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SAD SOULS||joining - Printable Version

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SAD SOULS||joining - mot - 11-01-2018

The mountains had been his home for as long as he could remember. And to be honest, Mot had liked his solitary life among the forest. The was only one problem: the feline really struggled with caring for himself.

Sure, he could hunt. But his attempts were often unsuccessful and only made when he absolutely needed to eat... which was what accounted for his skeleton-like appearance. When he’d lived with his father and siblings, his sister was there to treat his wounds. A good thing, too, because he’d almost always come home at the end of the day with at least one minor scratch. Now by himself with no knowledge of healing practices and aware of his injuries less than half of the time, it wouldn’t be long before he eventually bled out. The thought made him smile to himself. What a way to go - slowly dying of blood loss before realizing you’d been bleeding to begin with.

So, Mot was on the hunt for some company... at least company that was sentient and could help feed him. The cornish rex already had all the real friends he needed - one of them hanging from the open satchel at his side. The teddy bear was clearly old - it was missing both of it eyes, had one ear torn, and looked to never have been washed. While Mot had a similarly disheveled appearance, his stuffed animal was this way on purpose. He’d had Sam since he was young but didn’t take very good care of him simply because the bear had a very unlikable personality.

In fact, as he walked, Mot lectured his friend. “Yes, Sam, that big wall is where we’re ‘eaded. Be patient fo’ once in your life.” Frankly, the bear had never been alive, but Mot knew this. “Remember, we’re ‘ere t’ play nice and ask if they’d be willing to share their stuff. You’re lucky I don’t eat you, I’m so ‘ungry.”

Finally, the skinny feline stopped, sure to keep some distance between himself and the barricade. The gate was open, which was exactly why he didn’t go any farther. What if these were savages who led innocent wanderers within their walls only to trap and devour them? If not for his strong sense of self-preservation, Mot might’ve been excited to see that. But even if they were friendly, the sight of what looked to be an oversized, skinny, filthy rat approaching their town wasn’t reassuring.

Turning his head, Mot pulled his teddy bear from his bag. “Go see if anyone’s ‘ome. Better you than me, I say.” Then without hesitation, he tossed the stuffed animal toward the open gate. Mot was well-aware this would get him no closer to entering, but at least he may catch someone’s attention. That way, he could judge to see whether whoever that happened be was hostile or not. Plus, it was fun to throw Sam around.
SO DARK, SO DEEP —-- male / cornish rex cat / ten months / sunhaven member

Re: SAD SOULS||joining - STEVE - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Steve had always gotten more than his fair share of scrapes, and it wasn't limited to one part of his life, either. It was one of the most consistent aspects, in all honesty. Water: wet. Grass: green. Steve: slugged. Maybe it was because of his size, however much he hated having to acknowledge that size was an important factor. He hadn't met anyone smaller than him yet, not anyone who was his age at least, so he couldn't exactly say whether being lighter of stature was closely tied to an easy bruising, but what he did know was that people loved to pick on those smaller than them. Not all of them, obviously, but a small statistic didn't make the actions of that percentage any better. Of course, Steve typically wound up in the part of the graph affected by that group. It was always worth the cuts and bruises, though. Always. Who said the smallest were the ones needing protection? He'd managed fine thus far. Somewhat.

However, he wasn't a child. Kids were preyed on quite a bit too, for their naivety and inexperience, so whenever he'd come across a child wandering on their own, Steve escorted them somewhere safer. He couldn't just walk away from them, the same way he couldn't desert this kid, either, who was in need of several hot meals and a few baths. Maybe a new teddy bear. Steve eyed the toy where it landed, approaching slowly, and he glanced at the kid several feet away. "Shouldn't desert your friends like that," Steve said mildly, nudging the bear closer to the feline. "Are you hungry? I could find something for you real quick. Any preferences?"

