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I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - Printable Version

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I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - guts - 04-17-2018

When he had first awoken, his memories were jumbled. As he woke up, he had a pounding headache, the pain circling his whole head, and a nauseous feeling had it's hold on his stomach. His throat was parched. As he got up and examined the land he had found himself in, he didn't recognize anything. But more importantly, he was shocked to find himself in a different body, his nose reaching out much farther from his face and his hands and feet replaced by paws. It was a major surprise to him, having fur reaching out all over his body and a tail which gave him the insatiable urge to chase it. It took him only a second to realize that he was now in a dog's body. Still, he somehow managed to keep himself focused, deciding to find some shelter where he could safely figure things out.

Hughes looked out over the rolling plains, relief quickly washing over him at the sight of a dome rising up over the horizon, though it quickly washed away as he remembered that he wasn't a human anymore. He wasn't sure what they would do if he came across humans, but he also wasn't sure how else he would survive in the unfamiliar terrain.

It doesn't take him long to choose, slowly walking towards the building, as he wasn't accustomed to this body or walking on all fours. He was also hoping that he could get some water at some point to cure his dry throat.

[member=312]ROY MUSTANG.[/member]


Re: I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - Roy Mustang - 04-17-2018

It's been around two or more weeks since Roy ended up here in the Ascendants. It was still rather shocking to him, to think one moment he had been living his life in Amestris- and then the next, got involved in an alchemy mess and somehow ended up here. Ending up as a weirdly colored tiger- he had mostly dark gray fur, with white parts and flame colored stripes that went down his back like a gradient. With each passing week, the tiger could only hope he can find a way back to his home, with Riza who had been dragged along in this mess. But this mess isn't going to be fixed right now, especially not at this moment. The tiger found himself padding through the territory, hoping to get some thoughts off of his mind for the meantime.

As Roy padded around, a new, unfamiliar scent entered his nostrils. The flame alchemist let out a sigh, it must either be a trespasser or someone who's lost, considering how far he's caught their scent in the territory. Roy knew how most of his clanmates would handle this situation, and he isn't about to handle it in their open, and welcoming ways. This person is most likely a stranger, they deserve to be treated as such.

As he grudgingly padded along, he followed the scent and was led to a black lab. They were padding slow, almost like they were not used to walking on four legs. Mustang had been in that situation himself when he woke up as a tiger, but thankfully now he's grown used to it. But it wasn't the black lab's slow walking that caught his attention. He froze in his place when he noticed the familiar glasses, and then the scar on the canine's chest. Almost immediately, memories of his former best friend flashed through his mind. His best friend who showed affection to his daughter and wife, showed the two off to co-workers that it almost got annoying, and then images of his best friend slumped in a telephone booth, with a blood stained military uniform flashed through his mind.

His best friend, Maes Hughes, is dead. He is a dead man, this possibly can't be him! People don't come back from the dead, the Elric brothers learned that the hard way. This had to be Envy or something, or something was playing with his head. Drawing a breath back, the Flame Alchemist decided to speak up anyway. "Who the hell are you?" He said with a frown, biting back the words- and why do you look like my best friend? - from escaping his mouth. He would wait for a response, the male feeling tense as he stood there, tail swishing behind him.

Re: I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - guts - 04-17-2018

At that point, he could barely remember anything about his previous life. Bits and pieces were there, glimpses of scenes in his mind's eye--the shadowed faces of people, glances of random places he vaguely recognized, some images even coming with the hints of smells in his nose--but for the most part, he couldn't recall anything major. The only thing he could remember was his name and the fact that he wasn't supposed to be a canine of all things. He knew that this wasn't his body, or at least, it hadn't been originally.

His brain was buzzing as he tried to put the puzzle pieces together to form a bigger picture, but there were also other things he had to focus on, first. Such as this large dome in the distance. He still wasn't sure where he was or what he was getting into, but there was only one way to find out.

Hughes stopped in his tracks at the protruding smell that hit him, turning to look around when he spotted the tiger. It definitely didn't belong here, that large feline, yet here it was in front of him. Naturally, he was immediately on guard, expecting it to lash out and attack him. But then it does the unexpected and suddenly starts speaking to him. He's baffled, blinking in surprise and his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. But he's quick to pull himself together, an uncomfortable smile making it's way onto his mouth.

