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TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - Printable Version

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TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - beck. - 04-17-2018

    Even after their technical "victory", it was blindingly obvious that no group could function without at least one person to fix up injuries -- like one of those doctors from T.V. Maybe most of it was staged, but he could understand the gist of it. And, besides, he knew how to wrap wounds from trial and error, evident from the grimy bandaging around his neck. Bandages were only a formality, because nobody wanted a bunch of oily blood seeping from his neck all over them. Well, maybe Valo would like that -- they were a freak. Either way, the scores carved into his neck weren't a bother, but other injuries sustained to his fellow rogues were. They could die, unlike his condemned soul, and they couldn't repair themselves without outside help. Logically, finding the few folks who knew how to heal was his top priority.

    He finally returned from his latest expedition into the swamp, apparition failing to track muddy pawprints as he dragged an abandoned plastic bag behind him, the thin plastic stretched by clumps of whatever herbs or medical supplies he could loot from territory, as well as medical encyclopedias from the library. The town did have a few basic first aid tools stowed away for an emergency they couldn't escape, and the swamp was teeming with herbs -- a healer's paradise, if he knew the name for any of them. Dumping his gathered herbs and gauze next to a mossy brick wall secluded from the general foot traffic of camp, Beck was more than happy to sprawl on his mangy belly and arrange the wads of herbs in from of him in no clear pattern, surrounding the shivelled plants with musty doctor's handbooks and scavenged gauze roll. Eventually satisfied with his bizarre display, the boy straightened from his hovering slouch and hollered with his feeble wheeze, "Anybody that wants t' be a medic, get over here!" While he didn't remember what the official names for all of them were, he could recall their archaic uses. So he was at least somewhat qualified to test their knowledge, and decide whether to pat them on the back and give the lucky duck a rank, or to slide them over the hefty books in order for them to actually learn.

Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - Belladonna - 04-17-2018

[size=8pt]Belladonna didn't even need Beck's various herbs and gauze - she carried her own everywhere, even if she struggled to find the right ingredients in the putrid mud and sludge of the Tanglewood's territory. It's why she carried the simpler things and just dried out the rest - most of the herbs that could be used dried, anyway. She managed to be quite ingenious with using teas for her remedies - it saved a lot of herbs that would be wasted otherwise.

But much like Happycamper, Belladonna was trained and raised as a medic already, so of course she'd come over. Glancing from the books and tools Beck had left, she simply reached for her bag, clamping onto her own. Glancing over to him, Belladonna gestured to Beck's own injuries. "Do you want me to rebandage those, Beck?" she asked - she imagined he would say no, to focus on someone else's injuries, but she figured he didn't want his already dead blood on every nook and cranny for a month.


Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - Morgan - 04-20-2018

Morgan appeared on the scene with its tail wagging. To its surprise, it had understood enough of Beck's sentence to have a vague idea of what was happening. The samoyed had not been hurt during the raid and had no other outstanding injuries, so it sat on the sidelines. Perhaps it would have a chance to learn something basic and useful from watching a "medic." Having picked up the word because of its fellow Tanglers' recent chatter, the dog was more than interested in learning any new way to stay alive.

The canine looked at its nearby allies' backs, thinking of some way to announce its presence. From behind its mask, it barked out, "Hi Beck, hi Be-donna!"

Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - COSMIIX - 04-21-2018


[div style="text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 30px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #34495E; text-align: left; letter-spacing: -2px; line-height: 95%; width: 420px"]amunet ghana
✩[b][i] - No one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you'll be mine?
[div style="height: 137px; width: 350px; padding: 0px; font-family: arial; color: #292421; font-size: 10px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify;"]Become a medic? She didn't seek that sort of occupation for herself, she wanted to reach for something more exciting though she was certain that sometimes being a medic could have their exciting moments although, more stressful than a form of excitement especially depending on the injuries of the patient. She would stay at the sidelines offering a supportive smile in the direction of Belladonna, she knew that her friend would be able to do it and she flicked an ear as she would click her talons against some broken rocks [b]"Good luck to those trying for the rank," She stated with a light dip of her cranium. She wasn't interested though she would learn the basics if the simple teachings were offered to her.
[color=transparent]thes code

Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - beck. - 04-22-2018

    Now Beck was by far not a genius, but he could piece together from the little details that Bella was already qualified to be a medic. The constant aroma of herbs following her around in what he assumed was a first-aid satchel, her hesitance to violence, and her constant fretting over other's well-being. The boy could never be a medic himself; he was selfish and rude and crazy and just everything Bella wasn't perfect at. Not that he wanted to heal whining creatures anyways, but it was a possibility his imagination liked to entertain.

His disfigured maw parted to croak out a mandatory greeting at Bella, inky nose twitchy in attempts to fight back a sneeze from the overwhelming scent of herbs growing around him. Her question cut him off, and Beck could only scowl like a child being told to take their bitter medicine. "No -- nope, I already did. Don't worry 'bout it," the boy sharply countered, refusing to acknowledge the black fluid staining the gauze bundled around his neck. He already looked like an ugly walking corpse, a few little scratches wouldn't hurt him that badly. Quickly changing the subject, Beck's notched ear twitched in thought as he stared Belladonna down. "I figured ya would be here, Bells, since ya carry 'round those plants all the time. Bet I don't even need t' test ya," came the giggly wheeze, his voice worse than dragging blades down a chalkboard. He perked for the slightest moment when Morgan spoke, confusion flickering on his freckled features before he offered an awkward yet wary wave back. When did they learn to talk, much less his name? Glancing at Amunet, who seemed to be watching rather than volunteering, Beck rolled his bony shoulders and looked at the tiny stalks of green encircling his paws before muttering out quizzical questions to Bella, glowering eyes scrunched shut as he sought to remember what he had planned. "Here's your test: which one of these l'il herbs is used to help out someone who's been poisoned, where would you find, uh, what's it called... marigold?And how'd ya treat a concussion?" Well, he hoped she knew, because he had forgotten the answers already.

Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - Belladonna - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna wasn't surprised Beck was going to throw questions at her - and as she peered at him and listened, her ear twitching as she glanced between Beck and the herbs, she realized she could only answer two of the questions - the third wasn't something she was particularily good with.

Starting off with poisons, Belladonna glanced over each of the herbs - it seemed to be a wide variety, and named rushed through her head, but she spotted a spiny branch of green. "It's stronger with ingestion," she started, as she pointed to the stinging nettle. "But this is stinging nettle. It can also bring down a wound that's swollen. There's a few other I can think of, tansy and such, but this seems to be the only one here." she mewed, before moving to the next question. "And marigold is a weed, so it's quite common, but it's usually very overgrown in human gardens, and grows frequently near water sources."

Then the last thing, concussions - Belladonna visibily frowned. It was something she rarely experienced with, but she tried to answer anyway. "For a concussion, painkillers like poppy seed or raspberry leaves. Watermint to help with nausea and vomiting, and to simply rest, no violent movement or pressure on the body and head." the answer seemed alright, for the most part... she wasn't sure what else though. Perhaps elevating the person's head while they sleep, but she wasn't too sure. Besides... she imagined most people having concussions around here were poor unfortunate souls who got captured. "I... I think that's about right."


Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - Nayru - 04-22-2018

It wasn't so much the potential of a position that lulled her forward, but rather the chance to learn something new. Her entire life had been dedicated to her intricate faith, leaving next to no room for her to sate her ever curious personality and dabble in other subjects. This, she decided, would be good for her. Even if her father would scream and yell that it was not.

Pursing her lips, she sat down just as Beck questioned Belladonna. She knew none of the answers to his questions but craned her ears forward in intrigue anyways, listening intently. She was no fighter, that much  was known, but the idea of healing others was fascinating to her. She could do it, it would just require immense patience-  good thing that she was full of it then. [color=black]"I'm interested in learning," Nayru finally announced, hoping her words wouldn't come as much of an interruption to the session, [color=black]"I know the very, and I mean very, basics."

Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - beck. - 05-01-2018

    His head nodded along with Bella's answers, amber eyes half-closed as she spoke. Beck had nearly no idea what she was talking about, but at least her voice was nice to listen to. Nicer than his gravelly mess of vocal chords -- the scrawny boy snapped back to attention as she concluded, teeth absentmindedly hooked over his lower lip. "Yeah, I guess that's right," he mumbled, shrugging his bony shoulders. It wasn't much of a surprise to either of them that she would receive the role, but he held his tongue for a later meeting. Which made his decision more official, he assumed. What was he supposed to do next?

    Fortunately, an awkward silence was avertehanks to Nayru arriving on the scene, Beck's dull glare  scouring the pale tabby for a moment. She looked serious enough; then again, he rarely saw her crack a smile, much less a joke. "Okay Nayru, ya really wanna learn?" the mangy spirit wheezed, sliding a hefty stack of book towards her, "Go on 'nd stick your nose in these, but I'm warnin' ya, it's a lot." A lot of jargon he failed to decipher himself, but he assumed Nayru wasn't illiterate based on her eloquent speech. He paused in thought, tilting his head to the right, and rubbing at his scarred snout, Beck gave a rattling huff aimed at Belladonna, "Bells, maybe ya could help her, like, with training and stuff." The word Beck was looking for was on the tip of his tongue, but he shook out his bristling pelt and began to gather up the scattered herbs, since it appeared no one else would arrived -- but of course, any last minute volunteers could catch him just before everything was cleaned up and stored away again.

Re: TOURNIQUET / medic tryouts - Belladonna - 05-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna let out a long sigh of relief as Beck seemed to be pleased by her answers; and she diverted her attention to Nayru as she came in. Hearing Beck speak again, Belladonna nodded gently. "I-I can give it a go," Belladonna stuttered, looking to Nayru. She'd never really mentored anyone, but it couldn't hurt to try, right?