Re: SAD SOULS||joining - rhosmari - 11-02-2018

"Who ya talkin tae, Steve?" Her accented voice lifted up the moment she saw the familiar figure of one of their newest members, who was standing near the barricade and talking to something. Though the large hellbeast couldn't quite make it out she was still curious about what was going on at the border. They hadn't had many nice encounters at the border but that was mainly from groups they were having problems with and the woman gave a light breath in before releasing it. She figured she needed to go and visit the Typhoon to make sure their trial alliance was still on the right path to a full official one and she allowed her large paws to carry her body a bit stiffly forward. Though when her eyes caught sight of a teddy bear and then a child at that her eyes widened. A pain pierced her heart and she was reminded of Pele once again and how the child helped to take care of her when she had been harmed. Especially when she had made her the salve for her skin when she had been mutated beyond recognition. But alas, she didn't try to let her grief over the disappearance of the aspiring youth to make her seem unfriendly right now. Instead she focused more on the hear and now and she gave a light smile. The kid was so skinny and she glanced over to Steve who had already offered to go and get the kid something as she settled her frame down against the ground.

After all she was rather big and she didn't want to frighten the kid that had come to their border and was most likely looking for a meal to keep them going. "Ay, what's ya name, little laddie? And ya friend too? I'm Marina and this here is Sunhaven. If ya lookin for a place tae stay we got the room for ya." Common courtesy to always invite those that were looking for a place a home. To be mindful of those around her and always at least be friendly. She tried her best but sometimes she often wondered if it was enough and she sighed lowly before she rolled her shoulders a little and gave a small smile.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: SAD SOULS||joining - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 11-03-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
The topic of children was a touchy subject for the former leader. There were times where he would be kind to children that he came across to, although a little bit gruff at times, and there were times where he would almost seem AFRAID of them. He wasn't necessarily afraid of the children, he was more afraid FOR them in the fact that children that got close to Ichigo ended up dying in front of him. Something that the wildcat couldn't stand for any more thanks to how many times it had happened and how many times he hadn't managed to save them either. Ichigo had seen plenty of death in his life, and as far as he knew out of the group of friends that he once had, he was practically ancient. He was five years old in real time, although his body just simply showed him as a three-year-old cougar. He got lucky when it came to being reincarnated into the body that he was put into. The Shinigami had seen plenty of his own children die in front of him, but he had also seen those that were in his family give birth only to watch as some of the children would eventually die in front of their own parents. Ichigo remembered the pain and suffering that he went through when he was pinned down by beasts to watch as his children were basically skinned alive. The simple thought would always make him stop what he was doing and nearly break down completely.

He didn't have the same mental capacity that he used to, making it easier for someone or something to get to him emotionally. He didn't remember the last time he was actually emotionally stable, and the thought seemed almost like a fleeting dream in itself. The most recent instance of his children dying had been around a year ago. He had finally adopted someone he considered to be a daughter toward him, and they had been so happy during his return, it just felt right. Only for the happiness to end in an instant when he saw her laying in her own pool of blood with her killer not too far away from her. Littlestar never deserved something like that. The wildcat refused to believe she was dead until he was drenched in his own child's blood. It had been the last straw for the Death God, and he had lost it. Chasing after the killer in an attempt to take the other's life as payment of killing the one that he loved. It was at that point that everyone that Ichigo knew was basically dead. Recently, however, Ichigo came across his granddaughter that was still alive and breathing. Technopaw. His granddaughter lived in a place called the Typhoon, and he didn't remember the last time that he had been so relieved to see a familiar face. Usually, when it was someone familiar it was someone coming across him that hated his guts and tried to kill him. The Shinigami had a busy past couple of days though, keeping ghosts in check, but now that their numbers had died down he could focus on his training a little bit.

He flicked the black tip of his tail as he had wandered a little bit away from the border behind the wall to check for any other vengeful spirits that he would have to take care of. His paws seemed to drag slightly as he made his way back toward the wall, his bi-colored eyes not looking in front of him. It wasn't hard to hear him coming thanks to the black leather and metal armor that was strapped to his body as it rattled with each step that he met. And the massive blade on his back certainly made him look intimidating despite him not trying to look as such. The heavily scarred wildcat did perk his ears when he heard voices and raised his head slightly to notice that there were three animals. Only one that he recognized, but considering Steve's position at the border it was probably another Sunhaven member. His eyes turned to look at the small male that was standing there. It was just a kid. One that didn't look in the best of conditions. A frown spread across Ichigo's jaws as he doubted the other had been eating. Where were his parents? Was he abandoned here? Ichigo made sure to approach the group from the side so that he wouldn't scare the child from approaching him from behind. He offered the child a small grin from his lips and made sure to keep enough distance between him and the kitten, as he didn't want the other to freak out by his appearance. Although, Marine was at least two feet taller than he was and might be even more intimidating. "Hey there kiddo. Where did you come from? You must be hungry." The former father and leader would say in a soothing tone as he debated what he could quickly get for the child. Despite the expression he wore on his face, Ichigo could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to keep the memories at bay.

