the world and may sometimes spoil people's fun or hurt their feelings but usually they just sit back... and do nothing. They enjoy watching the world go by and are a little on the lazy side. Although, if they do get ( rarely ) worked up they can become irrationally aggressive and may start fights.
— Highly intelligent and, when they feel like being useful, they are extremely good at organizing and planning. Most of the time, however, they simply use their intelligence to be a pain in the ass.

— They are the spirit of unrequited love, the type of love that is one-sided or non-reciprocated. When they were still a mortal they made a grave mistake in trusting trickster spirits to help them try and get their "soulmate," prince to love them back. They no longer have a beating heart but instead a blossoming rose whose vines have wrapped around their insides and constantly remind Hana of their foolishness by recreating the pain of their lovelessness. Their curse, of sorts, is to continue to feel their own pain while spreading it to others until they have learned their lesson.
— [sup][1][/sup] They are somewhat invincible, however, that does not mean they cannot be hurt or broken—it simply means that until Hana learns their lesson and repents for their mistake they cannot die.
— Fluent in most East Asian Languages, English, Latin ( & Latin based languages ), and can understand bits and pieces of Western and Southern Asian languages; other languages are difficult for them to understand but, for the most part, they can figure out what is being said.
— Their birth name is Izena-mura no Heihachirō ( 伊是名村の平八郎 ).

— Won't usually start fights, will usually end up taking hits instead of fighting back.
— Not well trained, usually relies on sheer dumb luck to help them out.
— Non-violent or non-aggressive actions may be powerplayed.
— Will usually not react well to being touched without their permission.