Beasts of Beyond
twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - Printable Version

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twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - georgie - 11-01-2018

[color=white]Only, one day away from your AAARMS,” And why [i]shouldn’t she sing at the top of her lungs? Was she not, after all, a perfect being? In another life, anyway, but who kept score when it came to the particulars? Some things have bushels of lifespans under their belt and they spend each one more hideous than the last. And that was just tragic.

So, so, so tragic.[color=white]I SAW a welco-MING light!” To set the record straight, Georgie wasn’t a good singer. To set it [i]precise, the animal she was inhabiting wasn’t known for sporting a good set of pipes by anybody, and the noises she made now were near torturous. Her enthusiasm was abundant, but it didn’t change nor did it make up for the fact that one could almost assume the dead birds scattered around her had died from the shock of her noisy squalling, if they weren’t so obviously mutilated in a way that suggested something a tad more brutal.

Georgie batted a de-winged corpse away from herself in a move that was remarkably kittenish for the sturdy leopard body she inhabited. Something about birds never failed to push some kind of button for the beast. Some kind of messy, wing-snapping, meat-tearing button. It was wasteful, really.

[color=white]Hello, hello, my friends! It’s Georgie Porgie. I’m back to be in your arms!” She cried out, taking a break from her singing and her violence to announce herself. “[color=white]Or I’ll wrap mine all around you. Whichever!

Re: twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - Masie - 11-01-2018

The entryway to the typhoon was close to her family's nest, thus Masie got a good look at many strange things from outside the group. Most of them got called threat or food by her sisters, but the others surrounding them and Owen sometimes classed outside things differently. Thus, the young raptor had become slow to react to things at the border, at least not without thinking about how it resembled experiences she had already endured and trying to guess what she should do before calling for Father. Large amber optics with slit pupils could be viewed through the brush, unblinking as she took in the figure of the study leopard, clever mind whirling.

"Loud, Noise." she chittered it to herself, but decided the racket was not that unbearable, at least not in the same way as the noise that made her want to stomp someone's throat until they shut up. Thus she took a few steps out of the bush, tilting her head to investigate the other animal closer. "Owen! Sisters!" she chittered out for them a little bit loudly once, than focused completely on the leopard once more. Long legs carried her as she circled the leopard, making low chittering noises once in a while, trying to figure out what to think about this thing.

Re: twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - rhosmari - 11-01-2018

The little child had been spending her time that day trying to be helpful to the Soothesayer. After all when she had been given the new title of Sage she wanted to actively understand and learn all the plants that were used to go on boo boos. She still had her leaves of course but she didn't think that it was the correct stuff to use. Even so she would continue to use them as much as she could because she didn't want to waste them. Her only problem was the fact that when she got too excited she would accidentally blacken them a bit and though she didn't think it would mess of the healing stuff that the leaves had in them she didn't use them because perhaps it just wasn't the best of ideas. Yet she was super happy to be able to actively learn about something and not have to worry about anything else save for helping the members of the Typhoon. It made her feel better when she was helping and her small frame was scampering on by when the sound of singing reached her ear. Pausing for a bit the small creature would lift her head, something clenched in her torn muzzle. It was just a weed but she thought it was important and was going to show Junji. The roots were still attached and soil was dropping as she turned around to go and investigate the loud noise.

Her body bounded almost like a deer as she quickly made her way over, dropping her plant as she saw the leopard and her little head tilted to the side. Though she stuck close to Masie and her little tails twitched and shifted like angry vipers ready to strike. Her heated form settled down slowly and she sniffled a bit as she allowed herself a light smile upon her torn muzzle angling her head to a certain side so that the other didn't have to witness the way it was damaged to always show a set of smiling teeth. "Hi! Are you going to eat all of that!? I'm Technopaw!" The weed she had been carrying promptly fell out of her mouth but she hardly seemed to care.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - Luciferr - 11-01-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
if there was one thing to be said about the typhoon is that it was home to a large cast of colourful characters - personality wise, or literally.

this clearly, was no exception.

a bemused Lucifer watched the proceeding events with raised brows while Maisie and techno nattered at the newcomer - or returner rather given word choice - and huffed quietly, well, he'd heard worse things at full volume, but clearly the leopard - georgia - was enthusiastic at least.

"I'm rather too tall to be so easily embraced I'd think - but welcome back miss Georgie" given he was the largest member of the typhoon anyone would be hard pressed to attempt to hug him, not for lack of trying on behalf of quite a few here actually - most just attempted to climb his scales for a better vantage point usually.