Re: SAD SOULS||joining - mot - 11-03-2018

Mot couldn’t recall ever being ‘preyed upon’. It used to be he and his siblings were always under the watchful eye of their father. A severe breach of privacy for sure, but at least he’d always felt protected. Still, he was glad this stranger had gotten to the point quickly... and with an offer of food, too. He hadn’t even needed to ask! “Thank you, mate,” he said, absentmindedly using a paw to bring the teddy bear closer. Despite his casual way of speaking, Mot was sure never to let his gaze leave the small feline. He had yet to be sure what he could expect from this place and its inhabitants. “A bet ‘ungry, I am. Could eat a tiger, probably. In fact, you think you could get me one ov them? Always wanted to try some, I ‘ave.” The young feline smiled widely, revealing two rows of crooked teeth. “I might also need someone familiar wit’ wounds and things, if you know a guy,” he continued. It was less of a request and more a demand, but Mot assumed since this fellow had been quick to offer his services that he wouldn’t mind.

The next to approach was a lot more interesting. Mot strained to look up at the femme whilst also doing his best not to appear intimidated. Although, if the giant wolf got any closer, he might not be able to resist turning tail and running back for the trees. “Woah, didn’t know monsters lived ‘round ‘ere.” He followed the somewhat insensitive statement up with a nervous chuckle. “My name’s Mot, and this ‘ere is Sam. Don’ mind ‘im, though. Useless, ‘e is.” There was an edge of contempt to his tone, strengthened after he gave the teddy bear at his feet a rough kick. “As for staying, me and my friends ‘ave been looking fo’ a place. I’m in need ov a reliable source ov food, you see.” To end his whole spiel, Mot’s smile dipped into an exaggerated pout. He didn’t like to pull the ‘helpless child’ act, but if it were to be successful in sealing a home here...

Then his attention was split once again by another very formidable-looking creature. In particular, his eyes were drawn to the oversized sword on the cougar’s back. The size of it seemed almost counterintuitive. Wasn’t it difficult to yield such a weapon? He decided he would bother Ichigo about it later. “I’m from the woods, my family lived there. Dead now, they all are.” His own tone was flat, dismissive. It wasn’t that the topic bothered him, only that it seemed like a waste of time discussing it now. He had more important things to worry about. “And your friend ‘ere - Steve, eh? - is already fetching me a proper meal. Wouldn’t mind something fo’ dessert, though.” And finally his grin returned.
SO DARK, SO DEEP —-- male / cornish rex cat / ten months / sunhaven member

Re: SAD SOULS||joining - rhosmari - 11-04-2018

As the word monster left the young teen's muzzle her own began to droop down into a frown. For a moment she didn't say anything and just listened to the other one speak. Was she a monster? Her gaze lowered to her paws as she shuffled them, thinking back to the times that the Ascendants had insulted them and hadn't taken the threat of actual murder seriously. What should she have done then? Just ignored them and gotten nothing in return for their harmful actions and the fact that one of their own had attacked Buckingham and had never been punished for it. The many times she had told them to stay way from their border only for them to ignore it despite the known consequences. The woman sighed softly and she shook her head for a moment, finally feeling rather unsure of herself. A monster. Closing her eyes she forced her way through the thoughts and instead she focused more on the kid before her. Keep her composure and just keep going and she took in a slow breath. She'd debate over everything later and she gave a small nod of her head. "Reliable. Well we got the food and ya are more than welcomed tae come on in. Ya can learn how ways and how we operate but tae let ya know it ain't for free. We work and yae'll soon be pitchin' in when ya can." But other than that she didn't see a reason to let the kid go off on his own especially when the season were turning cold and soon the snow would be coming.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: SAD SOULS||joining - mot - 11-05-2018

Either Mot hadn't noticed Marina's response or he simply chose to ignore it. What he did take note of were the femme's words. Work? He wasn't built for work.

Like Marina, he dedcide to save this topic for later. No need to cause before he'd even walked though the gates. "Will do, boss," he said with an exaggerated bow. She'd said when he could, right? Mot just may need a little more time than expected to get better and in well enough health to contribute.

SO DARK, SO DEEP —-- male / cornish rex cat / ten months / sunhaven member