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we drive all night / ooc prompt - Printable Version

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we drive all night / ooc prompt - no more - 10-31-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 340px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]          Childhood. Time of turbulence and change, ever shifting as mind expands and takes within the multitude of information shared within so pliable a state. Minimal is the boundary of such, loose rules played within hands held tight, clutching cards pressed into the chest, yet they shake ever so slightly. When one bares no knowledge of these rules, found themself bound within their ragged beat and yet find words lost to them, such makes this period of time difficult.

          Press of paws into sand, grains caught within fine skin between toes spreading and digging, tips of claws finding the moisture contained in the deeper. Golden expanse, tan given the sheen of sunlight as steady it beats down across cinnamon dusted back where the child had positioned themself near to the edge of the water, though never so close it may reach them. Oh but it tries, reaching with white tipped whispers, blue washed out until the shades of sand beneath are visible through translucent surface, touch of foam upon toes before it is receding once more. Slow the push of one, inching along until the water finds it, working in where the grains had stuck, slight the sting of salt within small cuts. Yet it may linger for only so long, forced back once more.

          Dark are the earthen tones of eyes which watch such, light which once worked about the dark pupil and touched the rich tone of brown, speaking of the mirth within the youth, dim now. There had been little to do about this time, the conclusion of the year drawing ever closer and with it various events, the current leading to rather enjoyable interaction, but for one lacking a sweet tooth it grew boring quickly. Sigh escaped pale lips and weight shifted, allowed the slight body to fall onto side, limbs stretching out, beyond the reach of water once more. Behind them, upon paths lined with cobble, the thrum of life was present. The click of claws upon the worn stone, voices lifted in conversation unbound though there seemed no want to tame it, laughter amongst all as they prepared.

          Background noise. It is all it is, this sound of life continuing as the child called CCLIV, with lack of better name, lack of memory of a time beyond this place, rested at the edge of the water. Slow was the close of eyes, the settle of weight as they listened the hush of the ocean, stealing from them the others, voices swallowed until the song of the sea was all they heard. Much quicker was their opening, gentle features twisting as curiosity bloomed, something pleasant caught upon the wind. Almost was it taken by the salt, buried beneath tang of it mixing with the decay of things left washed ashore, but there was enough there. Sweet, almost like the lacing of strawberry about Luca – thoughts turn bitter for brief moment turning towards incident of their own making – though others linger beneath it.

          Grains caught within fur, itching and burning as it finds skin beneath, but so caught is attention there is no recognition of such a trivial thing. Pace set is slow, yet within there is slight the shift of weight, popping forth upon toes, almost a jump kicking up sand as they continue upon their way. Difficult is it gauge how long they walk, the sweet smell enticing enough they seem lost within thought, gentle words passing lips though the structure of each is broken, no meaning behind each. Darkness crowded small body, dappling of light and shade upon cinnamon, unease within eyes that lift, blinking a few times. About back legs tail curls, brief the break of attention as they cast a look over shoulder, driven on only by curiosity.

          Unattended, strange within so deep a part of the jungle, light cascading within broken beams upon the blanket spread out, almost filling the clearing. Atop it various things had been placed, dishes of all sorts though many were simple things, a thermos steaming gently, lid left to one side. It was the centre piece their eyes were drawn to, however, moving along the lattice patterning of pastry over top, golden brown with a small leaf shape placed atop. Through the spaces between red and white were visible, berries mixed in with softened apple, dusting of sugar atop finishing it all. Soft groan escaped pursed lips and clear was it their want to take it, or at the very least try some of it, but they lingered upon the edge of the trees, hidden still. A few more minutes, or for the child mere seconds as their want grew, and then they would go, just to be sure no one was coming back for the pie.

Re: we drive all night / ooc prompt - Masie - 11-01-2018

The scent of the picnic food was not what drew her for the young raptor had yet to partake in such cooking, to learn it was edible just like the meat she devoured eagerly. Instead, the growing hunter was tracking down something much more alive, her friend. Masie didn't do well alone, she was a pack animal, thus even if she always wandered from the nest, she was bound to seek out those she knew well. Brown snout pushed through the leaves as she parted the foliage to entered into the clearing she could smell the small feline within, kicking a leaf away from being stuck on her downy leg prior to darting over. "CC!" her chitter was joyful, nudging the other child with the side of her muzzle that had not been burned by Baku, the injury was alright just discoloration at this point, but she was cautious still. What was the small feline so obsessed over? Masie tilted her head, leaning back slightly to appear taller, holding her small arms to her chest, waiting for CC to give her something to go off.

Re: we drive all night / ooc prompt - Luciferr - 11-01-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
It was rather routine and almost expected that the dragon was somewhere nearby at all times.

doubly so if he was keeping a watchful eye on the youngest members out and about - never failing those dad instincts, like he just knew when there were kids left unsupervised - and almost always either watching out for them or sending a familiar to do so, usually one of his many crows that came and went.

now he meanders over to baby raptor and smol cat with a steady pace, his patrols are doen for the day and he doesn't have any sessions of training to host till later in the week - strange how an eldritch horror for all intents and purposes was doing such mundane tasks, alas he does them quite amiably.

his shadow falls across the two as he cranes his head to see what they're watching - or at least what CC is eyeing and he huffs a small chuckle before those eyes trail back to said feline "If you wish I'll gladly take the blame if someone comes back and finds one missing" Lucifer, spoiler of children, lets them get away with murder.

/low muse sorry I can't 100% match oof