Re: twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - georgie - 11-02-2018

[color=white]Ohhh, ain’t you a little darling...” She crooned softly, curiosity thoroughly piqued by this adorable new thing that came galloping to see her. To see ol’ Georgie. Something bulged beneath the skin of her eyelid, breathing hitched erratically as she watched Masie. smelled Masie, wanted to crawl inside and feel Masie and it can be just mine, just my own sweet, funny little beast —

Others were here and she was fine. No heavy breathing, no abnormalities curling under her fur. She artfully pawed away the drool collecting on her bottom lip. All was well. “[color=white]Hello, little miss Technopaw!” Georgie chirped, looking down at the feathery carnage. “[color=white]Well I’ll sure try, but I could use some help. You up to it, sweetpea?” She offered, trying her damnedest, her damnedest to keep from drooling again at the sight of Lucifer because if the strange little thing that chittered at her was a tasty looking oddity, this hulking beast, this leviathan, this perfect massive thing begging to be crawled into, just for Georgie, just Georgie....

She cleared her throat, realizing she had been staring. She did not stop staring, just accepted where her eyes wanted to be. “[color=white]Oh...I’ll try. I can try. I can try just for you, Big Thing.” She almost murmured, deep in her concentration. “[color=white]Can I? Will you let me? Just to hold you for a moment.

Re: twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - Luciferr - 11-02-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"I would prefer if you didn't" he mused mildly, eyes taking on an interesting immutable gleam - he recognised something other than mortal after all and even for possessors,

well there was a reason half his lineage was afeared - if something tried, that something usually ended up,

non existent.

still he inclined his head with a smile - and if there were hints of shadows and horrors between his teeth, well there was no one who would notice that brief waver of his earthly form save mayhaps their new joiner, for all that Lucifer was seemingly harmless, he was only a monster held in check by his own morality.

and the brief way his draconic form shifted to shield the two in his shadow was something of a hint of warning.

"Maybe you can save such for when we next fight the slavers - they've got their own oddities I'm sure you'll love to beholden your singing" and there was the subtle stab - mayhaps save the obvious hunger in your gaze for the ones that have the least right to their bodies - because frankly, lucifer could care less for the lives of pittians.

and maybe the singing would kill a few pittians in itself, who knew.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - bubblegum - 11-02-2018

Re: twenty-four hours from tulsa // return - Grey - 11-03-2018

His ears...hurt. He was being abused with sound alone, irritably twitching when he heard the dreadful singing, the voice that dared to form such words. To be honest, even if the stranger had perfect pitch, he wouldn't want to hear it. It would still annoy him, but perhaps not to this current level. He just wanted to hunt down whoever they were and sear their vocal cords, collapse their lungs. It was worse than the sound of ringings bells, the frustrating clangs that pierced his ears. Energetic, far too energetic. The way she spoke felt as if all the energy in his body was being sapped away, his own life force weakening, it was killing him just to notice her form amongst the number of dead birds. If it weren't for the presence of other pirates, he would have attacked Georgie without a second thought. He would have sought to injure her beyond repair, infuriated by the unwelcomed noise. He rolls his eyes at Luciferus' comment on the girl's singing, snorting because it was obvious that everyone hated it. "Your singing is shit," he states plainly, rubbing his ear with a paw as if to extenuate how painful it was to hear. "Hey, no one else was going to say it so I said it. You're fuckin' welcome." His brows furrow, lip raised in a snarl, daring for someone to say otherwise and lie that he was wrong.

He looks at the corpses of the avians, likely killed by... - "I wouldn't be surprised if those birds killed themselves because of how bad your voice is." As of late, the Reaver was avoiding unnecessary conflicts with others. He was even being well behaved when it came to the likes of allies, strongly disliking having to interact with outside groups. It was this moment, however, that Bakugou was far too irritated to worry about what consequences his rude comments would reap. It was very much possible that Georgie would come to hate him forever, perhaps become as annoying as Masie or Linux. When Bakugou reached this level of vexation, nothing could stop him running his mouth and saying all sorts of things. It was a good thing he wasn't telling her to go drown herself or die but he definitely wasn't saying anything nice to her. As usual, he didn't welcome the girl back. He didn't need to considering the welcome party she was getting. What a lucky, lucky nuisance.