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LAST OF THE BRAVE - - joining, open - Printable Version

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LAST OF THE BRAVE - - joining, open - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

heavy scarred paws beat down onto the earth below as the young lion strode forwards at a steady but sedate pace - for a juvenile lion, he looked like he'd been through some wars and in truth he had.

He still remembered Sekhmet, the shadow leader had blinded and mauled one side of his face in her and her clans war against their smaller insular clan - a pack of bullies picking on an easy smaller target and thinking themselves such big shots - he frowned at the thought, a bitter twist of his lips at the memory, it was one of the reasons why he had left the clan leadership in other hands - been shoved into leadership while he was still a cub was an insane move and characteristic of their desperate times and he had done what he could - and left it in more capable hands whilst he went searching for some solace.

Many of his once clanmates had often remarked that he was an old soul in a young body, he tended to agree with them - he certainly felt more than his year and few months would say, though the scars and stress made him look slightly older.

John sighed - as far as he was aware, he might be the only of his family line still among the living, he hadn't run into any of the others in so long he might as well be even with his long wondering.

Dark armour clicked against each other as he shifted - a new addition, but a needed one in these often conflict driven times, he didn't know these lands and the clan names were foreign to him but he was already headed in the direction of the ascendants, who, as far as he knew, weren't engaged in any conflicts just yet - unlike the apparent conflict between Tanglewood and the typhoon.

The Barbary lion stopped just short of the border, the golden crowned fur fading into the brown-black of his mane shifting in the slight breeze as a single bright blue eye glanced around - well no need to stand on ceremony "John skywalker, here to join"

Re: LAST OF THE BRAVE - - joining, open - Suiteheart - 04-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]A lion.

She remembered when she was stuck in the body of a bear. She wasn’t sure why this thought emerged in her mind, but she suspected it had to do with that little saying... How did it go? Lions, tigers, and bears! Oh, my! She found the tiniest of smiles adorning her lips. Simple memories from simpler times.

Her smile soon dipped when she took full notice of the armor. She was not sure what the need for it was, but it did look cool as hell. It was intimidating too. Not to her, but she knew others who would be terrified. And the scars and battle wounds that decorated John only added to the intimidation factor.

“Hey, John,” the feline meowed, strolling closer. [color=#73B1B7][b]“I just joined myself, so I’m not entirely sure if I can’t accept you on my own. I’d be glad to wait here with ya for a high position. I’m Hotelsuites, by the way.”

Re: LAST OF THE BRAVE - - joining, open - BASTILLEPAW - 04-17-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille rarely saw armor in this lifetime, rare as it tended to be in these sorts of groups, but Echo had encountered quite a few different tribes who fashioned various forms of protection like so. As he joined the others, nursing a slight headache, he found himself vaguely reminded of those groups, flickers of that past life's memories passing through and making his head throb more.

He gave a slight shake of his head, as if to ward off Echo's infiltration, and instead focused on the two before him -- a strange (he missed the name) and Suite. He glanced sideways at her, noting the term "higher position". Yes, he had been carrying a hunch that she was from Clans like the ones he was born into -- possibly even from the same area, as odd as that would be. Her use of that phrase, new as she was (and as rarely as Starry seemed to say it, novel as the notion was to him), seemed to suggest the same thing. Interesting. He might have asked her where she came from, but he wasn't one to pry.

"We have an open acceptance policy," he supplied, answering her commentary for her as he studied this newcomer. "Bast," he added, nodding over his shoulder towards the Observatory, "We can show you around, then, I guess. Or you can check out the map and explore on your own." Gods, was his head killing him -- he hoped this guy was the more solitary type.

Re: LAST OF THE BRAVE - - joining, open - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

it had been sometime since he'd addressed anyone with a clan name, though he'd met a few but they had not stuck around in the before times - if anything it was a slight comfort to know some similarities seemed to persist no matter the change in area.

He dipped his head to her politely, ever the stoic one "a pleasure to meet you" the smooth baritone rumbled, not fully grown that he was, his voice had certainly come in - his lone blue eye turned to the next figure to come upon them and he nodded to 'Bast' "my thanks for the welcome, I'll find my own way around if that is acceptable" he liked to get the lay of the land himself, an ingrained instinct to know each advantage and disadvantage gained after the decimation of an old territory on the underprepared and surprised small clan he had once belonged to and was born in.

Idly he wondered if they still persisted or if they'd so dwindled to nothing but a memory - but he shook the thoughts away with a polite nod to the two.

/rushed ;-;