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will they tell your story? — story patrol - Printable Version

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will they tell your story? — story patrol - Kian. - 10-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
Do something productive, Raziel said.  Stop being a helicopter.  The faerie tried not to be so... Crestfallen that his elder brother kicked him out, insisting he'd only annoy Keona by lingering like an overprotective shadow.  Shouldn't it be him, keeping an eye on the injured child? Not her uncle?  Of course... Kian could accept Raziel was... Quieter.  He had a way with children.  Patience.  Less of an overactive mind.  Granted, Keona herself had an overactive mind from what he saw.  All the more reason Raziel should watch her and slow her down.  Least she manages to sneak out.  Again.

Something productive.  The pirate flicked his ear, brow creased.  Well, it's the month of spooks, right?  "Hey!" The Irishman raised his voice to the wind, tail twitching.  Here on the bay, plenty should hear him.  "Anyone who wants to go on a story patrol, come over 'ere!" Maybe the day would be more interesting. "'s like a normal patrol, but ya tell stories on the walk.  Scariest story gets some candy."

Re: will they tell your story? — story patrol - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-31-2018

Strangely enough, although Caesar couldn't hear Kian's thoughts about being more productive, the demon could agree with him. The Officer had been missing in action for a few days, coming down with a bit of a flu, but he eventually got over it. Hearing Kian's call, the savannah made his way over, forcing down the feelings of annoyance that was rising. Kian was Keona's father, somebody she hated. Now Kian was a lot more tolerable than his daughter but if he was around, she was definitely going to be around. "Dunno about telling stories myself," Caesar huffed as he came to stand behind Kian. "But I'll tag along."

Re: will they tell your story? — story patrol - SÉAMUS - 10-31-2018

Séamus was willing to bet he was the last one Kian wanted on this patrol.  Even behind Caesar, who most of their family disliked for his sour attitude.  Truly, the endfield cared little about the demon at all, only feeling apathy, but whenever an anger voice found itself directed at Keona, well, that's a different story.  Of course, Keona sat at the heart of the current reason he bet Kian didn't want him around.  Nonetheless, the vulpine had little else to do.  Raziel would kick him out too, asserting himself as the obviously more competent caretaker of the injured girl.  Whatever.

The pirate tossed his usual michevious grin at his twin anyway.  Honestly, he still felt tense around his brother, wary that maybe... Well maybe he had actually messed up.  Don't care. "I'll come with, deartháir." Though he couldn't promise any stories and saw no point regardless.  Kian would not give him candy.
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán

Re: will they tell your story? — story patrol - suvi. - 11-01-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Luckily -- or perhaps not -- the only child of the ó Faoláin clan out and about was Suvi.  For the very same reason the twins were out doing something 'productive'.  Her father.  Not unkindly, Raziel had urged the small direwolf out his home in the trees.  She understood well enough; Keona needed rest and quiet, not a playful cousin nipping at her heels.  Though Suvi did hope she could get her cousin to play when she was better.

This left, of course, Suvi to her own devices, and quite happily she caught her uncle's voice in the wind.  Caesar she knew too, though she'd determined he was a creature to be wary of due to temper, and Seamus... Well, he was an uncle too, she believed, but he'd been gone for a bit, spying on the enemy to get her cousin out.  Well, he seemed alright too, far as she could tell, though he was neither tiny feline or giant wolf.  Curious.

The golden-furred pup beamed happily at her uncle, dropping to a playful crouch, tail wagging viciously to and fro.  She wanted to go too.  Granted, she'd be joining the ranks of ill-storytellers.  Not a word ever left her mouth.  Still, she liked listening to stories, so this ought to be fun she was sure.
[align=right][color=slateblue]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: will they tell your story? — story patrol - Masie - 11-01-2018

She was curious about everything, always rooting through the forest, camp or her own nest for anything she didn't currently understand. Father was proud when she came to learn something new that she hadn't known before, and she had learned to like making him that proud of her. Plus, there was a rush to running around all the time, even if it took tons of energy and food. Masie was tracking down another scent in the woods, racing through the tree's in an effort to close in on what she had been hunting down for hours. Finally, she got to catch up, a squirrel stopping near the group thinking it had finally escaped the strange creature it had seen earlier. However, a second later the brown downy form of Masie burst from the brush only a few feet from it, chittering as she chased it up into a tree, and climbed partway up before falling back down onto the ground, landing on her feet. Clearly, she had gotten some practice propelling herself part of the way up tree's, even if she couldn't seem to climb properly.

Distraction was an easy thing to have happen when someone was only two months old, so when the squirrel vanished into the treetops, something else immediately had her attention. "Play!" she scampered over to nudge Suvi slightly, remembering having played ball with the other animal before, so whatever Suvi was partaking in had to be fun somehow! Hopefully. Anyway, the story patrol now had one of the groups many raptors joining along.

Re: will they tell your story? — story patrol - FELIKS - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Patrols were a painful necessity in the life of a pack animal. The male forced himself to go on them with the tale that he'd always find something interesting if he tried hard enough, with a dreamer's attitude it was common of him to wander off by himself or completely neglect fulfilling the initial purpose of strutting about, another excuse to treat his tasks trivially was appreciated as the hybrid approached. Like a horse, his fore talons kicked against the ground in agitation before he got too close, though the source of such bother was none other than Feliks himself. He was a scary guy with stories so vile he could turn a witch's cat white... was it worth relieving horrors of his life just to proclaim he was the best at telling tales? His gaze drifted, narrowing at the distance.

For something as evil and sugary as candy? It wasn't worth it - the Striker would do nothing more than toss it away to some trick-or-treating termites regardless of what type it was. With nothing better to do and the loneliness of a potential solo-walk edging him forwards once more, the male's tail slowly lashed, smirk appearing on a black beak. "Whoever manages to scare me will get a courtesy present. After I slap you of course,". A brave soul in most situations away from his fears, the feathered fiend figured an extra challenge could be nice. "Might share one of my own tales, age tends to bring the most dastardly of experiences... boo," he rumbled quietly.

Re: will they tell your story? — story patrol - rhosmari - 11-01-2018

They tiny creature had never been on a story patrol before and in fact this was the first time that she had ever heard of one of these things before. And so the mere fact that they were doing something that she had no prior knowledge of became rather exciting for the young child. Her little paws scampered across the sands, spraying it behind her as she lost her footing and managed to fall on her side. But she pushed forward and righted herself, making her way toward the group that was talking about leaving off to go and do something. The young sage looked along the group and realized that none of the faces were exactly familiar save for Masie and so she decided to stick close to the dinosaur out of companionship and her little body wiggled a little as she looked at the other much bigger animals, tails shifting and moving a bit too wildly behind her before she forced herself to say as still as possible which an incredible feat for the usually hyperactive child. Though she was very much ready to go and she had neglected to pay much attention to the actual rules of the whole story patrol as a whole. "I wanna go! I've never been on a story patrol before. I hope it is really fun! Can I ride on someone's back so I can keep up?

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO