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,, how do i go about this - Printable Version

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,, how do i go about this - arcy - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]YIKES i didnt want to have to ask for help but i dont want to break any rules so!! here i am. sorry, this is gonna have me rambling.
SO. im going to be rping a character based off of eddie, from venom, bc i unironically loved it. this in itself is gucci but i was gonna go with the whole 'body sharing with a not-parasite' thing. for the people who havent watched the movie or any other sources, venom(at least in the movie) was an alien(obvs he wont be an alien in this!!) who requires a 'host' to survive. a mcfuckin goo monster. problem being,, powers?? what would be allowed?? i can remove and alter some abilities as needed, of course!! would possession(for bodysharing) and water manipulation(for the tendrils. obvs they wouldnt be as useful as in the movie tho) work?? would i need a mental bond or something for them to be able to communicate and like,, share pain/bodies too, or would it be fine just by virtue of bodysharing. ill probably alter the immediate healing thing to health transfer bc its just,,, immediate healing,,, except with different parameters.
sorry thats a lot of questions and ive definitely missed some things. im willing to elaborating on stuff if needed gadfjdsh.

Re: ,, how do i go about this - Orion - 11-03-2018

- Possession for body sharing.
- Mental bond for the shared thoughts!
- Water manipulation wouldn't be my choice, seeing that water is clear/blue/dirty depending on what you use. I'd find a different element tbh. I'm not sure what that would be though.
- No invincibility / immortality / regeneration whatsoever. That's OP.

Re: ,, how do i go about this - arcy - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]yeah!! I meant health transfer in the traditional sense, dont worry!! i was gonna go p easy on eerything in general too whdjfj
screamS thanks a ton for helping!! and Uhh idk either?? earth is the only other element that i Think could potentially work but it doesnt sound right so im??
ie probabky need 2 mental bonds still too, right??

Re: ,, how do i go about this - Orion - 11-05-2018

yeee both sides of the mental bond need to have the power