"Uh, hello there? My name's Maes Hughes--but just call me Hughes," his voice was shaky from the dryness in his throat. He finds the whole situation bizarre, talking to some odd-colored tiger out in the middle of nowhere. "I'm kind of lost. Do you know where we are, by any chance?" he's willing to bet that he does.

He doesn't recognize the male yet. Unlike him, he bore little resemblance to his old form, save for the unseen marks on his pawpads. Still, he feels an inkling of recognition, like he had seen him somewhere before. But he shrugs it off, deciding that it was impossible.


Re: I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - Roy Mustang - 04-17-2018

"My name's Maes Hughes--but just call me Hughes."

Roy heard that familiar, yet shaky, voice come out of the labador's jaws, ears almost immediately pinning back. This doesn't make sense, how can this dog not only have Maes' familiar features, but as well as his name and voice? Roy almost didn't want to believe it, too afraid that this was all some big trick from a homunculus known as Envy. "You can't be Maes Hughes," The sudden cautious, angered tone came out of Roy's mouth, taking a slight step back. "The Maes Hughes I know is a dead man-- and people can't come back from the dead." He mentioned as his gaze locked onto Hughes, uncertainty deep in his eyes.

But while he thought about it, Envy probably wouldn't put this much of an effort to get to Mustang. It would probably be far too much work- for Envy to travel to who knows where, and get further and further away from Central and the homunculi plans. Surely they should think that Roy is dead, and that they wouldn't make their way to go out all the way here to cause trouble, when their plans should be easier without Roy possibly ruining their plans. Roy knew Envy turned into a dog once, but that asshole still sounded like themselves. This dog in front of him, they genuinely looked confused and weren't sure where they are. Just how Mustang had been a few weeks ago. He wasn't sure if Envy would be able to put up an act like this, it seemed real and genuine. His ears pricked back up when he heard that familiar voice again- this time Hughes asking him where they are. Okay, so he really was lost, Envy would have known their location. A small sigh escaped his lips, as he decided to speak up again. "You are in Ascendants territory."

For a moment after that he fell silent, looking down at his front paws for a moment. He had a feeling that this was genuinely Hughes- his best friend that he believed was dead. But he just has to make sure, he has to get this guy to prove themselves that they are actually who they say they are. "So, you say you're Hughes, correct?" He spoke up with that cocky, confident tone that should sound familiar to the canine, his tail slowly swishing behind him. "If you're really him, then you should know who I am. Tell me what my name is, Hughes."

Re: I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - guts - 04-17-2018

Of course, Hughes is puzzled by what he said next. He had never had anyone tell him that he wasn't actually himself. He watches him, catching the emotions in his eyes and the way his steps back. He can see the uncertainty, the surprise and he doesn't know why but he almost feels bad for him. The voice is definitely familiar to him, especially with the anger seeping into his tone. It brings even more semi-memories into his mind. He can see fire, almost even smell the smoke. He isn't sure what it means, but he knows that it does mean something.

The canine is silent for a moment, unsure how to respond to that. He's fully aware that he's missing a lot, but he didn't know that there were people who knew things about him that he didn't. It's frustrating that he can't recall anything, despite how hard he tries to piece everything together. But, since this guy seems to know things he doesn't, he's hopeful that maybe he can push him in the right direction.

"Ascendants territory? Never heard of that," he mumbles to himself after he's been told where he's at. Unlike some things up until now, the name didn't ring a bell, nor did it trigger any memories. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.

Again, he's taken aback by what he says, slowly becoming more and more certain this tiger was insane. His brows furrow in irritation and confusion as he racks his brain, even though he has very little idea who he is. But if his voice brought such a reaction--especially with the added confidence--then there was a possibility that he did actually know him at some point. It takes him a long moment, and just as he's about to give up, it feels like a flood-gate suddenly opens up in his mind.

Full-fledged memories flow back to him. He remembers it all--even the war, unfortunately. He remembers battling at his friend's side, serving under him after it all. He was his biggest supporter back then. He can remember his wife and child, his daughter's bubbly face fresh in his mind. Then suddenly there's blood, the ringing of a neglected phone in his ears, and the searing pain in his chest.

