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MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - Printable Version

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MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - pallid-i - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:600px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height:13px;"]hello! i had another shop up but since that one's old, i decided to make a new one! it's all traditional but people have told me that my art is decent so,,, why not make a shop? idk, i kinda want gems too so i can buy some powers for a char!!

for examples, you can find my da here: x
i'm willing to give any kind of creature a try, and i'm even willing to draw humans! throw anything you got at me, and if i cant draw it, i'll tell you. sketches will not be colored while headshots and up will be

-You may not edit or alter the art in any way unless I give explicit permission to!
-I will ask for payment after the art is done, but you must send it to me before I send you the image itself
-Do not be rude and do not rush me. I will not hesitate to drop the commission if either of these two instances occur

-Sketches 1000 for sketches. these can be headshots, fullbodies, etc
-headshots 2000 + 50 for another character
-busts 2000 + 100 for another character
-halfbodies 3500 + 100 for another character
-fullbodies 5000 + 500 for another character

waiting list
-Orion - Stryker - Fullbody
-Aureate - Fullbody
-Darcia - Fullbody
-Dragon - Headshot - Captain Heron

ffa!! you know what to do! ( give me species, gender, accessories, etc etc c;;; also tell me if you're from the snowbound and i'll check and you're good to go for the discount <3 )

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - drachen - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]slides to trak and say first

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - pallid-i - 11-02-2018

hey dad <33
also small bump!!

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - toboggan - 11-03-2018

hi i like your art and i have gems maybe we can come to an agreement aka track!

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - Orion - 11-03-2018

- I would like my character Stryker drawn. You can view some of his references on ToyHouse! He is a white lion with neon green, slitted eyes. His horns are also very dynamic and pointed in all directions as they go around his ears, as you can see from this reference. His tongue is also split in two, also in a similar green color that matches his eyes, just like a snake's tongue would be.
- As for pose, it's up to you! Go crazy, honestly. Please stick with the snake charmer / revenge / justice / brute theme though. Making him look sly, cocky, and shit is also amazing too! If you need a personality thing, hmu or check his tags?
- If you have any additional questions, let me know!

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - pallid-i - 11-03-2018

yo, you're accepted onion my main man
thanks for supporting the poor /winks

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - miss ririchiyo - 11-04-2018


- I'd like my character Delilah drawn, please! She's a pastel pink, fluffy maine coon with three legs, missing her back left leg. She has black vine-like markings rising up all of her legs and stopping just below the top of them. On the thigh of her missing leg, she has a branding of a cartoonish skull burnt into her skin. Along her back are scars from whip markings, covering the particle-like spottings that run from the bottom of her neck down to the base of her tail. Working your way up to her head, she has pale, blind pink eyes, with three claw marks slashed over both of her eyes vertically. Her snout is a little bit cut up, but it isn't too noticeable so this is optional. Her ears are pointed and fluffy, with a few chips taken out of them. For accessories, she has a grey scarf around her neck. Due to her aesthetic element, she constantly has sakura petals flying from her fur, almost like she sheds them from her body, but this is optional!
- For pose and facial expression, she's known to be constantly tired and easily frightened, constantly filled with paranoia. So maybe some dark circles under her eyes or her posture being a bit scared/sleepy? Or, if that is too much, she's known for being motherly and soft around those she finds comfort in, so maybe a gentle smile?
- Any additional questions is fine with me, you can contact me through here or on Discord! If you need her tags, I'll give them to you. ^^

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - Orion - 11-05-2018

donated some $$$ to ya

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - pallid-i - 11-05-2018

Accepted!! And why would u do that Orion my main man this is evil

Re: MY SPIRIT HURTS [ — ] eyelidd's shoppe - MysteriouslyMaple - 11-07-2018


- I'd like Caesar to be drawn! He's a golden-furred F1 Savannah with black eyes. He has large ears and a long tail; his ears are completely black while his tail has thick, black stripes going across it and ending with a black tip. His paws are also black, with thin lines across his forearms. Everything else are spots! On the left side of his face, there is only one (1) spot, whereas there are three (3) on the right side of his face, making a triangle pattern. Here are some references! Spots are exact, although feel free to delete/add more if you wish!
    - REF (art by @/temorary!)
    - REF
    - REF (art by @/sky!)
- If you're looking at his tags for scars and such, please disregard them! I'd like to use the pictures as a reference for the story of RENEGADES rather than BoB's universe!
- As for a pose, go wild! He's a snarky and arrogant character, believing himself to be practically a god. He's got a firey personality to him as well, always ready to fight somebody and burn their ass if they tick him off.
- Feel free to message me on Discord if you need anything!!!