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all dressed up — o, potion making - Printable Version

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all dressed up — o, potion making - ( character graveyard ) - 10-31-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]AUGUSTUS ZUIDERDUIN[/shadow]
Truthfully, Augustus thought it was rather funny ( and pathetic ) that even as an Augur, he couldn't quite ever get potions to do the things he wanted them to do. He had been stuck on making an proper invisibility potion for months before he saw any progress being made. Whatever made Runic think he could make a proper potion now when there was literally no one else to really teach him about them? Ah, well, he supposed he could . . . improvise and pray that nothing exploded in his face today. Yeah, that sounded about right.

The mousy brown tom had been in his room all day, preparing what he needed to in order to hold this event for . . . Samhain. He was still not liking it and he would rather stay in his home than interact with all of the spooky spirits floating about their territory and that much was obvious from his recently introduced skittish behavior. With a quiet huff, he begins taking his stuff downstairs to set up. After a couple more trips, carefully putting his glass beakers and whatnot down, he settles himself before them, tail curling about his paws anxiously as he tries to soothe his own nerves. With a deep breath, he calls forth into the camp, a smile lighting his features tentatively. "Hey! So, uh, I'm gonna be making some potions . . . Feel free to come by and participate. Oh! And don't forget to pick up some goggles and an apron - we might get a little messy here today." Or just stay home, I'm fine with that too. He adds to himself mentally with another small sigh, now waiting to see if anyone would bother to come by.

Re: all dressed up — o, potion making - ghostpact - 11-05-2018

Oh, he was at it again. Moonshadow sighed heavily, rolling his eyes as he glanced over the edge of one of the bridges to take a peek at whatever their dear Augur was up to now. He considered staying in his spot, keeping guard and planning to preserve his night for his own plans for Samhain. Then he remembered why he was even concerned about Augustus's announcement in the first place.

He grimaced, standing and stretching, shaking his fur free of the dust and twigs clinging to his belly. He was not going to join this little event because he actually cared to see yet another failure, but he would join to make sure Augustus didn't destroy anything too important. He took the long way down to the ground floor this time, holding off on his showing off.

His approach was tentative and he stopped short, further back from the set up than was necessary. "If you cause a mess with this, you better clean it up." He squinted, looking from the nervous augur to the set up once again. Some typical paranoid thoughts crept into his mind, but he cast them aside to focus on the task at hand. Which was just watching to make sure nothing was damaged. Not helping. Because he didn't care.

[b]"... what potions do you plan on making, then?"