"'re Roy. Roy Mustang, Flame alchemist," Hughes says, a grin stretched out on his face--one that doesn't reach his eyes.


Re: I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - Roy Mustang - 04-17-2018

Hughes didn't have to say anything else to convince Roy that he really is Maes Hughes like he originally said. Hughes's phrase caught his attention, after what felt like hours of waiting for a response. He had a good feeling in his chest that this was really Hughes, but he couldn't stop that small anxiety in his chest. But then he heard Hughes speak up again. "You... You're Roy. Roy Mustang, Flame Alchemist." He heard the words fly out of Hughes mouth, and then that familiar grin made it's way onto Hughes features.

This almost felt like this was some kind of dream. Never did he imagine his best friend, Maes Hughes, would be alive and kicking- though this time as a canine. He thought once people died, they'd stay dead. He never thought they could have a second chance at life. If this was a dream, then he doesn't want to wake up. "Oh my god, Hughes," He said with a sigh of relief, excitement making its way into his green eyes. And without a warning, the tiger would aim to pull the black lab into a hug. "It's really you.. I thought you were dead." But here Hughes was, as a black lab rather than human, but he was still alive and breathing.

Re: I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - guts - 04-18-2018

He was relieved to finally have his memories back, but it also felt a lot like some sort of curse. He remembered it all, especially his death. It was odd, knowing that he had died, yet here he was still, alive and breathing. It was just as abnormal for him as it was for Roy. But the one good thing he could take from this was that he and his best friend were finally reunited.

He chuckles shakily, his chest flooded with warmth as he was pulled towards the tiger, the canine doing his best to wrap his paws around the other. There are many sour thoughts and memories taunting his brain, but he wants to cherish this moment. He tries not to think about how he had left his wife and child behind, or about how he felt he had failed as both an officer and Roy's supporter.

"I know. I did, too," it's all he can really offer. It's hard to take in, the fact that he had supposedly died and had been brought back in an animal's body. But with his closest friend around, he supposes that it'll be a bit easier to adjust.

After a moment, he pulls away and his eyes sweep over the larger feline, taking in his new appearance. Then he realizes something. "So, uh, what is this whole Ascendants thing?"



the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Bastille appeared abruptly, teleporting into place beside the two flickering auras. He recognized Roy's from afar, obviously, but the unfamiliar one seemed to belong to this... Hughes, Roy was calling him as Bast joined them. The bengal arched a brow, staring at them with clear judgment as Roy actually... hugged this guy. Like, Roy, the ultimate paranoid shade machine. Hugging a stranger.


"So, I guess you know this random stranger, too," he drawled slowly, giving Roy a pointed look before he was studying the newcomer thoroughly. Where the hell were they from? Why was Roy so suspicious all the time? "What's a Flame Alchemist?" he questioned aloud, before supplying briefly, "The Ascendants is our Clan." He figured that was pretty straight forward, even for mysterious friends of Roy. He eyed Hughes, and decided that yes, it was weird that these three knew one another but didn't seem to understand the framework of group living.

Re: I KNOW YOU SO WELL — JOINING - guts - 04-19-2018

Hughes was slightly startled by the sudden presence, head whipping around to face the new person. He should have expected to see more talking animals, but he was still a bit surprised by the fact that they were talking him, and he was talking to them. Still, it wasn't as bad as some of the things he was having to deal with. He straightens himself up, giving Bastillepaw a good-natured grin, though he does glance at his friend uncertainly. He's assuming that they know each other, which puts him at ease slightly.

For a split second, he's confused by their lacking knowledge of what a Flame Alchemist was, as most everyone knew. The fact that alchemists existed was known by most people. But then he remembers that this is a new environment and the ones here probably didn't know what they did. So, he just shrugs, deciding he probably wouldn't believe him or understand if he even tried to explain. "It's nothing," it probably sounds sketchy as hell, but he doesn't really care.

Clan? He had never heard someone describe a group like that. But, with that, he decides that there are probably other animals around. He isn't sure how to feel about that, but since he's in a canine's body now, he'll probably fit right in regardless. "I'll stick around, then. If you'll have me, that is," he says, a rare tone of seriousness in his voice. He was known to be cheerful and jovial, but there's always a side most don't see.
